Their Perfect Blend

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Their Perfect Blend Page 11

by Sarah Williams

  “How do you know so much about labour?” Greer asked after class when it was just the two of them left and the other expecting mummies with their big bellies and bare feet had gone home.

  “I’m a private midwife,” Skye explained with a gentle smile. “I attend at home births and birth centres when my patients don’t want to have their babies at a hospital.”

  “Are home births safe? I mean, I don’t have any complications, but I just presumed I needed at obstetrician and to go to hospital.”

  “Either options are up to you and your situation,” Skye said. “Sometimes my patients start their labour at home but end up at hospital.” She reached into her bag and pulled out a flyer. “Take this and have a read. There is a wonderful website with lots more information. If you have any questions, feel free to call me.” Skye touched Greer’s elbow. “I’ve attended hundreds of home births and they can be a beautiful experience for the new family.”

  Greer took the flyer with her, the idea of having a peaceful, calm birth at home growing more and more appealing the more she thought about it.

  “You want to throw Greer a surprise birthday party?” Freya sat at the table opposite Hamish at Meredith’s café. As always, the popular café was brimming with tourists and locals. “You know Greer doesn’t like surprises, right?”

  Greer’s looming birthday was a sore point, but she was pregnant. She was getting what she wanted, so surely she could relax for one night and enjoy herself. “Yes, but I’ll need your help. I can’t do this without you and it needs to be perfect.”

  Freya leaned back in her seat. “What did you have in mind?”

  As they chewed their way through paninis, Hamish told her his ideas. Freya—the best party planner in Maleny, countered with some ideas of her own. Her sister only turned thirty once after all.

  “Maybe we could make it a joint baby shower?” Hamish suggested, but Freya shook her head.

  “No way. Leave that for trimester three. This party has to be all about her.”

  “Okay, can I leave you to make those bookings and I’ll send out the invites?” he said as they finished up.

  “Yep. It’s going to be amazing. Greer will love it.” Freya hugged him. “She’s right. You are a special guy. I’m glad she chose you.”

  Hamish felt his chest puff out. “Me too.”

  After Freya left, Hamish wandered out to the kitchen and found his sister busy stirring a pot on the stove.

  “Hey, little brother. What are you doing here?”

  “I just had lunch with Freya,” he told her quietly. “We’re throwing Greer a surprise birthday party.”

  “Sounds great!” His sister loved a good party. “How can I help?”

  “I was hoping you could do the catering? Your food’s the best in town, after Greer’s of course.”

  She laughed at him. “I’d be happy to. How is my little niece or nephew coming along?”

  “Doing well. Actually, I asked Greer to move in with me.”


  “She said she has to think about it.” He wished she would hurry up and finish thinking about it. It had already been two weeks and he needed to get cracking if he wanted the loft finished before the baby arrived.

  Meredith rubbed his shoulder. “It’s a big decision for her. You know how close she is to her parents.”

  “I know and I love that.” He only hoped he would share such a special relationship with his own child. “It’s just I want her with me. So I don’t miss anything.”

  Meredith turned the element off and faced him. “I can understand you’re nervous about becoming a father. I’m sure she’s anxious about becoming a mother too. But you guys will figure out an arrangement that works for you both.”

  “Yeah, it hasn’t exactly been a conventional relationship so far.” He rubbed the back of his neck.

  “What do you mean?” Meredith tilted her head.

  Shit, she didn’t know about the contract. “You know, getting pregnant after just a couple of months. I’m pretty sure Nina would prefer us to have gotten engaged first at least.”

  “Don’t worry about what anyone else thinks. You guys do what suits you.” Meredith grinned. “Even if that is planning a home birth instead of going to the hospital.”

  “A what?”

  “Skye Parker was in here today with Greer and they were talking about the home birth they’re planning. Didn’t you know?”

  Ever since Greer had started those yoga classes, she had been meditating and reading all sorts of New Age books. Sure, lots of people were into that sort of thing in Maleny—it had originally been a hippy town—but Greer had never shown an interest. And since when had she wanted a home birth? Surely being in a hospital with all the equipment and specialists would be the safest option?

  “I’d better go. Talk later.” He waved as he headed out the back door. He and Greer needed to have a serious conversation.

  Chapter 19

  Greer gently pulled out the leafy green lettuce from the soil, shook it gently to remove the loose soil around the roots, then placed it in the basket beside her. She loved getting her fingers dirty in the vegetable garden she had planted upon returning home to Emerald Hills. And even though she was still an amateur green thumb, the produce she harvested had so much more flavour than store bought.

  The sun was setting on another glorious winter day. Its sanguine fingers stroked the hills, valleys, and trees, highlighting the greens of Maleny’s beauty as it slowly sank behind the distant horizon.

  Greer’s thoughts wandered back to Hamish and his renovation plans. Moving into his loft did make a lot of sense. The baby would have its own room and both parents under one roof. Shifting back and forth between houses would be disruptive for everyone and should be avoided unless absolutely necessary.

  But would living together change things between them? It was such a big step. Then again, so was having a baby together.

  Emerald Hills was her home. Even while she’d been living overseas she had still thought of it as such. Would she be able to feel this comfortable in Hamish’s loft? A place he had lived in with his ex?

  Him moving was out of the question too. Hamish owned his land and had planted his crop there. He couldn’t give it up and she didn’t want him to.

  “There you are,” Hamish called out as he came up behind her.

  She turned at the faint hint of accusation in his tone. There was dirt and dust on his jeans and boots, and he needed a shower, but judging by the determined strides he was taking, he wanted to talk to her first.

  She brushed her dirty hands against her jeans and stood, her hand automatically covering the gentle bump of her stomach. “What’s up?”

  “I heard you’ve been talking to Skye about having a home birth.” His eyes were burning. “Why didn’t you talk to me first?”

  Putting her hands on her hips, she squared her shoulders. “Because I wanted to learn more before discussing it with you. But yes, I do want a home birth.”

  “Why?” He threw up his hands. “You should have our baby in a hospital with doctors and all the best equipment. What if something goes wrong?”

  “Then she’ll call an ambulance and I’ll be taken to hospital.”

  “Why take the risk though? What if you don’t get there in time?”

  Greer exhaled a long breath. If she was doing this solo, she wouldn’t be having to explain her decisions to anyone.

  He stepped toward her and placed his hands on each of her hips, drawing her slowly to him. “I don’t want anything to happen to you or our baby.”

  “Me neither.” She rested her arms on his shoulders. “I would never do anything to jeopardise this pregnancy. Come and talk to Skye and if you don’t like what she says or still want to go to a hospital, then we will.”

  He studied her for a moment. “Really?”

  “Of course. We’re in this together right?”

  Relief flooded his face.

  Taking a shaky breath, she curled her
arms around his neck, pulling him close until their foreheads touched and they were eyeball to eyeball. “I’m sorry I didn’t say anything before. I promise I was going to tell you tonight.”

  He pressed his cold lips against hers and even though the contact was brief, she shivered at the constrained hunger sizzling in the coiled strength of his hard body. She’d read that women in their second trimester often experienced a revved-up sex drive, and it seemed she was one of them.

  Nuzzling his ear, she breathed warm air on his sensitive lobe. “I can’t wait until we get home.”

  He lifted his head and looked around. “Come with me.” He reached for her hand and she followed him, a giggle lost on the breeze.

  Behind the stable they found a soft patch of green grass, away from prying eyes, and he took her there. Fast, hard and oh so well. She pressed her mouth to his shoulder to stop herself screaming as she came in his arms. When he rolled off her, she noticed his jeans had only made it halfway down his calves, his boots still tied and his shirt only half unbuttoned.

  “We’ll take it slower tonight.” He panted beside her and she grinned, her head already swimming with things she wanted to do to him later.

  Rising carefully, she pulled up her yoga pants—the ones she had chosen for their adjustable waist—and waved him up. “Come on. I have chicken in the oven and a salad to prepare for dinner. Will you stay?”

  He fixed up his pants. “Will there be dessert too?”

  She pulled the front of his shirt and kissed his mouth firmly. “We can have dessert at your place.”

  Chapter 20

  “Freya?” Greer called out as she entered the milking shed the following afternoon. The sun had fled the cold day, ducking below the horizon in early Queensland style. Shivering, she dug her gloved hands into her jacket pockets.

  “Are you sure she’s here?” Hamish asked, peeking around the huge metal milk containers.

  “Dad said she and Justin were cleaning up after the milking.” Greer pinched her nose against the methane smell as her stomach flipped. The morning sickness stage might be over but the cow stench would affect anyone.

  Except Hamish, with his used-to-it country-boy senses.

  He reached for her hand and tugged her against him. “Are you sure it can’t wait? I mean, it’s after hours and Freya can call them back tomorrow.”

  “Oh she’s going to want to know straight away, trust me. A wedding enquiry of this size is going to make her head spin.”

  The sound of a water blaster starting up had the pair turning towards the next room where the cows were milked. Greer started for the door but Hamish stopped her, pointing to the glass window separating the rooms. With a frown, she moved towards him to see what had caught his attention.

  Dressed in dirty work clothes and gumboots, Freya was deep in concentration, hosing off the filth-stained concrete floor. Justin was walking towards her in matching gumboots. The loud whirring of the machine meant Freya didn’t hear Justin approach and she jumped when he tapped her shoulder.

  Freya switched off the hose, and when she turned back to Justin, he had dropped to one knee and was holding out a box.

  A ring-sized box.

  Freya nodded excitedly before scrambling into her lover’s arms and kissing him.

  Her mouth shut tight so as not to disturb the moment, Greer tugged on Hamish’s arm.

  He smiled back at her, the shimmer in his eyes telling her he was as caught up in the moment as she was.

  Justin might be proposing to her sister, and in a milking shed no less, but it made her own situation clearer. This was what she wanted for herself, and as she gazed upon Hamish’s handsome face, she knew she wanted it with him.

  She moved her index finger to her mouth, signalling for him to stay quiet, then reached for his hand and led him out of the shed, giving the newly engaged couple their privacy.

  Outside, Greer took deep lungfuls of fresh, cool air. “Oh my gosh, I can’t believe we just saw that.”

  “I can’t believe he proposed in a milking shed while she was working.” Hamish laughed.

  “But that’s why it was so romantic! Freya was expecting some grand gesture and he caught her completely by surprise. She would have loved that.”

  “Is that the kind of proposal you want then? Or would you prefer a grand gesture?” Hamish’s voice was low and soft and Greer swallowed the lump forming in her throat.

  “I don’t know. I hadn’t really thought about it.” She moved into his arms and let his body warm her. “I do know that I want to move in with you. If the offer’s still there.”

  He gently tipped her chin up with his fingers. His eyes were soft and sincere, and her heart melted. “Nothing would make me happier than having you and our baby come live with me, Greer. I love you so much.”

  “You do?” Greer’s heart beat so fast in her chest, she thought she might burst.

  He nodded and smiled at her.

  The part of her that she’d always held back was no longer content to remain in hiding. She wanted to invest all of herself. She wanted the whole deal—a home, kids … love.

  Of course she loved him. She’d been falling in love with him from the moment she met him. And every day since she’d fallen a little harder, a little deeper.

  There were no doubts, no regrets. Only love.

  “I love you too.” She kissed him

  The grin on his face could have melted her underwear right off. It had been a while since they’d discussed the idea, but Greer finally felt ready to take the next step.

  “I’ll call the builder in the morning,” he said before capturing her mouth again. All thoughts of renovation disappeared as his hands crept under her shirt, warming her despite the cool air surrounding them.

  Maybe a happily ever after was in her future after all.

  Freya came bursting into the kitchen at Emerald Hills later that evening, her hair messed up and a grin splitting her face. “You’ll never believe what happened!”

  Greer danced lightly on the spot, unable to contain her excitement for her sister. “You got engaged!”

  “Yes I did!” Freya and Greer hugged and squealed for a moment before Freya stopped and frowned. “Wait, how did you know?”

  Greer hoped the blush heating her neck wasn’t too obvious. “Hamish and I went to the shed looking for you and accidentally saw it through the window.”

  “You did? Was that all you saw?” It was Freya’s turn to blush.

  “As soon as you said yes, Hamish and I left. I figured you two would want some privacy.”

  “Phew.” Freya pretended to wipe sweat from her forehead.

  “So, what are you waiting for? Show me the ring!”

  Freya extended her left hand. “Justin said he bought it in Brisbane ages ago but couldn’t decide how to propose. Tonight he just couldn’t wait any longer.”

  The small diamond sparkled in its silver setting. It was perfect for Freya in her simple but elegant way.

  “I can’t believe I ever had any doubts,” Freya said. “As soon as he asked, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life married to him.”

  “I’m so happy for you.” Greer hugged her sister again. “I hope this doesn’t detract from your news, but after we saw your proposal I told Hamish I’d move in with him.”

  “About time too!” Freya threw up her hands. “Gosh, you made the man sweat about it.”

  “You don’t mind?”

  “Not at all. That just means we have two things to celebrate tonight.”

  Greer smiled at her little sister who looked just as happy as she felt herself. It certainly was a day of surprises at Emerald Hills.

  Chapter 21

  After his initial apprehension, Hamish even surprised himself when, after many long discussions with Skye and other healthcare professionals, he became quite excited about the idea of a home birth.

  “But if at any point the pregnancy becomes high risk, we go to a hospital.” He had urged. Greer had been quick to agree an
d hug him. The hope of having a calm, natural labour was something they both wanted and truly hoped to achieve.

  As a supportive partner, Hamish also accompanied Greer to prenatal yoga when he could get away from work. They also had private sessions with Skye who prepared them for what to expect during the rest of the pregnancy, birth, and early parenthood.

  The night before her thirtieth birthday, Hamish took her to Yandina where they stayed at an amazing eco resort and dined at the Spirit House—one of the region’s premier and most exclusive Thai restaurants.

  Sneaky text messages to Freya confirmed Emerald Hills was being transformed into party central for Greer’s birthday the following day.

  Birds sang a cheery morning tune through the open window as they lingered over their morning coffee. Greer was never without a bag of her adored Maleny Roast’d decaf.

  “I might even stick to drinking this after I’ve finished breastfeeding.” She handed Hamish her empty cup and he reached across her outstretched legs which were propped atop his lap and placed it on the coffee table.

  “Really? I thought you liked the caffeine hit?”

  “I did, but now that I have been off it for so long, I can feel a difference. I don’t need it to wake me up as much. I really appreciate the taste more than the caffeine.”

  “I thought you might take up drinking green tea with Skye,” he chided.

  Greer pulled a face. “No way. It’s bad enough she has me drinking kombucha.”

  Hamish had noticed a few things creeping into the Emerald Hills menu recently. More fermented, gut-healthy drinks as well as Asian greens he’d never heard of. Without the herbs and delicate spices Greer used, he would have previously grimaced and spat them out. But Greer knew what she was doing in the kitchen and had yet to make anything he didn’t enjoy.

  Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a small gift-wrapped box and presented it to her.

  “Happy birthday, sweetheart.”


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