Yours Truly

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Yours Truly Page 11

by Fontaine, Bella

  I just got through the door to the fire escape when I saw Xavier and Oz coming back up the stairs. I didn’t spare them the second it would take to watch them. I would have looked to beat them both senseless but that was to come.

  I went back down the stairs, into the toilets and down the drain, back into the sewers.

  It didn’t take me an hour to get out which was perfect.

  As I emerged, Joe was the first to greet me. I was surprised to see him because I didn’t expect him to come. It was good to see him.

  The other two guys who were stationed here walked up behind him looking impressed.

  “Joe,” I beamed. I couldn’t tamp down the fact that I was happy to see him.

  “Hey son, had to come see you’re okay.” Joe smiled.

  “You’re too good to me.”

  “You did it.”

  “I did it.” I chuckled.

  “You walked in there and took it straight from them without a fight.” The tallest guy said. I couldn’t remember his name but the shorter guy was Dennis.

  “So that’s it?” Joe asked.

  “I hope so, for now. I have to give the code and see what happens.” My orders were to try and find out what was going on. I more than did that. The other day, from the minute I knew Norton was actually storing the damn chip inside the laptop, I changed the focus up.

  Now I had the chip. It would be nice to know though what they’d planned to use it for.

  Joe hung back to talk with me while the other two went back to the truck.

  “You okay?” Joe asked.

  “I am. Joe, there was an envelope I took as well. I figured it had to be pretty valuable to be inside the safe.”

  “Should we go look at it?”

  I nodded.

  “Let’s go to my car.”

  We jumped inside Joe’s car switched on the overhead lights and I opened the envelope.

  The minute my eyes landed on the first page my hand stilled and chills ran down my spine.

  It said:

  Ra Mission Protocol

  US Leviathan L4.

  Mission - Leviathan

  Mission statement-

  “The Ra exists to cut down the heads of those who have too much power and control. Our enemies must not be allowed to survive and get stronger.

  Aim- Launch nuclear missile at North Korea

  Process- Once the Portal is active disable US naval GPS encoder and access missile launch.

  Date – TBD

  Joe and I finished reading at the same time and we just looked at each other.

  When Joe told me the other day that Hammond had worked with the Navy as a Nuclear Submarine Officer, I guessed there could have been some element of something nuclear to worry about.

  I didn’t imagine this.

  No way.

  The Portal the referred to was the chip.

  No damn way could I have ever imagined that the chip was going to be used chip to disable the naval system and fire a missile at North Korea.

  The worse part of this, was this whole thing was what I’d signed up for. I might not have known the whole story, or what was going to happen but this was it. This was the bigger picture. The puzzle had just come together.

  “What the hell are we supposed to do with this Sam?” Joe looked freaked out. “This is big stuff. It’s above us.”

  “They want to start a war.” I inclined my head to the side. “They want to start a fucking war.”

  A war. A world war.

  Joe was right. it was above me. I knew that from the other day, and I wasn’t going to deal with it.

  I grabbed my phone and followed my orders.

  Call and give the code.

  * * *

  When I met with Agent Fox the next day, he looked very different to when we first met in the park.

  I’d had the night to think about what I was going to do and I think my decision was something he wasn’t going to like. There was an element to my decision that he’d have to figure out on his own.

  I called and gave the code that made him contact me within five minutes of my calling in, and sent him here on this bright morning.

  However he didn’t know I had the chip.

  I decided this, the only way the chip was leaving my hands is if I delivered it to Washington myself.

  That was a way of doing right by Bradley because I was shocked to shit and thoroughly impressed when I first learned what the chip could do, last night however shocked me to the core.

  “You look more like an agent now, Agent Fox,” I said to him after he shook my hand.

  We met right by the little duck pond Olivia and me had first seen him at.

  He smiled and the crow’s feet near his eyes crinkled. “Good man. How about you call me Matt. It’s easier.”

  “Sure, there’s some serious shit going down, Matt. It’s of the variety I haven’t come across on this side of the globe.”

  “What have you got for me?” he asked.

  I handed him the laptop first. I’d placed it in one of those large padded envelopes.

  “Laptop, and also this.” I pulled out the envelope from the inside of my jacket and handed it to him.

  He opened it and pulled out the document Joe and I read last night. It had some more stuff from that meeting in San Francisco.

  Matt frowned when he saw the first page. “They’re going to use the chip to start a war.”

  “Correction, they were going to use the chip to start a war. Let’s just say they can no longer do that… with that specific chip.”

  His eyes widened. “You got the chip?”

  I smiled. “I might.”

  “Lieutenant this isn’t a joke.”

  “Matt, Agent Fox, whatever… I’m very aware this isn’t a joke. Forgive me for being so blunt. You seem like a nice guy, very patriotic. I might say the same about Xavier. I was very nearly drawn into a plan concocted by a terrorist group to start a war and I didn’t know. A man has died, killed in cold blood and I’m the prime suspect. I’m inclined to be more careful, don’t you think.” I smirked. “I’ll deliver it to Washington myself. Again you seem nice but I’m not going to trust you.”

  He looked at me for a few seconds and must have decided he couldn’t argue my decision because the tension in his expression loosened. “So what now?”

  I shook my head. “You know what they’re up to. That was the mission. It wouldn’t have been something they suddenly came up with. I’m pretty certain that if Norton was using the chip to block access to the laptop there’s some serious shit on there. Plans. Plans he didn’t particularly want anyone to find out. The chip was just one thing that would have made it easier for him to carry out those plans. The plans still exist though.” Last night, I’d decided against looking at anything on the laptop. I didn’t think I needed to, or that I needed to get more involved. The chip was my concern.

  “Word has it that you’d be a good man to help us out with that. It would be a special mission right up –”

  “My ass.” I cut in, interrupting him. “Right up my ass. This is it Matt. I’m done. The minute I hand over the chip I’m done.”

  “Why? You were able to do something no one else could. Hell I’m one of the best and I couldn’t even get close to the chip.”

  “It was chance and opportunity. As to the why… the why is this, there’s a girl I’m sweet on. I planned to marry her at one point and work as an intelligence analyst. Heck I would have snapped up an opportunity to work for the FBI. I still might. The point is I’m kind of done with the dangerous. I just want something a little manageable so me and my girl can still sit by the beach on the regular and she knows she won’t have to worry if every single job I go on is one where I might not make it back from. Done more than ten years. it’s enough.” I winked.

  Matt chuckled. “Right, I got it. makes sense. I may want all that too. But, back to the chip. They’re going to know you took it. We’re organizing a raid on the place as we speak, but you an
d I both know this is bigger than them. Ra will always send someone else to fulfill its goal.”

  “I’m going to Washington tomorrow. I want back up. But there’s something you have to do before that.”

  “Would it have to do with that prime suspect comment of yours?” He raised a brow.

  “What do you think? If you were me what would you do? I really don’t believe there’s nothing anyone can do. Come on now.” I smirked. “I’m innocent, you do the math. I want my name cleared. Or, I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Smooth, and well played.” Matt chuckled.

  “I’ve been through hell.”

  “It’s understandable. I’ll get on to that. you have my number. Continue to watch your back lieutenant.”

  I smiled feeling a lot more like myself as the tension went from my shoulders. “I never stopped.”

  Chapter 16


  * * *

  “Come here,” Sam said crooking his finger toward me.

  I went to him, leaning in as his lips captured mine. My body warmed up instantly and thoughts of later sent a shiver of delight down my spine.

  I was going home with him later and I’d booked two days off work so we could spend some time together. Blood throbbed in my veins as he intensified the kiss and lifted my chin so he could kiss me harder.

  It was very bold considering we were both sitting in the living room at Dad’s and he’d just left us to get the dessert. The night had pretty much gone like this with us stealing kisses every time he left the room.

  It was silly and I felt like I could have been eighteen again, sneaking around behind dad’s back so I could make out with Sam.

  Sam was going to talk to Dad tonight.

  Tonight was perfect because earlier today Sam got confirmation that his name had been cleared. A tape had mysteriously been sent in to Dad’s investigation unit showing Oz going in Bradley’s house through the side window of with a crowbar.

  Hammond was there too. The timings all correlated exactly with Bradley’s time of death. The recording also showed the time Sam got to Bradley’s house in his car and that was a whole three hours after Oz and Hammond went in. The whole thing backed up Sam’s story, refuting the initial anonymous phone call which stated he’d gone to the house in rage and kicked the door in.

  Sam guessed that Agent Fox must have gone through some type of madness to get access to it. I zoned out when he started talking about the possibility of satellite images being used because I was just so happy it was over.

  There would be no arraignment to worry about, no murder charges, nothing like that. He was free and this nightmare was over.

  It was over. All of it. It was over and it felt like Sam and I were at the point we were at years ago when we had the rest of our lives before us to do whatever we wanted.

  He wanted to start on the right foot by being up front with Dad.

  Me next. I’d talk to him next.

  Days ago was the prep for it. I’d just expand on that conversation by telling Dad that, Sam was my choice. I choose to be with him and nothing would stop me.

  We pulled apart when we heart Dad’s footsteps on the floorboards leading in from the kitchen.

  He came in with a massive smile on his face. In his hands was a tray of profiteroles and chocolate sauce. Some people liked this dessert cold but we liked it hot.

  Dad always made everything from scratch including the sauce.

  It was divine and I couldn’t wait to sink my teeth into it. Last night the worry had made me so sick I started throwing up. The bad, queasy feeling only subsided when I heard from Sam, letting me know he was okay.

  I still felt a little off but I was able to eat the grand feast Dad prepared and I couldn’t wait to tuck into this.

  He set the tray down on the coffee table and I smiled at the mountain of profiteroles.

  “This is awesome amazing Dad.” I giggled.

  “I figured I’d leave my sign up for Weight Watchers until next week,” Dad joked.

  “You don’t need Weight Watchers. This is a must have celebration feast.” I nodded.

  “I agree.” Sam joined in.

  Dad sat down and looked at the two of us. “Well, thank you for the excitement Sam. You came along just when I was starting to think the job was getting boring.”

  “My thanks to you Sir. For sticking by me. Always. Not just now. Way back when too, right to that first night when you rescued me from Ray.”

  Dad looked really uneasy as Sam said that. Normally when Sam spoke of the past like that he looked appreciative. He’d look grateful that Sam was the product of something good he’d done.

  Like he’d saved him.

  Ray was Sam’s foster father and we all saw the type of lifestyle Sam had to live when Dad saved him from being battered by the man. That was the first time we saw it. Sam went to juvie but after that he came to live with us, in Dad’s care.

  “No need to say thanks for that. I know your grateful,” Dad replied with the same look of discomfort.

  Discomfort that could only be down to his opposition against Sam and me being together.

  “Sometimes it’s good to remind you, so you know I’ll never forget.”

  Dad nodded and smiled looking more like himself. “I appreciate that son.”

  On that note we dived into the profiteroles.

  The plan was for me to wait until the right time to leave and go so Sam could talk to Dad alone.

  The moment came when they started talking about football. I wasn’t a fan so I took the moment to grab my purse. It was late anyway so it looked legit me leaving.

  I got up and gave Dad a kiss on his forehead.

  “Drive carefully baby girl,” he cautioned.

  Baby girl. Lord, he really was in protective mode.

  “I will. I’ll message when I get home.” I glanced at Sam and smiled. “See you soon.” Soon as in maybe an hour or so from now, naked in his bed.

  He tipped his head giving me a friendly nod.

  Nerves filled me as I went through the door. I just hoped the conversation I knew Sam was going to have with Dad went well.

  I made my way to my car, got in, and adjusted the rear view mirror.

  I nearly jumped out of my skin however when a man’s face came into view in the mirror.

  A man sitting in the back of my car!

  I snapped around and barely took note that it was Hammond before he covered something over my mouth. The stench of something strong like bleach, and sulfur hit me hard and robbed me of screaming as the darkness surrounded me.

  * * *


  * * *

  My heart stilled as the door closed. This was it. I had to talk to Joe. I’d come full circle, right back to this moment I was planning before Coop was killed.

  On that night I was supposed to talk to Coop first, then Joe the following night.

  I had it all prepped. What I was going to say and do. I was an ex -marine who had his head screwed on and I knew what I wanted.

  There was a part of me tonight that resembled that guy. Made easier because I didn’t have to worry about spending the rest of my life in prison anymore. Harder, because, fuck, Joe was looking at me like he knew what I was going to say and was just waiting for me to strike.

  It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t good either.

  “So, Lieutenant, you’re a free man. What are you going to do with that freedom?”

  Nicely played. I had to give him credit for his tactics.

  “I have a lot of plans. I’ll take the chip to Washington tomorrow and when I come back I’ll look into a few options.”

  “Such as?” he pressed.

  “FBI sounds good.” I smirked.

  He smiled too but that tentative caution lurked in his eyes. “FBI does sound good. What if the military decide they want to keep you for whatever happens next? They could do that couldn’t they?”

  “I made it clear that I wasn’t going back. Paperwork’s been filed fo
r my release. I’m done with that life Joe. I love being the hero. It worked for a while and filled the gap I wanted filling. It’s time to move past it and do something new.”

  “Something new here? Here in LA?” He held my gaze and my eyes never left his.

  “Something new here,” I confirmed.

  “And would that have to do with a particular young woman, you shouldn’t have been seeing but are?”

  I pressed my lips together. “Joe look –”

  He held up his hand. “Don’t son. There comes a time in life when parents are just parents. Can’t do a damn thing or have a say in their kid’s lives. Especially when they aren’t kids anymore.”

  That tension heightened. “Joe, you told me you’d be happy to see Olivia with me. What happened over the last few weeks was above me. I’d never do anything to hurt her.”

  “I know that. I don’t disbelieve that and throughout the last few weeks I’ve had more than one reason to stick my nose where it doesn’t belong. The common denominator for all those reasons was I don’t want her to get hurt. Physically or mentally. Sam when it comes to you, Olivia is like any other young women in love. She can’t see past what she feels for you. I was hoping you’d take the high road and make the decision by staying away. You weren’t here to see her break down after you left. It was me who had to heal her soul. I tried to find you because of course I wanted to find you, but I also tried for her. I guess as a parent you try to do things that make your kids happy. I knew you were possibly the only person who could bring her out of the depression and deep bereavement she must have felt after Coop died. You. I don’t want her to ever be in that type of pain ever again. It’s not good for one guy to have so much influence and power over another.”

  “I won’t hurt her Joe.”

  “Sam… you can’t promise that. you’re attracted to danger and trouble. What did you just say to me? FBI, they may have a regular job and see their families a lot more than a marine would but the job’s still dangerous. I have a dangerous job and I know one day I may run into a situation where I may not come home. But I’m just her father. Not the love of her life.”


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