Hotwife Hall Pass

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Hotwife Hall Pass Page 4

by Max Sebastian

  [Adrienne]: I know what it means, but I thought… I don’t know what I thought.

  Noah felt his heart thumping in his chest. So Adrienne hadn’t intended to really do anything totally crazy to get back at him for his alleged night of infidelity. It kind of made him feel a little better, a little nugget of affection for her warmed his insides.

  But his hard cock wanted more, it wanted her to find some lucky stranger and go all the way. Maybe his trembling heart wanted that, too.

  [Noah]: You’re going to spend the night with some guy, aren’t you? So you’ll want to be safe…

  [Adrienne]: I guess I wasn’t thinking things would get that far.

  A small part of Noah was chuckling on the inside, amused that in this whole game of theirs, he’d just claimed a major victory. He could so easily have called time right there, wished her a good night dancing with whomever caught her eye on the dance floor in the sure-fire knowledge that she’d eventually return to their hotel room, his unsullied wife, and they’d say no more about the whole infidelity thing.

  Another small part of him was quietly enjoying shocking his wife, making her blush furiously by suggesting that this Hall Pass they had agreed to really would include full sex with a complete stranger. Revealing her inner Catholic Girl.

  The rest of him cared little for winning or losing arguments and just wanted his beautiful wife to have the night of her life, riding some unfamiliar stallion, coming again and again on some stranger’s big cock before stumbling back to her husband to allow him to gently reclaim her.

  [Noah]: Maybe you’ll meet the right person and you won’t be able to resist. You should be prepared, right?

  Adrienne looked over at him again. Unsure, timid, frightened, but seemingly curious. The dance was coming to a close, the bride glowing and the groom a little sweaty, with the people around the edge of the dance floor now milling about, preparing to find their own space on the dance floor, or back off to find a drink and some conversation.

  His beating heart in his throat, Noah texted her again:

  [Noah]: I’ll just sneak out and find a pharmacy—there’s a CVS down the street. I’ll bring you some xxx

  He saw her eyes widen in surprise as she read the text, but then he was shrinking back into the crowd, weaving his way through the people toward the exit. Feeling kind of like he’d taken Ecstasy or some other kind of social drug—this was a real trip, that was for sure.

  Then a short while later he was pulling into the parking lot of the CVS pharmacy, climbing out of his Ford 150, quietly drifting into the building to locate the sexual health aisle. It felt strange enough buying condoms this long after Adrienne had had her IUD fitted. Stranger still to be thinking these condoms might actually be for another guy to use with Adrienne.

  A text message came in, no doubt from his lady love. He felt his stomach sink at the belief she was calling it all off, telling him there was no way she was doing this, that she’d never meant to take things this far.

  But her text message read:

  [Adrienne]: Why are you doing this?

  Noah took a deep breath, hoping that by not saying a straight ‘no’, she was open to this still. God. He really wanted her to do this. There was no way that was normal. In the beginning, there was no way he could have entertained such a thing. Right now, though, he was nearly obsessed with it.

  He was so damn turned on by the thought of Adrienne being naughty. Cheating. Although it wouldn’t really be ‘cheating’ since he was so supportive of it.

  He texted her back, feigning innocence:

  [Noah]: I want you to be safe, that’s all.

  A few moments later, she replied:

  [Adrienne]: I’ve told you I didn’t really mean to go all the way with anyone. Most guys would accept that and move on.

  [Noah]: I’m not most guys.

  He came to a standstill now, by the shelves stocked with condoms and pregnancy testers and maternity vitamins. Jesus. It was like he’d been fully enlightened, but now found the way toward the light firmly closed off to him. He had learned, he believed, about something that genuinely turned him on like nothing he’d ever experienced—but it involved his beautiful wife, and now it seemed she was not on board.

  Adrienne came back to him:

  [Adrienne]: No you’re not most guys. You seem to want me to do this—to find someone to sleep with tonight.

  Reading her message, Noah felt his stomach squirm. He felt a little sick. Well, he was probably in the right place if he felt bad—just the wrong aisle. He needed Digestive Health.

  Then another text message from her:

  [Adrienne]: Do you want to break up with me?

  Now he felt a small explosion inside his chest, a burst of intense, sharp heat that he suddenly suspected might be a little like what it might feel to be shot. He shivered, his legs started to weaken and his knees threaten to give out, he was close to collapse. Jesus. How could she think such a thing? Or was it some conclusion she had come up with that she believed he was validating?

  He texted her:

  [Noah]: No, absolutely not. I would never ever want to do anything like that.

  It suddenly seemed so crass to him. Texting her from the sexual health aisle in CVS in order to save their marriage. He hit the phone symbol beside his text, called her. She picked up immediately.

  ‘Honey, you don’t seriously think... Look... this is about not splitting up, right? I want to spend the rest of my life with you.’

  He could hear a slight shiver in her breathing on the other end of the line. She said, ‘Do you think that if you let me spend the night with some other man, I’ll be okay about you seeing some other woman on the side?’

  He was a little shocked, if he was honest, that she would believe him to be the kind of guy who might do a thing like that. Firstly, the kind of guy who would want to sleep with another woman on the side, but secondly the kind of guy who would want to manipulate his wife into accepting an idea like that.

  What ate away inside of him, though, was that in Adrienne’s eyes he had already shown her that he was the kind of guy who might sleep with another woman on the side—Virginia Goddamn Lawson, even though in his eyes he really wouldn’t have done that, and still didn’t fully believe he had.

  Was the trust completely ruined between them? Was there any way to recover?

  ‘You have to believe me. I don’t want to see any other woman. I just want you to have the most amazing fun.’ Then before she could reply, he added: ‘Look, this started out as the idea that you would get even with me for my slip-up by spending the night with another man. It was supposed to hurt me like I hurt you.’

  ‘But I don’t really want to hurt you. I love you too much.’

  Well, that felt good. For her to tell her that she loved him, that was calming, reassuring.

  He said, ‘But as I came to accept you doing this, it started seeming… kind of exciting to me.’


  Noah sighed, and glanced up to see a horrifically youthful woman approaching him where he stood next to the condoms.

  ‘Can I help you, sir?’ she asked brightly.

  Embarrassment heated up his cheeks, the back of his neck, making the hairs rise up and prickle. ‘Uh… I’m fine, thanks,’ he said, holding up the cell phone to signal that he was engaged in some kind of conversation with someone—and only happened to be standing in the aisle next to all the condoms.

  She nodded, smiled politely, and turned on her heels to attend to something else, leaving Noah relieved.

  ‘Sorry about that,’ he said.

  ‘It’s okay,’ Adrienne chuckled.

  ‘Look,’ he said, ‘Ever since the idea was put in my head of what you might do… I guess it’s become a major sexual fantasy for me.’

  ‘Me… being with another man?’

  ‘Uh-huh. Flirting with other men, flaunting yourself, teasing them, dancing with them, holding them, touching them, kissing them.... Fucking them.’

p; He felt a burning bolt of fire shoot through his chest merely saying that. Because here he was, really giving her the green light to do all that. He had to be sure.

  He was sure. He knew it.

  His big, hard erection knew it.

  After what seemed like an ages-long pause, no doubt as she got her head around what he was saying, Adrienne said quietly, ‘You really want that?’

  Noah’s heart was hammering again, at top speed. He felt a severe need to sit down, to collect his feelings and his thoughts—and yet he didn’t want to lose this train of thought, didn’t want to lose this sudden open channel of communication with his sweet wife.


  Then, like a mouse was on the other end of the phone, she said warily, ‘Okay...’

  Now it was his turn to hesitate. Was she saying ‘okay’ that he wanted it, or ‘okay’ that she would do it?

  Noah found his eyes wandering all over the various packages containing these condoms or those condoms. He was breathing shallowly, rapidly, almost gasping for breath as his head spun. Feeling the weird possibility that Adrienne might actually decide this whole thing was worth trying after all.

  ‘I’ve... got to go,’ she said in barely more than a whisper. ‘He’ll see me talking to you...’

  She hung up. Noah felt terrible, even though his wife was making it seem as though she might actually do this. It was just that she didn’t seem wholly persuaded of the reasoning behind his fantasy.

  He texted her:

  [Noah]: Hey, look I’m sorry I don’t fully understand why I want this. Just that I do want it. I want you to take a step out of our normal lives and have the most incredible adventure… then come back to me and tell me all about it. I want you to have the most intense sexual experiences and then share all the details with me.

  [Adrienne]: Uh… wow.

  [Noah]: I want you to see how gorgeous other men think you are, and take that for a ride. Come back to me glowing and buzzing and refreshed and knowing that I love you and this was what I wanted for you.

  [Adrienne]: I… don’t know what to say. And you’re seriously not messing with me? Trying to trick me… I know I shouldn’t have demanded a Hall Pass or whatever just because you got totally drunk and woke up in some tramp’s hotel room, but I was just really angry.

  [Noah]: I’m not messing with you or trying to trick you or anything. I just think we’re at this wedding where for once almost nobody knows us, and maybe this would be the perfect place to test out this crazy fantasy I have.

  Another few moments of nothing passed by.


  [Adrienne]: Well… maybe I could have a little dance with someone, see what it’s like. See if you really like the sight of me with someone else. Then after that, if we both want to, we could see what else happens?

  Wow. Noah had never been so hard in his life.

  He signed off:

  [Noah]: Wonderful. I won’t be long, then I’ll come back and hopefully you’ll be dancing with someone xxx

  Chapter Four

  On the short drive back to the wedding reception, the box of condoms stowed inside his inner jacket pocket felt like it was burning a hole through his shirt right down to his skin.

  Three of them. He had three condoms, three chances for his wife to fuck someone else, right there in his pocket.

  Was Adrienne really up for this?

  Noah was a mass of conflicted feelings—fear, excitement, outrage, joy—and he could hardly cope with it. Returning to the hotel, he had to sit in his truck for a few moments, parked, just to pull himself together.

  He had to keep calm. Hell, maybe his wife wouldn’t even find someone she liked. Or no one she liked who was available. Maybe she’d find it too much, flirting with strangers, dancing with them. It had been a while since she’d last done it.

  Climbing out of the truck, slamming the door behind him, he took a deep breath and tried to hold his expectations in check. Maybe nothing would happen that night. Maybe Adrienne wouldn’t even get any attention from this wedding crowd. He didn’t want to feel disappointed any more: if anything, he had to embrace the fact that she had apparently shown interest in trying out small steps toward his fantasy.

  He walked into the building, along the hallways toward the main hall, where the reception was being held—or at least the dancing portion of it. Maybe Adrienne would be waiting by the edge of the dance floor, a wall flower, finding it too daunting to make that move.

  Or maybe—

  Noah gasped as he turned into the hall, and surveyed the lively dance floor. There was Adrienne, in that tiny little blue-and-white floral dress of hers, dancing next to a tall dark-haired man. Up against him, in fact. Swaying her hips, turning in front of him, flashing him smile after smile, her fiery eyes telling him she was interested, so interested.

  Playing with her hair as she danced in front of him. Moving her shoulders, her hips, letting the music flow through her body so gracefully, she had the guy hooked.

  Oh God.

  Noah stood there and his eyes connected with hers. Adrienne shot him a wicked smile, knowing how she was affecting him—and loving it.

  The music changed, and so did Adrienne’s dance partner. She giggled and thanked her first partner, and jauntily moved to another part of the dance floor where a tall, broad-shouldered black guy stood dancing with no obvious female friend near him.

  He seemed happy enough to dance with a little brunette.

  Noah breathed deeply, trying to relax, trying not to look ruffled, though every moment that his wife’s eyes were not on her dance partner, they were flicking across to check out Noah’s reaction, Noah’s response to her gentle straying on the dance floor.

  Oh, Adrienne had always loved dancing at weddings. It was part and parcel of the whole wonderful experience for her. Yet it had never been like this. This was pure electric, every moment. She had a tall, handsome dance partner focused on her every move—and a husband nearby watching and adoring her every move.

  She rubbed herself up against him like a cat claiming a master as territory, subtly grazing her hips, her behind, her breasts against his hard body, that dress of hers suddenly appearing so very thin—and the absence of a bra really obvious as the light hit her, revealing the stiffness of her nipples pushing against the blue and white floral material.

  She found a tall blond guy for a few songs, and seemed to be enjoying his company—but then she returned to the company of the striking African American guy, and the chemistry the two of them had together just seemed to crackle. Made Noah shiver.

  When she finally broke away from him, signaling that she had to go get a drink, Adrienne was glowing all over.

  Noah wanted to go up to her, take her in his arms, kiss her passionately. But he kept away. Maintained his distance while she went to the bar to get herself a drink. As she waited for the bartender to pour a chilled white wine, she was texting again.

  [Adrienne]: So you like watching your wife dancing with other guys?

  [Noah]: Oh yeah. You’re so hot, honey.

  [Adrienne]: Feeling jealous yet?

  [Noah]: Not at all. Well, maybe a little. But I’ve never seen anything so hot. You like that last guy, then?

  [Adrienne]: He’s yummy. You mind me dancing with him?

  [Noah]: You can dance with whoever you want. You look good with him.

  [Adrienne]: What if we got a little more… friendly?

  Noah felt his whole frame quivering again—with a little fear, it had to be said, though a whole lot of lust and excitement as well. How friendly did ‘friendly’ mean? Oh, he knew he wanted Adrienne to go all the way, to enjoy her Hall Pass to the maximum—but there was always that small part of him deep inside that was scared he might lose her.

  Just now, though, his libido overruled any doubts he had.

  [Noah]: You get as friendly as you want, honey. I have a little present for you from CVS ;-)

  [Adrienne]: I still can’t believe you did that.

; [Noah]: It’s a Hall Pass, honey. You have permission to do whatever you like with him xxx

  [Adrienne}: You are the best husband in the world xxx

  For a while, though, it looked as though Adrienne wasn’t going to find her favorite dance partner. She danced with a couple of other guys, but neither of them had her quite as interested. She ended up less-than-subtly texting on her phone while she was dancing with them, instead of giving them her full undivided attention.

  [Noah]: Not such good dancer, huh?

  [Adrienne]: No, not this guy.

  [Noah]: You think your favorite went home already? It’s getting late…

  [Adrienne]: He told me he’d see me later.

  [Noah]: Worth waiting for?

  [Adrienne]: Worth waiting for. God, I could feel his… thing… through his pants…

  [Noah]: His ‘thing’? Haha

  [Adrienne]: His cock. That’s what I should call it?

  [Noah]: Probably.

  [Adrienne]: Still want to give me those condoms?

  [Noah]: Of course. You’ll be pleased to know I got big ones.

  [Adrienne]: I think I see him.

  Noah watched as his wife stepped away from the poor guy who’d been desperately trying to get her interested, offering him a polite but regretful smile before she walked away. Noah was suddenly feeling a whole load of butterflies in his stomach fluttering away, as though they were trying to lift him up and out of there.

  He went to the bar to procure a stiff drink, followed by another one, before he went to find a suitable vantage point from which he could monitor the dance floor and a certain brunette thereon.

  It was late by now. Fully dark outside, and inside the lights had been turned down on the dance floor, to offer a more intimate atmosphere.

  There was Adrienne, back with her tall, dark Romeo, as though they’d never parted. Grinding with her back to him as the Pussycat Dolls asked ‘Don’t cha wish your girlfriend was hot like me…’

  His hands moving around her waist to hold her, claim her as his. Gazing down over her shoulders at her breasts, which moved nicely as she did, unrestricted by underwear. She pushed her butt back at him, grinding against his crotch, giggling and laughing, running her hands through her long, dark hair, turning to smile at him invitingly.


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