The Cowgirl's Sacrifice

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The Cowgirl's Sacrifice Page 20

by Tina Radcliffe

  Kate’s heart swelled with the realization that she was so well loved.

  As the chatter of welcomes continued, Olive wiggled through the group of adults and children until she was in front of Kate. She was holding Bella in her arms. “Aunt Kate, I’m so glad you’re home. Bella and I missed you.”

  “I missed you both too.” Kate looked up, her gaze touching each person in the room and finally landing on Jess. Her heart ached with thanksgiving. Everything she needed was right here in this room and in this town.

  The past had brought her here, and it was time to start living the life the Lord had put in front of her. Yes, it was time. Time to put down roots and call Rebel Ranch home.

  * * *

  If you enjoyed this emotional romance from

  Tina Radcliffe, don’t miss the other

  Hearts of Oklahoma stories:

  Finding the Road Home

  Ready to Trust

  His Holiday Prayer

  Available now from Love Inspired.

  Find more great reads at

  Keep reading for an excerpt from A Future to Fight For by Mindy Obenhaus.

  Dear Reader,

  Thank you so much for journeying with me to Rebel, Oklahoma, to meet the Rainbolt clan. I have fallen in love with Mitch, Reece, Tucker and Kate and hope that you have too.

  As the only female in the family, Kate was a treat to write. Her character was inspired by Shakespeare’s Kate in The Taming of the Shrew. Kate Rainbolt evolves, and she realizes that stepping away from the independence of her rodeo life into the seemingly dependent role as a partner in a ranch and eventually in a marriage is merely a new opportunity to express herself. She also realizes that Jess McNally loves her not in spite of who she is but because of who she is.

  Jess and Kate’s romance is a two-step dance. One step forward and two steps back as they discover God’s ever-present and unconditional love and find their happily-ever-after.

  Do drop me a note and let me know what your favorite parts of this story were. I can be reached through my website,, where you can also find Kate’s slow-cooker recipes, which have been taste tested by me.



  Tina Radcliffe


  Uplifting stories of faith, forgiveness and hope.

  Fall in love with stories where faith helps guide you through life’s challenges, and discover the promise of a new beginning.


  A Future to Fight For

  by Mindy Obenhaus

  Chapter One

  Excitement zinged through Paisley Wainwright like a hyperactive five-year-old jazzed on sugar. She was about to be back in the wedding planning business. And quite possibly as the owner of her very own castle.

  How wonderful would it be to not only breathe new life into that deteriorating structure, but to boost the town’s revenue with Blissful weddings and countless other events. What young woman didn’t dream of being married in a castle? Bliss could become the wedding destination capital of Texas.

  Settle down, darlin’. You’re putting the cart before the horse.

  With a firm grip on the steering wheel of her SUV and Lauren Daigle crooning from the speakers, Paisley drew in a deep breath and continued through the tree-lined streets of Bliss, Texas, Wednesday morning, attempting to rein in her euphoria. The Renwick family’s attorney hadn’t said a word about the family accepting her offer to purchase the castle their great-great-grandfather had built on the river in the late 1800s. Only that he wanted to meet with her today to discuss a proposition from the family.

  But then, she couldn’t imagine why he would come all the way to Bliss just to shoot down her idea of repurposing the structure and turning it into an event center.

  The sun’s rays peeked through the leaves of magnolia and live oak trees, greeting her as she parked alongside the courthouse square, across the street from Rae’s Fresh Start Café where she was to meet Mr. Hollings at nine.

  “Well, hello, sunshine. About time you decided to show up.” They’d just come out of one of the rainiest Aprils on record and, based on the long-range weather forecast, the month of May wasn’t setting up to be much better.

  A morsel of trepidation squeezed her heart as she reached for her leather shoulder tote. What if the family had rejected her offer? What would she do then? After five years, her passion for creating fairy-tale weddings had finally returned, giving her hope for her future and filling her with a purpose that had been lacking for far too long. Sure, she loved her bed-and-breakfast, not to mention catering and providing baked goods for the café, but it just wasn’t enough anymore.

  However, Bliss wasn’t Atlanta. Without the allure of Renwick Castle, business would be slow to say the least. People wouldn’t want to come to Bliss for an ordinary wedding, and she didn’t want to leave the quaint little town she’d come to think of as home. But something had to change.

  One step at a time, Paisley.

  Those five words had become her mantra since Peter and Logan’s funeral. And she’d do well to remember them now.

  As she reached for the door, a big black dually pickup truck pulled in beside her. Its diesel engine rumbled obnoxiously, and she wasn’t too keen on the nasty-smelling exhaust either. Then she spotted the guy behind the wheel.

  Crockett Devereaux. The one person in this world who seemed to look for opportunities to oppose her. The one who, just last night, single-handedly upended the renovation committee meeting at church. They were supposed to vote on either the sand- or the slate-colored carpet for the sanctuary. Until Crockett threw a monkey wrench into the works by suggesting they opt for wood-look tile instead.

  She puffed out an incredulous laugh. Tile in the sanctuary? Not only was it expensive, the acoustics would be horrendous. Especially with more than half of the men wearing cowboy boots to Sunday service.

  Yet when she’d politely pointed out that the cost would be double to triple that of the carpet, he’d narrowed his dark gaze on her and said, As members of this committee, we owe it to the church to be good stewards of what they’ve entrusted to us. Tile will be more cost-effective in the long run.

  His smugness had her rolling her eyes so emphatically she almost strained a muscle. Had the man even considered the elderly congregants? Standing on that hard floor with their arthritic feet. It would only take one of them getting a bee in their bonnet over the whole thing and the entire lot of them would be headed over to Bliss Fellowship faster than they’d moved in years. Now, that was not cost-effective.

  She heaved a frustrated sigh, knowing she shouldn’t let the single father get to her. With an eight-year-old son and twelve-year-old daughter, the man was probably overwhelmed. What she couldn’t understand was why he had it in for her. Like last year, when she was in charge of the church anniversary brunch and he insinuated a conflict of interest when she did the catering. Never mind the fact that she’d offered her services free of charge and convinced the grocery store to donate most of the food.

  Tamping down her aggravation, she exited her SUV and slipped her purse over her shoulder before retrieving the baked goods from her back seat. Paisley provided cookies, pastries and other sweet treats for Rae’s on a daily basis. It gave Paisley the opportunity to experiment with new recipes, and the townsfolk were always eager to scoop them up.

  Unfortunately, Crockett rounded his truck just then, his scrutinizing gaze fixed on her. “You tryin’ to topple your load?” He continued toward her.

  “Hardly.” Holding the three precariously stacked boxes, she managed to bump the door closed with her hip. The movement was just enough to have one of the boxes inching over the edge of the one beneath it. She gasped, trying in vain to catch it, but her hands were already full.

Gratitude warred with chagrin when Crockett intercepted it. He peered down at her. “Folks wouldn’t be too happy if you spoiled their goodies.”

  At five foot ten, Paisley was anything but short. Still, she had to look up to meet the man’s deep caramel eyes. As always, his sable hair was neatly trimmed and slightly spiked in all the right places with just a hint of gray at the temples, giving him a ruggedly handsome appeal.

  Irritated her thoughts had drifted down such an unwanted path, she squared her shoulders. “Thank you.”

  Scanning the series of Victorian-era brick buildings as they crossed the street, she drew in a breath, determined not to let him get to her. “Picking up your morning caffeine fix, I presume.” Rae’s was a daily ritual for many Bliss residents.

  Balancing the box in one hand, he reached for the vintage wood-and-glass door with the other, motioning for her to enter. “I’m here for a meeting.”

  Inside the building that had once been a saloon, Paisley breathed in the enticing aroma of fresh-roasted coffee beans, wondering if she should order her usual nonfat cappuccino now or after her appointment with Mr. Hollings. She still had a few minutes.

  “Good morning.” Behind the antique wooden counter, Rae smiled, coaxing a wayward lock of brown hair back into her messy bun as they set the boxes down. “What tempting treats did you bring us today, Paisley?”

  “Lemon melt-away cookies, pecan pie bars and caramel fudge brownies.” She’d learned that if she didn’t have at least one chocolate item in the mix it could lead to mutiny.

  “Mmm.” Rae’s blue eyes sparkled with delight as she lifted the lid on the brownies.

  “I’ll have to pick up some of those cookies on my way out. Mac loves anything lemon.”

  Wait. Was that a hint of a smile on Crockett’s face? Then again, his daughter was one of the sweetest twelve-year-olds in Paisley’s Sunday school class. And there was no doubt that Mackenzie adored her father. Meaning Crockett must have some redeeming qualities hidden beneath that prickly exterior. Not that Paisley was interested in trying to find any of them.

  Brow furrowed, he turned his attention to Rae. “I’m supposed to meet a Mr. Hollings. Can you tell me if he’s here yet?”

  All of Paisley’s earlier anticipation congealed into one hard mass that now felt like a lead weight in the pit of her stomach. “I have a nine o’clock meeting with Mr. Hollings.”

  Crockett’s slightly confused gaze narrowed on her. “Regarding?”

  She stiffened. “That’s none of your business.”

  Rae cleared her throat. “You’ll both be happy to know that he’s sitting right over there.”

  They turned as she pointed toward a table near the exposed brick wall opposite them, where a fair-haired gentleman, slightly younger than Paisley’s forty-six years, looked rather out of place in khaki slacks and a navy sports coat. He stared at a tablet until he noticed them. Then he smiled, pushed out of his chair and started their way.

  “Mr. Devereaux and Ms. Wainwright, I presume?”

  They nodded.

  The man extended a hand toward Paisley. “Doug Hollings.”

  She took hold. “Pleased to meet you.”

  He repeated the gesture with a seemingly irritated Crockett.

  “No disrespect, Mr. Hollings, but why weren’t we informed there would be others attending this meeting?” He cut a glance in Paisley’s direction. As if she was happy about this.

  “Frankly, Mr. Devereaux, this is a very unique situation.” The attorney motioned toward the table he’d vacated. “If you’d care to join me, I’ll be happy to explain.”

  They followed the man across the old wooden floor, weaving past empty tables, while the half dozen ranchers that gathered at the back of the restaurant every morning continued their lively conversation.

  Crockett pulled out an industrial-style chair and gestured for Paisley to sit. She wasn’t sure if he was ordering her or if he wanted to present a united front. But since she was just as curious as he was, she gave him the benefit of the doubt and sat.

  A scowl marred his otherwise handsome face as he eased beside her, his gaze fixed on the man across from them.

  Mr. Hollings settled into his chair. “The Renwick family has never been approached about their great-great-grandfather’s property before. And yet each of you reached out to them, expressing your interest within mere days of each other.”

  Paisley couldn’t help looking at Crockett. Why would he want her castle? Was he planning to raze it and build something new? There was no way she would allow that gorgeous structure to be torn down.

  Mr. Hollings continued. “That prompted the remaining heirs, Jared Renwick and Molly Renwick Simmons, to visit the castle.”

  Paisley’s attention shifted his way. “They’re here?”

  “No. This was a month ago. Because of the comments both of you made regarding the condition of the structure, they wanted to evaluate things for themselves. Which brings me to the reason we’re here today.” He folded his hands atop the wooden table. “The castle is in a trust.”

  Crockett leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his broad chest. “In other words, the castle isn’t for sale.” He glared at the man. Much the way he had with her last night.

  “That is correct.”

  Paisley gripped the edge of her chair, her heart breaking as her dreams of weddings and a Blissful Christmas at the castle shattered into a million tiny pieces, right along with her future.

  “However—” Mr. Hollings’s single word dangled before them like a lifeline “—given the passion each of you have shown with your detailed plans for the structure, they would like to extend a counteroffer.”

  Paisley’s hopes fluttered back to life. “What kind of offer?”

  “They would like to name both of you as directors to oversee the renovation of Renwick Castle.”

  “You mean, we’d be working together?” Incredulity had her voice lowering a notch.

  “Yes, and that is one of the family’s stipulations. In part because it’s a large undertaking and also the dual administration lends itself to greater accountability. The family will finance the project, however they will also have final approval on all changes and upgrades.”

  Crockett shifted in his seat, apparently no more comfortable with the idea than she was. “I appreciate that they trust Ms. Wainwright and myself with what will, no doubt, be a major project. But how will this benefit us? After all, we each had our own plans for the castle.”

  While Paisley was curious to know just what Crockett’s plans were, she also found herself grateful that he was here. There was strength in numbers. Particularly when they had a common goal.

  “Of course. And the family has taken that into consideration. Matter of fact, they were quite impressed with each of your proposed ideas. So, in return for your services, you will both be given exclusive rights to use the castle as a museum—” his gaze shifted from Crockett to Paisley “—and an event venue.”

  She almost giggled out loud. Her dream had been revived. The castle would be open for weddings. Granted, the addition of a museum wasn’t ideal, but she supposed the structure was big enough to support that and still leave plenty of space for countless marvelous events. There was just one problem. And his name was Crockett Devereaux.

  Crockett didn’t think this day could get any worse. First his computer crashed while Mac was attempting to print her English homework, then David spilled chocolate milk down the front of the class shirt he was supposed to wear for today’s field trip to the exotic animal ranch outside of town. Even though Crockett managed to locate Mac’s old shirt from when she was in Mrs. Pomeroy’s class, David still had a meltdown. All because hers was red as opposed to his bright blue one. Then, when they finally made it out the door, the plant manager at Devereaux Sand and Gravel called to let him know his wife had gone into labor, meaning
Crockett had to head over to the plant as soon as he finished here.

  Now the Renwicks wanted him to work alongside Paisley Wainwright?

  Uh-uh. Not happening. They couldn’t even make it through a church committee meeting without butting heads. The castle would take months to renovate. Evidently the fact that his grandfather had been the caretaker of the castle for nearly forty years hadn’t scored him any points.

  He ran a hand over his face, pondering the woman beside him. Of all the people who could have expressed an interest in Renwick Castle, why did it have to be Paisley? He didn’t dislike her, however his ex-wife had left him with a strong aversion to women who looked like models, had big houses and even bigger dreams. Sure, it probably wasn’t fair, but that knee-jerk reaction was there, nonetheless.

  So, the thought of sharing the place where he’d hoped to showcase his collection of Texana artifacts, memorabilia and historical documents didn’t settle well.

  “I don’t suppose we could go look at the castle, could we? Go inside?” Paisley’s sugary Southern drawl jarred him from his thoughts. Her long, copper-colored hair was gathered into a braid that swept over one shoulder. Throw in the stylish jeans and blouse, and she looked as though she belonged in Dallas or Austin, not Bliss.

  “Of course,” said Mr. Hollings. “As a matter of fact, I’m looking forward to seeing it myself.” Grinning like a kid on Christmas morning, he gathered up his paperwork and tablet. “I’ve brought a list of items the family would like to see addressed, so perhaps we could go over that while we’re there.”

  Paisley’s sapphire eyes turned to Crockett. “Care to join us?”

  Crockett was tempted to say no. If the family wasn’t interested in selling, what was the point? But then he’d sound like a spoiled child who hadn’t gotten his way. Besides, it had been decades since he’d been inside.

  As a kid, he’d spent his summers in Bliss with his grandparents, and Papaw always let Crockett tag along when he went to the castle. Once there, Crockett’s imagination had run wild with visions of knights, kings and, as he got older, a beautiful princess locked away in one of the castle’s towers.


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