Blaze (Dragon Warrior Series Book 4)

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Blaze (Dragon Warrior Series Book 4) Page 4

by KD Jones

  Reichardt snorted. “Where will they stay? On the human military base?”

  “He’s retiring and thinking of getting a place in Florida. I looked it up. It’s got good weather most of the year and that amusement park is nearby.”

  Reichardt watched the worried expression on his friend’s face as he finished getting dressed and walked out of the stall. He placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

  “Emily loves you and would never leave you.

  “She loves her father too and wants to build a closer relationship with him. Moving to Florida would do that. If she wants to move...”

  “I don’t think you have anything to worry about. Emily isn’t going to leave you and Colonel Peter Campbell wants that relationship just as much as she does. In fact, he’ll be moving closer this way, I think.”

  “Why would he do that?” Drake asked, moving to walk toward the front barn entrance.

  “Have you not noticed how much time he’s been spending with Markus’s mother, Lania?”

  That made Drake stop in his tracks and he turned sideway to look at Reichardt. “Is he harassing her? Markus won’t put up with that and will challenge him to a fight. Peter might be a human warrior but is old and weak in comparison to a dragon warrior. I’ll have to fight in his place.”

  “Peter and Lania have an attraction for one another. I believe he may be her true life mate. Her dragon would have repelled him by now if he was not a potential.”

  Drake ran a hand through his hair. “If they do mate, Peter would have to move here to be with Lania. She would not agree to leave her people or her grandchild.”

  “Exactly,” Reichardt agreed.

  “Markus is still going to have a problem with this. He’s been very protective over his sister and mother after they were separated for so long.”

  “If Lania claims Peter as her mate, Markus will have no choice but to accept it.”

  Drake sighed. “All of that is just a possibility. Reality is that I have to get along with the male regardless. I need something else to think about.”

  “Which brings me to why I came to get you. Markus received a call from General Ranier. They found a group of Drakonians on a small planet.”

  “That’s great news. More of our people survived than we thought.”

  “Yes, but they had to be evacuated.”


  “Our old enemy — Ranier calls them the Croads — were entering the star system. He worried that the small group would be too vulnerable left there against them.”

  “So he’s transporting them here to Earth?”


  “Do we know what region on Drakonia they came from?”

  “Ranier says there are mixed regions represented in the group of about twenty-three. He’s going to deliver them here to Dragoon. I’ll have the rest of the leaders meet with the group and let each member of the group decide where they would like to live.”

  “If it’s only twenty-three, we could take them all ourselves and leave out the other leaders from the decision,” Drake told him.

  “Well, here’s the real issue, one of the males is from Zocor’s region. Arena would have a fit if she did not get to meet one of her people and ensure his well-being.”

  Drake growled. “Arena’s coming? Maybe I should send Emily and Wyatt to Florida with her father, just until the Queen is gone.”

  Arena had wanted to adopt Wyatt, Drake’s dragonlet. Wyatt was a child bred between a human and Drakonian. The circumstance of the breeding was the worst situation possible, and the child’s mother died at childbirth. Drake had found the dragonlet and he and his mate Emily had adopted the child as their own, despite Arena’s efforts to try to claim him. Drakonians had been having trouble breeding over the past few decades so every child born out of a Drakonian breeding situation was rare and precious.

  “No need, Arena will be on her best behavior,” Reichardt reassured him. “I need you to set up security around the ranch. Gema and the rest of the females are getting supplies in each of the unused cabins.”

  “You’re not going to have the new group move into the big ranch house?”

  “No, from the intel Ranier gathered, they lived in caverns and were secluded. I thought the cabins would be the best option for them. They will have their own space but are close enough to one another to feel safe.”

  Drake nodded. “I’ll get security detail set up in that location but I’ll make sure the warriors keep their distance. How long before the Zyon arrives?”

  “A couple of weeks yet. We’ve got a little time but not much. Make sure that Markus is kept busy as well. If what I suspect about Peter and Lania is true, he will need a distraction.”

  “Will do, my King.”

  “Stop calling me king!” Reichardt said with frustration.

  Drake chuckled, ignoring his outburst.

  Chapter 11

  Battlecruiser Zyon

  “Where are you going?”

  As he was stepping out of his quarters, Blaze almost bumped into a female standing right outside the door. The one female he had been trying to ignore during their journey on board the Zyon — Shanna. He gently moved her to the side so that he could exit.

  “I’m going to engineering for training.” He had just started training on the ships when the Croads had attacked. It had been more than ten years and his skills were rusty.

  “Why? You’re not going to be staying on board once we reach the new planet. It seems pointless to train.” Shanna followed him down the corridor.

  It always bothered him how Shanna never supported his efforts as leader. She often tried to get him to pass off his responsibilities to others. It was one of the reasons he had put off mating her officially. Now, he was truly relieved to have not committed to her in any real way. He pulled her into a private alcove and turned to face her.

  “I’m a warrior, Shanna, and still leader of our small clan. That might change once we reach Earth and we are reunited with the rest of our people. We will have options on where we want to live, if we want to go our separate ways or if we want to remain together. I do not plan to be a burden but an asset.”

  “Will you go off on your own? Is that why you’re pulling away from me?”

  “Shanna, we’re not true mates. You know this, I know this and our dragons certainly know this. I’ve spoken with General Ranier and he claims that a few of our kind have found true mates among the humans. It’s possible we’ll find ours there, too.”

  “You’re just holding out hope that she’ll be there,” Shanna said with a snarky voice.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I have to go.” He turned and walked away, feeling grateful that Shanna was not following him.

  He felt that he had made it as clear as possible to her that their relationship, whatever there was of it, could no longer continue. Blaze wasn’t a fool; he knew that he had not been the only male she spent time with. Cor was a frequent partner in her bed.

  Because the females outnumbered the males in their small clan, the unmated females had fewer partners to choose from. However, two of the females in his clan had found mates already among the males on board the Zyon. It was a curious thing. No one knew why only now true mates were beginning to resurface. General Ranier claimed that the entire ten years he had commanded the Zyon through the wormholes, no true matings had existed. The difference came once they reached this new planet called Earth. He planned to question the general more about this and about Earth.

  He headed to engineering. The warriors all greeted him as he entered the room.

  “Leader Blaze, good to see you.”

  He clasped forearms with the senior engineer Roo. For some reason they gave him the title of “Leader” because he was the leader of the clan. It was highly unusual to have a heralded title without being a general or a king. He had not even finished his warrior training when the Croads had attacked.

  “You too, Roo. What do you have for me today?”

>   “Actually, you’ve caught up with everything in just a few weeks. General Ranier said that you could go to the bridge for training if you wanted.”


  “I’ll take you there.”

  Ten minutes later, he stepped onto the bridge of the battlecruiser. Large windows circled half of the bridge, revealing the view outside. It always amazed him to see the stars in this way. He would ask to take a flight out in his dragon form.

  Drakonians could do that — fly in dragon form in deep space — but only for short distances. If they were going to go into battle, they traveled via the small one-person ships. He hadn’t had a chance to train in one yet, but maybe he would get a chance before they reached Earth.

  General Ranier stood on a small raised platform with a semi-circular railing, with his hands folded behind his back as he observed his warriors. When he caught sight of Blaze, he motioned for him to join him on the platform. They greeted each other.

  “Good morning, Leader Blaze.”

  “Good morning, General.”

  While traveling on board a battlecruiser in space, Blaze thought he would be disoriented. Something he had not known before was that the lights worked automatically, making the lights brighter during the day hours and dimming them slightly in the evening hours. Drakonians could see clearly in the dark but the lighting effect helped to keep them oriented to a sleeping and waking cycle.

  “I heard that you have done very well with getting caught up in training in engineering.”

  “Yes, I know the fundamentals, but it will take much longer to become a lead engineer.”

  “You have demonstrated a high aptitude for learning such things.”

  “I appreciate that but I’m just a warrior. My place is in the midst of a battle.”

  “I think you’re selling yourself too short. After talking to the people in your little clan, I say you are adept at becoming a fine leader.”

  Blaze shook his head. “I lead because it’s necessary.”

  “I knew your father.”

  That shocked Blaze. He didn’t know what to say. Did he mean his mother’s true mate or did he mean…?

  “My father?”

  “King Zocor was a good friend of mine. He told me about you. He was so proud of your achievements.”

  Blaze glanced around, worried that others would overhear. “Perhaps we should discuss this in a less occupied location.”

  General Ranier chuckled. “You have nothing to worry about, Blaze. It’s been over ten years for everyone on this ship, including yourself, since Drakonia fell. Also, it’s been centuries for those on Earth. The kings do not refer to themselves as kings but as clan leaders. It’s a new and different world that you’re going to and the possibilities are vast for you.”

  “What possibilities?”

  “For one, you could remain on board the Zyon. I would be honored to have you as part of my crew.”

  For the second time that day, he was shocked by the general. “I don’t think I could leave my clan.”

  “Those willing to work are welcome to remain as well. We have more of our people out there lost somewhere who could also be in danger. Someone like you would be an asset to have joining our mission.”

  Blaze looked out the window into dark space. It would be a new and thrilling adventure, to say the least. First things first, he had to find Arena and ensure her happiness. Something that the general had said about the Drakonians having been on Earth for centuries worried him. What if she had forgotten him? The general must have sensed his hesitation.

  “I don’t need an answer right now. Take time to think it over. Once you have your clan settled on Earth, you can let me know.”

  “I appreciate it.”

  “One more thing — a warning about a possible problem. The male from your clan, Cor. Do not turn your back on him.”

  “Has he caused trouble?”

  “I have reports that he has been talking badly about you to anyone who would listen. Most of my warriors recognize the untruths he tells but it is clear he has it out for you.”

  “Thank you for the warning.” Blaze was furious with Cor but until they reached Earth, he would wait to determine what to do with the male. He had noticed the male’s attitude toward him had gotten worse over the years, but he would not tolerate someone undermining his leadership. Something would have to be done with him, and soon.

  Chapter 12

  “Why are you going? I could go in your place,” Dax offered as he barged into Arena’s office.

  Arena didn’t stop typing on the computer at the interruption. “I’m leader of this clan and there may be more of my people coming to Earth. I need to be there to greet them.”

  “Just let the other kings take the newcomers in. Our clan is full.”

  She raised her eyes and narrowed them at him. “That is not up to you, Dax.”

  “I’m going with you then.”

  “As my second, I expect you to remain here to look after our people.”

  “My place is by your side.” He placed his hands on her desk and leaned toward her.

  That infuriated her. She stood up and glared at him. “Your place is where I say it is. If you cannot do the job, I will find another second.”

  He looked angry but also hurt. She never intended to hurt him but she would not back down. He couldn’t keep acting insubordinate when it came to their dynamic.

  Dax straightened stiffly. “I know my place, my Queen.” He turned and left the room, slamming the door behind him.

  Sighing, she walked over to her window. It overlooked the rocky surface below.

  Every few decades the clans would relocate so that their lack of aging would not be noticed by the humans. They accrued several different homes over time. This one had never really been her favorite.

  It was located on a small rocky island near Japan. They had found the island fifty years ago and had built a strong but stark set of buildings hidden among the rocks. It did have a lovely beach, but the vegetation was not as lush as some of their other locations.

  She much preferred the islands in Ari Atoll in the Maldives. One of the islands they kept exclusively for their use, but after they relocated, they joined the other islands in a very profitable investment of luxury resorts. It would be another year or two before they could return to their little paradise.

  Her territory covered most of the continent of Asia. Arena was considering selecting a new location, another private island, where they would remain and no longer have to move around. Some of the other clan leaders had settled down in one location where they owned much of the land and could control their contact with the humans. Moving around had taken a toll. Maybe that was why they had such a hard time finding true mates and having more dragonlets.

  The thought of dragonlets that she probably would never have filled her with such a painful loneliness. She placed her hand over her heart. Fear was growing among the Drakonians that even though they lived long lives, their lineage would live and die with the current living generation. Very few dragonlets had been born in the past few decades. King Reichardt and Captain Markus had each mated successfully with a human and both had mixed breed dragonlets.

  True mates were as rare as dragonlets and were highly coveted. She had known her grandparents had been true mates. Her grandmother had once said that she knew the moment her grandfather walked into the room that he belonged to her, her dragon sensed it and they his scent confirmed it. True mates were supposed to have a connection to one another allowing them to feel each other’s emotions and they would always be able to find one another if they were separated..

  “Dyson found a way to breed dragonlets,” she whispered. The idea of dragonlets was exciting but knowing that a monster like Dyson bred at least one horrified her.

  One of the former kings, Dyson, had always been a cruel ruler. He didn’t show respect for females on Drakonia, but his attitude seemed to change for the worse once he arrived on Earth. As a dragon shifter ki
ng, he felt that the Drakonians should enslave the humans because he felt they were inferior. His abuse of humans and frequently exposure of the Drakonians’ existence finally got him rebuked as a king. He was supposed to answer for his crimes, but upon his rebuke, he had evaded capture. His latest misdeeds involved force-breeding humans. As far as she knew, he had only succeeded so far with one, but the mother had died at birth, leaving a mixed-breed dragonlet. The boy had been adopted by one of Arena’s former lovers, Drake, and his human mate.

  Arena closed her eyes at the cold empty feeling of loss. She wanted that child for her own, but it was not meant to be. She was not looking forward to seeing Drake and his mate again, but if she had people on the Zyon, she owed it to Zocor to welcome them to their new home. She tried to bring Zocor’s image to her mind, but it had faded centuries ago. One image had not faded — Blaze. She wondered if he could have possibly survived. She knew it was unlikely, but still, her heart beat a little faster at the possibility.

  Chapter 13

  Several months later

  Blaze had seen the small blue planet from the Zyon and wondered what he would find there. Would the other Drakonians welcome them or would they be protective of their territories?

  Blaze had studied everything he could about Earth and its people. The humans are similar in build to Drakonians in their two-legged forms, but humans cannot shift into other forms. That was the strangest thing for him and his clan to understand, since shifting was all they had ever known.

  “We’ll be landing in Dragoon, Arizona at the King R Ranch just after midnight. It’s better for us to arrive under the cover of darkness,” General Rainier said as he moved to sit next to Blaze on the small five-person ship.

  His clan was being moved down to the new planet in five separate small ships twenty minutes apart from one another. The timing was to keep the human government radar systems from detecting them. The general offered to take them all at once in a slightly larger ship but Blaze felt it would be better for safety reasons to be in separate ships in case they were attacked. He planned to present himself first to the king to ensure the location was secure enough for his people.


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