applied makeup. Peter probably would know
punks broke into your house and started to
nothing about this, but she usually met him
loot it. They had a fight over something and and they walked to work together. They
one of them got himself knocked off. It’s done worked in the same block. The sleepy
every day in the polite society we call the
policeman was glad to go off this detail. Betty underworld. That’s all there is to it, Miss
walked rapidly toward the corner where she
usually met Peter, and he was waiting. He
“Then—I’d better phone the police.”
seemed like a strong haven to her.
“Naturally, unless you like spending
They ate breakfast together and she
the night in a house with a dead man. I’ll stay told him the whole story. Peter was shocked.
here until we hear the radio cars coming. Go
“Betty—do you think Algar did it?”
ahead, get on the phone.”
“Algar?” she cried in reproach. “Oh,
Neither of them spoke again. A siren
Peter, you know very well he never does
howled three minutes after she had completed anything, but follow me around. And he did
the phone call to Headquarters. Algar went out save me from a serious predicament last
and walked rapidly across the street. She saw night.”
Detective Mystery Novels
“I do mean Algar,” he insisted. “We
cheeks were smooth and pink. He shook hands
never saw him after that. We thought we heard with Peter.
him in the park, but we could have been
“You’re getting a prize,” he chuckled.
mistaken. I don’t know how he is involved,
“In fact, you wouldn’t be getting Betty at all if maybe not at all, but he must have some very I were twenty years younger and not married.
important reason for scarcely letting you out I read a small item in the newspaper about the of his sight, for locking you in the linen closet dead man you found in your house, Betty. It’s And he was in the neighborhood last night. He a rather horrible thing to encounter. The
heard you scream.”
house—well, after two violent deaths in it—
“He is always nearby, Peter. And why
won’t be a comfortable home.”
would he have ransacked my home and killed
“That’s what we came about,” Peter
that man? No, I’d swear he was as surprised as said. “Betty tells me you want to buy the
I when I first saw the dead man.”
property and in its place give her a new
Peter sighed. “Oh, I’m sorry. Guess
honeymoon bungalow. I think it’s a grand
I’m a little jealous of him. If he’d wanted to offer, Mr. Shelton. I’ve been trying to
sack your house, he could have done so a
persuade Betty that she ought to take you up hundred times. But one thing I’m certain of, on it at once. That is, if the place is ready.”
you don’t spend another night in that house.”
“It’s been ready for about a week,”
“Where will I go? I’ve looked and
Shelton said. “Complete to silverware and
looked, Peter. I can get a little room linen. You won’t have to take a thing out of somewhere, but that isn’t living.”
the old house except your personal
“Greg Shelton promised you a brand
belongings, Betty. I thought you might like to new house—promised it to us, though I’ve
start off with a clean slate, but now, after what never met the man. It’s quite likely all ready happened last night, I’m certain you want
for you. Betty, I don’t intend to be a firm or nothing which will associate itself with that domineering husband after we are married, but house.”
I must insist that we see Shelton today, this morning, and find out if you can take SHELTON had the papers drawn up. Betty possession at once.”
signed them blindly, through tears of
“I wouldn’t mind that.” She attempted
happiness. She was given a crisp new
a smile. “Peter, I’ve hardly known a moment’s document stating that she owned, in its
peace since Dad was killed. I’ve always had a entirety, one new dwelling. There was also a feeling that—that things weren’t right. And
substantial check that made her blink away a then Mr. Algar, following me all around. Oh, I few tears.
don’t know what to think.”
That noon she didn’t feel like eating.
“Algar will stop shadowing you after
Too many things had occurred. She wanted
we’re married,” Peter swore. “From then on it nothing more than a walk in the sunlight,
will be my job, and he’ll like it or get himself perhaps a few minutes in the park where she
into a mess of trouble. Come on, let’s go see could sit and dream.
Mr. Shelton right away. I’ve been wanting to John Algar appeared out of nowhere
meet him.”
and sat down beside her on the bench. Here, in Greg Shelton was a big man without
the strong sunlight, she had her best look at being enormously fat. With six-feet-two of
him to date and she rather liked what she saw.
frame to carry around two hundred and twenty He smiled a little and kept rotating his gray odd pounds, he managed it very well. His
hat around one finger.
Strange Guardian
“A lot has happened since last night,”
strange man with such hidden motives.”
he commented.
“Just tell Shelton you are going to
“Almost too much,” she told him. “Mr.
spend one more night in the house and get
Shelton bought the old place and gave me a
together some of your father’s things. That’s brand new one. It’s fully equipped, and I don’t all I ask.”
have to move a thing. I’m a very lucky girl,
“I—guess it’s all right,” she agreed
and humble enough to know it.”
hesitantly. “I really don’t know why I should
“You’re a very nice girl. As for your
be doing this for you. I ought to hate the sight luck, I pray it will hold out. Betty, I want you of you. You did kill my father. Your gun shot to do something rather strange and ask no
questions as to why or wherefore. I want you
“My gun shot him,” Algar declared
to tell Shelton that you won’t be out of the old slowly. “Other than that I admit nothing, and I house for another week and that there are
shall depend upon you, Betty. I know you’ll
certain articles of your father’s you wish to do it. A man can’t follow a girl around for
take with you.”
three long years without learning something of
“But there are no such articles.”
her nature and character. You trust me
“You can pretend there are. Say there
because you feel I am to be trusted, no matter is a secretary, a big desk, some cartons of
what my history has been.”
books stored in the attic. If he presses you, He walked rapidly away from her. She
agree to leave the house tomorrow, but insist returned to the office and saw Shelton when
on taking these things with you and on he returned from lunch. He didn’t like the spending the night there. Will you do this—
idea, but finally consented.
for me? And for yourself?”
“After all,” he argued, “you signed
/> “I—don’t think I should,” she over the house and its contents. It’s a rather protested, knowing very well she’d obey him.
horrible place at best and I intend to tear it
“Mr. Shelton has been so kind and Peter—
down. Betty, you may have your way but,
well, he naturally wants me out of that old
because I now own the house and everything
in it, I must insist that I be present tonight
“Mr. Shelton is perhaps the kindest
when you select those things of your father’s man on the face of the earth and no better lad which you wish to take with you.”
than Peter lives and breathes. But, everyone Betty told Peter about it when they met
isn’t kind and good and considerate. There are for dinner. He was amazed at Algar’s
people with evil intent, and I’ve got to get rid commands and even more astonished at
of them for good. Otherwise, your life will
Shelton’s insistence on being at the house
always be in danger. And Betty—I won’t be
able to tag you around until I’m old and
“I’m going to be there too,” he said.
“After all, we’re as good as married. There
“Is that why you’ve followed me? To
might be something I can do to protect your
protect me?”
interests though, frankly, you pretty much
“Yes, and I’ve never been very certain
signed them away today. Let’s hurry dinner
from what. Now I think I know. If you let me and get over to the house.”
down, the three years I’ve spent near you will have been wasted. You’ve got to believe me.”
SHELTON arrived at eight He was alone and
She arose. “I—must go back. I don’t
he scowled at Peter, but made no comments
know what I’ll do, Mr. Algar. You’re such a
on his presence. Betty showed Shelton a small
Detective Mystery Novels
secretary and a medium sized desk which she
Talbot to move out with anything in which the wanted to take. And there were some pictures rocks could be hidden.
of her father in police uniform, a few citations
“I know a great deal, Mr. Shelton. I
and the sealed cartons of books in the attic.
know that you have been an international
“I shall have to examine the books and
jewel smuggler for years. I know you brought the contents of the desk and secretary,” a neat load of stuff over three years ago, right Shelton said. “It’s merely a matter of form.
after the war ended. But it slipped out of your Peter, you might as well be of some help. Go hands. I know it’s here, in this house and that to the attic and lug those boxes down here.”
you have been aware of that fact for some
Peter trotted up the stairs. Shelton time.
hurried to the front door and slid the bolt
“I suspect you were here last night,
home. Then he returned to the living room and searching the place with that poor fool who
advanced on Betty.
burglarized the house and whom you later on
He said, “Betty, I think you’re murdered for no more reason than to frighten suspicious I’m up to something. What, exactly Miss Talbot into leaving.”
do you think? Talk fast. I don’t favor having Shelton smiled confidently. “You
Peter here as a witness. What do you know?”
know a great deal, Algar. For a killer you’re a
“Why—why ... nothing. I—I...”
very wise guy, but I’ll bet you don’t know
He slapped her very hard, without the
there’s a gun trained on your back at this very slightest warning. She stumbled a few feet,
struck a chair and sat down heavily into it.
Algar bit his lip. He glanced at Betty,
Shelton came toward her again, his fists who was looking behind him. “How about doubled this time.
that, Betty?” he asked.
“Talk,” he said menacingly, “or, by
She moved her lips, but no words
heavens, I’ll beat that pretty face of yours into came. She tried again and got a single word
something even that goofy-eyed Peter will out. “Peter!”
abhor. What do you know?”
“I thought so.” Algar let go of his gun.
“Please, Mr. Shelton.” She held her
It hit the floor with a thump and Shelton
hands up before her face. “Please, I don’t
hastily scooped it up. He poked it deep into know what you’re talking about. Please don’t Algar’s stomach and forced him into a chair
hit me. Please!”
beside Betty.
He swept her covering hands away and
Peter Lindsay didn’t look quite so
slapped her again, harder than the first time.
innocent now. His eyes were narrowed in
Then, his hand was back for another blow and hatred and there was an obvious sneer on his froze there.
handsome face. He lined up beside Shelton.
A very quiet voice said, “That’ll do,
Peter said, “Everything is under
Shelton. That’s quite enough. Turn around and control, Mr. Shelton. I had an idea Algar was keep your hands away from your pockets.
behind all this. He’s been wise to you right That bulge is a shoulder clip. Go for it if you along, but without enough evidence to take
like, but you’ll be dead before your hands
any action on. That’s why I sort of lingered in touch the gun butt.”
the hallway. The poor fool was hiding in the Shelton straightened up, turned very
slowly and faced John Algar. The ex-detective said, “I’ve been in the house for some time. I SHELTON nodded. He spoke directly to
knew very well you’d hardly permit Miss Algar. “Now listen, copper, I’m going to ask
Strange Guardian
you a question. If you refuse to answer or give walked up the stairs and down a corridor to
me an evasive reply, I’ll slug Betty hard the last room. He entered, turned on the lights enough to break her beautiful jaw. And every and went directly to a large, silent clock on the time you go mum, I’ll slug her again. Where is mantelpiece of an old fireplace. He opened the the stuff Lieutenant Talbot got that day?”
glass over the face, turned the hands and there Algar spoke tightly. “If you lay a hand
was a click. A cleverly concealed drawer slid on her, Shelton, I’ll kill you. If I knew where out of the bottom.
the stuff was, I’d have gotten it long ago. Do I Algar said, “I knew it was here.
look like an idiot?”
Lieutenant Talbot took this clock from a dope Shelton poised his fist. Peter blocked
peddler long ago. The peddler used it to hide the blow that started toward Betty’s face. his supply of stuff, and I reasoned that Talbot
“Save it, Shelton. Have your fun afterwards.
would use it for the same purpose. Tell me
Betty hasn’t the faintest idea as to what this is something, Shelton. Was Talbot a crook? Was
all about, but Algar knows exactly where the he working for you and pulling a double
stuff is hidden. Last night, when Betty found cross?”
that man dead and Algar came into the house, Shelton laughed. “No—he was tipped
he locked her in a closet and ran upstairs.
off by a stool pigeon who was taken good care That’s where it’s hidden. He went to make
of later on. Hurry up and get
that stuff out of certain.”
Shelton smiled a cold, furious smile.
Algar sighed. “Thanks. For a long time
“So. Then our job is quite simple. Watch him, I thought Talbot was trying to get rich fast, but Peter. Shoot him if he makes a move. I’m
he was apparently playing it solo. The night it going to break Betty’s arm for a starter.”
happened I trailed him and got rapped on the Algar sighed. “What’s the use. A man
head by you and your men. Then you shot
who doesn’t know when he’s beaten is crazy.
Talbot with my gun, knowing we were not
Yes, the stuff is upstairs. For three years I’ve exactly friends. But Talbot didn’t die right followed Betty around and watched this away. He got clear with the smuggled gems house. Waiting for the killer to try and find the you were after, stumbled to this house of his stuff.
right next door and managed to hide the gems
“You held off a long time. So long that
before he died.”
I suspect you weren’t sure, until recently, that
“Very interesting,” Shelton grumbled.
Lieutenant Talbot ever got his hands on the
“You’re stalling. Get busy!”
rocks. Talbot got the stuff. He found it that Algar dug a hand into the clock.
night in the vacant building next door. It’s Fingers closed around a gun hidden there. He hidden upstairs.”
said, “I can feel the sack of gems. They’re
“Watch Betty,” Shelton said. “Algar,
walk ahead of me and show me where it’s
Shelton pressed closer, looking over
hidden. If you’re co-operative, nothing will Algar’s shoulder.
happen to you or Betty. Take care now, Pete.
Strange Guardian by Carter Critz Detective Mystery Novels, Winter, 1948 Page 2