Hide Little Wolf: The Aurora Marelup Series

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Hide Little Wolf: The Aurora Marelup Series Page 5

by Serenity Rayne

  Carefully, he released her and licked the wounds clean, healing them instantly, leaving a black ring where her fur changed color from the bite. Aurora raised her head and nodded slightly again, and he crouched down a bit for her. That, almost, two foot difference in height makes all the difference. When Sebastian was ready, he rested his taloned hands on her wolven hips, to stabilize himself, before baring his throat to her. Aurora slowly lowered her muzzle to his shoulder and began to clean the chosen area. Her eyes turned to watch Sebastian for a moment, he nodded his head at her when he was ready.

  Aurora drew in a deep breath and opened her maw to bite at the muscle between his neck and shoulder. Her taloned hands rested on his shoulders, careful not to slice him to ribbons. Sebastian’s blood could be scented on the air, but not seen. When she felt she had held him long enough she released her grip on his shoulder. Gently, she cleaned his wounds, sealing them instantly. A pure white ring of fur covered her mark upon his shoulder. Both wolves turned to face me.

  "I bless this union. May their lives be filled with love and longevity. And many pups!" I had to throw that in. The look on both of their faces was priceless. In the corner, Aurora's guardians stand there like sentinels. Poor Andre was having a hard time with his little girl growing up. He’s an emotional mess, but still standing tall and proud, even with his puffy eyes. Aurora and Sebastian bow to me before they leave the hall out the back door. Now was the time for their hunt and the true mating to occur. At least some things are still kept private, thank the Gods. I move towards her guardians and shake both of their hands. “Gentlemen, we have succeeded in our missions. Aurora has ascended and found her first mate. I call that a win.”

  I watch Dimitri rubbing the spot where the binding mark once was. His eyes eventually find mine. “Da, we did. Now it’s just a matter of time before time catches up to me and Andre. Don’t get me wrong. We are grateful for the extra time. But now we know the end is near. We just hope we live long enough to help her ascend the throne and take her rightful place.” Dimitri hugs Andre to him, and holds the overly emotional bird to his great chest.

  I study them closely, and the sands of time have begun the run. Delicate wrinkles now grace the creases of their eyes. A sprinkle of grey hair can be seen in their temples. A soft sigh escapes my lips as I watch them. I feel horrible about what’s to come. My sisters magic gave them the extra time, perhaps I can extend it again. I leave them to have their moment and walk back to my hut to start studying my sister’s notes. Perhaps, I’ll find a solution for them. I can only hope so.

  Both wolves run through the woods far away from the village of Sebastian’s birth. The sun is starting to set as they come upon the place called the mirrored lake. The water is so calm and still it’s like looking at a mirror laid flat on the ground. The surrounding area has heavy timber as well as an apple tree grove that has fruit available. Sebastian comes to a stop at the edge of the water before shifting back to his human form. Aurora cautiously approaches the water’s edge then shifts back to her human form. She slowly tilts her head to the right and studies the area... it's absolutely breathtaking. I can tell she’s watching the sun setting over the mountain tops. The sky is streaked with reds, blues, purples,several shades of oranges and yellows. Sebastian moves and places a hand on her lower back before gently kissing her cheek.

  "I hope this is acceptable to you?" He was nervous about his choice of where he took her. This particular place held so much meaning for him, it’s where he had made his first kill and learned to shift and fight. Aurora smiled at him and moved in close resting her head on his chest.

  "It's beautiful Sebastian! Can we stay here awhile I can’t wait to see the moon upon the lakes surface." Her smile made the long run worth it. Gently he guided her to a small grove of apple trees. Under the oldest tree he had camping gear and a cooler set up for them. Aurora began to bounce up and down, apparently he had chosen wisely. "Awesome I've never been camping before, this will be an adventure!" She bounded away from Sebastian to look around at all he had prepared for their first night together.

  Suddenly she freezes and begins to growl, her wolf bursts forth from her body and takes on a defensive stance as she begins to back up towards Sebastian. Seeing his mate shift so quickly he too shifts, his large black wolf standing at her right flank staring in the direction she is. A pale being reeking of death and decay begins to amble through the woods towards them. Its face looks like the being from the old black and white movie Nosferatu.

  Aurora's eyes narrow she knows what it is. It’s a Strigoi. The same creature that had a hand in the destruction of her bloodline. Silent communication passed between them, Sebastian shifted back to his human form and looked for the phone he had packed. Quickly he called Dimitri and told him what was before them. It was Dimitri's worst fear, the Strigoi sensed when Aurora had come into power and have begun to hunt her. Sebastian kept his eyes on Aurora as she circled the Strigoi sizing it up. Dimitri gave detailed instructions as to how to destroy it.

  "Aurora we must take its head! And don't let it bite you it's poison!" Sebastian yelled for all he was worth. Quickly he shifted back to his wolf as he spotted a second creature approaching. He knew this was going to be a fight to the death. Aurora’s guardians were on their way, so backup isn’t far behind. Now to dispatch these two before it gets too dangerous.

  Aurora charges at the Strigoi making sure to stay out of range of its swiping distance. Her talons sever its left arm from its body. Blackened blood pulses out of the artery poking out of the remnant of the creature’s arm. The second Strigoi starts going nuts smelling the blood from its companion. It's dark eyes burning red like blood had taken on an unearthly glow, before it lunges at Sebastian. Sebastian barely gets out of the way of the crazed creature.

  His taloned hand reaches out and scores the back of the Strigoi as it passes him, ripping its flesh to ribbons. Blood pours down its back, its movements are slowed from the strike Sebastian delivered. Both Strigoi are moving slower from blood loss. The one Aurora is fighting now has a huge chunk of his thigh missing and is barely able to remain standing.

  Dimitri's bear is seen breaking over the top of the ridge. Damn that male is freaking huge, he makes a Kodiak look small. He charges forward and into battle knocking Aurora's Strigoi to the ground and ripping its head off. While Dimitri is busy with the first one Aurora joins Sebastian with the second one. Both wolves circle the now lone Strigoi, it screams calling for help but no one answers.

  It’s a thing of beauty watching the wolves work together. They move completely in sync with each other, both swiping at the Strigoi's head. Talons sever flesh from the front and back sending the head rolling across the ground. The body falls with a thud at their feet. The threat is now over and the Strigoi bodies turn to ash and blow away with the wind.

  Dimitri shifts back first and walks over to the wolves. "You both did well. Congratulations on your first Strigoi kills. It’s been over 228 years since I’ve seen these Fuckers. It’s only going to get worse from here." His eyes moved skyward watching Andre's Golden Eagle circle overhead. He was doing lazy circles in the air keeping watch for anymore surprise visitors.

  Aurora still in wolf form walked away from the group heading towards the water. Her normally snow-white fur was now spotted like a dalmatians from the Strigoi's blood. Once in the water she shifted back to her human form and began to wash away the blood from the battle. Sebastian watched her hypnotized, his eyes transfixed on everywhere her hands touched.

  "Sebastian?" Dimitri said trying to draw the male’s attention back to him. "Shift back we need to talk." Dimitri was all business all the time and the look on his face at the moment proved that this was about to get really serious.

  Quickly Sebastian resumed his human form. His hands were over his erection that he was attempting to hide, but was failing miserably. "Thanks for getting here so quickly. How the fuck did those things find us so fast? I thought we had time." His voice held concern as he looked between Auror
a in the water and Dimitri before him. He wasn’t panicked just shocked the Strigoi arrived so quickly.

  "Andre and I will stay within howling distance tonight you must complete the bond. She will gain power from you and you from her." Dimitri's eyes drifted to Aurora it was more of a fatherly gaze than the gaze that Sebastian wasn’t even attempting to hide anymore. "Each mate she adds she will gain a gift from them and thus it spreads to the others as well. Your mother told us where the local dire wolf pack is. So, when you two get your act together that’s where we're heading next. Apparently, they are somewhere in the Grand Canyon in some old Indian dwelling." Shortly after Dimitri finished speaking Andre lands.

  All you can see is Andre shaking his head and throwing his arms about. "Wait! We have to go play hide and go fucking seek to find her mates? Do I look like the dude from Pickers?" Andre seriously had a what the fuck face on as he looked between Dimitri and Sebastian. Both males cracked up over the frazzled look that Andre had on his face.

  The laughter carried to the water and Aurora's head snapped up as she stared at them. Slowly she walked out of the water. Rivulets of water caressed her curves in a hypnotizing manner. Each droplet caught Sebastian’s attention his eyes followed their path closely. Aurora smirked looking at Sebastian’s state, his poor penis was rock solid, and the head was turning purple and leaking. Aurora raised an eyebrow looking at it then up to Sebastian. "That looks painful... What'd you do slam it in cooler lid or did one of those things hit it?" And there you have it her innocence on display. Dimitri's and Andre's jaws just dropped; Sebastian honestly didn’t know what to say. Aurora just smiled at him then moved to grab a towel. "As for the others. We'll find them and I’ll take what’s mine. Speaking of which, Dimitri and Andre you need to leave. I have a mate to claim and I refuse to do it in your presence, Dad one and Dad two." She crossed her arms over her chest staring at them. Dimitri and Andre almost fell over each other trying to leave. Andre took to the skies and Dimitri shifted back to his bear and lumbered into the woods.

  "So, Sebastian how do we do this?" The look on Sebastian's face is priceless. Aurora flat out asked him what they needed to do to complete the bond. Dimitri and Andre were long gone so there was no one to use as a distraction.

  "Well Aurora I was hoping to ease into this to make it special for your first time" His eyes dropped to the ground at his feet. He's had sex so many times he's lost count, but this time means something. It's not the time killing, itch scratching sex from years past. This is his mate. His virgin mate, the one he'd be spending the rest of his life with. Aurora's hand gently caressed his strong jawline and raised his head so she could see his eyes.

  "I won't lie to you Bash I'm nervous, I have no clue what I should be doing. But I trust you. You're my mate, my forever and I know it's insanely soon... but I feel like I love you already." She leaned in and gently kissed his lips. "Don't tell the guys I'm being a big softie, they'll never let me live it down." She smiled and winked at him before moving to sit on the picnic blanket. A gentle pat was given to the spot next to her for him to join her. He laughed and moved quickly to be at her side. Aurora opened the basket and started spreading out the food Sebastian had brought for them. There are several types of meats and cheeses. Two types of wine and water. For dessert, there was a homemade apple pie. The amount of thought he had put into this moment pleased Aurora and her wolf.

  For now, her wolf curled up in the back of her mind to rest and give the human side control. Ever so carefully Aurora dished out food onto plates for the two of them. With a deep cleansing breath, she lifted up the plate for Sebastian and offered him his food first. Her eyes remained locked on him till he began to eat. Once the first morsel was swallowed Aurora began to eat.

  "Why did you serve me and wait? We are equals." Sebastian was puzzled by Aurora's actions so why not ask?

  "Well, Dimitri and Andre both said tradition dictates I should serve my first mate before myself. It's the way things were done back when my mother ruled and her mother before her." Her eyes dropped to her lap where her hands were tightly clasped. "I'm sorry if I didn't do it correctly. The guys did their best trying to teach me but I'm stubborn and willful and honestly don't give a shit half the time." She raised an eyebrow and looked up at Sebastian, to find he was smiling and trying not to laugh. His smile was contagious, so Aurora began to laugh. "What's so funny?" She canted her head to the side.

  Sebastian reached out and pulled Aurora onto his lap. "Fuck tradition! We'll make our own as we go along!” He nibbled on her throat and made her giggle. His hand extended and grabbed a piece of meat and offered it to her. Ever so gently Aurora took the offered meat and ate it. Her own hand reached out and grabbed a piece of meat to offer to Sebastian. He in turn accepted it and ate it. An hour passed as they took turns feeding each other. They were so relaxed with each other, it was just what they needed to settle their nerves.

  Sebastian picked Aurora up making her squeal. He changed how she was sitting on him. She now was straddling his lap, facing him. Her eyes moved over his body then back up to his face. Sebastian moved forward and captured her lips. They kissed slowly moving in time with each other, devouring each other’s lips. Breaths between them began to deepen as the kiss grew in intensity. Aurora began to paw at Sebastian's shoulders, leaving fingernail tracks from his spine to his biceps. She didn’t know what she wanted, but she wanted it and needed it right now. A deep approving rumble reverberated in Sebastian's chest. Aurora's scent thickened with her arousal, as she started to become more aggressive.

  Sebastian couldn’t hold back anymore, his wolf demanded he take their mate now. His erection was throbbing thick and hard as steel, pulsing in time with his heartbeat. He grabbed ahold of Aurora and flipped her onto her back and came to lay down over her. He wasn’t about to give in completely to his wolf, he wasn’t going to be rough and set a punishing pace her first time. No, the man was in control, no matter how much his wolf howled in the background. His lips came to rest against Aurora's.

  "Baby this may hurt, I’m not a small man." He kissed her again looking into her eyes for some sort of acknowledgement. Slowly she nodded and nipped his jaw. "I’m going to go slow. Stop me if you need to." He was worried about her comfort. Sebastian loved her too much to even cause the slightest bit of pain. His had slid between her thighs to position himself at her entrance. Aurora was soaked, absolutely beyond wet. He slid himself though her moist lips coating himself, before he started to enter her.

  Aurora inhaled quickly as she adjusted to his girth. Her eyes locked with his and she nodded again showing she was ok. Sebastian stopped when he met with resistance, he knew this was the part that was going to hurt her. His mouth dropped to her shoulder over his mating mark and he bit hard as he slammed forward breaking the barrier. Aurora gripped him tightly wiggling under him from the pleasure his bite was bringing her. Slowly he began to move setting the pace for their mating. The slapping of skin, pants and moans could be heard in the distance. Aurora was whining, sounding more wolf than woman as she approached her climax. When she finally did cum her screams morphed to a long haunting howl. Sebastian’s howl soon joined hers as he too reached his peak.

  They laid there cuddled up, tangled within each other’s arms for what seemed like hours. They consummated their mating many times over the course of the night, deepening their connection and strengthening their bond. In the morning it was time to begin the hunt for the Dires and whatever may come after that.

  I close my eyes as I sit at the lakes edge. I can feel exactly where Sebastian is and if I concentrate hard enough, I can almost see what he's seeing. A gentle breeze blows and shifts and on its winds I smell Dimitri and Andre approaching. Thankfully the Strigoi that had attacked had only been scouts. Although by tonight they will know that their scouts were killed and that I was now a threat. Heh they didn’t know the half of it. I’m still trying to figure out what gift I received from Sebastian, when Dimitri decided to interrupt my thoughts.

cess we should get moving. The Strigoi won't attack during the day so we can move quickly and the village won’t get attacked." He spoke with truth and logic; he’s learned not to fluff things with me. I’m a no-nonsense kind of girl... give it to me straight and I’ll respect you more for it.

  "Fine D. Have Andre fly ahead and tell Elena what happened with the Strigoi. Also tell her I’m going to need that map she said she had." I stood and cracked my back stretching. Faint pink lines striped my ribs like tiger stripes. I can feel D studying them. "Don’t stare D its creepy." I smirk looking at him as I head towards Sebastian to help him finish packing up the site.

  Sneaky male had a golf cart hidden nearby so we loaded everything up in that. My eyes drifted back to Dimitri. "D please drive the cart back I wish to stretch my legs before getting trapped in the truck with three males." I winked at him before turning back to look at Sebastian.

  "Race ya!" I shout as I run and shift in motion. My great white lycan gliding swiftly, soundlessly through the woods heading back to the village. To my surprise Sebastian is on my heels. I guess I gifted him with my speed, that may come in handy in the future. We weave in and out of the trees almost playing tag as we approach the edge of the forest. I stop suddenly as I look about... something isn’t right. The scent is wrong, there’s blood on the air and I hear Andre screaming for help. We run without a thought towards him, the village center looks like a scene from a horror flick. Several wolves lay dead and there’s just as many ash piles. Sebastian takes off looking for his mother as I prowl the village. I scent a single surviving Strigoi hiding out in the meeting hall. Without a second thought I leap onto the roof and let loose a warning howl so no others approach. Sadly, it has the opposite effect and the surviving wolves begin to gather. We listen to the screeches of the trapped strigoi. The sun will destroy it if it comes out, so the smartest thing to do is let the sun in. My talons begin to rip at the metal roof opening it up like a tuna can. Light begins to flood the hall. I stick my head down into the hole I created and see where it’s hiding. It’s blocked into a corner trapped by the beams of light I had let in. Now was the time to fry it. Quickly I leap to the other side and rip off the roof directly over its head and watch its body burst into flames. The Strigoi's screams fill the air till its body is frozen in that scream with no more sound coming out.


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