The Heirloom Obsession

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The Heirloom Obsession Page 11

by SD Saunders

He found Melody sitting on a stool at a workbench in the corner of the room hunched over a box, a look of determination etched on her face as she furiously scribbled things down in a notebook beside her.

  “Working hard”, at his words, Melody snapped her head up, emotions playing across her face, confusion followed quickly with delight.

  “Alex, what are you doing here”?

  “I brought coffee”, he offered handing her the paper cup.

  “Oh, I needed this”, she smiled, sipping the coffee.

  “I left cinnamon buns with Susie, best get one quick if I was you”.

  “You stop that now mister, only I get to tease Susie about her sweet tooth around here”.

  “You know, with your hands on your hips like that, you really look quite adorable”, his voice husky as he brushed his thumb over her cheek, leaning in to place a kiss there.

  “Actually though, I do have a reason for dropping in to see you”. He reached into his pocket, pulling out the photo still and handing it to her. “Do you recognise this”.

  She scanned the photo, a frown appearing on her face. “It’s the white van that I thought was following me”, she whispered, turning worried eyes to Alex. “How did you get it”, she whispered, breathlessly pulling open the workbench draw and retrieving a large magnifying glass.

  “It’s from Wilsons security footage”, he said, leaning in to look at it with her.

  Holding the magnifying glass over the photo, she peered at the man. “His face is hidden”, disappointment reflected in her voice.

  “I know, but it’s a start and…”

  “Alex, look”, Melody interrupted him, excitedly grabbing his arm. “The logo on his baseball cap, I’ve seen it before, I’m sure”. Looking closely at the logo, the bright green letters OJM staggered vertically across the black cap, a silhouette of a man hammering at the letter J only just visible.

  “Do you remember where you’ve seen it”.

  “No, but it looks familiar”, she sighed, resignedly handing it back to him.

  “Not to worry sweetheart, I’m sure we’ll figure it out”, he soothed, slipping it back in his pocket.

  “On another issue”, he looked down at her, catching her chin in his hand and raising her face to look into her eyes. “I’ve invited a couple of friends over for dinner Saturday”.

  “You have? Who”?

  “Charlotte, Lindsey and Joel, thought we could make a night of it, you know good food, wine and good company”.

  “Oh Alex, that sounds lovely, but have you told Charlotte that Joel will be there”?

  “No, I thought it better to just surprise her”.

  “There might be fireworks then”, she grinned up at him.

  “Not quite the entertainment I was going for, but I’ve warned Joel to be on his best behaviour”, he chuckled, releasing her chin and reluctantly stepping back. “I better go and let you get back to work, I’ve got to call back round to Frank with this”, he tapped his pocket with the photo, “and don’t let that go cold”. He nodded towards the coffee sitting on the workbench.

  Grabbing it, she took a sip. “Thanks Alex”, she smiled, watching him leave.

  As he reached the door, he swung round and hurriedly retraced his steps back to her. “One more thing, Mel”. Plucking the coffee cup from her fingers and placing it on the workbench, he pulled her to her feet, bending his head down, his lips brushing against hers softly at first, deepening as he felt her respond to him, the heat of his body pressing into her. A sigh escaped her as she hungrily leaned into him, the warm smell of his aftershave and skin mingling sensually as she wound her arms around his neck. The sound of Susie’s voice in the shop made Melody self-consciously pull back.

  “Stay safe”, his husky words barely a whisper, as he rested his forehead on hers, trying to calm his ragged breathing. Stepping back, he smiled at the sight of her swollen full lips. “See you tonight, minx”, he winked, leaving her standing in the middle of the room, a far off look in her eyes. The taste of his lips lingered on hers, long after he had left the shop.

  “There you are! I was going to send a search party for you soon”, Susie teased as Melody emerged from the back room, making her way over to the counter and dropping the empty coffee cup in the bin behind it.

  “Sorry Suse, got a bit distracted”, she sheepishly smiled, crouching down to fuss Toby.

  “Casanova brought us cinnamon buns, I’ve had mine”, Susie beamed, patting her stomach in satisfaction. “So, is everything okay, he seemed quite distracted as he left”.

  “He had a photo to show me, it was of the white van that we think has been following me”. Standing up, Melody headed to the computer on the countertop, typing in the letters OJM in the search bar, scrolling through the results but nothing of interest came up.

  “So what are you looking for”? Susie asked, looking over Melody’s shoulder.

  “The man in the van was wearing a baseball cap with these letters on it”, she sighed, pointing at the screen. “I thought I might find something on the web, but I’m just getting music bands and science stuff”.

  “OJM”, Susie mused aloud, tapping her mouth thoughtfully, “was there anything else on the cap”.

  “Just a silhouette of a man hammering at the letter J”.

  Grabbing her phone, Susie excitedly placed a call. “Hi hun, yes, yes, I’m fine. Just a quick question really, do you remember the name of the company we got to tidy up the garden last summer, is their card still pinned on the fridge? It is, and is there a man hammering the letter J? I see”. She turned to Melody, her eyes large and excited, motioning to her for a pen. “No, just finding out for a friend. So what’s the number, okay hun, got it. Yes I will, see you later, love you too, bye”. Grabbing Melody’s hands, she gleefully handed the number to her, repeating her conversation with her husband. “Odd Job Man, we hired them last summer to tidy the garden. If I recall correctly, it’s a small company, they hire casual workers over the summer, doing all kinds of odd jobs from gardening to painting and the like”.

  Melody squeezed Susie’s hands. “Oh Susie, you’re a star. I’ll let Alex know, it could be the lead we’re looking for”. Finishing the call to Alex, she turned to Susie who was busily re-arranging paper flowers on the counter. “He agrees with me Suse, you’re a star, he says the cinnamon buns are on him for the next few weeks”.

  “Oh my, that man just keeps getting better and better”, she laughed, a rather pleased look on her face, “glad to help, just as long as we can pin that nasty rat down, that’s all the thanks I need”.

  Arriving home, Melody felt a lightness in her step as she made her way into the cottage, her full bag of groceries not even slowing her down. The day had flown by with the mood in the shop optimistic and happy. Susie had been on fire with her quick wit and sharp sense of humour, making Melody laugh till her sides hurt, the troubles of the thief and the ensuing situation all but forgotten.

  Pouring out a bowl of kibble for Toby and emptying the shopping bag, she set aside the ingredients for the spaghetti bolognaise dinner she had decided to cook for Alex and herself. As she sang along to the radio, thoughts of Alex kissing her earlier played in her mind. Unwrapping the cellophane around the bright yellow chrysanthemums and placing them in a vase on the kitchen table, she stood back admiring them. “Not bad, aye Tob’s”, she grinned at his dis-interested gaze. “Well, I think they’re great, brings a little sunshine inside”, she mused as she started busily cooking the dinner.

  Later, as she called Sarah, her light mood still reflected in her voice as they chatted, catching up on all their news. Arranging to meet up with her for coffee the following day, the only blight on an otherwise light-hearted chat was when the subject of Richard had come up. Replacing the phone and standing up from the armchair, she felt her mood drop at the memory of Sarah’s timid voice asking vague questions about Richard’s case, almost as if she did not really want to know. “No news yet”, she had hesitantly answered her sister, a feeling of hop
elessness enveloping her. Making a mental note to speak to Alex about it later that evening, she made her way back to the kitchen. After checking that the bolognaise was doing well, she replaced the lid and switched off the gas. A deep soak in a bubble bath was just what she needed, she thought, wearily heading to the stairs.

  Pulling up outside their cottages, Alex cut the engine. Grabbing the file on Richard and the chilled bottle of chardonnay, he headed into his cottage. After a quick shower, he made his way to Melody’s, the prospect of telling her about his findings on Richard making him drag his feet. Letting himself in, he made his way to the bureau, tucking the file away inside. He’d tell her later, he promised himself, returning to the kitchen and pouring two glasses of wine. “Dutch courage”, he cynically informed a watchful Toby, taking a large swallow of it, the tones of apple and vanilla tingling on his tongue. Stepping out into the garden with Toby at his heels, he sat on the lounger, his thoughts on Melody. “How will I break it to her, boy”, he mused, absent-mindedly rubbing Toby’s head.

  “There you two are”. Melody’s cheerful voice snapped him out of his melancholy thoughts. She stood in the doorway, her hair a halo of vibrant gold, falling softly on her shoulders, her skin still pink from the bath. Her aqua t-shirt clinging lovingly to her curves, white shorts showing her beautifully slim long legs, time seemed to stand still as he drank in the sight of her. “One of those for me”, she smiled, indicating to the glasses of wine on the table.

  “Sure is, sweetheart”. Reaching his side, she picked up the glass of wine and sank down onto her lounger. “So any luck with the ‘OJM’ business enquiries”? She spoke hesitantly, reaching out and patting Toby.

  “I called them today, they wouldn’t give out any employee information, but they did tell me that they use the A1 Employment Agency, which seems very promising”. He paused, taking a sip of wine. “I also paid the A1 Agency a visit today. They took a photocopy of the photo still of the van and I gave them the description of the driver. They promised to get in touch if they could match him with any of their employees, so now it’s just a waiting game”.

  “Well, that sounds good”, she smiled, lowering her voice and leaning in closer to him. “I was wondering, have you heard anything on the Richard case”? Averting her eyes and taking a large gulp of her wine, she sat with bated breath.

  “Oh yes love, the file came in today”. He leaned forward and grasped her hands. “It’s not good, I’m afraid”, he soothed as her body tensed.

  “W-what did you find out”.

  “I’m sorry Mel, all the evidence points to an affair. We have photos of them together at several locations, I have the file indoors”, he revealed.

  “Do you know who the woman is”?

  “Yes, turns out, she’s one of his work colleagues, a claims clerk Alice Parker, do you know her”?

  “No, can’t say I’ve heard her name before. Oh god, how am I going to tell Sarah”, she cried as the realisation of the whole situation washed over her.

  Pulling her over and onto his lap, he rested his chin on the top of her head, gently rocking her. “It’s okay, baby”, he soothed as she let the stress of the past few days out in silent tears. “You know, Sarah suspected this, at least having it confirmed will help her make the right decisions moving forward”, he murmured against her head. Gazing up at him, she sniffed, rubbing the back of her hand across her tear-stained cheeks.

  “You’re right, she thought she was going crazy with paranoia. At least she will feel some sort of relief now”.

  “And don’t forget she’ll have you to help her cope”, Alex acknowledged, pulling her tighter in his embrace.

  “I think I’ll tell her tomorrow when we meet for coffee, it will give me a chance to get it all sorted in my head”, she paused, looking towards the back door. “Can you show me the file now”?

  “Okay babe, if you think it will help”.

  “I think I need to know everything Alex”, she gulped, stifling fresh tears and standing to go inside, a new determination setting in.

  Chapter 10

  Tucking her car out of sight in between two large 4x4’s, Melody cut the engine, her view to Sarah’s drive four houses away just visible. She checked that the file on Richard was still safely stowed away in her tote bag. For what seemed like the millionth time, she went over the evidence in her head, the really damning picture had been of them entering Alice’s apartment building, their body language leaving no doubt as to how they intended to finish their evening. Maybe she would only need to show Sarah the photo of their romantic dinner, no need for overkill, she mused, worrying her bottom lip anxiously.

  The call to Susie yesterday evening had been quick, letting her know she would be in late to the shop, stating it was a family emergency and reassuring her it was nothing too drastic. She smiled ironically at the thought, “no, just dropping a bombshell and destroying my sister’s life”. Angrily clenching her fists as the thought of Richard’s behaviour over the years bubbled to the surface. As if her thoughts of him had summoned the devil himself, she watched as he placed Lucy in his car, belting her in safely, a smile plastered over his face as he threw his brief case onto the passenger seat and climbed in his car. “Asshole”, Melody muttered under her breath, as she waited for him to leave.

  She knew he always dropped Lucy to school on a Friday before heading into the office where he worked as an Actuarial Manager for ‘Seers Insurance’ and today was no different as she watched him pull away.

  Butterflies in hobnail boots stamped ferociously in her stomach as she made her way to Sarah’s front door and rang the bell. “Did you forget something I…”, Sarah’s voiced trailed off, her surprise at seeing Melody this early standing on her doorstep stamped clearly on her face. “Mel, what a surprise. I thought we were meeting for coffee at one”?

  “This couldn’t wait, I’m afraid”, she groaned, stepping into the hall.

  “It’s about Richard, isn’t it”, Sarah blurted, leaning against the now closed front door.

  “I’m afraid so, sis”. Grabbing her sister’s hand in support and walking her to the front room, they sat down on the large black leather sofa together.

  The front room was styled simply with two large alcoves standing on either side of a large fireplace, a few books and photos placed strategically on the shelves, a large mirror reflecting the room’s windows hung directly above the ivory-coloured ornate stone mantelpiece, two large ivory pillar candles its only adornment. An oval glass top coffee table sat in the middle of the room, the abstract carved stone base always reminded Melody of a wave rising from the blended cream and blue wavy lined rug. In the far corner, sitting on a marble stand, a huge flat screen television dominated the room, a few of Lucy’s DVDs scattered before it as if she had just been there.

  “I knew this was coming, I prepared myself and everything, but I’m still not sure I’m ready”, Sarah sniffed, tears brimming in her eyes. Grabbing a tissue from the tissue box on the coffee table, she dabbed furiously at her eyes. “Is he having an a-affair”, she stuttered, turning to look at Melody.

  “Oh hun, I’m so sorry, but yes he is”. Reaching out her arms to Sarah, she leant in to hug her.

  “Please Mel, no”. Putting her hands up to stop Melody’s embrace, “I can’t be touched right now, I’ll fall apart”, she gave a watery smile, “I need to hear it all first”.

  Melody’s drive to the shop seemed to take forever as she pondered over her sister’s reaction to the news of Richard’s infidelity. Her tears had soon given way to anger and her calm resolve to leave him had surprised Melody. She had thought her sister would fall apart, but this new stronger Sarah had blind-sided her. “Things haven’t been good between us for years, I’ve thought about leaving him before, but I’ve always tried to stay for Lucy’s sake”, Sarah’s words bounced around in her head as she searched her memory for signs that things had not been right for so long, and how she could have not noticed. She felt so guilty. “If you hadn’t avoided situat
ions with him, you would have noticed”, she berated herself.

  Alex had been right. Sarah was made of sterner stuff than she had ever given her credit for. Sarah had insisted on seeing all the files, including the incriminating photos, insisting it was better to have it all out on the table, no hidden surprises. Leaving the file with Sarah at her request had seemed like all she could do in the situation. She just hoped Alex wouldn’t mind, he probably had a copy of it anyway, she told herself trying to ease the worry that had settled over her.

  After grabbing two coffees, she headed into the shop. Susie’s sing-song voice greeted her, “Here she is Toby, and with coffee too”. Toby bounded over, greeting Melody like she had been gone for a week.

  “Oh Tob’s, you maniac”, Melody laughed, scratching his head with her free hand.

  “Alex dropped him off this morning, thought you might miss him, he said”, Susie laughed, eyeing the adoration in Toby’s eyes. “I think he missed you more though, every time someone came into the shop, he would get all excited until he realised it wasn’t you, didn’t you boy”. She crooned, waving his purple plushie at him. Eyeing his toy, he rushed over to her and took hold of it; a tug-o-war game ensued till Susie gave in letting him claim his prize.

  “So, is everything okay? Did you sort out your family crisis”?

  Melody nodded, handing a coffee to Susie. “For now”, she muttered, changing the subject. “I’m going to do the stock order today, anything you want to add”? Melody indicated to the clipboard on the counter.

  “I’ve added a couple of things to the list already”, Susie beamed, adding, “Casanova kept to his word”, pointing to a fresh pastry bag on the counter. “How about we indulge in them with our coffees”.

  “Sounds good”, Melody smiled, glad of the change of mood.

  At one o’clock precisely, Sarah entered the shop. Gone was the flowery dress and messy bun, now standing there, dressed in a pin stripped trouser suit, her hair cut into a short bob, one side slightly longer, the thick dark brown bangs streaked with caramel highlights softening the look. “Can I help you miss”, Melody greeted as she made her way across the shop floor, her tote bag slung over her shoulder.


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