by Meg Meeker
19 Ibid., 16.
20 Ibid., 12.
21 Ibid.
22 Ibid.
23 Ibid.
24 Ibid.
25 “Generation M: Media in the Lives of 8-18 Year-Olds,” Kaiser Family Foundation, March 2005. See:
26 Ibid., 23
27 Ibid., 12.
28 Ibid., 25.
29 Ibid.
30 Ibid.
31 Ibid.
32 M. Esterbrooks and Wendy A. Goldberg, “Toddler Development in the Family: Impact of Father Involvement and Parenting Characteristics,” Child Development 55 (1984): 740-52.
33 F. A. Pedersen et al., “Parent-Infant and Husband-Wife Interactions Observed at Five Months,” in The Father-Infant Relationship (New York: ed. F. Pedersen, 1980), 65-91.
34 Ibid.; Rebekah Levine Coley, “Children’s Socialization Experiences and Functioning in Single-Mother Households: The Importance of Fathers and Other Men,” Child Development 69 (February 1998): 219-30.
35 Coley, “Children’s Socialization Experiences and Functioning in Single-Mother Households.”
36 A. Morcoen and K. Verschuren, “Representation of self and socioemotional competence in kindergartners: differential and combined effects of attachment to mother and father,” Child Development 70 (1999): 183-201.
37 Journal of the American Medical Association 10 (September 10, 1997): 823-32.
38 Ibid.
39 American Journal of Preventive Medicine 1 (January 30, 2006): 59-66.
40 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Center for Health Statistics, Survey on Child Health (Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1993.)
41 Greg J. Duncan, Martha Hill, and W. Jean Yeung, “Fathers’ Activities and Children’s Attainments,” Paper presented at a conference on father involvement, October 10-11, Washington, D.C., found in: Wade F. Horn and Tom Sylvester, Father Facts 4th,
42 Ibid.
43 Harris Goldstein, “Fathers’ absence and cognitive development of 12-17 year-olds,” Psychological Reports 51 (1982): 843-8.
44 YMCA 200. Strong Families’ Survey. Telephone survey conducted December 7-9, 1999, by Global Strategy Group of New York City for the YMCA of the USA.
45 Joseph E. Schwartz et al., “Sociodemographic and psychosocial factors in childhood as predictors of adult mortality,” American Journal of Public Health 85 (1995): 1237-45.
46 Claudette Wassil-Grimm, Where’s Daddy? How divorced, single and widowed mothers can provide what’s missing when dad’s missing (New York: Overlook Press, 1994).
47 Henry Biller, Fathers and Families: Paternal factors in child development (Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc., 1993).
48 R. P. Lederman, W. Chan, and C. Roberts-Gray, “Sexual risk attitudes and intentions of youth aged 12-14 years: Survey comparisons of parent-teen prevention and control groups,” Behavioral Medicine 29 (2004): 155-63.
49 Lee Smith, “The new welfare of illegitimacy,” Fortune, April 1994, 81-94.
50 Mark Clemens, Parade, February 2, 1997; E. M. Hetherington and B. Martin, “Family Interaction,” Psychopathological Disorders of Childhood (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1979): 247-302.
51 Hetherington and Martin, “Family Interaction.”
52 Ibid.
53 Barbara Dafoe Whitehead, “Facing the Challenges of Fragmented Families,” Philanthropy Roundtable 9.1 (1995): 21.
54 N. Zill and Carol Schoenborn, “Child development, learning and emotional problems: Health of our nation’s children,” U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Center for Health Statistics, Advance Data 1990, (Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1990).
55 Hetherington and Martin, “Family Interaction.”
56 Richard Koestner, Carol Franz, and Joel Weinberger, “The family origins of empathic concern: A twenty-six-year longitudinal study,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 58 (1990): 709-17.
57 Wade F. Horn and Tom Sylvester, Father Facts (Gaithersburg, MD: National Fatherhood Initiative, 2002).
58 Ibid.
59 C. D. Ryff and M. M. Seltzer, The Parental Experience in Midlife (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996).
Chapter Three: You Are Her First Love
2 Joeanne Gutzwiller, J. M. Oliver, and Barry M. Katz, “Eating Dysfunctions in College Women: The Roles of Depression and Attachment to Fathers,” Journal of American College Health 52 (1): 27-32.
4 L. B. Mintz and N. E. Betz, “Prevalence and Correlates of Eating Disordered Behaviors among Undergraduate Women,” Journal of Counseling and Psychology 35 (1988): 463-71.
5 R. A. Botta and R. Dumlao, “How Do Conflict and Communication Patterns between Fathers and Daughters Contribute to or Offset Eating Disorders?” Health Communication 2002; 14 (2): 199-219.
6 Gutzwiller, Oliver, and Katz, “Eating Dysfunctions in College Women.”
7 Ibid.
Chapter Five: Protect Her, Defend Her
1 With One Voice: America’s Adults and Teens Sound Off about Teen Pregnancy—A National Survey (Washington, D.C.: The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, April 2001).
2 “Sex on TV 4: Executive Summary 2005,” Henry J. Kaiser Foundation Executive Summary, found at:
3 D. T. Fleming et al., “Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 in the United States, 1976 to 1994,” New England Journal of Medicine 337 (1997): 1105-60.
4 J. M. Walboomers et al., “Human Papillomavirus Is a Necessary Cause of Invasive Cervical Cancer Worldwide,” Journal of Pathology 189 (1999): 12-19.
5 C. M. Roberts, J. R. Pfister, and S. J. Spear, “Increasing Proportion of Herpes Simplex Type 1 as a Cause of Genital Herpes Infection in College Students,” Sexually Transmitted Diseases 2003 (10): 801-02.
6 Thomas R. Eng and William T. Butler, eds., Committee on Prevention and Control of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Institute of Medicine, The Hidden Epidemic: Confronting Sexually Transmitted Disease (Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1997).
7 D. N. Fisman, M. Lipsich, E. W. Hook, III, and S. J. Goldie, “Projection of the Future Dimensions and Costs of the Genital Herpes Simplex Type 2 Epidemic in the United States,” Sexually Transmitted Diseases, October 2002, 29 (10): 608-22.
8 National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, “Tracking the Hidden Epidemics,” www.cdc/
9 Ibid.
10 Eng and Butler, The Hidden Epidemic.
11 National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention, “Tracking the Hidden Epidemics.”
12 Ibid.
13 Walboomers et al., “Human Papillomavirus Is a Necessary Cause of Invasive Cervical Cancer Worldwide.”
14 J. Mork et al., “Human Papillomavirus Infection as a Risk Factor for Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck,” New England Journal of Medicine 15 (2001): 1125-31.
15 Fleming et al., “Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 in the United States.”
16 R. Rector, K. Johnson, L. Noyes, and S. Martin, “The harmful effects of early sexual activity and multiple sexual partners among women: A book of charts,” Washington, DC: The Heritage Foundation, 2003. See:
17 Ibid.
18 L. Warner, J. Clay-Warner, J. Boles, and J. Williamson, “Assessing Condom Use Practices: Implications for Evaluating Method and User Effectiveness,” Sexually Transmitted Diseases 25 (1998): 273-77.
19 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services. “Workshop Summary: Scientific Evidence o
n Condom Effectiveness for Sexually Transmitted Disease Prevention,” July 20, 2001.
20 L. Ku, F. L. Sonenstein, and J. H. Pleck, “The Dynamics of Young Men’s Condom Use During and Across Relationships,” Family Planning Perspectives 26 (1994): 246-51.
21 Denise D. Hallfors, et al, “Which Comes First in Adolescence: Sex and Drugs or Depression?” American Journal of Preventive Medicine 29 (2005): 3.
Chapter Seven: Be the Man You Want Her to Marry
1 Thomas Lickona and Matthew Davidson, “Smart & Good High Schools: Integrating excellence and ethics for success in school, work, and beyond,” (Cortland, NY: Center for the 4th and 5th Rs (Respect & Responsibility)/ Washington, D.C: Character Education Partnership.)
Chapter Eight: Teach Her Who God Is
1 Christian Smith with Melinda Lundquist Denton, Soul Searching: The Religious and Spiritual Lives of American Teenagers (New York: Oxford University Press, 2005), 218-64.
2 Ibid., 224.
3 Ibid., 222.
4 Ibid., 151.
5 Ibid., 152.
6 Ibid., 153.
7 Ibid., 151.
8 Ibid., 152.
9 Ibid., 153.
10 Ibid., 151.
11 Ibid., 225.
12 Michael D. Resnick et al., “Protecting Adolescents from Harm: Findings from the National Longitudinal Survey of Adolescent Health,” Journal of the American Medical Association 278 (1997): 823-32.
13 Smith with Denton, 222.
14 Ibid.
15 Ibid.
16 Ibid., 228.
17 Ibid., 223.
18 Ibid.
19 Ibid., 222.
20 J. W. Sinha et al., “Adolescent Risk Behaviors and Religion: Findings from a National Study,” Journal of Adolescence (May 3, 2006). Available online at: http://doi:10.1016/j.adolescence. 2006.02.005.
21 Smith with Denton, 21.
22 G. W. Comstock and K. B. Partridge, “Church Attendance and Health,” Journal of Chronic Disease 25 (1972): 665-72.
23 S. Stack et al., “The Effect of the Decline in Institutionalized Religion on Suicide, 1954-1978,” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 22: 239-52.
24 R. L. Gorsuch and D. Aleshire, “Christian Faith and Ethnic Prejudice: A Review and Interpretation of Research,” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 13 (1982): 281-307.
25 Ibid.
26 Ibid.
27 Ibid.
28 Smith with Denton, 30-71.
29 Ibid.
30 Ibid., 260.
31 Centers for Disease Control, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, June 9, 2006, 1-108.
32 Armand M. Nicholi, Jr., ed., The Harvard Guide to Psychiatry (Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1999), 622-23.
33 A. M. Culp, M. M. Clyman, and R. E. Culp, “Adolescent Depressed Mood, Reports of Suicide Attempts, and Asking for Help,” Adolescence 30: (1995) 827-37.
34 Jane R. Dickie et al., “Parent-Child Relationships and Children’s Images of God,” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 1997, 36 (1): 25-43.
35 Ibid.
36 Ibid.
37 Smith with Denton, 75.
38 Ibid., 162.
39 Ibid., 27.
40 Ibid., 263.
41 Ibid., 261.
Add Health Study
ADHD. See attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
advertising. See marketing
African Americans: depression and STDs and
alcohol use: on college campuses national statistics about parent connectedness and perseverance of fathers and talking about
American Psychology Association
anorexia nervosa. See also eating disorders
Aquinas, St. Thomas
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
authority: daughters’ testing of leadership of fathers and masculinity and popular culture and fathers’
balance: fathers as models of good men and between feelings, reason, and will humility and marriage and parent connectedness and
binge eating
birth control. See contraception
body dissatisfaction: beauty, need for and fathers, importance of and humility and. See also eating disorders
boundaries, setting: humility and love and rebellion and religion and
bulimia nervosa. See also eating disorders
cancer, cervical
The Case for Faith (Strobel)
Caucasians, depression and
CDC. See Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
cervical cancer
Chambers, Oswald
college campuses, alcohol use and
contraception: cervical cancer and condom use and father’s importance and sex education and STDs and
curfews. See boundaries, setting
dating: fathers, authority of and fathers as models of good men and love of fathers and protection of daughters and violence and
daughters: beauty and belief in self of cognitive skills of emotions of fathers’ belief in fathers as first love of fathers as heroes and fathers, importance of and fathers’ love for God, belief in and grit, using and identification with mothers of independence and pragmatism of fathers and as princesses protection of sexy, being and
Davidson, Matthew
Davis, Ken
depression: eating disorders and fathers, importance of and God, belief in and national statistics about parent connectedness and pragmatism of fathers and religion and sex and sexual assault and as STD time, giving and
Dickie, Jane
Divine Comedy (Dante)
divorce grit and impact of masculinity and; time, giving and
Dostoevsky, Fyodor
drug use: fathers, importance of and; father’s importance and; honesty and; national statistics about; parent connectedness and; perseverance of fathers and; religion and
eating disorders: anorexia nervosa; beauty, need for and; binge eating; bulimia nervosa; causes of; depression and; family and; obesity; popular culture and; pragmatism of fathers and; prevention of; process of; self-esteem and; time, giving and; treatment of
Eden, Barbara
Edison, Thomas
Ellis, Alice Thomas
emotions, response to
Fairlie, Henry
family: eating disorders and; grit and; perseverance of fathers and; single-parent; step; time, giving and
fathers: courage of; as first love of daughters; God, teaching about and; grit, teaching and; as heroes; humility, teaching and; importance of; leadership of; love for daughters of; as role models for husbands; as moral guides; parent connectedness and; peer pressure and; perseverance of; pragmatism of; protection of daughters by
forgiveness, God and
genital herpes (herpes simplex type 2)
Gerberding, Julie
Giedd, Jay
God: belief in; death and; fathers as first image of; fear of; forgiveness and; hope and; love of; necessity of; teaching about. See also religion
Graham, Billy
grit: divorce and; family and; problem solving and
happiness: humility and; religion and
herpes simplex type 1 (cold sores)
herpes simplex type 2 (genital herpes)
Hilton, Paris
Hispanics, depression and
HIV (human immunodeficiency virus)
homosexuality, sex education
honesty: drug use and; fathers as models of good men and; humility and; integrity and; parent connectedness and; pornography and
hope: fathers’ confidence and; God and
Hope College
HPV. See human papillomavirus
human papillomavirus (HPV)
humility: balance and; body dissatisfaction and; boundaries, setting and; bullying and; fathers as heroes and; feeling significant and; God, love of and; happiness and; honesty and; integrity and; pride vs.; reality, living in and; relationships and; self-esteem and; teaching
I Dream of Jeannie
The Imitation of Christ (à Kempis)
integrity: honesty and; humility and; modesty and
Internet: pornography and; sex and
Jung, Carl
à Kempis, Thomas
leadership: by example; fathers as heroes and
learning disorders
Lewis, C. S.
Lickona, Thomas
Lohan, Lindsay
love: absence of fathers’; boundaries, setting and; dating and; fathers as heroes and; of God; healthy vs. suffocating; listening and; sex and; time, giving and; will and; words, importance of and
marketing, sexualized
marriage: father’s importance and; respect and
masculinity; authority and; divorce and; fathers as model of; popular culture and; pornography and
masturbation: sex education and; STDs and
The Medical Institute
Medical Institute for Sexual Health
Milton, John
modesty: integrity and; protective function of; sex and; sex education and
“Moralistic Therapeutic Deism,”
mothers: daughters’ identification of; death of