How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord: Volume 1

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How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord: Volume 1 Page 22

by Yukiya Murasaki

  “Wh-What is it?”

  “Ahaha, now that face is more like you, Diablo.”

  “...I was worried that you would eventually become mold on those sheets. You’re all right now, I take it?”

  “Hmph, I was fine since the very beginning.”

  He had acted tough, but it looked like the girls had been more worried about him than he thought. Enough to make Shera wear an outfit that might as well have shown her naked.

  She held on to Diablo while still in that very outfit.

  “Let’s go on another quest!”


  “...Ngh... Why must you always go out of your way to push your chest against him!?”

  “I mean, if I try holding onto him, they just kinda do that.”

  -“...Then just don’t cling to him! Have you no shame!?”

  “Well, if you were to try and hold him, Rem, then probably all that would touch him is your ribs.”

  “Th-That is not true! See!”

  Eyes full of tears, she pressed herself against Diablo.

  —Rem’s right! Though I think her rib cage may be hitting me a little...

  That being said, no matter how small, slim, and child-like Rem’s body may have been, the slight bulge that could be called her chest was indeed soft when she held onto him.

  They heard the sound of someone snickering.

  Turning his gaze, the door was open, and there was the Guildmaster Sylvie, leaning against the doorway.

  “Mornin’. You all seem to be getting along well!”


  With a scream, Rem leapt away from Diablo.

  Shera kept holding on to Diablo, without any reservations whatsoever, as she greeted Sylvie.

  “Ah, Sylvie, good morning!”

  “Heya, Shera. Is Diablo feeling better now?”


  Shera happily nodded, pressing her breasts which were only covered with a thin piece of cloth against Diablo.

  —I’m feeling better in a completely, how should I say, more physical way. Actually, I won’t even be able to get out of bed at this rate; what the hell are you doing to me!? Do it more!!

  Since he was stuck like that, Diablo put on his Demon Lord persona with the sheets still covering him from the waist down.

  “What do you want, Sylvie?”

  “I have a message that might be of interest to you, Diablo.”

  “Is that so? Speak, I shall allow it.”

  Sylvie wore an unusually serious expression on her face.

  “...The governor of Faltra received a request from the Kingdom of Greenwood to hand over one Shera L. Greenwood. The deadline is in ten days. If we don’t comply by then, they will declare war.”

  “Declare war!?”


  Shera’s body stiffened.

  Rem narrowed her eyes.

  “...A war between races... Are they in their right mind?”

  “Who knows? Though, the governor asked me if I would be able to solve this peacefully...”

  “So that means you accepted the quest with the intent of handing Shera over to them, is that it?”

  Diablo ran his eyes across the room.


  Tenma’s Staff was laying on the ground off in the corner.

  As of late, he would take off almost all his equipment before going to sleep. Lethargy was truly a terrifying thing.

  Shera was shaking in Diablo’s arms, while Rem grasped a Summon crystal inside of her belt pocket.

  Sylvie raised both her hands in the air.

  Just when Diablo was wondering what kind of magic she would come at them with— She had surrendered.

  “Hold it, hold it... There’s no way I could fight with you, Diablo.”

  “Weren’t you taking this as a request from the governor?”

  “I mean, as the governor, of course he doesn’t want to go to war with the Elves. But just think about it: you’re a Sorcerer who managed to fend off an army of Fallen, Diablo. Do you think that I could take Shera away by force?”

  “Hmph, so it seems you aren’t stupid after all.”

  —I was suspicious that you’d get me with a surprise attack while I was bumming around like this, though!

  A smile spread across Sylvie’s face.

  “Then here’s a quest from me and the troubled governor of Faltra: stop us from going to war with the Elves, Diablo!”

  To be continued.


  Thank you very much for reading “How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord.”

  I’m the author, Yukiya Murasaki.

  This is the story of a gamer protagonist who is summoned to another world, and begins life (acting like) a Demon Lord. He starts getting to know the girls who summoned him better (in various meanings of the word), gets to know the other people living in the town, and even saves Faltra from a danger never before seen in the game.

  When I wrote everything down that I wanted, I ended up with a ton of material, and the book ended up being pretty thick. That said, I wrote it with the intention of it being easy to read. How did you like it? I’d be glad if you enjoyed it.

  In the next volume— It hasn’t been decided if we can publish it yet... But I’m planning on having the Elf King and Prince (Shera’s dad and brother) make an appearance. How is Diablo going to deal with them!? (...I hope I can write about it.)

  Special thanks—

  To Takahiro Tsurusaki: Thank you for all your wonderful illustrations, and for being there since the planning stages of this book, as well as all the advice and ideas you gave me.

  To the designer from Afterglow, Ooishi, thank you for the amazing cover design.

  To my editor, Shouji: This is the first time that anyone has put so much faith in me. I want to do my best to meet your expectations, and I will keep giving it my all!

  Thanks to all the staff at the Kodansha Light Novel Editing Department, and to the family and friends who supported me.

  And a huge thank you to all of you for reading this far!

  Yukiya Murasaki

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  How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord: Volume 1

  by Yukiya Murasaki

  Translated by Garrison Denim

  Edited by Kris Swanson

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  Copyright © 2014 Yukiya Murasaki

  Illustrations by Takahiro Tsurusaki

  All rights reserved.

  First published in Japan in 2014 by Kodansha Ltd., Tokyo.

  Publication rights for this English edition arranged through Kodansha Ltd., Tokyo.

  All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property.

  J-Novel Club LLC

  The publisher is not responsible for websites (or their content) that are not owned by the publisher.

  Ebook edition 1.0: December 2017

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