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Saving Della-Ray

Page 10

by Le Carre, Georgia

  The door was pulled open and a collection of the most muscled, tatted, vicious looking outlaws I had ever laid eyes upon streamed into the room.

  I lowered my gaze, especially as they all looked directly at me. I understood then why this was a biker bar more than anything. If you didn’t run with their club, and you came in here, you stuck out like a sore decaying thumb. The last thing I needed was anyone coming up to me and offering what I didn't ask for.

  Beer held no charms for me, but I drained my drink, and glued my eyes to my phone. When I could sense that they had sat down, and had turned their attention away from me I shot to my feet. The door opened and …

  Bone was standing there staring at me.

  Della Ray

  My soul jumped out of my body. I couldn’t move or speak. All I could register was the shock in his eyes, and the tousled cascade of his dark hair falling almost to his shoulders. He had abandoned his cast, no doubt without the doctor’s permission, and as I stared dumbfounded at him, I realized what had made me crazy enough to come here and wait with these hardened violent men for him. Because he wasn’t one of them. What a sharp contrast he made to the rest of these men. Yes, he was tatted up, rugged and dangerous no doubt, but in a good way, like a hero. The way that made you want no one else but him.

  Then the most surprising thing happened. I saw his eyes fill with … fear. But it was gone so fast I realized I must have imagined it. Why would he fear me? With a hard look at me, he turned around without a word, and exited the bar. At least he hadn’t completely ignored me, so all was not lost. With every single person in that bar staring at me, I went after him. When I arrived outside, the sun was setting and he was nowhere in sight, but at the rev of an engine around the corner, I knew exactly where he was.

  I headed over and stopped next to his bike.

  He took his time, running his fingers through his hair and then securing it all behind his head with a tie … All the while without even bothering to spare me a gaze. “What are you doing here?” he asked.

  “I came for a drink,” I said flippantly.

  The look he gave me was lethal. At the vein that twitched by the side of his head I realized then just how furious he was at my presence. “Out of all the bars in Ashville you chose this one?”

  “Fuck you too,” I said rudely, and turned around to walk away, but he caught my hand and I was pulled roughly towards him.

  “Let me go,” I said coldly. I felt so angry and hurt I refused to even look at him.

  He shook me like a rag doll until he had forced my gaze to meet his. “Why would you come here?” he asked through gritted teeth. “Do you know how dangerous it is?”

  I opened my mouth to speak but no words would come out, especially at the note of intense emotion I heard in his admonishment.

  “Get on,” he said, steel in his voice.

  I tried to pull away from his grip on me, but he wouldn’t budge.

  “I’ll go on my own.”

  “Get on,” he repeated more softly.

  It instantly weakened me. I didn’t want to be away from him either, so I was at least going to enjoy whatever moments I still had with him until we arrived at my house. When we arrived, I would probably receive vicious instructions to never try to contact him again, but what the hell? I would cross that bridge when I came to it.

  I got on, and instantly reveled in his familiar scent. I tightened my hands around his waist. Soon, we were blasting through the county roads. I allowed myself to rest my forehead against his back.

  Oh, Bone. Why can’t you be mine?

  Soon we arrived at my home and I instantly let him go. The immediate absence of his warmth felt so strangely final, I began to feel nauseous. It made me wonder when my heart had become so invested in him.

  Well, constantly obsessing over a man would do that, my mind mocked.

  I honestly expected him to zoom off.

  Instead, he got off the bike and faced me. “Why did you come to the bar?”

  The last thing I wanted to admit was I went because I was worried about him and wanted to see how he was doing, or that I wanted him to get out of that stupid club before, God forbid … it caused his death in the damn upcoming race. “I was curious,” I answered, my chin lifted.

  He studied me grimly.

  “Your club has been the talk of the town recently. I just wanted to see what it was all about.”

  “Never come by again,” he said, and turned to take his leave.

  I felt as if my heart was being ripped out of my body. I knew then I would never see him again. I wanted to grab him and tell him not to leave me. I watched in horror as he was about to mount his bike. Soon he would be gone. Forever. Maybe he would even end up getting killed at the big biker race.

  “Alright, I will never go there again,” I shouted. “But you owe me.”

  He stopped and slowly turned around. “Owe you? Do I owe you?”

  “When you needed my help, you came here, and I went with you. Don’t I get anything in return for that?”

  His gaze narrowed at me.

  I didn’t care, my blood was already fizzing with anxiety. How would my request ever leave my mouth? What kind of emotion was giving me the courage to act this way?

  “What do you want?” he asked softly.

  I inhaled deeply and locked my gaze with his. Then I opened my mouth and the words I never thought I would ever say to anyone flowed out, “I want what you offered from the very beginning.”

  “You want me to fuck you?”

  My head jerked back to hear it put so directly. I was wincing inwardly, but folding my arms across my chest with a confidence I didn’t feel, I gave as good as I got. “Just once. After that, we’ll never have anything to do with each other again.”

  He went quiet for way too long. I could even almost hear the tick of the watch on my wrist as the seconds went by. The distant sounds of cars zooming past on the major road, two blocks down floated over me, and in the house behind someone must have been cooking fish because I could smell it.

  “Okay,” he said suddenly, and walked past me towards the house.

  It took a short moment to process what was happening and when I did I ran after him. “Where are you going?” I asked in a panic.

  “You have a room, don’t you?” he asked.

  My heart wanted to burst out of my chest. “It can’t be here. Definitely not. Nichole and Jess will be back any moment.”

  “We’ll be quick,” he said carelessly.

  My mouth dropped open. Never had I felt so devalued. So cheap. I swore to myself then that I would hurt him back, somehow. “No thank you,” I said. “I take back my request. You can be on your way now and I hope we never have anything to do with each other again.” I walked away from him and blinking back the tears of rage, I pushed my door open. I was furious with myself and him. I felt like I would explode into pieces from the anger.

  I made sure to exert all my effort into banging the door in his face, but he stuck his leg out, and forced his way in. He slammed the door behind him and began to approach me like a predator.

  Della Ray

  -tonight you’re mine-

  “Your temper sways like you’re out of your mind, do you know this?” he asked, his eyes glittering. It appeared he was just as furious as me.

  I started walking backwards as he approached. “You can’t be here,” was all I could say.

  “You’re so easily angered and irritated. And I don’t know if I like it or not.”

  “I don't care if you do or not, I just—” I began, before coming to a sudden stop.

  I could smell his intoxicating scent and almost feel the magnetic heat from his body swirling between us. I felt hot and strangely breathless. My knees wobbled. I needed to hold onto something, or at the very least sit down. “I want you to leave!” I screeched in a blind panic. “This is trespassing and we don’t have anything to—”

ou talk way too damn much,” he interrupted. Without any warning, he grabbed me by the arms, pulled me forward, and captured my mouth in a hard kiss.

  My knees gave way, and I was forced to grab his jacket to keep myself upright.

  His tongue, his beautiful tongue … it did things to my mental state that I couldn’t put into words. I wanted it on every inch of my skin. I also wanted to reject him, to pull away. Instead, I sensed my hands release his shirt and snake up his chest and lock around his neck and draw him even closer to me.

  All I could do was whimper helplessly, as his tongue filled my mouth, plunging, sucking, teasing … in a rhythm that left me limp. I couldn’t understand it. I had kissed guys before so what was it about him? Why did it make me want to melt into a puddle of longing and desire? Only the image of Jess’s innocent face was stronger than him.

  I tore myself away from him and instantly felt the loss of his flesh and flavor, intertwining with mine, feeding me the lies that we were completely one. That we were perfect together, and all that we would each ever need was each other, when it was all a big lie.

  “Let’s stop here,” I cried out.

  Instead, he tore off his jacket and flung it away revealing the sleeveless t-shirt he had on.

  “Bone,” I called, my chest panting as I retreated backwards. “My roommate ...”

  “I don't care,” he rasped and came for me. “Which one’s your room?”

  “Let’s leave,” I said and grabbed his hand to pull him away.

  He locked my wrist in his big rough hand and pulled me along with him. “Which one’s yours?” he asked harshly. “If you don't tell me, I swear I’ll fuck you right here on the floor.”

  I couldn’t help my eyes from straying towards my door. He pushed it open and I hurried in after him into my room. It was a mess with clothes strewn across the bed. I had tried on my entire wardrobe before I decided on the simple t-shirt and jeans I was wearing. I’d never felt more ashamed of my room.

  Apparently, it didn’t bother him one bit, because he turned around, slammed the door shut, and pulled me roughly to him. His mouth instantly on my neck.

  My back arched at the sweet agony of his touch. He squeezed my body to his as though he was unable to let go. I managed to twist the lock on the door just as my feet left the floor. He pressed me hard against him, my ass rubbing against his burgeoning cock.

  I reached behind to feel what I could of him through his jeans and had to grab my own crotch to soothe the excruciating ache.

  This would be our one time together and I did not intend to hold back. I turned around, dropped to my knees, and tugged on his belt. He let me, and I could feel his eyes sear into my skin as I worked the buckle and yanked his zipper down. Holding the edge of his briefs and jeans, I pulled them both down just enough, so his cock sprung free.

  I had already copped a feel so I knew he was big, but holy cow!

  I had imagined his cock fucking me in a thousand ways over the last few days, but I never imagined it would be so perfect. With widened eyes, I admired the view of his thick heavy cock. Velvety veins throbbed and snaked up along the silky looking flesh. I held the heated length of him in my hands and I couldn’t believe how hard or thick he was. My eyes lifted up to his and catching his desperate gaze, a smile spread across my face. My heart was pounding as I flicked out my tongue and let myself taste that glistening drop of seed.

  He let out a soft groan.

  God, I loved the taste of him so much a moan escaped my lips as I savored the flavor of him. Greedily, I opened my mouth and sucked hard on his delicious cock, my tongue licking and teasing along his hard length.

  My hands covered his shaft and began to fist softly up and down his length while his hand held onto my head, his beautifully toned stomach rising and falling in rapid succession at the quickening of his breath.

  First, I teased him by nicking tiny bites of his delicate flesh. I worked my way from the root to the tip of his cock. He was so turned on he started to rock his hips in desperation. And that was when I hollowed my mouth to take as much of him as I could, but given his size it wasn't as far as I would have liked. The only time he was probably be balls deep was when he fucked my pussy. I continued to fist and suck hard, fucking him with my mouth until I could taste his arousal. Looking up I saw his expression change, so I milked him hard until I felt him begin to quicken, galloping towards his explosion.

  “Fuck,” he cursed, as he held my head and repeatedly plunged himself in and out of my mouth. “I’m going to come,” he warned.

  Maybe he thought I might want to move away, but I held on even tighter to him. It was that action that pushed him over. When he exploded in my mouth, I swallowed it and wanted more.

  “Fuck,” he breathed, his fingers intertwined in my hair as his big, gorgeous body jerked to the force of his orgasm. His face was raised to the ceiling in total abandonment.

  I milked every last ounce of pleasure out of him. When he looked down, I opened my mouth and showed him his own cum swirling inside my mouth. His eyes widened with pleasure. When I closed my mouth and swallowed it all, he pulled me to my feet.

  “What did you just do to me?” he asked, an awed expression in his eyes.

  My response was a smile. At that moment, I felt more powerful than I had ever felt in my life. Now, I knew he wanted me as much as I wanted him.

  He grabbed my shirt and ripped the material apart. Buttons flew in all directions just as my breasts came into view, full and swollen in the dark lacy bra that held them.

  His mouth instantly went on the swell, his kiss hard and wet as he sucked and fondled my creamy flesh.

  Wafts of ecstasy coursed through me, as my back connected with the door.

  That was when the sound from the outside world intruded.

  The slam of the front door opening announced the arrival of Jess and Nichole.

  I froze.

  Bone lifted his head from my breast, his eyes connecting with mine as I put my finger on my lips to warn him not to make any noise.

  To my shock, he simply pulled down my bra and covered my nipple with his mouth.

  “Bone,” I gasped and tried to get him to stop, but he wouldn’t.

  I had to admit though that my attempts were too feeble. I honestly couldn’t find any strength whatsoever to stop him. At the barrage of flaming hot desire that burned me to my core when he began to work the buttons of my jeans, my head fell back and hit the door.

  “Della-Ray?” I heard Nichole call out.

  Della Ray

  Bone slipped his hand into my panties and cupped my soaking wet pussy.

  “Fuuck,” I gasped at the contact. I caught his hand to pull him away, my eyes pleading with him to return some of my willpower back to me so I could salvage the situation enough to stop my friend from murdering me.

  He did the opposite. He jerked my underwear and jeans off my hips and said, “Relax, they already know I'm here, my bike’s in front of the house.”

  At the realization, my eyes widened in panic.

  “Jess, come with me,” I heard Nichole say, and I almost collapsed with relief when their footsteps retreated towards the kitchen. He pulled my jeans down to my feet and circled my swollen clit torturously before slipping his fingers into me. I knew then … there was no way in hell I would be telling him to stop.

  My eyes fluttered shut as the force of his thrusts increased and I tried my best to quiet my harsh breathing. But when he grabbed my ass, pushed my thighs apart, and slammed his mouth against my cunt, I had to slap my palm against my mouth and try my best to swallow the whimpers that rushed up my throat.

  My other hand slipped into his thick hair as he plunged his tongue into me. I couldn’t stop my hips from twitching and jerking in response. When his tongue pulled my clit into his mouth and sucked feverishly between the folds of my sex, all thoughts of Nichole and Jess’s presence became utterly lost to me.

  I ground my sex into his face, and he ate me up with a wild and desperate

  “Fuck” I thrashed wildly against the door. “Oh, fuck ... Bone.” I tried, I really tried to contain myself, but in that moment nothing else mattered beyond the euphoria he was flying me towards.

  When I climaxed, my entire body slammed against the door and if Nichole had any doubts as to what was going on that would have confirmed it. I began to crumble to the ground. If he hadn't quickly risen to hold me up, I would have collapsed.

  Without giving me a chance for me to recover, he threw me across his shoulder, and deposited me on the bed.

  Mindlessly, I stared at him, my hand was pressed hard against my sex. The waves of my orgasm were still coursing through my body.

  He tore my bundled jeans from my feet, and crawled up to me until our eyes were level. Then he kissed me.

  It was different from any kiss he gave me before. This one was full of desperation. The kiss a man might give his sweetheart before he went away to war. When he thought it might be his last. At the feel of his cock as it settled between my thighs, I reached to my left and opened my bedside drawer. There was a condom there. I gave it to him. “It’s very old. I hope it still works.”

  “Do you want me to make it quick?” he asked.

  “Fuck yes!” I breathed. “Jess and Nichole are home.”

  He sheathed himself.

  As he slipped into me, I held my breath. “Jesus,” I gasped in shock. I had never had a man stretch me so wide. To allow me to get used to his girth, he stayed still and began to trace wet hard kisses along my jawline. When he took my breast into his mouth, I felt a hot trickle of desire roll down my inner thigh. “I’m ready,” I panted.

  He pulled out and plunged all the way into me.

  My back arched up from the bed into a bow. “Oh, my Go—”

  He saved me from myself as he covered my mouth with his, eating up my words. Then he removed his mouth from mine. “Keep it down,” he whispered.

  I almost screamed at him in fury. “I fucking told you to take this somewhere else,” I cried, digging my nails into his firm full ass.


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