How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord: Volume 1

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How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord: Volume 1 Page 15

by Yukiya Murasaki

  Shera was said to have evaluated as a level 40 Archer when she was just a child. Despite that, these people were good enough to be able to take her away by force.

  —Would that make them level 60 or above, then?

  It would probably be a good plan to hand Shera over to them and avoid being targeted by the Elves from now on.

  In fact, the Kingdom of Greenwood might even owe him one if he did that.

  —Even if I asked for a reward handsome enough that I would never have to want anything else to live sufficiently in this world, I’m pretty sure they’d give it to me.

  Diablo smiled.

  —But doing things like that would be boring, right!

  “You are all fools.”

  “Wh-What!? You’re calling us fools!? You damned slave trader!”

  “You have all committed three grave mistakes. I will correct those mistakes, one at a time. First, I am not a slave trader, but a Sorcerer.”

  “Mmh...!? Then, that rain of fire from earlier...”

  “Next, Shera is not powerless. That is because... I am lending her my assistance.”

  It was not just Shera who was staring at him, but Rem as well.

  “Diablo, you’re going to be my Summon!?”

  “...How could you.”

  “Do not be mistaken, I am just ‘in the mood’ for it right now. I said it before, didn’t I? That depending on your goals, I would lend you my assistance.”

  “Yeah! You did!”

  “Having a whelp like him come before me and prattle on about ‘taking you by force’... It looks like I’m going to have to show him a bit of what real power is.”


  Shera looked like she was about to burst into tears.

  Though she had been firm with her words earlier, she must have been uneasy on the inside. Rem placed a hand on Shera’s shoulder.

  “...It’s all right now.”


  She nodded, her voice tearful.

  Diablo let a cruel and arrogant smile creep across his face, just as a Demon Lord would.

  “And the third error you fools have made... Is making me your enemy. Now, despair as I make you realize how powerless you truly are!”

  If he made them realize how big the power gap between them was, then they probably wouldn’t come after them again.

  —Although it might be hard to just scare them without killing them...

  Facing Celsior and the others, he made a declaration: “I will annihilate you all!”

  “If you are going to resist, then fall prey to our bows!”

  The Elves drew their bows.


  They were well-trained. At Celsior’s command, ten arrows came speeding toward Diablo, all at the same time.

  Shera and Rem were behind him, so there was no way he could dodge the arrows.

  —I wasn’t gonna dodge them anyways, though.

  Right before the arrows could strike him, they suddenly lost all their momentum.

  This was due to the effects from his magic barrier and the damage reduction of the Ebony Abyss.

  Most of the attacks didn’t even reach him.

  Celsior and the others were in shock.

  “What is this!?”

  “Hmph... I thought you would be more serious than this.”

  Seemed like anything deemed “the best” or “elite” in this world was around level 50.

  There was panic in Celsior’s voice. “This can’t be... Even after taking our arrows, you’re still unharmed!?”

  —I wonder if it’s more than just the level gap?

  It seemed that their equipment was lacking in quality, too.

  In the game, bow-users would use arrows that were reinforced by magic. If they were using enchanted arrows, then even if the physical damage was reduced by half, it would still be enough to harm Diablo.

  He stared at the arrows on the ground.

  Arrows were consumable items in Cross Reverie. In exchange for being able to unleash powerful attacks from afar, it was possible to run out of ammunition. You either had to buy them from shops or make them yourself by utilizing a sub-class skill.

  And, obviously, depending on the quality of the arrow, the damage it would deal greatly differed.

  These arrows were made of wood, and were about a meter in length. The arrowheads were triangular, while the ends were tipped with feathers.

  —Looks just like the icon graphics they use for the stores in-game.

  In order to stay in control as the Demon Lord, Diablo had to be able to determine the effects of his opponents’ arrows by seeing what they looked like.

  These arrows were completely ordinary.

  “What do you even do battle with? What can you defeat using these arrows?”

  “Are you mocking us...!?”

  “No, I’m asking you a question. You can only hunt beasts from the forest with these. You must not fight against the Fallen or monsters, am I right?”

  “W-Well...that should be obvious...”

  Celsior and the others looked a bit daunted.

  I see—Diablo thought, nodding to himself.

  —That’s why everyone in this world is low-leveled.

  He remembered what Rem had said before:

  “There will be nothing left if you die after challenging a powerful monster.”

  It was just as she said.

  In this world, if you die, it’s all over.

  Unlike the game, where you would be kicked back to the last town you visited with a level down penalty, there was nothing to save you here.

  If Cross Reverie was the kind of death game where, “If you die in the game, you die in real life,” then no one would go into the Man-Eating Forest.

  Who would go training every day if finding the right hunting spot for you could take half a day for a one-way trip?

  Not only that, but you would have to travel back on foot. There was no such thing as a “return home” spell here.

  There would be no hints from the game devs on Twitter, and no being able to exchange information with other people on the strategy wiki.

  If you wanted to survive, then you would do your best to avoid the crazy strong monsters and stick with hunting beasts from the forest.

  You could survive with just a plain bow and arrow.

  The same went for magic.

  Rather than being an Elemental Sorcerer (where even though the spells were powerful, one mistake could lead to your death), it was much safer to be a Summoner who could use their Summons as a shield.

  If your one and only life was riding on it, then you would choose the safest, easiest, and most comfortable choices for yourself.

  It was just obvious.

  Celsior nocked another arrow into his bow.

  This new arrow was completely green. Its main feature was the arrowhead, which was cone-shaped like a drill. A swirling green wind was being released from the tip of the arrow, slightly fluttering Celsior’s hair.

  “Hm, 《Tempest Arrows》... I see,” Diablo said with some admiration.

  “How do you know that!?”

  It was something that had been used against him many times back in the game.

  These things were capable of nullifying his damage reducing effects. His challengers would often bring them as a countermeasure against his Ebony Abyss.

  They were also effective against monsters who could only be damaged by magic, so it was a standard item for bow-users who were around level 50 or so.

  “Not bad. You may actually be able to damage me if you are using Tempest Arrows.“

  “Of course! These arrows are treasures we have received from his Majesty himself! These are the ultimate arrows, able to drill through everything and anything! I don’t know what kind of magic you’re using, but I’ll pierce through it, along with your wicked nature!”

  He drew back the bowstring to its limit.

  —To be honest, I really don’t wanna get hit by that.
r />   It looked like Celsior was about level 50 or so.

  He was taking his time in actually releasing the arrow, so he was probably using the Martial Arts 《Charge Shot》 to boost its power.

  Tempest Arrows were sure to cause him some damage.

  —I bet it’s gonna hurt, too.

  But if Celsior couldn’t deal huge damage to Diablo, even after doing all this, then he would be sure to see the differences in their strength.

  Diablo put on a fearless smile. On the inside, he felt like he was waiting to get a shot from the doctor.

  Celsior yelled out: “Pierce through him!”

  Leaving green trails in their wake, a multitude of Tempest Arrows came rushing toward him even faster than the arrows from before.

  The other Elves also gave out cries of, “Go!” and “Pierce him!”

  Rem and Shera were calling Diablo’s name.

  But he did not evade.

  The damage-reducing effects of the Ebony Abyss were ignored, and the speed of the arrows did not slow down in the slightest.

  —I bet these things are going out through my back if they hit my skin.

  Pain shot through his abdomen.

  It wasn’t the sharp pain of being stabbed that he was expecting, but more like he had been punched by a fist.


  Dull thuds could be heard hitting the ground.

  The green arrows had not pierced Diablo’s body, and had fallen to the ground.

  The Elves were practically screaming, while Shera and Rem were so elated that they were embracing each other.

  “...As I would expect of Diablo.”

  “Thank goodness!!”

  Celsior was shaking, his eyes wide open.

  “...Why...? The arrows his Majesty gave us himself...aren’t working?”

  “Hmph... It’s not the arrows that are at fault, but yourself.”

  Celsior’s face distorted.

  Huh... I really do start smiling when people are being driven into a corner—thought Diablo.

  “Who... Who are you? Are you...actually a Sorcerer? Then...what was that talk about you being a slave trader?”

  “I do not know who put that idea into your head, but I am no slave trader. I am also no ordinary Sorcerer.”

  “...I thought so... Then, who are you?”

  “Engrave this into your heart, along with the fear that comes with it. I am Diablo, a Demon Lord from another world.”

  Aiming for the forest behind Celsior and the other Elves—he unleashed a Freezia.

  The wind howled. The ice effect scattered and danced about. The chill brought on by the spell enveloped the Man-Eating Forest in ice. A beautiful frozen flower came into bloom.

  The monsters who were nearby ran out of the forest in a panic, along with the other animals who were living there.

  —It looks like the one who just ran away into the swamp was the Madara Snake. Guess there’s no need for it now, since this quest turned out to be a trap.

  He could even hear beasts that were several meters away fleeing in terror.

  It seemed they were more sensitive to danger than the people who lived in this world, as not one of them headed toward Diablo.

  Celsior and the others collapsed on the ground as they watched these events unfold in front of them. Just by looking at them, Diablo could tell they had completely lost their will to fight.

  He lowered Tenma’s Staff.


  Something other than a wild beast also came tumbling out of the forest.

  It was a man, wearing a robe.

  His hands and feet were as thin as wires, and he wore a high-strung expression on his face. It was Galluk.

  He started to yell angrily at Celsior and the other Elves, who had lost their fighting spirit.

  “Hey! Weren’t you all supposed to be an elite Elf squad or something!? You didn’t even manage to get one arrow in him! I knew it, I should have expected this from Demis!”

  —I knew it.

  He had been wondering about it ever since he saw Galluk back at the Guild... He just couldn’t understand what had the guy so worked up.

  It seemed like his “punishment” from before wasn’t enough. Communicating with others really was difficult.

  Diablo, in character, made his voice show great displeasure.

  “Small Fry... It seems like you’ve been spurring these Elves on.”

  Galluk shrunk back.

  It seemed he was still aware of the gap between their abilities.

  “Uhh... Well, you see, I... They were searching for their princess, all I did was tell them she would be coming here...”

  “They seem to be under the impression that I’m a slave trader.”

  “Th-They thought that up all by themselves! Demis aren’t that bright, after all!”

  —Everyone here but Galluk is a Demi, though. Can this guy not even think rationally anymore?

  “Hmph... No matter, Small Fry. Do not try to get involved with me again. The next time you try to face me, I will not hesitate to blow you away!”

  He made sure to emphasize his threat.

  Galluk was trembling.

  —It’d be nice if he would just stay quiet after that.

  “A-Aren’t you the one at fault here!?”

  Unexpectedly, Galluk argued back.


  “I-I mean, Lady Rem is at fault here, too! You are special, so why are you hanging around with the likes of a Demon and an Elf!?”

  Rem made a displeased face.

  “...I am a Pantherian. I am also subject to the discrimination of Demis by Humans.”

  “But Lady Celes approves of you! That means you are something like a Human!”

  “...What an irksome conversation this is... And besides, you have no business in criticizing who I choose to associate with.”

  “But you’re an important person to the Mage’s Association... No, to the entire world! You should be aware of that and show some self-restraint! You should only be around those who come from superior pedigrees, the ones who are guaranteed a bright future! You should be with Humans, like me!”

  “...To be completely honest, not only would that be an annoyance, but it would also be completely revolting.”


  Galluk recoiled.

  Rem was glaring at him.

  “...I cannot overlook your actions here. If you are going so far as to use the name of the Mage’s Association, then Celes must know about this too, I presume?”

  “Urk... Ooooh... No... I’m... I’m not wrong here!!”

  Galluk started to sprint away.

  It might have been a bit of a problem if he had headed deeper into the Man-Eating Forest, but he managed to turn himself in the direction of the town. What a champ.

  Rem apologized to Diablo and Shera.

  “...It seems like I have gotten you involved in my own ordeals. I’m sorry.”

  “Do not worry yourself.”

  I was the one who made his grudge against me even worse—thought Diablo. But damn, I never thought he would end up being this much of a pain in the ass.

  Thinking about what had happened, the best thing was that Galluk wouldn’t get involved with them anymore. Though the reason Diablo had done what he did before was because he thought that’s what would have happened in the first place.

  —Dealing with other people really is tough.

  Shera stood in front of Celsior, who sat dazed on the ground. She was at arm’s length for him, but it seemed that he no longer had the willpower to try and “take her back by force.”

  “You OK? You can get back home, right? It seems like this forest is kind of dangerous, so be careful.”


  “And could you pass something along to my brother for me? I’m never coming back. I’m not some ‘thing’ that my brother owns—right now, I’m Diablo and Rem’s comrade!”

  Without waiting for a response, Shera turned around and walked away.
/>   Her cheeks were completely flushed.

  Laughing, she said, “Let’s go back, I’m starving!”

  “...When did we become comrades?” Rem said with a sigh.

  “You said that you liked me, right?”

  “...I did not. I only meant that I did not dislike your determination.”

  “Oh? Are you getting embarrassed? Your cheeks are red!”

  “Ngh... Stupid Shera!”

  “What’s with you all of a sudden!?”

  —I’m...her comrade?

  Diablo froze up.


  Diablo and the girls made their way back to the inn.

  They had already made their report to the Adventurer’s Guild and then grabbed some dinner, so it was already nighttime.

  Diablo was sitting in the flickering candlelight of the room.

  He was so tired, all he wanted to do was lay down on the bed...

  But since there was only one bed, here he was, sitting on the floor.

  The only other person in the room was Shera.

  She sat down on the bed, and every once in awhile, would glance over at him.

  —What’s going on here?

  He didn’t know what do when all alone with a girl.

  —Now what?

  Rem, who was always good to have around for these situations, had been called out by a messenger from the Mage’s Association, and had gone to see Celes.

  Most likely, it was about the incident with Galluk.

  Diablo and the others hadn’t mentioned his name when making their report, but since he was the one to make the request in the first place, the receptionist already knew who he was.

  Since he had used the name of the Mage’s Association without permission, it was obvious for this to turn into a serious problem. Celes would probably have to make an apology as well.

  The reason Rem had gone alone was because she was being considerate.

  If Diablo had gone, then he would end up scaring people unnecessarily. The news about how he had sent Emile flying and being declared unable to be evaluated by Sylvie had already spread.


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