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Oceans Page 23

by D Kershaw

  “Go, cut her loose!” the captain commanded.



  The sailor found the woman with the fishtail in the ship’s hold. He cut the bonds and carried her above deck.

  “Toss her back!”

  When the mermaid hit the water, the storm cleared. In the quiet of the storm’s aftermath, he thought he heard a woman’s voice, singing, calling him to sea.

  HOLLEY CORNETTO was born and raised in Alabama, but now lives in New Jersey. To indulge her love of books and stories, she became a librarian. She is also a writer, because the only thing better than being surrounded by stories is to create them herself.

  Twitter: @HLCornetto

  The Box Beside the Bed

  by Sara L. Uckelman

  Charlie kept an ocean in the box beside his bed. At night, he’d open the box and whisper in his secrets to the gently lapping waves. Sometimes the weather was rough, and the water would splash over the edge onto his pillow. But by morning, the droplets would be dry, leaving only salt behind.

  Some nights the secrets were small, sometimes they were big. As he grew older, and he put more of his secrets in, the ocean grew bigger and he had to open the box wider and wider, until one day it swelled out and washed him away.

  SARA L. UCKELMAN is an assistant professor of logic and philosophy of language at Durham University by day and a writer of speculative fiction by night. Her short stories are published or forthcoming in Manawaker Studio Flash Fiction Podcast, Pilcrow & Dagger, Story Seed Vault, and The Martian Wave, and anthologies published by Exterus, Flame Tree Publishing, Hic Dragones, Jayhenge Publications, QueerSciFi, and WolfSinger Publications. She is also the co-founder of the reviews site SFFReviews.com.

  Solitude & Fate

  by Sabetha Danes


  I know my fate. He waits, lackadaisical yet calculated. The turbulent ocean sealed my solitude days ago. With no hope for rescue, I will greet death like an old friend...


  Jolted awake from poetic delusions, I can’t recall my purpose. One last bargain attempt—no answer. Will I be remembered?


  The rhythmic sway of the boat soothes my anxious nerves and lulls me into a false comfort. Death draws closer, awakening me each time I slip into sleep from dehydration.


  Sharp teeth puncture tender flesh, pulling me down to my watery grave. Don’t forget me...

  SABETHA DANES is an eccentric introvert located in Central Texas, in a Stars Hollow-esque small town. Her default language is sarcasm, and is fueled by coffee. As a lifelong bibliophile, she reads and edits all genres but specializes in fantasy and cozy mysteries. Her degree in interpersonal communication helps her over-analyze characters that are only found in stories. She spends her days with her daughter and dude walking trails and drinking coffee. Did we mention she enjoys a great cup of coffee?

  Website: aconitecafe.com


  by Dawn DeBraal

  The yellow life raft bobbed in the water. Rafe and Tom had been afloat since their boat capsized two weeks ago. They sat in an inch of water—uncomfortable, but the only freshwater anywhere, so they withstood the discomfort. As sharks circled the raft, things were looking bleak. Rafe took out his knife, suddenly cutting Tom’s arm.

  “What did you do that for?” Tom shouted.

  “Sharks, I’m saving myself. Sorry,” Rafe said. The angered Tom then lifted his knife and pierced the raft, sinking it with an escaping rush of air. While underwater, the sought-after rescue ship passed over them.

  DAWN DEBRAAL lives in rural Wisconsin with her husband Red, two rat terriers, and a cat. She has discovered that her love of telling a good story can be written. Published stories with Palm-sized press, Spillwords, Mercurial Stories, Potato Soup Journal, Edify Fiction, Zimbell House Publishing, Clarendon House Publishing, Blood Song Books, Black Hare Press, Fantasia Divinity, Cafelit, Reanimated Writers, Guilty Pleasures, Unholy Trinity, The World of Myth, Dastaan World, Vamp Cat, Runcible Spoon, Dark Christmas, Siren’s Call, Iron Horse Publishing, Falling Star Magazine 2019 Pushcart Nominee.

  Amazon: amazon.com/Dawn-DeBraal/e/B07STL8DLX

  A Discovery at Sea

  by Ronnie Scissom

  “Captain Draughn, the beast is alive,” a rain soaked first mate says.

  The captain stares out into the darkness through the starboard window. A flash of lightning exposes giant tentacles reaching out of the waves near the ship.

  “Save as many as you can,” the weary captain says.

  “Yes, Captain,” the first mate replies.

  The captain hits the intercom switch on the control panel.

  “Passengers and staff of the Discovery. May I have your attention. The object we struck is alive. Another attack is imminent. Please take emergency precautions now. May God be with us.”

  The ship is struck again.

  RONNIE SCISSOM hails from Gruetli-Laager. When not working or writing, he likes to explore the beauty of the Cumberland Plateau. He dabbles in acting and has had background roles in several hit television series and motion pictures.

  The Sinking of Port Royal

  by Paul Benkendorfer

  The streets of Port Royal were a bustle; brimming with spices, gold, harlots and ale. Just another day in paradise.

  The world shook. Brick buildings rose and fell. The townsfolk collapsed to their knees. Solid ground turned to bubbling sludge; cobblestone streets sank beneath ooze. Some poor unfortunate souls were dragged in as well. Most remained only half buried in the quicksand.

  The quaking gave way to the sound of roaring thunder. A tsunami, stretching to the heavens, came barrelling down, consuming Port Royal: its buildings, its inhabitants, and all its treasures. Dragging all to the bottom of the sea.

  PAUL BENKENDORFER is an English and history teacher from Scottsdale Arizona who mainly writes historical fiction, poetry, non-fiction. He is currently working on his novel A Bridge Outside of Limerick based on the events of his great-grandfather who fought in the Irish Revolution of 1916. Paul has nearly 15 years experience working with at-risk youth and children with special needs and continues to primarily work with them to this day. In 2014 Paul received a Bachelors in Creative Writing from the University of Arizona and is currently process of obtaining his Masters in Teaching Writing from Johns Hopkins University.

  Twitter: @PBenkendorfer

  A Watery Collision Course

  by John H. Dromey

  During their frequent holidays on the shore of the Pacific Ocean, Tommy’s mum told him to stay in the shallows where he’d be safe from great white sharks.

  In her own way, Mother Nature encouraged healthy whales to stay out of the shallows so they would not become dehydrated while beached or, worse yet, create a publicity nightmare by accidently squashing a youngster looking for seashells.

  The beneficial effects of both those powerful well-intentioned maternal instincts were wiped out in an instant by a thoughtless fifty-seven-foot-high tidal wave.

  Nobody tells a tsunami what to do. They go their own way.

  JOHN H. DROMEY was born in northeast Missouri, USA. He enjoys reading—mysteries in particular—and writing in a variety of genres. In addition to contributing to the Black Hare Press series of Dark Drabbles anthologies, he’s had short fiction published in Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, Martian Magazine, Mystery Weekly, Stupefying Stories Showcase, Thriller Magazine, Unfit Magazine, and elsewhere, as well as in numerous anthologies, including Chilling Horror Short Stories (Flame Tree Publishing, 2015).

  The Hamptons Are Nice

  by Nikki DeKeuster

  The machine whirred to life, sending rumbles across the black expanse of ocean.

  A severed foot danced between the twirling blades of the shredder tethered to the rear of the fisherman’s ship. Sprays of fine red mist settled over a frenzy of churning grey fins.

  Legs, arms, and a swollen, eyeless hum
an head disappeared into the grinder, taking their places at the fathomless dinner table.

  In life, the bastard had fancied himself a shark among minnows. In death, he’d become part of them.

  The fisherman untethered the shredder, kicking it into the sea, and turned to chart a new course.

  NIKKI DEKEUSTER devours souls. She spits them onto her glowing screen and toys with their lives for your amusement. Reading this story makes you an accomplice to their suffering. You’re welcome. A storyteller with decades of experience crafting tales with her friends, she’s bound some of them to bring into the wider world. The stories, not her friends. She enjoys throwing stones into Lake Michigan with her daughter and keeping her husband up past his bedtime with her ramblings. The first novel in her horror series will claw its way out of the earth in 2020.

  Website: NJDeKeuster.com

  Christ of the Abyss

  by Vonnie Winslow Crist

  When Claire insisted they snorkel on the seaward side of Key Largo Dry Rocks to view Christ of the Abyss, Bob reluctantly agreed. She was the dive-enthusiast. He explored the oceans to please her.

  As they swam around the site, Claire pointed at corals, snappers, grunts, and groupers.

  Bob’s eyes were locked on rays swimming like wide-winged angels around the figure of Christ. Third statue from Guido Galletti’s mould, Christ’s head was tilted back and his arms reached up.

  Enthralled, Bob failed to notice a nurse shark until it sank teeth and his blood floated heavenward like a scarlet prayer.

  VONNIE WINSLOW CRIST is author of The Enchanted Dagger, Owl Light, The Greener Forest, Murder on Marawa Prime, and other award-winning books. Her fiction is included in “Amazing Stories,” “Cast of Wonders,” “Outposts of Beyond,” Killing It Softly 2, Defending the Future - Dogs of War, Midnight Masquerade, Chaos of Hard Clay, and elsewhere. A cloverhand who has found so many four-leafed clovers she keeps them in jars, Vonnie strives to celebrate the power of myth in her writing.

  Website: www.vonniewinslowcrist.com

  The Custom of the Sea

  by R.A. Goli

  Sweat streamed down Gunter’s face as he waited. Shipwrecked for weeks with no sign of rescue. Men were starving, but none dead yet. The captain had to make the decision; it was his burden alone. One to save many.

  The captain walked the line of men, closed fist presented as sailors pulled straw after straw. A flood of relief washed over Gunter as the man beside him pulled the short straw. The captain held his hand towards him, and Gunter’s heart dropped to the pit of his stomach.

  The second shortest straw. Gunter would act as butcher for the sacrifice.

  R.A. GOLI is an Australian writer of horror, fantasy, and speculative short stories. In addition to writing, her interests include reading, gaming, the occasional walk, and annoying her dog, two cats, and husband. You can check out her numerous publications including her fantasy novella, The Eighth Dwarf, and her collection of short stories, Unfettered on her website and sign up to her newsletter for free short stories, updates and other fun stuff.

  Website: ragoliauthor.wordpress.com/

  Facebook: RAGoliAuthor

  Grendel’s Grottoes

  by John A. McColley

  “Grendel’s Grottoes?” she asked.

  “Nobody really knows where Grendel and his mother lived. It’s just what they’re called. It’s just words.” The innkeeper stoked the fireplace to fight back the storm. The wind rose again, screeching through the roof tiles, backed by a soul-shuddering wail.

  “It’s just words,” she repeated to herself.

  “The howling is just the wind. Don’t you have weather where you come from?”

  “Of course, just words. Wind.” Despite herself, she peered out into the dark. The clouds broke. Moonlight ignited the surf far below. A figure, there. On that rock. A giant man with one arm.

  JOHN A. MCCOLLEY writes from the woods of New Hampshire, caught between millennia and a thousand shades and hues of reality. He's accompanied by his wonderfully creative wife, three small children, three cats, and apparently this cricket. Despite all challenges to his writing time, he's turned out four novels in various stages of repair, published a few dozen SFFH short stories, and become an associate member of the SFWA

  Twitter: @JohnAMcColley

  Patreon: www.patreon.com/JohnAMcColley

  Last Call of the Siren

  by Leedine Lah

  I know you’re thirsty—drink.

  Swelling, sloshing, the temptation alluring,

  waves that caress the tongue.

  How does my undulating foam frighten?

  Drop your heavy anchor and dive down into the depths.

  There is quiet here, immersed back into the womb.

  Float, suspended in deliverance.

  You’ve wrung yourself dry, your soul parched,

  desiccated by life.

  I can quiet the noise, still that pounding heart of yours.

  I’m anaesthesia for the disdain, respite from the self-righteous.

  Don’t let the briny taste sway you, I’m liquid and cool.

  Fill your belly, fill your lungs,

  I won’t spit you back out into the world.

  LEEDINE LAH lives a nomadic life having sold all her worldly possessions to roam the planet in search of experiences. “Home-free” since 2017, Leedine is currently in Toronto, Ontario, Canada as she finishes her first novel. Previous careers in music, acting, and medicine provide much fodder for her tales.

  Instagram: ecstatictraveller

  Shrine of Apophis

  by P.C. Darkcliff

  The archaeologist moored her powerboat by a barren islet, waded ashore, then entered a ruined shrine. She gasped when her flashlight lit fading frescoes of the scaly body of Apophis, the Egyptian snake-god of chaos.

  Through puddles of seawater, she crossed the prayer room.

  Behind the altar, a gurgle came from a blowhole that connected the shrine with the sea. A salty geyser drenched her face. She screamed when a giant snake poked its head out of the blowhole.

  A tidal wave swept over the islet as she ran to the exit. Weeks later, the empty powerboat reached mainland Egypt.

  P.C. DARKCLIFF is the author of two novels, Deception of the Damned and The Priest of Orpagus. In September 2020, he’s going to launch Celts and the Mad Goddess, the first installment of The Deathless Chronicle.

  Social Media: plu.us/p.c.darkcliff

  Reader List: mailchi.mp/c5550d315607/pcdarkcliff

  Unabashed Self-Promotion

  by Shawn M. Klimek

  “Does this mean I’m first mate now?”

  Captain Donner regarded her second mate with a disapproving scowl. Leach was the senior most sailor aboard, and she looked it. Decades of exposure to the sun, cold and briny wind had given her face the look of old driftwood. She might have been promoted far sooner if not for her criminal record. “McKay’s body isn’t even cold yet, you heartless crab,” the captain said at last. “Grab her legs and help me toss her over. Once she’s away, we can discuss your future.”

  As they heaved, Leach decided to simply become captain.

  SHAWN M. KLIMEK is an internationally best-selling short-story writer and poet, and author of Hungry Thing. More than 150 of his works have been published online or in such anthologies as BHP’s Deep Space, Eerie Christmas, Bad Romance, Jibbernocky, and every book in the Dark Drabbles series.

  Website: jotinthedark.blogspot.com

  Facebook: shawnmklimekauthor

  The Monster

  by Jim Bates

  Stay away from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. It’s south of Guam and roughly three times the size of France. It’s bounded by an enormous spinning gyre of ocean currents that pull sea trash to the centre creating an immense garbage vortex. That’s just fine for the monster that lives there. Its hulking mass grows more immense every day as it feeds on the refuge of humanity, mostly plastic. One wonders what will happen when it has eaten its fill and
ventures out into the greater ocean. If it develops a taste for cruise ships, things could get ugly. Fast.

  JIM BATES lives in a small town twenty miles west of Minneapolis, Minnesota. His stories have appeared online in CafeLit, The Writers’ Cafe Magazine, Cabinet of Heed, Paragraph Planet, Nailpolish Stories, Ariel Chart, Potato Soup Journal, Literary Yard, Spillwords (Dec, 2019, Author of the Month), The Drabble, The Academy of the Heart and Mind and World of Myth Magazine. In print publications: A Million Ways, Mused Literary Journal, Gleam Flash Fiction Anthology #2, the Portal Anthology and the Glamour Anthology by Clarendon House Publishing, The Best of CafeLit 8 by Chapeltown Publishing, the Nativity Anthology by Bridge House Publishing and Gold Dust Magazine.

  Website: www.theviewfromlonglake.wordpress.com

  Dragon Treasure

  by Cecelia Hopkins-Drewer

  We didn’t know the treasure was cursed. We loaded the chest onto the boat and set sail for the homelands. A few knots out to sea, the sailor on watch spotted something flying after us. A speck in the sky at first, it grew and grew.


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