Coveted: Men of Mayhem: Book Two

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Coveted: Men of Mayhem: Book Two Page 20

by Luciani, Kristen

  “Okay, everybody just relax,” Alek says, sinking into a chair and taking a gulp of the scotch in front of him. “Things didn’t exactly go the way we planned today. Nobody told me that Graziani’s safehouse was buried in the core of the Earth and that you wouldn’t have any reception down there. I texted and called you guys plenty and never got through, so how was I supposed to let you know Elia wasn’t at his place when we got there? And that he slaughtered Nic and Enzo? Speaking of slaughtering, can we just talk for a second about the fucked-up scene Diego and I walked in on at Elia’s place?” Alek shakes his head. “Jesus Christ, I’ve seen some crazy shit, but that…” He pours himself another shot. “There was some serious pent-up hatred and disgust behind that epic annihilation.” He looks at Tommy. “Trust me, you wouldn’t have wanted to suffer an end like Nic. Ant saved your asses. It was a risky move and I don’t know for sure if I’d ever wanna fuck him again after he shot me, but it was the only way you guys would have lived to tell the story.”

  “I’m just pissed that I didn’t get to blow off Nic’s head. I was really looking forward to that part,” Diego mutters, leaning against the counter.

  “Don’t worry, with the number of enemies our families have, I guarantee there won’t be a shortage of people whose heads you’ll get to blow off in the future.” Alek smirks and pounds Diego in the shoulder. He glares up at Alek and rubs his shoulder. Diego isn’t a small guy by any stretch, but since Alek is damn close to seven-feet tall and packs a lot of Russian power in his massive fist, even the friendliest of punches can be bone-shattering.

  “Yeah, no doubt about that. But I wanted that head.” Diego rakes a hand thorough his hair. “I mean, everything he put our family through, what he did to Serena and her parents…sonofabitch!” He punches Alek in the shoulder with a loud grunt and Alek smiles at him.

  “Feel better?” he asks.

  “No!” Diego yells, rubbing his fist. “I don’t! And you didn’t even fucking move! I may as well have hit the wall!”

  “If you’d have hit the wall, I’d have made you pay for the damages,” Doc Milo says, coming into the kitchen. “At least you know Alek won’t need any medical attention.”

  “Thanks a lot, Doc. Way to kick a guy when he’s down,” Diego says with a roll of his eyes.

  “Ant, I had my guys shut Elia’s account down, killing that live stream and any other saved videos he’d posted. They’ll scour the Dark Web to see if they can locate any of his content, too.”

  “Thanks, Alek. I don’t want her to ever see any of that shit again or be reminded that it happened.” I turn to Doc Milo. “How’s Julia?”

  “You did well,” he replies. “She’s going to be just fine. No long-term issues. You managed to avoid all major arteries and any serious damage.”

  “That’s his normal,” Tommy quips. “Can’t hit a target for shit.”

  I flip him off before turning back to the doc. “Is she awake?”

  “She was drifting off when I left her and Giacomo. He’s still pretty shaken up himself. I gave him something to relax him.”

  “He’s gonna need all the help he can get now that Ant’s in the picture.” Tommy snickers.

  I grin at Doc Milo. “You’d better load him up good, then. Because I’m not going anywhere.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  I slowly lower myself to my knees next to the freshly covered grave, tears pooling in my eyes.

  “Mama,” I whisper, swiping away the tears streaming from my eyes. “I’m so sorry I didn’t get to say goodbye. I’m sorry that I let this happen to you. I miss you so much.”

  A gentle breeze whispers through the leaves of the trees surrounding Mama’s tombstone, and a shiver shimmies down my spine.

  She’s here. I can feel her.

  “Are you with me, Mama? Are you okay?” I swallow a sob. “Because I’m not okay.” I cover my face with my hands, my heart breaking all over again.

  Another wisp of air flutters across my tear-streaked cheeks, and I can swear it’s her voice trying to comfort me. Suddenly, I’m blanketed in warmth as if she’s gathered me in her arms, pulling me close the way she would when I was young and woke up crying because of a nightmare.

  Those nightmares always came to an end.

  She made sure of that.

  But this nightmare…the one where she is no longer a part of my life…there’s no waking up from it.

  I toy with my bracelet. “I hate that I can’t hug you ever again, Mama. You always gave the best hugs that always made me feel better when I was sad, and I’ll always miss them. And I hate that I’ll never taste your famous marinara sauce again. Nobody makes it like you do, and I refuse to ever eat it again because it will never come close to as good as yours was.” I manage a watery smile. “I hate that we’ll never share a bottle of wine together again and exchange silly stories when we get a little bit tipsy. And I hate that we’ll never work at the foundation together again. I hate that you’ll never see our kids grow into amazing musicians, just like little Bella. God, there’s so much I hate about this.” I run my fingers over the engraved name on the headstone. “I’ll miss us, Mama. The relationship we had…it’s the one I’ve always wanted to have with my own daughter someday. I wanted to be able to share that with you. You gave so much of yourself for me. Your kindness, your selflessness, your love, your support…I couldn’t have asked to have a more amazing woman as a role model for the past twenty-four years. You’re my best friend, my confidante, and I love you so much. I hope you know that,” I say, my voice cracking. I hang my head, waiting for the familiar wind gust, but it never comes.

  A crackling of leaves startles me, and I look up with a gasp to see Papa and Antonio standing behind me. Papa kneels next to me, and I lie my head on his shoulder.

  “She loved you so much, mi amore. You were the light of her life,” he murmurs. “She will always be with you, Julia. Always.”

  I nod, tears dripping onto the front of my jacket. “I know. I just miss her so much. And I needed to come here to tell her that.” I look up at Antonio. “Thank you for taking me.”

  A look of concern flashes across Antonio’s face. “Are you okay? Do you need more time? We don’t need to rush, babe.”

  I struggle to my feet, trying not to jerk my shoulder. With a final look at my mother’s name etched into the stone, I feel a smile lift my lips and another cool breeze flits past, making my skin prickle.

  “Yes, I’m okay. More than okay.” I take his hands in mine. “Because I know she left me in very capable hands.” I wink at him. “Although, she might be second-guessing her brilliant plan now that you blew a hole in my shoulder.”



  “It’s really beautiful,” I breathe, running a hand over my newly restored violin. It needed to shed that old skin and leave behind all of the toxic memories that were baked into it.

  And tonight is a perfect time to take it for a test run.

  Alek and my father are hosting an exclusive memorial concert for my mother, a special way to kick off my upcoming tour. All of the proceeds from the concert are going to the Music For All Foundation…the foundation that won’t ever take another penny of dirty money. We’re backstage at the Salle du Canton in Monaco with a backdrop of the glittering Mediterranean Sea. It could not be more perfect.

  Mama loved Monaco, so it’s fitting that we picked this spot to honor her.

  “It’s a brand-new start for you…your career, your foundation, your future.” Antonio grins, tracing a finger along the deep neckline of my costume, my all-time favorite that Mama made me before my last tour. “Our future.”

  “Our future,” I murmur. “I like the sound of that. I have a lot of ideas about what our very short-term future holds…in all of the rooms of our very opulent hotel suite.”

  “You can’t say that to me and then go dancing around on stage wearing that sparkly bathing suit thing for hours, tormenting me the w
hole time.” He drops a kiss onto my shoulder, in the exact spot where he shot me.

  Not on my playing side, thankfully.

  “I intend to deliver on my promises,” I say, a mischievous grin lifting my lips. “But you need to be patient. Do you think you can handle that? Can your control-freak alter-ego handle it?”

  He smirks. “That guy realized four months ago when you attacked him in the airport lounge that his entire existence is in question.” He strokes the side of my face. “And I’m good with that, so long as you’re by my side.”

  “You’re sure you’re going to be okay with me going back on tour?” I ask, quirking an eyebrow. “I mean, tonight is just the start. For the next six months, I’m going to be all over the world.” We’ve talked about security, of course, and it’s comforting to know that the most dangerous threats have been eliminated. But I can’t give up this part of my career. I love it too much, and as much as I love Antonio, I don’t ever want to sacrifice my dreams.

  I just want it all.

  Is that so wrong?

  I hold up my playing arm and my mother’s bracelet glimmers in the soft lighting. “I mean, I won’t be alone.”

  He nods, holding my wrist and dropping kisses onto my prickled skin. “I know. But I think you might need something else to go on that playing arm, one more thing to make you remember that you’ll never be alone again, no matter where you are.”

  I furrow my brow.

  He pulls something from his jacket pocket and drops to his knee to kiss my belly. It’s still flat right now, but by the time the tour is over, I’ll be looking at some major costume alterations.

  Antonio flips open the tiny box in his hand, and a large diamond glitters in the deep red velvet interior. “I thought you needed something else to go on that playing arm of yours. The left side, the one closest to your heart. And every time you catch a glimpse of it, know that I’m with you. That we’re all with you. Forever.” He dips his head closer to mine. “Will you marry me, Julia?”

  Tears sting my eyes as the facets of the stone glitter back at me. I’ve never seen anything more beautiful. “Yes!” I whisper, blinking fast to keep the tears from flowing. “I love you so much! Thank you for making this night even more perfect!”

  A slow clap surrounds us as the rest of Antonio’s family appear from different parts of the stage, joined by Papa and my assistant, Marisa. She runs up to me, throwing her arms around me with a loud squeal.

  “I’m so happy for you,” she says in a quivery voice, squeezing me tight. “I love you!”

  I hug her back. She’d been a complete wreck while I was gone, poor thing. She swore up and down from now on, she’ll be with me for every concert, just in case. “I love you, too!”

  “You know if you didn’t say yes, he might’ve shot you again. Just saying. He gets itchy with that trigger finger.” Tommy snickers behind me and pulls me in for a hug.

  The past few months have been the hardest ones of my life. I suffered a devastating loss, one that can never be replaced. There are so many things I’ll miss…special moments we shared planning my concerts and my set lists, hours she’d spend watching me practice, the meals we’d prepare together when I was home from a tour because she was trying to teach me the art of domestication.

  I didn’t get that gene.

  “Congratulations, sweetie,” Serena, Diego’s fiancée, gathers me into her perfumed embrace. We’ve become close over the past few months, and even though it started with our shared hatred of the Fortunatos, we have a lot of other similarities.

  She’s like the sister I always wanted.

  We’re two strong women who are trying to make a positive difference in the world. And we have amazing guys supporting us every step of the way.

  “Thank you,” I say, giving her a squeeze.

  “You look amazing in that costume,” she whispers. “Live it up while you can. One of my designers is chomping at the bit for a chance to make one of your costumes. And I’m guessing we might have to tap her in about five months, hm?” She winks at me and walks back over to Diego as Papa steps toward me.

  A hot flush creeps into my cheeks. How did she know? Only Ant and I know. I didn’t tell anyone…

  Except Mama last time I visited her grave.

  “It’s a beautiful night,” he says, stroking the side of my face. “I am so happy for you both.”

  “Papa,” I say slowly. “I have something else to tell you.”

  Ant comes up behind me and snakes an arm around my waist. “Is it time?”

  I nod, biting on my lower lip. “Papa, we’re having a baby.”

  His eyes widen. “A…baby?”

  I smile. “Yes. We just found out.”

  “Mi amore, that is wonderful news!” He pulls me in for a tight hug and then does the same to Antonio. “Mama would be so happy. It’s everything she ever wanted for you.”

  My vision blurs from the tears, but not enough to miss the knowing smiles of Antonio’s family members.

  Like they already know.

  Why am I not surprised?

  They are horrible at keeping secrets. But they’re an amazing second family.

  And I couldn’t be luckier that they’re mine.

  Mama’s final wish for me…

  Come true.


  I grit my teeth, my fingers itching to yank off the blonde wig suffocating my scalp, but I know I can’t. I have to suffer for just a little while longer, just until I see him.

  I smooth down the sides of my bob and adjust the glasses perched on my nose, trying hard to look every bit the part of a local reporter covering the VIP event at Tommy Marcone’s very new and very exclusive restaurant in Palermo. I look around at the courtyard where the event is being held. Tiny strings of white lights are hung around the perimeter, casting a soft glow over the enclosure. The wait staff passes around silver metal trays containing samples of delectable bites from the menu, lounge music setting a very tranquil vibe for the invitation-only soiree.

  But I feel anything but calm right now. Rage bubbles in my veins the longer that I mingle and grab bullshit comments from the entitled guests for my ‘readers’.

  Everyone from A-list celebrities to social media influencers and famous food bloggers congregate at tables decorated with tall crystal vases of white and black calla lilies, my favorite flower.

  I narrow my eyes at the décor as I wander around the space.

  Come to think of it, the entire color scheme is black and white.

  My heart thumps hard in my chest, angry tears stinging my eyes.

  The fucking irony.

  The happiest night of my life was draped in black and white…until it became soaked in red, a color which has clouded my vision ever since.

  It was the night that turned into a living nightmare…one that only I can end.

  I excuse myself once I get a glowing review from some B-list actress who should really be on the D-level but isn’t because she has huge boobs and a gorgeous face. She can’t act for shit, but nobody cares because she’s a hot piece of ass.

  She has everything because she knows how to work the system and fuck as many people as she needs to stay on top.

  Just like Tommy Marcone.

  I duck behind a large white column, out of sight from the partygoers. I take a few deep breaths, berating myself for showing up here in the first place. A chill slips down my spine as the ultimatum echoes in my mind.

  With a throbbing pulse, I peer around the column just in time to see a cherry-red Ferrari Testarosa screech to a halt in front of the restaurant. A lump forms in my throat as Tommy climbs out of the driver’s seat. He walks around to the passenger’s side and opens the door, holding out his hand for a tall brunette with an insanely tight and toned body that makes me want to kick, scream, and cry for all of the hours I waste at the gym on results that don’t even come close. She snuggles up to him, wearing some tighter-than-mummy-wrap dress which I’d inflate if I so much as looked at foo
d, much less ate any of it.

  Tommy snakes an arm around her waist and flashes her a smile…the same smile that would make my heart stutter years back.

  An icy cold sensation winds its way through my insides as the happy couple passes right by me and joins the party fashionably late. My skin prickles and every nerve sizzles with each step they take. Fury consumes every inch of my body, heating me from the inside out.

  I’ve waited a long time for this day, to come face to face with the man who stole everything from me.

  Guess what, Tommy? I’m back. And this time, I’ll be the one to take…

  Every fucking thing I want.

  Every fucking thing I’m owed!

  I’ve lost the last three years, but I’ll be damned if I lose another second.

  Short, sharp gasps slice at my lungs as Tommy slithers through the crowd like the snake he is, his pet model up his ass every step of the way.

  Three years ago, he killed me, crushing my family and my dreams, destroying every sliver of happiness and every hope for a bright and shiny future.

  Our future.

  The ultimatum once again rings between my ears like a clanging cymbal and I clench my fists, ready to face my biggest demon.

  Because there’s really only one way for justice to be served.

  I need to kill him, too.

  TOMMY is up next in TAKEN!

  Click here to preorder it on Amazon!

  Check out the blurb below!

  * * *

  I watched it all happen.

  Our world, crushed in a hot second.

  I was too blinded by lust to stop the exploding bullets in time.

  They shattered my life

  And my love.

  I failed myself.

  I failed the boss.

  Worst of all, I failed her.

  But this story is far from over,


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