Lord of Rain (The Dragon Demigods Book 5)

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Lord of Rain (The Dragon Demigods Book 5) Page 15

by Charlene Hartnady

  “I hope you convince her then.”

  “Me too.”

  “Now, let’s eat. All this talk of sex is making me hungry.” He grins and picks up his pizza box.

  I suddenly don’t feel like eating, but I pick my plate up anyway.


  Monday mid-morning…


  I sigh, closing the tab on my computer. I’m trying to concentrate on my work, but I can’t. Not even a little bit. A beautiful woman is in Bolt’s office. She arrived about twenty minutes ago, demanding to see him. Then she bulldozed her way into his office while I was calling him to check if he wanted to meet with her. He told me it was fine and shut the door.

  All I can say is that I’m glad I went and trawled all the second-hand stores in Newfolk on Saturday afternoon. I was depressed after visiting Sweet Things. Even more so after tasting the food, which was really fantastic. I wouldn’t say as good as Buns, but right up there. Anyway, I was depressed, and shopping helps me get over my funk. Besides, I was in desperate need of corporate workwear. After that feisty bombshell just walked into Bolt’s office, I’m glad I found the suit I have on right now. It’s white with black trim. Yes, not much of a power color but who cares. It’s slightly outdated but fits me like a glove. My waist looks narrower. My boobs look bigger – which isn’t necessarily a good thing since I have pretty big boobs as it is. Back to the part about my waist being smaller. I’ll leave it at that.

  I also found these heels. ‘Gently used’, my butt-cheeks…they look brand spanking new. They’re black with bright red soles and are higher than I would typically wear. They are great. Paired with this suit, they are dynamite. I just need to stay right here for the day. In short, I need to try not to move much on account that I might just fall on my face. I’ve been watching my liquid intake. I don’t need a bathroom break after going earlier. I can make it through the day without doing something clumsy.

  Back to the woman in Bolt’s office. I know her name is Emily Lewis. I know that she works in this building because she had one of those tags. I also know that she’s pushy, and she likes to raise her voice. I don’t know what was said behind that door, but I know it was fairly loud or I wouldn’t have heard anything to begin with. She and Bolt have been arguing for a while now. It’s heated.

  I open up the tab again and try hard to concentrate on what I am doing. I need to organize a business trip for next week for the two of us. Bolt has specified everything he wants to the last detail. We’re going to visit five of his companies in New York, spanning three days. He said he likes to keep his finger on the pulse. I’m excited. I’ve never been to the Big Apple. He wants me to book us into an amazing five-star hotel. It overlooks—

  The phone on my desk rings and I blanch because it’s Bolt’s line. He’s calling me. Now that I think about it, things have gone quiet behind his door.

  I pick up. “Anything I can do for you?” I ask in my sweetest voice.

  He clears his throat. “I need you in my office, Miss Shaw.” He puts the phone down.

  I stand and fix my suit. My skirt has ridden up some. I smooth out my jacket and take a deep breath. Then I take a step towards his office. I can do this without falling. I really can. I’m suddenly wishing I’d stuck with my lower heels.

  I walk to his door. I take a deep breath, knock, and then enter. Both Bolt and the pushy lady are standing. Brother! That means I’ll have to stand.

  “Come in and close the door.” Bolt is frowning.

  “This is Emily Lewis. Emily, my PA, Ashley Shaw.” It feels weird to hear him say my first name. I think this might be the first time I’ve heard him say it, even though it’s formal and my last name is tacked on the end.

  “Hi,” Emily says. No ‘nice to meet you’ or any of that. She looks really serious, which worries me.

  I nod.

  “Emily is my Public Relations Manager.” I note that he calls her by her first name. I wonder why. I assumed he addressed all his female employees by their last names…like he does me…Miss Shaw. She should be Miss Lewis. I hate the jolt of jealousy I feel.

  “I came to see Bolt about this.” She has a glossy magazine open. She hands it to me.

  I gasp when I see what’s in it. “Oh, my word!”

  “Mogul cheats on new girlfriend while she looks on in despair.” My eyes are wide as I read the headline. “This is rubbish.”

  “Of course it is,” Emily says.

  “These pictures…” I say, sounding out of breath. In the one, Bolt has his hand on my lower back. He’s looking down at me with an intense expression on his face. The caption says that Bolt is looking at me with adoration. In the next picture, the hostess at the restaurant is coming at him with puckered lips. Her hands are clutching his arms. I’m in the background looking distinctly unimpressed. The caption says that Bolt is a player, that he already has his sights on someone else. Reference is made to poor me, looking jealous and sad. I have to say, I do look jealous and sad, but it’s not true. “This article…” There’s a whole lot about me, although the press has no idea who I am. I’m floored at how they can write so much, make so much up. It’s trash. Bolt wasn’t embellishing at all. I feel even more sorry for him. I look up, and our eyes lock.

  “I’m sorry, Miss Shaw. I did warn you.”

  Emily looks at Bolt like he just crawled out of a sewer or something. I’m not sure why.

  “It’s not your fault, and yes, you warned me,” I say to him. “I’d better let my family know about this.” I widen my eyes. “I mean that it’s false. I won’t divulge anything,” I gasp. “Not that there’s anything to divulge.”

  Bolt’s lip twitches. “Of course there’s nothing to divulge, and you should notify your family. Know that Emily will be releasing a statement letting the public know that you are my Personal Assistant. That there is no relationship or scandal to speak of. I also briefed Emily about our discussion at The Black Swan.”

  “You’re going to help Bolt with his image by keeping the crazies and randoms away,” she reiterates.

  “I’ll do my best.”

  “I’m not sure I like the idea, but it’s worth a try since the two of you will be working so closely together.” She gives Bolt a dirty look. “You need to be aware that this is going to blow the internet up as well.” She lifts the magazine. “This is only the start.”

  I feel my stomach knot.

  “Inform your family, Miss Shaw.” He looks my way for a moment, before turning to her. “You release that statement as a matter of urgency, Emily, and we can get on with our lives.”

  “Done. But you need to watch your step,” she tells Bolt.

  I half expect him to tell her where to get off, but he doesn’t. He nods. “It’s going to work out.”

  “These things have a way of blowing up in a person’s face.”

  “Not this time,” Bolt says.

  Emily rolls her eyes. “I don’t want to know any more.” She waves her hand, and then she walks out in much the same bulldozer fashion as she walked in.

  “Don’t worry about her,” Bolt says. “She’s actually great at what she does, or I would have fired her long ago for being such a fucking bitch.”

  “She is quite…feisty.”

  “You good?” He lifts his brows.

  I nod. I’m not great. I realize that I wouldn’t have minded an article about Bolt and me being together. I hate that I’ve been made out to be the jilted girlfriend Bolt doesn’t care about. It makes me feel bad. I look stupid. I know my emotions are unfounded because there is nothing between us.

  He narrows his eyes into mine, like he’s trying to figure out what I’m thinking. “Take the rest of the afternoon off to sort things out.”

  I frown. “Are you sure? I can just call my mom and—” I take a step forward and…I forgot about not moving too much because I snag my heel on the end of his carpet and start falling. It seems to happen in slow motion, but I can’t stop myself. It’s like a nightmare where everything slows
down, and your legs feel like lead.

  Bolt grabs me, pulling me up. I make a yelping noise. My chest is heaving.

  I’m plastered up against him. I’m looking up at him, and he’s looking down at me, and for a second I think that he is going to kiss me. He doesn’t. He does the opposite and pushes me away a little. “You okay, Miss Shaw?” He lets me go completely

  “Yes…um…new shoes. They’re high and—”

  “I like them. You should practice at home, though…for safety’s sake.”

  “I will.” I look down at my bare foot. The heel that caused all this trouble is behind me.

  Bolt looks down too. His mouth draws up into the start of a smile. Then he bends down and gets my shoe, which he hands to me. “I’m sure you’re also a little shaken by all of this. It can’t be easy for you. I should be used to it by now, but it still gets to me.”

  I lean down and put my shoe back on. “They’re so ruthless.”

  “They’ll do anything for a story.” He takes the magazine off his desk and throws it in the trash. Like it’s going to erase what’s between the pages.

  “Thank you for the time off.” I guess I’ll go, if he insists. It feels…like too much. Is Bolt too nice? He seems overly nice. I don’t understand it, especially after he warned me about what an asshole he is. He must feel bad about this. That’s all it is. I’m just being paranoid.


  The next day…


  I pace from one side of my office to the other. I keep glancing at the file on my desk. It’s going on six. Miss Shaw is still here. She has been organizing our trip to New York between meetings with the relevant departments. She’s got a couple of other items on her desk she’s insisting on completing before leaving for the day. I admire her work ethic.

  I can’t get over the fact that I’m officially a pussy. A yellow-bellied one at that. I’m holding back. I’ve had that NDA in my possession since three, yesterday afternoon. Yesterday! I’ve had all day to call her in, to put the offer on the table. I haven’t done it. I’ve never backed down a day in my life. I’ve never hesitated. I do my homework. I get my ducks in a fucking row and go in guns blazing. Not with her. Not concerning this. Maybe I need to forget the NDA and the other part of my offer. Maybe we can just discuss it and go from there…

  Not a fuck!


  I need to cover my ass. Full-fucking-stop. An agreement like this will be better for her too, in the long run. I just have to make her see that. I wouldn’t be where I am today if I wasn’t a good negotiator. I can do this.

  I pick up my desk-phone and call her. “I need to talk to you about something important,” I say when she picks up.

  “Um…okay. Now, though…?” She sounds hesitant. “I was just shutting down…but absolutely. I’ll be there in ten seconds.”

  “Thank you.” I put the phone down. I sit on the edge of my desk and put my hands in my pockets. I’m trying to come across as casual. When, in truth, I’ve never been this tied up before.

  It doesn’t take long before she knocks and then enters. I stand and walk around my desk, sitting down. Her eyes are huge. Some of her hair has slipped out of her bun. Her makeup has long since worn off. There are remnants. I’m struck all over again at how gorgeous she is. Her eyes are even prettier than the harpy’s were. She has more curves, and yet she looks so much like Gabby, I’m still floored at times. She’s wearing another suit like the one she wore yesterday. It’s far more formfitting than the black one she usually wears. This one is in a light pink that works with her skin tone. I think she has a lace camisole underneath. Thoughts of that camisole have consumed me for half of the day. At least it feels that way.

  “Are you okay?” She looks unsure. “You look…I don’t know. Did I forget to do something?” She lifts her eyes in thought before leveling them on me.

  “Take a seat, Miss Shaw.” I gesture to one of the empty chairs on the other side of my desk.

  I’m happy to note that her heels are back to being low and more manageable. She doesn’t trip this time when she walks over to my desk, which is a win, since I’m not there to catch her today. It took everything in me not to kiss her yesterday. Not to put her on my desk and make her forget her own name. I’m hoping she signs without hesitation so that we can get to it right away. I know that isn’t going to happen, so I rein back my need.

  She looks at me with both worry and expectation in her eyes.

  I need to pull off this band-aid. To be straight down the line. No sugar-coating things. “I want to fuck you, Miss Shaw.” It’s out. Relief hits. Maybe I could have put it slightly more eloquently, but it’s better this way. Fucking is what we will be doing. Straight-up sex, and she needs to be accepting of that.

  Miss Shaw blinks a couple of times and then does a double-take before cocking her head to the side and looking at me like I’ve lost my ever-loving mind. “You want to…? Sorry! I must have misunderstood you.”

  “No misunderstanding. I know I’m being crass, but…it’s how I am…who I am. I’m saying it like it is. You’re attracted to me. You admitted as much. I’m very attracted to you. I don’t think you realize it, but I am, Miss Shaw. That’s why I can state with absolute certainty that you didn’t maul me in that elevator. It was mutual and very nearly ended with my cock deep inside you.”

  I watch her throat work. “Oh…I see.” Then she frowns. “I thought you didn’t sleep with your employees.” She clutches and unclutches her hands. “This is sudden. I’m…I…I don’t know what to say.”

  “I don’t…at least…I’ve never had any kind of a relationship with a staff member before, but I want to make an exception with you.”

  “Why me?”

  “Like I just said, I think you’re very beautiful. I think you’re fucking sexy!”

  “Me?” She has no idea.

  “Yes, you. You have no idea how lovely you are.”

  “I’m clumsy. I eat too much. I’m awkward at the best of times.” She giggles. “I—”

  “Stop!” I practically whisper. “Don’t put yourself down. You’re gorgeous. Incredibly sexy. I want you. It’s as simple as that. We’re both consenting adults, attracted to one another, so why not act on it?”

  She looks shell-shocked but doesn’t say anything. I can see her mind racing.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking.” For once, I have no idea. I can’t get a read on her.

  “I’m taken aback, is all. I never expected… I’m attracted to you, Bolt, but I don’t know about this.” She’s shaking her head. “There’s a good reason why there are rules in organizations. In fact, I met with Mark from HR this morning, and he gave me an induction booklet. There’s a rule that says direct line management cannot fraternize or enter into a relationship with—”

  “I’m the CEO, Miss Shaw. I am the only shareholder of the Zeus Group. Mark Humphry answers to me. I understand that it’s unorthodox, but…we can make it work, I assure you.”

  “I don’t know…” She shrugs. “If we were to date—”

  “I’m going to cut you off right there, Miss Shaw. I like you. You’re an amazing person. Genuine, sweet—” I stop myself from saying any more about her personality traits. “I don’t want a relationship. I want sex. There’s no reason why we can’t have a business and a sexual relationship for the coming period.”

  Her eyes widen, and her mouth drops open as I talk. It takes her a few seconds to pull herself together. “I’ve never had that kind of…I can’t call it a relationship because sex isn’t really anything.”

  “It would be a physical relationship,” I fill in.

  “We still wouldn’t be friends.” She frowns like she doesn’t like the idea.

  “No!” I shake my head. “We could have fun together, but without all the baggage. If we crossed the line into friendship, one of us might want more. Or think that there’s more to us than there actually is. I don’t want either of us to get hurt.” Namely her…she would get hurt.

>   She looks unsure for a few long moments, and then she breathes out. “I’m not sure whether to be flattered or angry. I’m tempted by your offer because…sure…there is something there…a spark. But,” she shakes her head, “it feels… I don’t know. I’m not into ‘casual’.” I knew that. It’s been a stumbling block for me.

  “You might enjoy it. Especially if everything is laid out. We can be exclusive. I’m okay with that. We can discuss and approve all aspects of our agreement.”

  “Agreement…” She makes this strangled noise. “I just… It feels weird.”

  “It won’t be, I assure you, Miss Shaw. We’ll both enjoy it and get a lot out of it. We can stay open and honest and very professional at the same time.”

  She nervous-laughs. “Professional? I’m not sure how that would be possible.”

  “Communication would be key. Also, we can take it slow. I’m okay with that. You can tell me what you like. What you want. How you want it.”

  “What I like?” Her voice has gone all breathless. I can scent her arousal. Fuck!

  “Yes, Miss Shaw.” I nod. “I would feel most comfortable if our agreement was in writing, but the document can be fluid.”

  Oh, my gosh!

  I can’t believe this is happening. I want to pinch myself, but that would be stupid because I know I’m very much awake. I must say, I’m not sure if this is a nightmare or a fantasy come true. There’s a small part of me that wants to scream ‘yes’. That wants to go with it. I want this man to touch me. To… I want to say make love to me, but that would be incorrect. Casual sex with someone who doesn’t consider himself to be my friend? With my boss? Madness! A one-way road that would lead to my unemployment. It’s a guarantee. Bolt doesn’t have to worry. He can do whatever he wants and still land on his feet. Not me! I have a lot to lose.


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