Witching You a Merry Christmas

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Witching You a Merry Christmas Page 8

by Colbie Dunbar



  December Sixteenth: Miles

  I was sitting in Charlie’s living room sipping hot chocolate as we discussed what to do tonight. Since we’d slept together, we’d avoided my place. I wasn’t sure what we were to one another. Charlie skirted around the issue, being positive one minute that what we had was real and not a mirage.

  But then he’d pull away, fearful that everything would be taken away on December 25. How odd that most people in the Valley looked forward to Christmas Day, especially Charlie. But not this year. I was confident nothing would change but admitted I’d miss the little magical mistakes that swirled around my best friend or whatever he was.

  Being in a relationship where I tiptoed around, always wondering how my partner would react to my presence was not for me. Been there, done that. And though Charlie was nothing like Jason, I deserved, no demanded, better than that.

  I hadn’t changed my sheets since the night the warlock and I had slept together. Every morning, I was surrounded by his scent and put the bedding over my face and inhaled, remembering our night together. Happiness had been within reach but as I reached out and my fingertips trailed over it, it pulled away. I shook my fist at the universe, hoping it was paying attention.

  I was out of ideas of what we should do tonight. Not cooking. That reminded me of mince pie night. We’d skated and done tattoos, and honestly, I wasn’t sure how Charlie and I could reconnect. As friends. Friends who’d seen one another naked. And had fucked. Friends who wanted more.

  I didn’t want to visit Arlo and Hugo’s. Witnessing their happiness was too much when I was empty and Charlie was back and forth between his distant self and his usual self. What were the wizard and I to one another? I hated that our night together might be a one-night stand. That was icky and suggested we’d made a mistake.

  Charlie’s phone beeped. “It’s Fred.”

  I couldn’t fathom how toads sent texts. “Oh, really? What does he say?” Other than ‘Croak’, I was lost. This is a toad we’re discussing.

  “He’s invited us to a performance this evening. His choir is performing Christmas Carols By The Lake. That’s very sweet, and it’s such an honor he wants us there.”

  Really? How can I get out of this? “Do we have to go?”

  “Oh yes. It would be rude not to.”

  I persisted. “Was the invitation for both of us?”

  “Yes.” Charlie showed me the message.


  “Is your reluctance because of me, Miles?”

  “Not at all. I love spending time with you.” That wasn’t quite true. I loved the ‘before sex Charlie’ not the awkward and unsure wizard he was now despite his talk about taking control. I faked a smile “Sounds like fun.” Sounds nothing like it.

  “Wrap up warmly.”

  Why did I agree to this? I was freezing my ass off and standing on the edge of the lake late at night. “Are you sure they’re coming, Charlie?” I was hoping everyone had forgotten and we could go home.

  “They’ll be here,” he assured me.

  We weren’t in the center of town but further around the side of the lake. Maybe we were close to where Poppy had been born. Arlo had described the sea of purple flowers but in mid-winter, they were long gone.

  The area beside the water was marshy and smelly, which was probably why Fred had chosen it. I’d hoped Arlo would come but he said he had a cold. Bet it’s to do with Fred’s singing.

  “Here they are.”


  Charlie shone a flashlight on the shore and I stood behind him as toads, frogs, newts and salamanders heaved themselves out of the water and headed toward the clearing where we stood. I glanced over the warlock’s shoulder and whispered, “Are we the only non-amphibians?”

  “No. Hugo and Poppy are here. Look.”

  The little girl sat on her father’s shoulders, and I waved at her. Hard to believe she would be the next spell checker in about twenty years. Fred, wearing an orange bow tie which matched his eyes, hopped into the center, and ten toads dressed in orange vests gathered around him in a circle.

  Hugo held up his hand and a bright stream of light shone from his palm onto the toad and his companions.

  Is that a baton in Fred’s mouth? I was glad I’d remembered my ear muffs and nervously peered at Poppy. But the little girl’s eyes were fixed on her familiar, and she clasped her mittened hands together.

  As Fred raised the baton, I tensed, waiting for the assault on my ears. But as he lowered it, and the toads began to sing, my gaze wandered over the assembled audience. Everyone swayed and wrapped their arms around one another. Poppy waved at Fred, though he was concentrating on the choir.

  And though my ears were not attuned to the toads’ croaking, it didn’t matter. The community—or the amphibian part of it—was coming together. Fred and his fellow choir members had practiced and perfected their performances, wanting to give their best.

  They were giving back to a community who didn’t always appreciate them, and that included me. They were offering joy to people, many of whom lived in the shadows. And when they finished, I clapped and cheered along with everyone else.

  There was a place for everyone in the Valley. Even me and the wonky wizard. My Charlie. I pushed away an image of Jason. You don’t get to come here and spoil this.

  Charlie took one of the toads aside, spoke a few words and shook his hand. The choir members heaved Fred on their shoulders and carried him off into the marshes, following by many in the audience, but not before he’d winked at Poppy.

  Hugo handed Charlie and me glasses of mulled wine and Poppy a sippy cup of warm milk. As I closed my hands around the glass I was thankful for wizards, conjuring up warm drinks.

  “Is that your first experience of the Husky Croakers, Miles?” Hugo asked.

  “Mmmm.” Wine snorted out of my nose, but it was the perfect name.

  “What did you think?” Charlie inquired.

  Truth time. “I’ll be honest, I was dreading it. It’s cold, we’re outside town, the marsh stinks, and I wasn’t looking forward to the singing.”

  “I sense there’s a but coming,” he added.

  “Yeah. I loved it.” Though perhaps not the actual singing. “Thank you for dragging me here.”

  The spell checker and his daughter made their way back to town. I tucked my arm in Charlie’s. My head was fuzzy from the wine. “This is okay, isn’t it?”

  “Yes. More than okay.”

  “Charlie, nothing wonky happened tonight. Maybe things are easing off.”

  He stared at me. “You didn’t notice?”

  “What?” I pulled him closer and gazed into the darkness.

  “The toad on the far left was singing off key.”

  What do I say? Asking ‘How could you tell?’ wasn’t appropriate. “I hope he wasn’t upset.”

  “Everyone was sympathetic, and he took it well. I told him he and his friends could sing outside my house Christmas Eve. That cheered him up.”

  The water at the side of the lake sloshed and a pair of eyes peeked above the surface. “Cyril.” A second pair of huge eyes appeared.

  “Oh look, Charlie, there are two of them.”

  “You were right. Cyril needed a mate.”

  “That was you?” Without thinking I kissed his forehead. Was I supposed to do that? I didn’t care. He’d done a good deed and I was proud of him.

  “That’s what I was working on at home a few days ago.”

  “I thought you were blowing me off.”

  Charlie screwed up his face. “That too.”

  “I learned something tonight,” I told him.

  “Go on.”

  “More than one thing. Magic isn’t so scary. And I’m becoming one with the Valley. And you are the kindest wizard I’ve ever met. No, wait. I take the last one back.”

  “Gee thanks, Miles.”

  “No, silly. I’ve known that from the day we met when you of
fered to go to Rosemary’s party with me.”

  We walked toward town in silence. “Eight days. It’s coming to an end.“ Charlie’s toneless voice had me snuggling into him.

  “It doesn’t have to. Our whatever this is. No matter what happens on Christmas Day, the bonds we’ve formed won’t be broken by any magic.”

  “I hope not.”

  “Because Charlie,” and I grabbed his coat, “we’ve created our own magic.”

  A long tentacle stretched out of the water and flapped up and down. We waved back. It was joined by another that curled around the first until they sunk out of sight.

  “Awww. You did good, wizard man.”

  “We did.”

  We make a good team.


  December Seventeenth: Charlie

  I lay in bed wishing Miles was with me. “He could be. It’s your own damned fault, Charlie.” That was Gerald pushing into my consciousness. Thanks for pointing that out. I was pissed at myself and the world. And taking it out on my familiar.

  Thinking back to last night in the lake had me wanting more, but it was underlined with uncertainty. I had to think of something to do tonight. I checked the listings at the movie theater. A new superhero film was showing. I’d never been, always preferring to stream movies at home.

  “Superheroes, huh?” Miles greeted me as we raced out of the cold and into the theater foyer.

  “It’s your fault.”

  “That’s right, blame me.” He smirked, and his face lit up. The twinkle in his eyes made the gold flecks more noticeable.

  “Hello you two.”

  “Arlo. Hugo.” I gave Arlo one of my ‘Don’t start anything’ looks but he ignored me.

  “You’re like an old mated couple.” Arlo nudged Miles, who squirmed and fiddled with his coat.

  God, Arlo really was worse than Rosemary. I suspected they got together and planned these matchmaking attacks. Was there a club? I imagined both of them campaigning for president.

  After making awkward small talk, I steered Miles to the concession stand. “Popcorn? Candy? Soda?”

  But the omega shook his head and dragged me away. He opened his jacket and revealed candy bars and popcorn in brown paper bags. The enticing aroma of salt and sugar wafted off him. I wasn’t sure if it was the goodies or him. He did smell good enough to eat. But I refused to let my mind go there.

  “I like the way you think.” And smell. “But what if we get caught?”

  Miles snorted. “I had no idea you were such a stickler for the rules, Charlie.”

  I scanned the theater for Hugo and Arlo, hoping they weren’t sitting near us. As the ushers showed people to their seats, I slunk lower.

  Miles whispered in my ear, “What’s the worst that can happen?”

  “We get arrested.”

  “Seriously?” Miles slipped down beside me as he shoved a mouthful of popcorn in his mouth. The buttery, salty aroma had my dick reacting and I was thankful for the dull lighting.

  He poked his head above the seat. “Oops. Is that the theater police? Oh yeah, I see the handcuffs dangling from their belts. It’s only a matter of time. Dun dun dun dun!”

  I yanked him down beside me so his head touched mine. His lips, coated with butter, were an inch away from me. “You’re a horrible person!”

  “But it’s so much fun teasing a wizard. You’re such a goodie two-shoes. Why is that?”

  It might have been the way I was brought up, but that wasn’t the real reason. “It’s because of December.”

  “It’s 24 days of the year. Don’t let it rule your life!” he insisted.

  I replied, “And you’re a rule-breaker!”

  “I’ve never seen myself in that way but I like it.” There was rustling and a ripping and he shoved a bag at me. “Popcorn?”

  “No contraband snacks,” I hissed.

  The omega sat up and yelled, “Over here!”

  “Oh my God, Miles, what have you done? We’re going to be marched out and the next time anyone sees us, we’ll be in orange jumpsuits and have our heads shaved.”

  “You need a haircut.” He raked his fingers on my scalp and goosebumps spiked over my skin. “But orange is so not my color. I prefer blue or green. I wonder if they’ll give me a choice.”

  A hand gripped my shoulder, and I flinched. This is it!

  “You won’t see much of the movie from there, Charlie.”

  Hugo! “You rat, Miles.” I sat up and glared at the omega but he fluttered his eyelashes at me.

  “You brought supplies. Me too.” Arlo opened his pockets and showed us small packets of chewy multi-colored candy and chocolatey caramel thingies.

  I rolled my eyes. “Does everyone sneak food into a movie theater?”

  “No idea.” Arlo smacked his lips as he munched on fruity treats. “But the trick is not to get caught.”

  As the lights dimmed, the tension released from my shoulders and I outstretched my hand for the bag of candy in Miles’ hand. But I missed the food and my fingers found their way to his thigh. I should let go but I don’t want to.

  He placed his hand on top of mine and it was perfectly normal to be sitting in a dark movie theater feeling up your…” I furrowed my brow. Not a friend. Friends don’t fondle one another in the dark. There wasn’t a word for what we were.

  The omega shifted his ass and with his hand on top of mine, he slid it to his crotch.

  “Ohhhh!” I gasped.

  “Shush!” the alpha in front hissed at me.

  “Sorry,” I mouthed, though I was talking to his back.

  I side eyed Miles but he was concentrating on a trailer.

  “Everything all right there?” I gulped and my cheeks reddened when the beta usher shone a flashlight on us as Miles shoved his coat over his lap.

  “Fine,” I squeaked when the omega pressed my fingers around his ever-expanding cock.

  “Watch the movie, Charlie. That’s why we’re here.” He grinned and licked around his greasy lips.

  How can I concentrate on superheroes when Miles is having me jerk him off? Nobody was paying us any attention and I ignored the awkward flying techniques of the guys on screen and listened to the omega’s breathing as it speeded up, became shallow, then slowed.

  Hugo cleared his throat behind me. I pretended to be rummaging in my bag with my free hand, but peeked over my left shoulder. The spell checker’s eyes were on the screen and Arlo’s head was on his shoulder.

  I tugged my ear, a signal Hugo and I had used in the past, which amused us both, considering we were both wizards. But the spell checker kissed his mate’s forehead and popped a candy in his mouth. He was either pretending not to see what was going on or he really was concentrating on the movie.

  After returning my gaze to the screen, I rubbed the palm of my hand over the bulge between Miles’ legs. He mewed and I pressed harder. I wanted to get inside his corduroy pants. But how to lean over and undo them with one hand?

  “I can’t see the screen. Let’s move, Hugo,” Arlo whispered to his mate.

  I slunk down further in the seat, embarrassment clawing over me. But when our friends shifted to the end of the row, I trailed a finger over the omega’s swollen cock. Miles coughed and adjusted his position.

  His hand snaked under the coat and he shoved mine away. He undid his zipper and lifted himself up slightly. I tugged his pants and they slid over his hips—sort of.

  He offered me a piece of candy and whispered, “Try one, Charlie.” He ran his tongue around his mouth, and my body trembled. My cock swelled in my tight pants and I grunted as he continued, “They’re delicious.”

  Miles slipped the candy between my lips, and I licked his fingers as my hand explored the swelling in his briefs. “You’re right,” I whispered. “Delectable.” My hand reached the waistband of his underwear. “Scrumptious.” I slipped it inside. “Luscious.” I wrapped my fingers around his rigid length and squeezed.

  His mouth gaped and he panted. Loud music fr
om the movie thundered through the theater and the audience yelled while the hero and his nemesis raged a battle in the heavens.

  I bit down on Miles’ finger, and he moaned. I pumped his cock. Once. Twice. Three times, and he yelped.

  The alpha in front turned and leaned over the seat. “What are you two doing? Shut the fuck up!”

  The omega and I shared a glance. “Let’s go,” I mumbled as popcorn and candy tumbled from the ceiling and the audience cheered and scrambled for the treats. Sometimes my wonkiness came in handy.

  We tore into the foyer. I eyed the bathroom door. Ewww no. “Cloakroom,” I murmured and dragged Miles behind me as he fumbled with his pants that were hugging his thighs and threatening to puddle around his feet.

  Hustling him inside, I slammed the door and we were lost in a musty, warm, furry darkness. I pushed the omega against the wall and yanked his pants down. With my mouth at his throat, nibbling the delicate flesh, my hand pumped his dick.

  Miles shoved a scarf between his lips and stifled his cries. His panting, mumbling and the bucking of his hips had my dick grow harder, and when he yelled and spurted onto someone’s hat, I held him until the tremors left his body.


  December Eighteenth: Miles

  I woke up in Charlie’s arms. I’d spent the night at his place. But we’d held one another and not said much after we arrived home. The orgasm in the theater cloak room had left me drained, both emotionally and physically. And we’d cuddled and kissed.

  I turned my head and gazed at the warlock as his chest heaved up and down. It was dark outside but I’d have to get up soon and go home. It was a work day.

  My hand went to my chin and rubbed the grazed skin where Charlie’s scruff had brushed over it. The musky aroma of wool filled my nostrils as I closed my eyes and recalled the small dark cloak room, Charlie’s grunting, and my body spasming as he tugged my cock.


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