Their Perfect Blend

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Their Perfect Blend Page 8

by Sarah Williams

  Greer had been glowing, making her appearance in that slip of a dress even more appealing. Once or twice he had spotted other men giving her the eye and he’d had to fight back the worry that surfaced. The pain of having been cheated on would never fully leave him, and because of it he would always have a suspicious mind. But Greer had sought him out. She wanted him, not some other man to father her child. Surely, she wouldn’t cheat on him?

  Herc let out a low groan as he lifted his head from his paws, then Hamish heard the crunch of gravel under car tyres. He moved swiftly to the window and watched Greer’s car park in front of his building.

  Taking a deep, silent breath of relief, Hamish went out to greet her.

  “Sorry I’m late,” Greer said as she pulled an overnight bag out of the boot of her car. “One of the refrigerators stopped working and we had to call a technician to fix it.”

  She looked flustered. This was what Greer looked like when something didn’t go as planned, when she lost control. It was surprisingly sexy and he wondered if he would be able to make her lose all control in the bedroom.

  “Did it get fixed?” Hamish took the bag from her hands and ushered for her to lead the way upstairs.

  “Yes, it did. Good thing too. We’ve got a tour group coming in for lunch tomorrow.”

  Hamish put her bag outside the bedroom door then went to the kitchen to retrieve the bottle of wine he had bought.

  “Sorry, none for me thanks.” She gave him an apologetic look. “I shouldn’t be drinking now, while I’m pregnant, or breastfeeding.”

  “Oh.” He turned and put the wine back. He certainly wasn’t going to drink if she wasn’t. Although a drink to ease his rising nerves might be a good thing right now. “That could be a long time.”

  “I plan to breastfeed for at least twelve months. It’s best for the baby. I guess I’ll stop when we’re ready though. I mean, I might have to express so I can go back to work eventually …” Her words were spoken quickly, her eyes not meeting his. Was she as nervous as he was?

  Silence stretched between them, but Hamish could hardly hear over the thrumming of his pulse.

  And then she was moving toward him—her hands in his hair—and she was drawing him to her, inviting him into a kiss and igniting an inferno with a breathy little groan. He couldn’t hold back, he didn’t hold back, as he lost himself in her sweetness and the softness beneath his hands.

  Breathing ragged, he entwined his fingers with hers and led her to his bedroom. The time for talking had passed. At the bedroom door, he framed her face with his hands and kissed her. If she wanted him to stop, now was the time. Once they crossed the threshold, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to stop.

  “I want you,” she whispered against his lips. “I want this. I need this.”

  He ran his hands over her body and cupped her lovely, round bottom, then lifted her up, her legs winding around his waist. She seemed weightless as he crossed to the bed, laid her down, and hovered above her. She was so beautiful. Desire glimmered in those espresso-coloured eyes, her hair fanning around her head.

  Her fingers went to work on his shirt buttons as he tasted her mouth again. No words were needed to communicate, no light needed to see. Their bodies had a language all of their own. She felt too good in his arms, her curves moulding against him eagerly as she pressed closer and moaned against his mouth. That sound was his undoing.

  Their clothes were soon in piles on the floor and Hamish was moving his lips and tongue over every inch of her glorious nakedness. Her fingers threaded through his hair as he moved farther and farther down her body. Hamish smiled as he rubbed his nose across her freshly waxed skin at the junction of her thighs. Her heady scent lured him in. The taste of her was better than anything Greer could have cooked up and he savoured every lick and suck until she was writhing beneath him, yelling out his name, and pulling on his arms with a strength he hadn’t known she had.

  “Please, now,” she whimpered as he positioned himself between her thighs, her knees bracing against him so he could plunge deep into her.

  He had never had sex without a condom and it was better than he ever could have imagined. He closed his eyes and lost himself to the sensations of Greer contracting around him as he came inside her.

  He opened his eyes to see Greer’s satisfied grin. He placed a gentle kiss on each of her closed lids before rolling over to lay beside her. All anxiety he had felt about their arrangement or how he would measure up to other men she had been with floated out the window as she curled into his side and splayed a hand over his still-thumping heart.

  “I’d say that was a successful first attempt.”

  He could hear the smile in her voice.

  “We better keep trying though, in case it didn’t work.”

  She rolled on top of him so she sat on his hips. He gazed up at her full, rounded breasts and sweat-glistening ivory skin. Her fingers played with his nipples, then her mouth was on his collarbone, kissing and teasing him with her tongue.

  His body stirred beneath her. Lucky he was still a virile man. He didn’t think Greer was going to let him rest at all tonight.

  And he was more than happy to sacrifice a night’s sleep.

  A wet nose tapped the palm of her Greer’s hand and she opened her eyes to see Herc’s big brown face gleaming up at her. She gave him a quick scratch then stretched out her legs and rolled onto her back.

  Last night had been all she had hoped for and oh so much more. She had never had a lover like Hamish Pearson before.

  Beside her, he stirred, the sheet slipping from his hips. Greer propped herself up on an elbow to better take in the view. Wow, who would have thought that those muscular thighs and calves hid beneath his worn jeans. And that ass …

  Hamish cleared his throat and she looked into those eyes which had seen her at her most vulnerable and needy.

  “You are beautiful,” she said softly.

  A flush mounted on his cheekbones and he looked a tad uncomfortable, like a man unused to being appreciated. “So are you.”

  She snuggled into him and he drew gentle circles on her body with his fingers. His touch burned like fire.

  “I wish I didn’t have to work today.”

  “Me neither.” He hovered over her and placed gentle kisses in a circle around her breast. She arched her back as he finally covered her nipple with his mouth, knowing just how she liked to be teased.

  Herc let out a low bark, forcing Hamish to lift his head. “I better let him out.” Hamish gave her nipple one last kiss then rolled off the bed and reached for his pants.

  As Hamish took care of Herc, Greer pulled on her change of clothes from her overnight bag, brushed her teeth, and headed to the kitchen. Opening the fridge door, she inspected the contents.

  “I’ve done a shop since you were here last,” Hamish said, reappearing at the door.

  “I can see that. How about I make some breakfast?”

  Hamish came to stand behind her and wrapped long, strong arms around her waist as his bare chest pressed into her back. “Yes please. You wore me out last night and now I’m famished.”

  Chatting as they fried bacon and poached eggs, they moved around the kitchen like magnets, purposely bumping and touching each other at every opportunity.

  “Coffee?” he asked as he flicked the switch on his sleek black coffee machine.

  She laughed at him. “What do you think?”

  “I don’t know, maybe you gave that up too.”

  “No way. I mean, I might have to go decaf when I’m pregnant, but until I know for sure, I will savour every drop.

  He chuckled at her and a moment later, boiling water spluttered through the coffee machine, making a noise before smoothing out to produce a smooth stream of fragrant liquid. Hamish packed a second shot of coffee into the machine and started that one running too. Then he warmed the milk to go with it.

  Hamish brought the coffee to the table and they sat down to enjoy their breakfast, Greer slipping Herc sma
ll chunks of bacon when Hamish wasn’t watching.

  “So, you’ve met my family, but I just realised I don’t know much about yours,” she broached the subject innocently but Hamish stiffened in his chair. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to pry...”

  He shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. “Don't be. You have every right to ask. It’s just ... my family is not like yours.”

  Greer reached over and touched his hand. “Where do they live?”

  “Last I heard, Mum lives in Cairns with some tradie and Dad is still on his property in Gympie. We don’t really keep in touch.”

  “What happened?”

  “My parents were a terrible fit. Who knows why they got together in the first place or why they stayed for so long. They fought all the time. They finally split up when I was about ten and dad moved away. Mum was always busy, working or going out with one guy or another.” He raked a hand through his hair. “We weren’t exactly a high priority.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “I know it’s hard for you to understand. You come from this perfect family where everything is sunshine and smiles. But I can’t even remember my mother holding me. Once, I climbed up the macadamia tree in our backyard. It’d been raining, and the branches were wet. I slipped and fell out.” He touched his arm where his tattoo was. “I broke my arm so badly the bone bulged against my skin. When I showed Mum, she just waved me away and told me I’d better walk into town and find a doctor.”

  She stood up and moved to kneel by Hamish’s side. “I’m so sorry you went through that. No child should have to.” She hugged him to her and he pulled her onto his lap.

  “I won’t be like them. I promise,” he whispered against her cheek.

  “I know you won’t be. We’ll be our own family. Together.” She kissed the top of his head and ran her fingers through his thick hair.

  Then his mouth was searching for hers and their appetite for food was forgotten as they looked only to each other for satisfaction.

  Chapter 13

  Between busy days spent at the café serving the last of the summer tourists and nights spent in Hamish’s arms, Greer would have forgotten what day it was had she not been tracking her cycle through an app on her phone. This morning it had beeped a reminder that her period had been due two days ago.

  The lunch run was coming to an end as Greer gave instructions to her assistants to clean up the kitchen and begin prep for the following day. Grabbing her water bottle, she went to stand out on the back deck. Her period had never been late in her life and with the amount of sex she and Hamish had been enjoying, surely it had to have worked. She had to be pregnant.

  “Hey. You two joining us over at the pub tonight?” Freya’s voice startled her.

  “Of course, why would you ask?”

  “You skipped last week.” The all-knowing cheeky grin spread across her sister’s face.

  Greer nodded and sipped her water at the same moment her stomach lurched, and a cramp had her hunching over.

  “Greer, are you okay?” Freya rushed to her side, but Greer waved her away.

  “I’m fine. I’ll see you at home.” She scurried to the staff bathroom, unzipped her pants, and began to sob when she saw the stain in the lining of her underwear.

  Damn. She had been so sure. So hopeful.

  Putting on a brave face, she said goodbye to her team, saying she had a migraine and needed to go to bed, then rushed home.

  After a warm shower and another good cry, she picked up her phone and lay curled up on her bed.

  Hamish would want to know.

  I’ve got my period, she texted. Then waited for his reply.

  The notification beside her message changed from delivered to read, but no answer appeared.

  Was he as disappointed as she was? Maybe he would blame her? Maybe she was sterile and couldn’t have babies? Or maybe she had already left it too late.

  She tried to find solace in the research she had undertaken. A twenty per cent chance each month—that’s all she had. What a fool she’d been to think she was one of the lucky few who got pregnant straight away. Most likely it would take several months of trying.

  She didn’t know how long she lay there feeling sorry for herself, only to be pulled out of it when a soft knock sounded on her door.

  Wiping her eyes and expecting Freya, Greer called out, “Come in.”

  Hamish’s tall frame appeared and a fresh wave of tears poured from Greer’s eyes.

  He strode to her side. Sitting on the bed, he pulled her into a hug, his embrace warm and soothing.

  “I thought you were mad at me.” Her fear tumbled from her lips as Hamish stroked her hair.

  “Why would you think that? We’re in this together, remember?”

  She snuggled her head against his chest and breathed in his yummy coffee scent.

  “Does it hurt? Can I get you anything? Painkillers or a hot water bottle?”

  “No thanks. I’ll be okay. You being here helps.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart. I’m right here.”

  His heart beat strong and reliably under her cheek. That was Hamish—strong and reliable. And he was here. He’d known she would need him and he had rushed over.

  How lucky was she to have found a man like him?

  Hamish’s heart ached as much for Greer as it did for himself. His life had done an absolute one-eighty in the last few weeks. They’d both been so excited when Greer had mentioned she was two days late and that this was abnormal for her …

  “Hamish.” Greer’s voice washed over him. “It’s trivia night.”

  “Do you want to go?”

  “No. But I promised Freya we wouldn’t skip this week.”

  Hamish nodded and stood up, stretching his hands high above his head. He would have been happy to stay in tonight but knew that getting Greer out and about would help to take her mind off the situation.

  They would just have to keep trying. They were both young after all and he was confident he would get her pregnant soon enough.

  He drove them into town and parked up the street from the pub. Greer was still pale, and already he missed her happy, hopeful smile. “Ready?”

  She nodded and opened her door. His voice caught in his throat with promises unspoken.

  Inside, the pub was bustling with the usual trivia-night crowd. He escorted Greer to her family’s table then went to the bar to order their food and drinks.

  “Hamish,” Linc called as he passed his friend after ordering.

  “Hey.” He paused, hands full with soft drinks for Greer and himself.

  “Haven’t seen you for a while. How’s it going with Greer?” Linc asked with a grin.

  This morning, Hamish would have boasted about how happy he was—now he was feeling deflated, like he’d been kicked in the guts. “Going great,” he said and raised the glasses. “I’ve got to deliver these. I’ll see you later.”

  He left his friend with those curious eyes burning into his back and found Greer having a hushed conversation with her sister.

  Quietly, he sat and put the drinks on the table. Freya hugged her—a long hug full of affection and love, then released her.

  Greer turned and thanked Hamish for the drink before taking a long sip through the bamboo straw.

  “I ordered us the usual parmies.”

  “Thanks.” She tried her best to smile at him and he wondered again if they shouldn’t have stayed home tonight.

  However, once the trivia started, her mood brightened and before long she was laughing along at the emcee’s jokes.

  “How were we supposed to know Oscar the Grouch was orange before Jim Henderson made him green? I’ve never watched Sesame Street!” Linc called out. “I reckon only Mums and Dads would know that one.”

  Hamish felt Greer’s reaction before he saw it. Her body stiffened and he squeezed her hand. “He doesn’t know. He’s just being Linc.”

  Her eyes flickered around the room
and he followed her gaze. Not far away was a table of families, including three school-aged boys and a mother holding a baby.


  “Let’s go home, Greer,” he whispered in her ear.

  She nodded.

  Hamish made their excuses and they quietly slipped away out the back door amid curious glances.

  Hercules, as always, sat waiting for them at the bottom of the stairs, and Hamish was surprised when the dog made his way straight for Greer and not him. With a low groan and a soft pawing, he drew Greer’s attention to him as though he understood she needed a big furry hug.

  “Thank you, boy.” She sniffed as she knelt and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Hamish stood back and let the pair be.

  His own heart broke for the loss of the baby that had never been.

  Chapter 14

  The following morning, Greer sat on Hamish’s couch, legs folded under her as she cupped the steaming mug of coffee in her hands. Hercules was laying on the floor next to her. He’d not left her side for a moment, even following her to the bathroom.

  Hamish sat next to her, wearing his worn denims and a navy T-shirt. “Are you able to take some time off from the café?”

  “It depends.” She frowned. Where was he was heading with his line of questioning?

  “Perhaps a small break will do you … us, both good?”

  Greer sipped her coffee. The only thing she was in the mood for was crying.

  Hamish put his arm around her, the palm of his hand gently rubbing her back. “I need to head down to my Byron Bay supplier this weekend and I thought you could come along. There are some awesome restaurants, the beach, and … we’ll both feel better after a good road trip.”

  Greer put down her mug and stroked the side of his face. How could she think it was only her that hurt from the disappointment of not being pregnant? Hamish’s eyes were a mixture of dark and light with streaks of concern and unsung pain.

  She leaned forward. She hadn’t been to Byron Bay in ages but remembered loving the relaxed vibe, hip bars, and stunning surf beach. “Sounds like a great idea.” She kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”


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