The Heirloom Obsession

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The Heirloom Obsession Page 17

by SD Saunders

  Alex stood stock still, his eyes settling on Melody, a pure vision of loveliness. The rose-pink gown enhanced her beautifully soft looking skin, the tantalising hint of cleavage just visible above the sweetheart neckline, her long neck bare and begging for his kisses, wisps of hair spiralling down each side of her face, tiny diamantes glinting in the mass of pinned up curls. As she gracefully walked towards him, he caught the soft smell of flowers intoxicating his senses, the tulle skirts swishing silently as she came to a stop in front of him.

  Her sultry eyes smiled shyly up at him, the amber in them glinting warmly.

  “You look beautiful”, he muttered, his own voice sounding strange to him; reaching out, he placed his hands around her tiny waist and pulled her close. “So beautiful”, he moaned, placing hot kisses on her exquisite neck.

  “You’re looking pretty dashing too”, she gasped, trailing her fingers over his broad chest as he nipped at her earlobe. Stepping out of his embrace, she looked up at him, “did you bring it”?

  “Yes”, his gruff voice betrayed his emotions as he pulled out the black velvet box, snapping it open. He turned her away from him and placed the emerald necklace around her neck, lingering longer than necessary as he fixed the clasp.

  The necklace felt cold against her hot skin, turning slowly, she showed him the finished look, “will I do”? Her voice was hesitant as she fingered the heavy necklace.

  “You’re just missing one thing”, he smiled, retrieving another smaller velvet box from his jacket and handing it to her.

  Opening the box, her fingers shaking, she gasped as she saw the pear drop diamond earrings nestled inside. “Oh Alex, they’re beautiful, did Christina lend these too”?

  She looked up at him, her eyes questioning. “No, these are for you to keep, I wanted to buy my girl something special”.

  “Oh Alex, thank you”, she sighed, as tears filled her eyes.

  “Now, no crying, minx, can’t have you ruining your lovely makeup”, he teased, helping her fix the earrings in. “Now milady, your carriage awaits”. Bowing gallantly, he stepped aside for her to leave. Grabbing her clutch bag, she swept past him, waiting while he locked the cottage.

  “No horse and carriage, Alex”, she teased, as they made their way to his SUV.

  “I’m afraid the horse and carriage are in the shop, I hope milady won’t mind roughing it a bit in this old metal carriage”, he played back, opening the door for her and helping her inside.

  Pulling up outside the Crafton hotel and handing over the keys to the valet, Alex made his way around to the passenger side and helped Melody out. Her eyes wide as she took in the stunning effect of the transformed hotel, fairy lights twinkled everywhere; a red carpet ran from the wide entrance stairs to the walkway. ‘Hopes & Dreams’ banners flanked each side of the massive open doors, music filtered out to them as other guests made their way slowly up the carpet, stopping often for the news reporters’ photos.

  Placing her hand in the crook of his elbow, Alex escorted her up the path, occasionally stopping to greet someone he knew. Scanning the crowd, she saw several security men dressed in black, their only give-away the small earpieces. As if he felt her tension, Alex leaned down. “Smile love, it’s okay”, he whispered, his breath tickling her ear. Standing taller, she pulled her lace wrap tighter together over the necklace, keeping it hidden as she posed for the cameras and then was swept inside. If the outside had dazzled her, she was not prepared for the inside; strategic lighting lit up the stone walls, bathing the whole area in a warm yellow glow. The foyer was packed with women all dressed in satin and tulle of varying shades, the men all dressed in tuxedos. Waiters hovered with trays laden with flute glasses of champagne; grabbing them both a glass from a passing waiter, Alex handed her one, taking a sip, she felt the bubbles explode in her mouth.

  “Alex darling”, a rather tall curvaceous woman called over to them. As she sashayed over, Melody noted the way her black satin dress clung to her every curve, her red dyed hair draped over her bare shoulder. “You’ve been keeping this pretty creature to yourself”, she crooned, running a critical eye over Melody.

  “Cynthia”, he smiled, his irritation barely concealed. “Melody, may I introduce Cynthia Dowling, Cynthia this is Melody Croft”.

  Looking at Cynthia, Melody quickly realised that she was older than she had first appeared, her heavily made up face had fooled her from afar, but the wrinkles around her eyes couldn’t be concealed closer up; her cold bejewelled hands grabbed Melody’s “lovely to meet you dear”, she smiled but her eyes remained on Alex.

  “So, is Winston with you tonight”? Alex enquired, looking about the crowd for him.

  “Oh, he’s over there somewhere”, she waved her hand, “schmoozing with some of his business associates”. “So, tell me Melody, do you just hate these things as much as I do”, she purred, linking her arm through Melody’s.

  “I can’t say that I do, having not been to one before tonight”, Melody shrugged.

  “Oh goody, a newbie, well let me tell you who’s who”, promptly falling into a discourse of all the guests and their partners.

  Alex leaned in and whispered, “I’ll go check in with Joel, will you be okay here”? Nodding her head, she watched as he strode away, he was easily a head taller than most men in the room.

  “Divine, isn’t he”, Cynthia gushed, bringing her attention back, “worked on our security at Winston’s charity event last year, never could understand how he was still single, I’d keep an eye on that one if I were you”. Smiling politely, Melody excused herself, there was only so much she could take of Cynthia’s gossip. Walking over to the ballroom she peered inside, dining tables filled the room, lights threw orbs over the walls and floor; at the far end a stage was set, no doubt for the entertainment and then the live auction. “Beautiful, isn’t it”, turning around, Melody found herself looking at an older lady, her yellow silk gown understated, steel grey hair swept up in a chignon, a simple string of pearls and matching pearl stud earrings her only accessories. Soft grey eyes looked back at her, finally somebody real, Melody thought, feeling guilty at her uncharitable thoughts.

  “It sure is”, she smiled, relaxing for the first time that evening.

  “I’m Rose and you are”?

  “Melody”, she smiled.

  “Well, it’s lovely to meet you Melody. I must say your dress is exquisite, is it a Dior”?

  “Oh no, it’s a vintage dress with a touch of my handywork”, Melody grinned, touching the lace on the bodice.

  “Well, my dear, you certainly have a talent, I would have sworn it was a Dior”. Chatting for a while, Melody finally felt at ease. “I think that young man over there is trying to catch your attention”. Rose inclined her head towards Alex, who was steadily making his way over. Spying a waiter, Rose bade her goodbye and headed over to him; as she watched her go Melody frowned, was she imagining it or was the waiter staring at her.

  “Pull yourself together, he’s probably just doing his job”, she mentally chastised herself.

  “Having fun”? Alex drawled as he finally reached her.

  “Just meeting the locals”, she laughed, all thoughts of the waiter gone.

  “There’s someone I’d like you to meet, I promised him an exclusive photo of you and the necklace”. Taking her arm, he led her across the crowded room to a group of men. “Joe, this is Melody Croft, Melody this is Joe Lawson, he ran the story of the missing heirloom”. He was shorter than Alex, his tux fitted tightly over his stout frame, his ruddy face beaming at her, his wavy peppered hair and silver framed glasses giving him a wise appearance as he thoughtfully stroked his clipped beard. Melody held out her hand, he took it placing a kiss on her knuckles.

  “Lovely to finally meet you”, he beamed “and this is the famous heirloom”, he flicked a look at it, “if it’s okay with you, I thought we could get a couple of shots by the lions”, he indicated to the far wall, where two white regal stone lions sat on each side of large doors, each
door draped with the ‘Hopes and Dreams’ banners. Wandering over, he positioned her in the middle, calling out instructions as he snapped several photos, “perfect, now slightly to the left”. Melody felt herself blush as other guests gathered around watching the photo shoot, “place your hand on the lion, and turn slightly to the right”, he instructed as she got into position.

  “That’s it perfect, I think we’ve got it”. Lowering his camera, he walked over to her, retrieving a notepad from his jacket pocket. “So let me check Melody Croft and you run Simple Crafts”, she inclined her head, unfolding a piece of paper he leaned in, “just need your signature here”, he indicated handing her the pen, “just a release form for the photos so I can’t get the paper sued”, he laughed as she signed her name. Taking the paper, he tucked it into his pocket. “Alex, a quick word if you don’t mind”, casting an apologetic look at Melody, Alex moved over to him.

  “I’ll be over there getting a drink”, Melody sighed, disappearing into the crowd, grabbing a drink from a passing waiter, she headed to a quiet corner, the heat in the room becoming stifling. She took a sip of the cool champagne, watching the guests mill about, each wrapped up in their own little world.

  Noticing Cynthia making her way over towards her, Melody quickly turned and headed away. Another tete a tete with her was the last thing she needed, placing her empty glass on a passing waiter’s tray, she spotted Rose standing outside the gallery doors, an agitated look on her face. Deciding to check on her, she changed direction and headed for her. “Everything okay”, she asked, watching as Rose wrung her hands in distress.

  “It’s my earring, I went in there to look at the paintings and noticed it’s missing”, she indicated to the room behind her and tugged at her bare earlobe, “I think it came out in there, but without my glasses, I can’t seem to see it, my husband will be so cross with me”, she sniffed, her eyes filling with tears.

  “Come on”, Melody soothed, opening the door and slipping inside, “I’m sure if it’s in there, I’ll see it”. Following her inside, Rose closed the door behind them.

  “I went over to the far wall first”, she murmured, pointing down the room, Melody headed down the room searching the floor as she went, bending down she searched around the feet of a side table, if it was here, she was sure she would find it.

  Feeling something cold settle on her bare shoulder, Melody turned her head to look, a silver lion head rested menacingly there glinting in the overhead lights; where had she seen that before she couldn’t remember. Slowly rising up and turning, she saw that it was attached to a cane, a cane that Rose was holding, her soft grey eyes now hard, as she gazed at her with contempt.

  “R-Rose”, she stuttered questioningly as she took in the sight of the cruel tilt of her lips. Her eyes were now staring at the necklace, as she raised the cane, pointing it threateningly at her.

  “I believe that is mine”, she snarled.

  “I d-don’t understand”, stuttering, Melody looked in horror at Rose, her face now contorted and evil.

  “It’s quite simple, you foolish girl, that emerald necklace is rightfully mine”, raising up her hand, her fingers claw like, she reached out to Melody’s throat.

  Stepping back, Melody nervously glanced at the doors as one opened and a waiter appeared.

  “Help”, she cried out, her voice strained. He closed the door, hovering a moment, before walking up to them and snatching the cane from Rose’s hand.

  “Ah Timothy, so good of you to join us”. Rose’s voice boomed, now sounding icy and controlled.

  “I think she’s g-gone mad”, Melody stuttered, looking at the waiter, his name badge clearly stating his name was Owen. Turning to look at Melody, the same contempt was written across his face.

  “Aunt Primrose, I think this little miss thinks you’re mad”, he scornfully laughed. “I see you are wearing our heirloom”, he spoke, lifting the cane and pointing it at her throat.

  “I don’t understand”, Melody repeated, gasping as the nightmare of the lion headed cane started to resurface, “this is Christina Trafford’s necklace, she lent it to me”, her voice barely a whisper as a chill ran down her spine, surely this couldn’t be the thief Tim Abbott, his hair was lanky brown not spiky and blonde. But why had she called him Timothy. “Who are you”? She asked, turning accusing eyes at him.

  “I think she’s starting to get it”, he growled taking a step towards her. “Timothy Trafford, also known as Tim Abbott”, he bowed mockingly, “and you’ve already met my Aunt Primrose”, he stood gripping the cane, his eyes full of hatred.

  “Finish her Timothy, but get it right this time, unlike your father, don’t leave this one to survive”!

  “Your father tried to hurt Christina”? She cried out, stalling for time, “w-why would he do that”?

  “That heirloom should rightfully have gone to us, my brother Philip planned to take it on her birthday, but that little chit had hidden it, now finally it will be ours”.

  “That’s right, father was too weak to finish what he started, but I’m not”. Timothy advanced towards her raising the cane, snatches of the nightmare came rushing back to Melody as the lion headed cane glinted menacingly.

  Primrose stepped back a few paces, her face contorted in rage. “I tried to be there for her after Philip failed his task, but she claimed to have amnesia and was always so damn secretive, always scribbling in those journals of hers”. Pacing back and forth, her ranting continued. “When father got unjustly cut off from the family, I decided that one day we would bring them down and take what was rightfully ours, it was a long game and one I very nearly gave up on, until Timothy here heard of the estate sale”. Pausing, she stopped and stared at Melody. “The trunks, you see, I was sure would contain those journals and with them finally in our possession, the secret of the heirloom would be revealed, I was certain she would have unconsciously left some clues to that night”.

  Melody stared from Rose to Timothy, her hands trembling as the realisation of the situation sank in.

  “Did you send that thief to break-in to my cottage”, her voice a mere croak, as the gravity of their intentions left her feeling weak.

  Primrose tutted, “of course, and you just happen to be in the way. Now, Timothy, get it first, I don’t want her common blood on it”, she ordered. Reaching out to her, his clammy hand gripped her shoulder as he fumbled at the clasp.

  “Please don’t do this”, Melody begged as the necklace slipped from her neck.

  “If you had just left the last journal in your damn cottage for me, you wouldn’t be in this mess right now, but you had to go and complicate things, didn’t you”, he scorned, prowling over to his aunt, he dropped the necklace in her claw like hands. So he was the thief; she couldn’t believe she had been so easily duped, if only she could reach the doors and Alex.

  Turning to run, Melody only made it a few steps as she felt the impact of the lion head as it crashed down on the back of her head; falling to her knees, she waited for the next inevitable blow. The sound of wood splintering from somewhere far off gave Melody a few precious moments to crawl further away. “I’m so sorry Christina”, she breathed as blackness enveloped her.

  Waking in an unfamiliar darkened room, the pain in Melody’s head throbbed. She tentatively touched the spot, wincing as her fingers probed at the bump, it was sticky with blood but she was alive. She tried to sit up, the room spun as strong hands eased her back. “It’s okay love, I’ve got you”, Alex’s voice soothed her as she slipped back into unconsciousness. Voices floated over Melody as she lay still, trying to gather her strength, slipping in and out of consciousness, was that Alex’s voice? She tried to focus but could not seem to clear her mind. Someone was talking to her, bathing her head, the smell of the antiseptic cream making her feel nauseous. Slipping into blackness, she welcomed the oblivion it gave her.

  Memories of Rose and Timothy stirred her. “The necklace, it’s gone”, she croaked, touching her now bare neck. Sitting up, she saw a la
rge figure moving towards her, flinching back, she pulled at the covers.

  “It’s okay, it’s just me”, Alex’s concerned face leaned into her.

  “Oh Alex, they took it”, she cried as he placed a glass of water to her lips.

  “It’s okay baby, we’ve got it”. Placing the glass down and climbing onto the bed, he tucked her into his arms, cradling her, he stroked his hand against her cheek.

  “It was Timothy Trafford; he was the thief”, she gulped as fresh tears threatened to fall.

  “I know, we’ve got him, now sleep baby, I’m here and I won’t leave you”. Alex looked down at her as she slept, the rage in him subsiding as the fear of nearly losing her took over. If she had died… he stopped, his thoughts going there, pulling her tighter to him, he breathed in her scent, her gentle sighs soothing him.

  At least, he had had the jeweller’s attach that listening device to the necklace, if not, he shuddered at the unfinished thought. He had nearly lost her twice, he damn well would not let another thing happen to her he swore. Melody snuggled into him, a small sigh escaping her lips.

  “Alex”, she whispered.

  “I’m here love”, he answered, resting back and brushing his lips against her forehead.

  Looking around the hotel room, his eyes settling on her gown now draped over the chair, he felt his anger at Primrose and Timothy rise again. At least she was safe from them now, detective Frank Marsh had them both and with the recordings from the listening device, they would not be able to talk their way out of this one. Reassuring himself that the security guard posted outside the door would not let anyone enter the room, he rested his chin on her head and closed his eyes; from now on she was all that mattered to him.

  Chapter 16

  The days flew past in a flurry, baskets of fruit and flowers arrived en masse. Melody was overwhelmed by all the kindness. Susie had arranged cover for her at the shop, insisting that Melody take a week off to recuperate, which Alex had readily sided with. A quick call to remind Susie of their Wednesday delivery earlier had seen a tutting Susie telling her to “take a break and stop fretting, we got it covered”. Smiling at the memory, she set about the task of opening another batch of cards that had been delivered that morning; she spied one from Christina and Jack, ‘hope you are feeling better, looking forward to seeing you both soon’ it read, smiling, she placed it down on the pile; they would be going to see them later today. Alex had insisted on her resting for days after the gala, promising her that they would visit and give them the necklace once she had recovered, and now with the bump barely visible, she had talked him into driving them there today. Glancing at her watch, she grabbed her phone and jumped-up, startling a slumbering Toby. “It’s okay Tob’s, relax”, she laughed, heading up the stairs. Alex would be here soon, just enough time for a quick shower and a change of clothes, she mused, busily collecting her bathrobe and bits.


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