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Ascension: The Rising Son

Page 4

by AP West

  Maybe what my father told me was true. Maybe I do have some unlocked genetic talent. She just described her dream, my dream. And now that dream is like a guide, telling me what to say to her, "You are, you know." gives me a puzzled look, "What?" I force down the lump in my throat as I elaborate, "Beautiful."

  She smiles and I watch her move in and reach for my hand, just like in the dream, our dream. "I knew you would say that," she laughs. I respond with my own laughter, but mine is more from nerves than amusement. "Do you know what I did the last time you told me that?" Her brown eyes search mine and it's my turn to be confused. A half-whisper comes from my now dry throat, "What?" Adrenaline invigorates my whole body, and my heart feels like it's trying to jump from my chest when she reaches in and kisses me.

  Her lips taste like strawberries.

  Chapter Six

  The First Lesson

  I sit in my study, organizing my thoughts in order to be ready for what I'm about to put my son through. I wish this didn't have to happen so quickly, but we're out of time and it's the only option. I try to imagine what he's thinking and I get a strange feeling of pleasure; a sense of something soft, like love. I apply my mind further and get specifics. I see Apollo in the Porticus, talking to a girl from one of the farming districts. As more information reveals itself to me I realize I must address this as soon as he gets back. This will not do. She is definitely the worst thing that could happen to him right now.

  He walks through the door to the media room and I say, "You need to keep your mind clear, Apollo, try to avoid distractions." I find that he's a quick study, becoming increasingly keen to my clairvoyance. He knows exactly what I'm referring to, "I was just talking to..." But I continue to make my point, "I know of the dream you had with the girl."

  "Stay out of my head!" Apollo screams and slams both of his fists into the table with a loud thud. His sneer saturates throughout my mind, but I hold my resolve and return his vicious glare with a steely look of my own, "If that's what you want then stop me you have the power to you know. Once you fully embrace your potential, it will be I who will be asking for mercy. ARIES display a full summary of the intelligence gathered on the Corsair Invasion."

  The enormous screen comes to life again and shows a series of displays. First comes a picture and description of both Brutalius and his uncle, Vitus. Then designs of the computer virus along with information describing the ensuing assault that will correspond with the shutdown of Alcazar's networks and security. The computer ends its summary with an ominous and distressing message, "There is approximately sixty-six hours, seventeen minutes, thirty-two seconds until complete infection. Then only the city walls will stand between the Corsair and the total annihilation of Alcazar."

  I finalize the computer's rundown by giving Apollo a detailed illustration of the bunker underneath the school and a summary of Sabrina's efforts to evacuate as many people as she can. I tell him how she and Viceroy have been busy gathering supplies and resources, stowing them underground, getting the town battle-ready. I attempt to give Apollo a sense of urgency. "We have to prepare quickly, as you can see, there isn't much time." There's an alarming pitch in Apollo's voice, "Prepare for what? What can I do? What if I don't want.." I interject, "You have to, Apollo, we have to. Only you and I can defend the city. If we fail, then everything is lost. Me. You. Them and her. Everything."

  "Then what do we do?"

  First we must learn to communicate. I try to deliver the thought directly to his brain. He searches my lips as though he got my message. "Communicate? I don't understand." I make my reply as bold as possible, No! Do not speak! Use your mind! Apollo stares directly at me, his brow creased together as if he's straining, almost resisting. I try to direct him. Relax. Don't try as hard. Imagine we're already connected. He closes his eyes and I see the muscles in his face relax. Just as his head begins to ever-so-slightly tilt back I heard it. Can you hear me? His eyes spring open wide and he gives me a surprising look and I answer with a smile. Yes I can. Now try it again, but this time when you feel the warm sensation fill your brain; seize it, embrace it. That is the connection, the road to total access.

  Apollo's eyes close again and this time I feel him almost immediately. I don't resist. I let him probe my thoughts as the connection is made stronger. He remains in this trance for several minutes before slowly opening his eyes this time. Their appearance instantly reflects a better understanding of the full concept than before. Can you still hear me? It comes to him this time without much effort as he looks like he is doing nothing at all. Yes I can hear you. The bond is solid now; we should be able to communicate this way easily from now on. It grows stronger the more we use it. I decide not to show him how to block someone as I don't want him to resist me yet. But I also realize the mistake I just made by actually putting the idea in my head. Am I really am getting that old? I need to remember to give him more credit. Yes you certainly do. I look up to see Apollo glaring at me and I cannot tell if he is angry with me or not. I can't feel him either. When I try, a sharp pain shoots through the middle of my forehead. "You catch on quickly, Son." He doesn't return my smile. I thought you said there was no talking?


  I think how good it feels to finally have the upper hand on something. Ever since Oriah made his little announcement that morning in class I've wanted to turn the tables on him. But now that I have, I also learned too much about him, about us. Maybe that was his plan all along, or maybe I am just my father's son. It surprises me how natural it seems, the telepathy. It's almost as astonishing as the details I learned about my father and his brother. "Viceroy? So he's my uncle? Why don't you just call him by his name?" Oriah raises his eyebrows and counters, "So is this how you prefer to correspond now?" I give him a quick smirk, letting it promptly die leaving my cold stare, "Yes, until it is necessary not to." Oriah seems to accept my decision and I feel the respect he has for it. "I completely understand. It sounds like a good reason to me." But he still doesn't address my question and I still want answers, "Well? Why do you call him Viceroy?"

  Oriah proceeds to tell me how the original plan was for his mother, assisted by Viceroy, to lead the city while the Pairing, my parents, were to give birth to a child, the Nephilim, Me. The next step was to raise that child to become the ardent defender of Alcazar, in order to protect the city while it endeavors to repopulate our decimated world. Between what he explains to me and what I pick from his memories, I quickly discover how our government fell, leaving us on our own. I also find Oriah's contingency plan to put me through a uniquely indigent childhood, free from pomposity and arrogance, in hopes that it would give me the humility, passion and character I will need to protect our community without the long-lost government assistance.

  All the information floods my logic, and does little to dull the ache from it all. Maybe I can learn to channel that pain into something more practical. Spend it all like some ammunition cache until nothing is left but empty space that I can one day fill with love and happiness. Then Oriah says something that snaps me out of my thoughts. "You seem to have a good grasp on the telepathy, so let's move on to something vastly more important and paramount to our dilemma, do you know what telekinesis is, Apollo?" I know he's just being thorough but he can't possible think I'm that ignorant. "Of course I do, it means to move something with your mind." Oriah gives me affirmation, "Yes, that is essentially correct but it can go much, much further than that. What do you know about Physics?"

  "What goes up must come down, right?" My answer must sound utterly ridiculous because it causes Oriah to let out a hearty chuckle. Since I've met him I've never heard him laugh so hard. "Yes, Apollo, that's the basic concept, but I'm looking for something more detailed. You learned about atoms and molecules in school, correct?" I nod as he continues, "Well all molecules in matter vibrate, dependant on their state. For example, the atoms in a particular piece of matter will oscillate with more frequency in its gaseous state than in a comparable liquid or solid state. In other words
, the denser an object, the more compact its molecular structure. Eventually, you'll be able to exploit those types of fluctuations, and when that time comes, you will wield considerable power. Apollo, do you follow me so far?"

  I know it must look like he's lost me because I am just staring out at the blank darkness of the monitor. My head is in my hand and my elbow rests on the table between us. But I am intently listening to his every word, soaking them into my psyche. Remaining motionless, I cut my eyes at him and acknowledge his words, "It just seems so unbelievable, but considering the mind trip you took me and Solomon on, I guess I could give you the benefit of the doubt." His wide grin catches me off-guard, "I've been waiting on that since the moment you got here." His comment causes me to straighten my posture.

  "Waiting on what?"

  "For the benefit of your doubts. And now, if you will be so kind as to join me for a walk, I will prove it to you."

  First I follow Oriah to the library where he takes a book off one of the tall bookcases. He doesn't bother with the touch screens making me wonder if he has this whole library memorized. Impossible. Next we walk out to the garden, and over to the small pond where Grace kissed me. Oriah begins to speak, "Of all the chemical compounds on this planet, water has some of the most unique characteristics. For example, there are actually fifteen different levels, if you will, of Ice, and each have properties that could be very useful- strength, buoyancy, ferroelectricity. Explanations of those different Ices are in this book, along with pages of other physical attributes from the elements that could prove to be very advantageous." He hands me the unbelievable thick book and it's so large and heavy I have to hold it in both hands. "And pay no attention to the temperatures and pressures required to create the Ices, for once you gain command over the water molecule, you'll be able form them at will. Instead, scrutinize the details of the crystalline structures and various intermolecular bonds. Be creative in your exploitations my son, remember if you can understand it, you can manipulate it."

  It feels like my mind is trapped in a thought-driven tornado. The details of everything and all the implications fill my mind like debris flying all around me, smashing into my courage and confidence. My resolve is teetering toward broken and I don't know what else to do but show my weakness, "I don't know if I can do this." Oriah puts a supportive hand on my shoulder, "I know you can, Apollo. You are far stronger than I, and I'm not just saying that. Peer into my mind if you like, and see for yourself that I am not patronizing you." I believe him without using any mental trickery and begin breathe again. Maybe I just need to hear someone say it, I think to myself as Oriah speaks again, "The simplest water molecule is made up of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms arranged in a wide "V" pattern, Now imagine three of those connecting together to form a hexagon. Then bond countless numbers of those together and that's basically the atomic structure of water. Now that you have the mental image in your head, apply it to the surface of the pond until you begin to burn in your mind, and when you do, move the water."

  That last part hits me like a charge of static and I jump with excitement. I gather myself quickly, temper my emotions, and concentrate on the architecture of the imaginary molecules in my mind. I gaze out at the shining surface of the pond, trying to layer one thought upon the other. As I merge the pieces together, I get a warm feeling in the base of my brain, like tumblers falling into place. I keep my focus and I suddenly feel the sensation running down the insides of my skull. Oriah must have sensed it too because in that moment I heard his voice in my head. Now. Move it now. I commit all of my determination to a vision of the water creating a wave, and to my amazement, I see the glittering blue-green surface of the pond quiver and then contort into the high standing curve I picture it to be. And almost immediately, I feel the endeavor get exponentially easier just like with the telepathy. I impose my will on the water, sloshing it around creating lots of waves, some becoming violent. I release my hold on the pond and then re-engage it. I feel it becoming more and more natural and quite fun when a voice interrupts my attention, "It's getting late, you can come back tomorrow and practice, but it's better if we move on to something else. There's something you need to realize Apollo, there's water vapor all around you." I turn with surprise and look at him, freeing my bond with the water, sending it down with a loud splash.

  It didn't occur to me at first but he is right, water floats all around me, even inside me, inside others. The endless possibilities begin to unfold in my mind as Oriah says to me, "Try to connect with the resonance of the water molecules, feel their vibrations. " I look around at the invisible atmosphere that surrounds me, trying to imagine the tiny droplets hanging in air. I get a tingling sensation of their reverberation. I hear Oriah's voice in my head again, "Now solidify their tune." I attempt to use my harmonization with the vapor to coerce it to come together and out of nowhere, a round frosty block of ice about the size of my head appears in front of us and immediately plummets to the ground, bursting into a thousand pieces. Oriah claps in approval, "Very impressive son, but tonight before you sleep; locate the section in the text about different forms of Ice, and begin to commit their proton structures to memory. Let's retire for the evening. You'll need this time to study and get much needed rest." I stare at the chunks of ice on the stone path and pick up the all-important physics book as Oriah and I part ways for the night.

  Chapter Seven

  Apollo's Ghost

  I lie on my bed, but I'm not even close to sleep. I look down at the three-inch-thick physics book still resting on the floor where I dropped it on my way in over an hour ago. I know Oriah wants me to read it, but all I did is glance at the atomic structures for all of five minutes on the way up here. My mind keeps running through all the events that have happened in the last few days. I went from being a nobody to some kind of mutant prince in less than a week. I try to take my thoughts to the place my mind really wishes to be. The memory of our moment at the pond still raises my spirits with the lifting illusion that there just might be a future. Not to mention those strawberry kisses. Maybe Grace will come visit me again like she did before.

  I focus my efforts around one sentence. I miss you. I try to imagine what she might be doing and propel the thought to her. I wait, even though I know a reply could never happen. Then suddenly, a chill runs through me as I hear a voice in my head. I thought there was to be no distractions? It's Oriah. My feelings shift abruptly from contentment to pure aggravation, and I decide to counter his ploy. Now I understand why my mother locked you out. And with just a thought, I reinstate the mental barrier between us I picked up on in our telepathy session. It feels like putting my entire perception of him in a tiny imaginary box. I hope your headache doesn't keep you awake, old man.

  I return my attention back to Grace but something feels different now. Among the inklings of her materializing in my head, I get the faintest impression of a whisper. It sounds like it came from some deep, long tunnel. Apollo. I check the cerebral block on my father, so I know it's not him. Maybe it's just my imagination, or maybe I'm just too tired. Maybe it's her. I attempt to answer the ghost voice. Yes it's me, come find me. I don't get a response. I spend the next half hour trying, but I always get the same empty result. I start to fantasize about my next encounter with Grace. We're back in the garden, sitting by our pond, her head is resting on my shoulder. "So why didn't you ever talk to me?" I sit in silence, staring at the glassy surface of the unusually motionless water, trying to convince myself it won't be embarrassing to just tell her the truth, besides she deserves it.

  "I was afraid you didn't like me."

  "Why in the world would you think that?"

  "Because you're so pretty, way out of my league."

  Grace lifts her head and looks at me, a smile streaks across her perfect face. I notice for the first time, light subtle freckles scatter across the bridge of her nose. They definitely add to her beauty. She leans in, plants a peck on my cheek, and returns her head back to my shoulder, "You're really
sweet, but I'm so not." She takes my hand and intertwines her fingers with mine. The compliment Grace just gave builds a renewed confidence in me so I inquire about her own reasons, "Okay then, my turn, why do you like me so much?" Her snicker surprises me as she answers with a cackle, "That's easy! See how nice and sweet you are? And you're pretty cute too." I smile back at her and can't help but retort, "There has to be more to it than that."

  Her smile dims as her expression turns into something a little more serious, "You're right, Apollo, there is. I don't know what it is though, it's just something about you. In school, every time I would see you, I'd get like, really nervous. But at the same time it made me think about you a lot. I always wanted to talk to you but I thought you didn't like me." Her answer sends a wave of surprise though my body and I respond with my natural reaction, "Why would you think that?" Grace rears back and I see a shocked expression on her face. Her mouth is wide open, like I just said something that offended her. "Because you wouldn't talk to me!" My right shoulder stings from the punch that just accompanied another one of her light-hearted laughs. I think I could listen to those forever.

  My mind suddenly goes dark. Apollo. The ghostly voice filters through again. This time it seems closer, clearer and I get more details. It sounds female. There's urgency to it like she's desperately searching for something. For some strange reason, it makes me think of my mother, and what the library's computer said. A genetically enhanced male and female.. to produce a child. I wonder if it's her. Can she do things like my father; like me? I want to talk to her but I promised Oriah I wouldn't leave. I send a decree out into space. I'm here, come find me. This time I instantly get a reply. I can't..we don't have..much have to come to me...


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