The White Wolf Chronicles: Shifted: A Wattpad Original

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The White Wolf Chronicles: Shifted: A Wattpad Original Page 13

by Tori Leigh Vella

I walked back into the room and Tyler followed me. Tyler took control and addressed all the kids in the room.

  “You may all leave except Felicity’s mate.”

  One by one, everyone left the room except for a teenager named Jackson. He was fifteen years old and was just about to make the change. He was only a few weeks away from turning sixteen. There was something almost immediately different about Felicity and I think everyone could sense it.

  Felicity’s eyes were almost bulging out of her head.

  She could not tear her eyes away from him. Jackson was looking at her with so much love. It was just too cute. You could see the bond between them already even if they had not mated. They would not mate until Felicity was sixteen. Jackson knew the rules. He could not mark her as his until the day she turned sixteen and shifted. That rule was drilled into everyone’s head from the day they were born even if they found their mate earlier.

  “I can’t believe I found my mate,” she said gleaming with a huge grin.

  Jackson was close to her bed holding her hand.


  You could tell that Jackson’s wolf was in control of him. His eyes were a little darker compared to his normal colour. They had gone a dark black.

  “Has the doctor’s said she’s healing?” Tyler asked.

  “They have seen a slight improvement in her heart rate but she should heal in a few days, maybe a week at max. If there is an improvement soon he may be able to come home. They want Jackson to see her regularly. We are just trying to figure out how they’ll sleep together.”

  To anyone whom was not a wolf, that comment sounded very odd and even disturbing for someone of their age. When a wolf found their mate, they could not bear to be separated from them for long periods of time.

  When Tyler and I had first found out we were mates I tried to sleep alone but never succeeded and was left tired, exhausted and missing my mate. Now we never slept apart.

  “They are going to set up a bed for Jackson so that he can sleep by her side tonight.” I noticed that Felicity was already happier and she was getting colour back in her face.

  “She looks better already,” I commented.

  Up until this point Felicity had not noticed that I was in the room. Once she saw me, she bolted up in her bed and opened her arms for a hug. I stepped into them, hugging her tight. I saw this special girl as my own little sister. She deserved the world and I hoped that finding her mate would help her recover and get her wish of surviving and living her life as an adult wolf. It was scary to think that if she did not find her mate in less than three months she may not have survived the change.

  I turned to Tyler to see him talking to Felicity’s dad. He was shaking Ty’s hand and thanking him for everything he had done.

  “Tyler I think we should get this little one to bed,” I said indicating his attention to a yawning Jayden in my arms.

  “Yeah, let’s take him home.”

  We said our goodbye’s before leaving the hospital. It was practically deserted. One of the hospital staff had told everyone to go home once the news was given that Felicity had successfully found her mate.

  We had promised that we would return tomorrow or in a few days to see how Felicity was healing and coping with her mate.

  Tyler, Jayden, and I made the trip home together. Once we got home, I got started on dinner. Tyler put Jayden in his high chair. I had prepared most of the dinner yesterday. All I had to do was warm up the sauce and boil the pasta. While that was cooking, I pulled some fruit puree out of the fridge for Jayden and began the task of feeding him, checking the food every few minutes.

  Tyler was doing some paper work so that he could spend time with Jayden and I before we went to bed.

  Within fifteen minutes, the food was done, and Tyler had completed the last of his paperwork. What he had not finished he would do tomorrow.

  After Jayden was born, we set a rule that once or twice a week we would forget out duties as Luna and Alpha and have some family time. That was something important to both me and Tyler and with more kids in the near future it was something that we needed to do.

  Once Jayden was a few months old Rick and Anna had moved into a little cottage just down the road from us so that we could have our own space as a family.

  We ate dinner while I feed Jayden his bottle. Once that was done, I burped him while Tyler cleaned up. Finally, the kitchen was spotless, just the way I liked it.

  We went upstairs, and Tyler jumped in the shower taking Jayden with him while I got their clothes organized. Once Jayden was washed, I changed him and put him in the playpen we had set up in the bathroom. Tyler got out while I jumped in.

  We took it in turns to watch Jayden. I heard the bathroom door close ad I was alone in the shower. I took the time to wash my body and hair and to pamper my skin, something I had not done in a while. I had not realised that I was in the bathroom for roughly thirty minutes when I went downstairs.

  Tyler and Jayden were curled up on the lounge together watching Lion King, Jayden’s favourite movie. It was the cutest thing I had even seen.

  Tyler was a very hands-on Dad and he was so good with Jayden. Sometimes to give me a break he would take Jayden in his pram while he attended his Alpha duties and meetings. He wanted to start him early, but I could not complain.

  I had been with the pack for nearly a year and I still had little friends. I mostly kept to myself and did not out put myself out there. That was my fear. I did not want to be hurt or judged so I tend to stay away from people.

  I occasionally spoke to Alexia and Patrice but they were always busy with their mates and they did not have a pup of their own. I did not mind being by myself. It gave me a chance to cook and clean and be a housewife.

  At the end of the day, I had my little family and they were all I needed. Just my two boys and I. I was beyond happy with my decision. Life had been even better since I had Jayden and I could not wait to have more pups. Motherhood was definitely for me.

  I sat on the longue between Tyler and Jayden before pulling a sleeping Jayden into my arms. Tyler woke up and pulled me in close to him before kissing my forehead.

  We sat there until the movie finished and Jayden was sound asleep. We turned the television off before walking up the stairs and putting Jayden into his cot in his nursery. Tyler kissed his head before I placed him into the cot doing the same thing. I put the blankets on him and walked into our room together.

  We climbed into bed and cuddled. The last thing I remember before falling asleep was being in Tyler’s arms and my head on his chest.

  Everything was so perfect.

  Chapter 32

  Kaylie’s POV

  The next few weeks saw an improvement to Felicity’s health. Jackson’s presence was definitely helping her. She had gotten stronger and she did not look so fragile.

  The pack doctor gave her the all clear and that when it was time she would successfully shift now that her bones had developed properly.

  We only had a few more weeks till she could shift and then her and Jackson would be fully mated. She was back at home for the first time in a long time. Jackson was practically living there, choosing to never leave her sight.

  Tyler had been busy with pack business and most days I was home looking after Jayden. I swear housework would never finish. I spent most of my days cooking, cleaning and washing clothes.

  Jayden always somehow got dirty or got into everything now that he was starting to walk so I had to keep an extra eye on him.

  Tyler was starting to stay home more so that he would not miss anything when it came to our son.

  “Babe, where’s my black shirt?” called out Tyler

  “It should be in the wardrobe why?”

  “Well it’s not here.”

  “Must be in the wash then” I said slowly walking up the stairs hoping he had not woken Jayden up from his sleep.

  I almost ran straight into a naked Tyler.

  “Well hello,” I said giggling to myself

  “What? It’s nothing you haven’t seen before,” he said winking

  “Yeah I know but I haven’t seen you naked in a while.”

  “I have an idea,” he said to me pulling me in for a hug while I ran a hand through his damp hair.

  “And what’s that?” I asked genuinely curious.

  “Well it involves me and you na-” we were interrupted by our son’s cries.

  “Hold that thought” I said as I walked into the nursery to scoop up my son. His bright eyes stared at me widely and he made a gurgling sound. I got him a bottle that I had prepared earlier and fed it to him while trying to rock him back to sleep. After a few minutes, he was asleep once again.

  I carefully put him back in his crib and walked back to my room that I shared with Tyler. I found him lying on our bed with a shirt and some jeans on. He looked hot.

  “See something you like?” he asked me cockily.

  “Actually I do,” I said sitting down next to him.

  He pulled me in for a hug. I curled into his chest and almost fell asleep but Tyler kept me busy. He gave me a massage and pulled me in for a kiss.

  “So about what I was saying before” he said smirking.

  “What about it?” I asked.

  “Well I still want you, that hasn’t changed.”

  “Well what are you waiting for?” I giggled.

  Tyler’s POV

  I pulled Kaylie over to me so that she was on top. I put one hand behind her neck and the other cupped her face as I bought her lips to mine. She tasted sweet and her scent was intoxicating to me. She smelled like strawberries and chocolate and it was pure heaven.

  I made quick work of her clothes and soon she was naked beneath me. I pulled off my shirt and quickly undid my zipper. She began to kiss my neck and run her hands all down my body.

  She knew how to drive me crazy but both myself and my wolf wanted their mate, something we hadn’t been able to do in quite a while due to everything being so hectic.

  I carefully rolled on top of her and took her nipples into my mouth. She squirmed beneath me and tried to escape. My eyes roamed her body hungrily. Even though just over nine months ago she gave birth to my beautiful son, her body was still so perfect. There was not an ounce of fat on her body and her stretch marks were at a bare minimum. She was still so beautiful and I loved her even more.

  I adored both of them so much and I had grown up so much because of her. She had changed my world and now I had my son the other most important thing in my life. I never knew I could feel this way about a child.

  He was precious and I could not wait to teach him everything there was to know about life. He was the next in line to the throne and I knew he would make a great Alpha some day.

  He made me want more children; something I never thought was possible. I always said I wanted at least one and everyone told me that would change once I had my first child and they were right.

  I wanted to be lost in a world where there was only her and I.

  I continued my task of kissing all down her body to her most sensitive region. She squirmed beneath me but I held her still. I knew she needed release just as I did. I repositioned myself over her entrance and thrusted. We both cried out in pure bliss. She was amazing and she felt so good underneath me.

  Our breathing was ragged but we did not care. We clutched at each other as if we could not get enough of each other. We kept on kissing each other and exploring each other’s bodies like never before. For some reason this time was different, unlike all the other times before. I felt more complete. I had a new sense of worth now.

  ‘You are so whipped’, my wolf said to me but he knew he was just as whipped as I was.

  Both our human selves and our wolves were connected.

  I gave one more final thrust before I collapsed onto her, both of us crying out in pleasure. I rolled off her so I would not squash her. I pulled her into my arms so she was lying on my chest.

  I began to run my fingers through her hair before I heard our son. I got up and put my clothes back on quickly before heading into his room, trying not t. I scooped him up and bean to rock him. I could smell something pungent and knew he needed a nappy change. I put him on the table and changed him before taking him with me back to our room.

  Kaylie had put her clothes back on and was just lying down on our bed. I put Jayden in the middle of the bed before lying down on the other side of Jayden. Kaylie was smiling and looking at our son.

  “Thanks for getting him babe” she said.

  “That’s fine sweetie,” I said leaning over Jayden to kiss her forehead.

  Jayden was getting bigger every day and showed no other signs of being gifted. He also had not made himself disappear in a few months. We assumed that he only did it when he felt threatened but when we played hide and seek or pick a boo he controlled his ability with ease.

  He can control his ability at such a young age. He continued to amaze both Kaylie and I, but the possibilities still scared us. I know Kaylie was concerned about his future and how the pack would react to his gift.

  We were both scared that rogues or wolves hungry for power would try something.

  In my spare time, I was looking up prophecies and anything I could find on the white wolf gene. So far, I had come up empty. I looked over at my wife and son and saw that they were both asleep. I picked up Jayden and put him in his crib that we kept in our room. I pulled out a blanket from the wardrobe and covered Kaylie. I proceeded to the office Kaylie and I shared and pulled out the book I was currently reading. I sat down at my desk and started to read.

  For about an hour, nothing seemed to capture my attention. I decided to check out the index and see if there was anything helpful. I think I was borderline tired and it had gotten to the point where I did not know what I was doing. I was also certain that I had spent most of that hour reading the same sentence repeatedly.

  Finally, something worthwhile captured my attention. I had come across the myths and legends of the species and more specifically, the white wolf gene. It had been months since we had found any information.

  It just seemed racist to me, someone could have called it the black wolf gene but then there was not must logic in that.

  Why did they have to tagline it, it should just be bloody called a gift. Both my son and my wife had gifts, yet now they were branded and given a stereotype.

  “And that was another sign that you are exhausted you are talking and debating with yourself and you sound like a pissy hormonal teenager.” My wolf really needed to shut up.

  He chuckled, “only here to help you out buddy.”

  I needed to get some sleep soon. I got up and made some coffee, hoping the caffeine would help me out. I needed answers.

  Hell, I was even getting a little desperate.

  Something caught my eye. It was a prophecy about a new form of wolf. A leader for all.

  “Ancient legends tell of a new form of wolves. This wolf will take over his father’s pack on the eve of his eighteenth birthday. His pack has been in his family for generations.

  His mother was a powerful wolf, inheriting the white wolf gene from her father. She was one of the few wolfs with the gene left. She was the only one in her family to inherit the gene. She married a great wolf and bore him two children a boy and a girl.

  The daughter will not inherit the gene but the son will have abilities beyond that known. His talents will exceed anything the wolves have ever known and his powers will beyond that of what we know of the gene. He will lead the wolves into a new age. He will be great and conquer many things. He will be a new type of warrior and lead his pack into a new age.

  However, he must not let the dark overtake him. He must choose his own path. If he allows the dark to possess him it could be the end of the species. The end of all wolves and the end of the gene.”

  Well that seems a little farfetched and a load of bullshit.

  There were other stories about wolfs inheriting genes and powers through
their bloodline but I had heard most of that before what I had not heard were stories of how wolves were tested on and their genetics being mutilated causing reactions, powers and alterations to genes.

  A genetic mutation was believed to have created the gene. Wolves were captured, and scientists tested on their bodies.

  They found a serum that was able to create an ideal warrior for war and to be used as a weapon in the military. The tests did not take to humans so they discovered werewolves, a heightened human already with certain abilities. The serum enhanced certain abilities and according to personality gifted some with other powers.

  At least I knew why my son and wife are gifted. They have mutated DNA because of idiots testing on previous ancestors.

  Nothing seemed to fit our son and his abilities and I did not believe the prophecy for a minute. I found the book at the back of my father’s dusty bookshelf for Christ’s sake.

  The book left me more confused than anything else and all I could think about was sleeping next to my wife and son. I went back into our room and picked my son out from the crib and placed his in the middle of Kaylie and I.

  Within seconds, I was asleep next to my family who was the only thing that mattered to me.

  All thoughts of the books and legends were put aside, and I was lost to sleep.

  Chapter 33

  Tyler’s POV

  I woke up feeling more confused than ever before.

  After reading the prophecy in the book, I was a bit shaken up.

  There was a part of me that thought it was utter bullshit and the other half of me, a small part, believed that it could be about my son. He was already so special and he was not even a year old yet.

  When I looked at him, I saw his mother. He looked so much like her and his actions now already reflected hers.

  I watched as my son and wife slept in our bed. They both looked so peaceful. I could not sleep anymore than I already had so I decided to do some of my paper work before they woke up. That guaranteed me some extra time with them.

  I wished there was a way to know what we got expect for our son in the future. If someone was to come after my son or wife because of their abilities, I had to be sure that the pack and I would protect them until our last dying breath. I would do anything for my family and nothing would get in my way.


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