The Princess of War

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The Princess of War Page 22

by Hyougetsu

  “You may have a point there, but...”

  Originally the line had called her a heartless despot. I had to fight to get it reduced to just tyrant. Tyrant, huh? It didn’t really sit well with me, but I supposed that was just how propaganda worked. But she hadn’t used fear-mongering to oppress the citizens, nor had she abused her power for her own benefit. I felt bad about casting her in such an evil light. As I stared sadly at the script, Forne let out an exaggerated sigh and said, “Fine, fine, I’ll change it. You’re the invincible werewolf king, vice-commander of the Demon Lord, so please stop looking like a dejected puppy.”

  Was I really looking like that? Forne scrunched up his face and tried to think of alternatives.

  “Let me see... Hmm, this is the part where the Black Werewolf King rallies the people against Eleora so it has to sound impactful.”

  “But think about it. Eleora had the support of all the northern viceroys, and even the citizens. Even now there are people who swear allegiance to her. What would they think if we called her out as a tyrant or despot in the play?”

  It would be the same as stepping all over their loyalty. Since this was a play I wanted it to be enjoyable, not accusatory. Forne looked up at me and chuckled.

  “We were going to change the script for the version of the play we’d show in the north anyway. I’m surprised you care this much.”

  “Humans get scary if you anger them.”

  “Says the man who could raze Ryunheit in a day if he so wished to...”

  I definitely couldn’t, and even if I could, that didn’t make humans any less scary. Forne dipped his quill pen into an inkwell and said with a smile, “Well, no matter. It’s a request from the Black Werewolf King himself, so I suppose I can comply. Will this do?”

  In elegant, flowing letters Forne wrote the sentence, “It should be us, the humans and demons of Meraldia who decide the fate of our land!” The line didn’t insult anyone, and it provided a cause that people could accept.

  “Yeah, that’s good. Sorry for making you change so much, Sir Forne.”

  “It’s fine, this is hardly much effort. Besides, speaking with you always reminds me of truths I’ve taken for granted.”

  Forne gave me an amicable wink.

  We finished polishing off the play’s script, and Forne returned home to Veira. I made myself some tea and relaxed in my office. My thoughts turned to Eleora, who was still officially our captive. According to the werewolf assigned to keep an eye on her, she was still feeling down. I sighed to myself just as Airia walked into my office, and she smiled knowingly at me.

  “Are you worried about her again?”

  “Yeah. Eleora’s an extremely valuable hostage. And I need her to do her job, or Meraldia’s peace will be endangered.”

  I got to my feet, filled the kettle, and placed it on the stove. Since Airia was here, it was only polite to make her some tea. She sat down on the sofa and gave me a suggestive glance.

  “Is that truly all there is to it?”

  “Alright, I’ll admit it. I do feel a little sorry for her.”

  I trusted all of the viceroys on the Commonwealth Council, but it was only Airia I could open up to completely. So I didn’t bother hiding my true feelings from her. After thinking for a few seconds, Airia said, “It certainly is true that Lady Eleora has been in low spirits since her defeat. Though she does go on walks often, she doesn’t appear to be enjoying them.”

  “Have you been observing her as well?”

  “Yes. I’ve asked the garrison soldiers patrolling the city to keep an eye on her.”

  Poor girl. She’s being watched both by Ryunheit’s troops, and the demon army. Airia set a stack of documents onto my desk and smiled at me.

  “I’ve granted the Rolmund soldiers a certain degree of freedom. They’re free to roam the city, but they have to report their actions to me. From what I’ve read, Lady Natalia seems to be frequenting our city’s theatre.”

  Oh, wow. Frequenting’s an understatement. I perused through the documents and noticed every single one of Natalia’s reports read “Reason for leaving the camp: theatre.” Airia chuckled and said, “It seems the women of Rolmund find Meraldia’s plays to be refreshing. They’re quite fond of it.”

  “I see. Plays, huh?”

  I could see girls really being into plays. After thinking for a few seconds, I suggested to Airia, “How about we invite Eleora to a play?”

  “Yes, I think that’s a wonderful idea.”

  Airia’s smile grew wider.

  Unfortunately, I’d made one huge oversight.

  “All the plays being performed right now are ones from the Black Werewolf King series...” I grumbled to myself as I checked over the theatre schedule. Ryunheit might have been the demon capital, but it was still a small city with only a single, small theatre. There was also only a single troupe that played there. The owner of the theatre said apologetically, “I’m sorry, but right now we’re only showing the Black Werewolf King plays. Master Forne is providing the props and costumes free of charge, so we have no reason to perform anything else.”

  Goddammit, Forne! It looked like I had no choice but to show Eleora one of the propaganda plays that had led to her defeat.

  “Eleora, you should go out for a change. It might raise your spirits.”

  When I visited Eleora’s room, she looked far more despondent than when I’d been fighting her. She shook her head and muttered, “How can I, a defeated princess, hope to feel happy again?”

  A play might help... When she was being this much of a downer, it was hard to keep the conversation going. You know one of your subordinates is spending so much money at the theatre that Ryunheit’s being flooded with Rolmund silver coins, right? Apparently Natalia’s room was filled with so many woodblock posters and commemorative playbills that all of her roommates were getting interested in plays too. That being said, I could see Eleora’s point. She’d lost close to half of her men, failed her mission, and was now my prisoner. It’d be hard to enjoy yourself in a situation like that. This required a different approach.

  “In that case, perhaps the defeated princess might prefer a lesson on why she lost.”

  I smirked wickedly and walked over to her. She turned away from the window and gave me a blank look.


  I caught a faint whiff of fear from her sweat. She was likely remembering her confrontation with me. Taking advantage of her anxiety, I declared, “Don’t you want to see one of the factors that led to your defeat?”

  “What factor would that be?”

  Eleora’s frowned, puzzled.

  In the end, I succeeded in dragging Eleora to Ryunheit’s theatre. We were sitting in one of the VIP boxes, but we also had a retinue of buff werewolf bodyguards so we looked pretty out of place.

  “Natalia’s told me about this play...”

  Eleora rested her chin in her hands and looked down at the stage.

  “But I’m not a fan of this particular play, Black Werewolf King.”

  Forne, who was also sitting with us, rounded on Eleora.

  “You dare insult my production!?”

  “It’s not the quality of the play that bothers me, Sir Forne, but the contents.”

  Eleora’s dissatisfaction was only natural. After all, the play we were watching today was titled Princess on the Precipice. In other words, it was a play starring Eleora as the villain. I’d only checked over the script yesterday, so I was surprised it was already being performed. Forne was even faster at getting things out than I expected. To be honest, I hadn’t been expecting this either. I’d thought the theatre would be showing one of my older plays. But despite my worry that this would just make Eleora more depressed, Forne smiled confidently and said, “Princess of Rolmund, watch and learn. This is the difference between you and the Black Werewolf King.”

  If anything, I think I’m the one who should learn from her... I couldn’t think of anything else to say, so I just sat there silently until the c
urtains were drawn. Soon enough, the actors took to the stage, and the play began.

  -The Black Werewolf King has united the southern cities of Meraldia, and demons now live in peace with humans. But because of the unsanctioned actions of a few radicals within the demon army, the north still sees demons as their enemy.-

  “Esteemed Black Werewolf King, what seems to be troubling you?”

  Firnir the Swift Gale walked onto the stage and gestured toward the Black Werewolf King.

  The real Firnir leaned forward and said excitedly, “Look, it’s me!”

  “You’re supposed to be quiet inside a theatre. Also if you keep yelling like that, you’ll ruin the cool image people have of you.”

  “Hey, that’s mean!”

  Back on the stage, the Black Werewolf King shook his head.

  “Humans never forget their grudges. It is an undeniable truth that the demon army ravaged the north.”

  Airia the Demon Ambassador walked onstage and shouted, “Black Werewolf King!”

  “What troubles you, o’ beautiful Demon Ambassador?”

  The real Airia’s breathing suddenly became erratic. Worried, I looked over at her only to see her smiling happily. It’s getting hard to concentrate on the play when all the people the characters are based on keep distracting me.

  Onstage, Airia said to the Black Werewolf King, “An empire far to the north—the nation of ice and snow, Rolmund—has sent one of their imperial princesses, Eleora, to invade Meraldia. The northern cities have already sworn allegiance to her.”

  “Rolmund, you say?”

  The Black Werewolf King swept his cape back.

  “After cutting all contact for two hundred years, you say they’ve suddenly reappeared to conquer the people of Meraldia?”

  “They have indeed, Black Werewolf King. They claim that Meraldians are descendants of Rolmund’s escaped slaves, and thus have no choice but to obey their masters.”

  “How foolish.”

  The Black Werewolf King frowned, and the orchestra started playing a haunting piano refrain. According to Forne, this melody was titled “The Werewolf Howls.” Everyone on the stage took a half-step back, intimidated by the Black Werewolf King’s majestic aura. The curtains closed on the scene, signaling the start of the intermission.

  Eleora turned to me and smiled faintly saying, “It’s a good play.”

  “I’m glad you’ve found it to your tastes.”

  I grimaced inwardly. The next act would probably be the most awkward to watch. Since that would be when Eleora shows up in the play. Apparently, Forne had called in a famous actress from Veira to act her out in this play. He leaned in close to me and whispered, “The actress’s name is Levishe. She’s famous for both her beauty and her acting talent.”

  Eleora overheard that and gave Forne a puzzled look, but before he could explain further the curtains rose once more.

  The sixth auxiliary princess of the Holy Rolmund Empire, Eleora, proceeded to take over cities at lightning speed. Because the mage corps new weapons were still classified, the play didn’t touch on them.

  “Don’t harm civilians! Plundering and looting are forbidden!” A beautiful woman in a crisp military uniform directed Rolmund’s soldiers, her voice carrying through the room. “We came here to govern the people of this country! It would not do to oppress those who will come to be our subjects!”

  Thanks to Eleora’s firm but fair leadership, the citizens that were originally afraid of her rule began to accept her as their new leader.

  “Don’t allow the Senate to trample over your freedom! Those corrupt politicians have no right to do as they please with Meraldia! Gather under Rolmund’s flag and overthrow their tyranny!”

  Just as she had in real life, play Eleora won the war against the Senate in a series of overwhelming victories. As a result, her popularity with the common folk skyrocketed. Because her military offensive was focused on the Senate and no one else, the northern viceroys and people grew to accept her as their new leader.

  Once she’d defeated the Senate, Eleora bared her fangs against the demon army. But it was then that Eleora’s plans slowly started going awry. Eleora gripped a letter in her hands, unable to hide her unease.

  “How are we meant to destroy the demon capital’s fortifications without catapults from the homeland? Return at once and request reinforcements.”

  “My deepest apologies, Your Highness, but the emperor stated that he can send no further aid.”

  Eleora shook her head at the imperial messenger.

  “How am I to lead this campaign without troops? The demon capital’s walls are thick, its gates sturdy, and its garrison numerous. My mage corps alone cannot hope to topple such a formidable fortress.”

  I knew Forne had written the play like this to improve Ryunheit’s image, but it was still a little embarrassing to hear my city praised like this. The messenger withered in the face of Eleora’s anger, but he refused to comply with her request.

  “However, the emperor has decreed that you do just that. If you refuse, you and your subordinates will be branded traitors.”

  Eleora put a hand to the sword at her waist.

  “We have risked our lives to carry out the emperor’s will, yet you would call us traitors!?”


  The messenger ran off-stage, tripping as he went. Borsche appeared to take his place and said, “Your Highness, you must hold your temper. If we anger the emperor, he will cease to send us even the funds and supplies he has thus far.”

  “But how can we hope to conquer the demon capital with the mage corps alone?”

  “I realize we are at a disadvantage, but we have no choice but to achieve the impossible. Every member of the mage corps is willing to lay their lives down for you, Your Highness.”

  Eleora expression grew miserable.

  “I’m sorry... but right now your loyalty is all I have to depend on.”

  The curtains closed again, marking the start of the second intermission.

  This was about the halfway point of the story. Since the stage needed to be redone entirely for the second half, a different set of actors did a small skit to pass the time. The skit was titled The Stubborn Old Man and his Grizzled Protégé. Naturally, it was about the viceroys of the two marine cities. The actor playing Garsh was dressed as a sailor while the one playing Petore was dressed like a merchant.

  “Yo, old man, what’s going on inside the empire?”

  “Dunno. But it seems that the princess is stuck in a tough spot.”

  Garsh dug an apple out of his rucksack and bit into it. He pulled out a second one and offered it to Petore.

  “She may be a princess, but she’s little more than the empire’s pawn.”

  “Oi, don’t be so dismissive. She may be an enemy, but she deserves our respect.”

  Petore threw the apple back at Garsh, and Garsh threw two back at him. Petore threw those back as well, and this time Garsh threw three. The two started dancing as they juggled apples back and forth. Occasionally they’d throw knives or cutlery at each other as well as apples.

  “Hey, that porcelain’s high-quality stuff from Veira’s Velde Kunk workshop. Be careful with it.”

  “Come now, it won’t break from a small fall like this. Their things are famous for being beautiful and sturdy.”

  It seemed Forne had managed to sneak a commercial into his skit too. He really was a shrewd man. As the skit drew to a close the two actors started keeping the apples they caught. Finally, all they were juggling was a few spoons.

  “Oi, geezer, don’t drop that.”

  “Says the kid who threw it at me.”

  Just then, Petore’s actor dropped the spoon in his hand. Everyone thought it would break. But though it hit the floor with a loud clang, it didn’t even crack. Of course, that was because the old man caught it with his toes a second before it hit the ground and let the spoon down gently, but he did it so fast that only my eyes could follow him.

w, that was close!”

  Garsh wiped an imaginary bead of sweat off his brow, and Petore hurriedly pointed to the stage curtains.

  “This is no time to be relaxing! The war’s begun! Run!”

  “What!? Uh-oh!”

  As the curtains began to rise, the two actors cartwheeled off stage. It appeared the preparations for the final act had been completed.

  The latter half of the play began with Eleora leading her troops in an attack on Ryunheit. In order to make up for her lack of numbers, she’d hired as many mercenaries as she could. Unfortunately, her mercenaries had extremely low morale. Eleora’s overwhelming popularity had run its course, and the people were growing disillusioned with her. Furthermore, Meraldia’s mercenaries generally made their profit by getting involved in conflicts between Meraldian cities. If Rolmund conquered the entire region, there’d be no small-scale wars to make money off of.

  “Sorry, but we’re not sticking with you any longer, Rolmund Princess.”

  With that, the mercenaries left the battlefield. Eleora was left with only her mage corps. It was impossible to conquer Ryunheit with just them, but it was too late to retreat.

  “This is the moment of truth, men! Defeat the Black Werewolf King! Charge!”

  Eleora brandished her sword, and her men fought desperately to reach the center of the city. They were up against the demon army’s famous Azure Knights. The actors playing the dragonkin knights were dressed in scale mail, and the two sides ran back and forth across the stage as they fought. I guess the scale mail is there to represent their scales. Ryunheit’s garrison, Beluza’s landing troops, and Lotz’s elites eventually joined the fight as well. In the very end, Shardier’s troops and Thuvan’s kentauros showed up too. That wasn’t what had happened in reality, but this scene was meant to showcase the Southern Commonwealth coming together against Eleora, so a little embellishment was fine.


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