Saving Della-Ray

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Saving Della-Ray Page 11

by Le Carre, Georgia

  He pulled away just as his cock reached my opening and then plunged back into me. “Next time.”

  “There won’t be one,” I shot back.

  His response was a dry chuckle. ‘We’ll see about that.”

  “Go slow,” I warned. “Or else the bed will creak. They’ll be able to hear.”

  “You just told me there won’t be a next time,” he said. “So why the fuck should I do that?” He plunged into me once more and this time so vengefully the bed rocked against the wall in a vicious protest.

  From then on, he was unstoppable. My nails clawed viciously down his back in retaliation for rendering my control to dust and putting me in deep trouble with Nichole. His thrusts picked up in rhythm, and came in such hard, deep drives that I couldn’t find my voice. I wrenched the sheets from the mattress, and my head thrashed about as he fucked the life out of me.

  “I’ve wanted you for so fucking long,” he snarled. “From the first fucking moment I saw you. All I wanted was to be inside your sweet pussy.”

  I was panting. The loud smacks of his groin against my flesh made me wish to God Nichole would take Jess out of the house and into the garden. It seemed as though the very ground was shaking beneath me. I opened my eyes to search his face and it was twisted in a grimace of otherworldly bliss. I imagined that I looked even crazier than that.

  “Bone,” I cried out, lifting my hips and tightening my legs around him, in an effort to take him even deeper.

  His cock seemed to swell even more inside of me, the thick rod grating tantalizingly against the tender walls of my sex, as he fucked me as though he were possessed.

  His thrusts became animalistic, borderline cruel even, but I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. I gave up any idea of holding on to the reigns of control as the hoarse groans spilling from his throat drove me wilder still. Tortured and on the verge of unconsciousness, I surrendered completely to it.

  My orgasm was monumental.

  The walls of my sex clenched every inch of him so tightly, he exploded right along with me. His shudder was violent as he held me in a tight grasp, hot, and vehement.

  I held tightly onto him, my lips planting frenzied kisses all over his awe-stricken face. My heart felt as if it would burst with emotion. “Bone,” I gasped repeatedly, as if it was a prayer I was offering the gods. In fact, it was … Please don’t take him away from me.

  He kissed me, deep and hard, as I caged my legs around him, refusing to let go. Suddenly tears filled my eyes and I was overtaken by the torrent of emotions inside me ... I whispered words that shouldn’t have left my lips, “Please don't go to the race,” I sobbed, my face buried in his neck. “Please, I'm so terrified that you’ll be killed. Don't go.”

  I heard myself as if from a distance and at first, I didn't give a damn, but then he stilled in my arms, and it all shattered. I refused to open my eyes, and when I felt him begin to pull away, I immediately let him go and turned away to curl into a ball of shame.

  I heard him silently get off the bed, and the sounds of him beginning to pull his jeans on. I should have done the same, so I could quickly show him out of the house, but I couldn’t find the backbone to uncurl myself enough to meet his eyes.

  He didn’t say a word as he left.

  When I heard the front door shut, I wiped the tears off my face.

  I sat up and looked around my room, which seemed even more than a mess than ever before. I was still dazed from all that had just happened. I looked down in wonder at my still soaking wet pussy. I looked around, but could find no trace of the condom. He must have taken it with him. I thought I heard a sound outside my window and I jumped out of bed. Making myself look as decent as possible, I stepped out of the room in search of Nichole and Jess.

  She wasn’t in the garden, but in the kitchen with the door closed. Jess was playing in her sandpit in the garden. She was engrossed in building her castle she didn’t even notice my presence as I stood by the door. Nichole however shut the book that she had been reading, and rested a dark gaze on me.

  Her question was quite simple. “What the fuck was that all about?”

  Widening my eyes meaningfully, I looked from her to Jess, then back to her.

  She stared at me as though I were out of my mind. “You think that is the worst thing she's heard today? How the fuck could you do that here?”

  I sighed deeply. “It wasn't planned, I swear it.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked, rising as she approached me. “What’s going on with you Della?”

  “It is just today. I’m finished with him,” I said, and went past her to retrieve a bottle of water from the refrigerator. I drained it all in a heartbeat.

  “You’re finished?” she asked, her voice dripping with disbelief. “Somehow, I don’t think so. You sounded like ten men were screwing the life out of you. I thought the whole house was going to collapse.”

  There were no arguments there especially as I had to hold onto the edge of the counter since I still couldn’t stand properly.

  “And I saw him,” she said. “Fuck. I was going to skin you alive for defiling our house with some lowlife, but goddamn it, girl.”

  I turned to her, confused. “Are you scolding me or ...”

  She grinned suddenly. “I don’t know, but when my shock has settled, you’re going to tell me all about it.”

  “I might,” I said.

  She frowned. “But please don’t bring him to our home again,” she warned, genuine concern in her tone. “If he is part of an MC, it could be dangerous for us.”

  “Mommy!” Jess screamed suddenly.

  We both turned to see that Jess had finally noticed my presence. I looked at Jess with my eyebrows raised.

  She just shrugged and gave me a no-idea-don’t-look-at-me expression.

  “Hey, honey,” I called out to Jess and she came running towards me, her face beaming with joy. I scooped her sandy little body up into my arms. “Where have you two been all afternoon, hmmm?”

  “We missed you,” she whispered in my ear.

  “Well, so did I,” I said.

  “Mommy, can we have dinner together tonight? All three of us.”

  I pulled a little away so I could see her face. “Jess, you know I’m not your Mommy, right?”

  She nodded sadly. “Yeah, but can we just pretend?”


  She played with my hair and avoided my eyes. “Because all the other kids have mommies.”

  For a second, I wanted to cry with sadness for her. Then I smiled, a big happy smile. “Okay, let’s do that. It’ll be fun.”

  She perked up. “Really?”

  I tickled her tummy. “Yes, really.”

  “Yay,” she said throwing both her arms around my neck and kissing my face with big wet kisses.

  I met Nichole’s gaze. I couldn’t be sure, but I thought I saw tears in her eyes.


  Group trips to purchase firearms were the least strenuous duties I had as the Road Captain of the club.

  Today we were riding in Snake’s Silverado. The mindlessness of being a passenger in a car rather than navigating a Harley was quite welcome, especially useful given the state I was in. I was completely unable to take Della off my mind.

  I knew fucking her would be extremely enjoyable, but what I’d failed to anticipate was that it would blow my fucking world wide open. She had been haunting me from the moment I looked up and saw her, but when I saw her at Reno’s I almost completely lost my shit. The eyes of the other members on her made me feel like a madman. I wanted to tear their eyes out of their ogling sockets. I felt as if a raw wound had opened up in my body, and anybody and everybody could touch and prod at it.

  Now they all knew what she looked like. It had compromised her in a way that she couldn’t even comprehend. My intention to completely block her out of my world had been ruined by my own weakness. If only I had not gone to her that night when the kid had been shot. My life hadn’t prepared me for this. I d
idn't know how to navigate things from here onwards.

  I turned my face toward the sun. No more empty promises. I was determined not to go to her again. No matter how much I wanted to. Not until I had done what I had set out to do. Not until I was sure there would be no blowback.

  In an hour, we arrived at the simple detached house in the quiet neighborhood in Woodsbrow. An elderly woman came out with a wicker tray of nuts to sort through. She took one look at the six of us, all rough-looking troublemakers, added another deep wrinkle to her wrinkled brow, and turned herself and her wooden chair away from us.

  "Evening, Miss Ryder," RJ greeted loudly.

  "It's Mrs. Ryder,” she corrected venomously without bothering to spare any of us a glance.

  I didn't blame her.

  "Yes ma'am," he mocked.

  "What trouble have ya’all brought with you this time round?"

  "No trouble ma’am,” I said quietly. “We'll be in and out in no time.”

  She responded with a bitter humph, and we continued on our way.

  "One day, we’re gonna have to take care of that bitc—’ RJ began.

  I struck a blow on the back of his head ‒ before he could complete the statement ‒ that sent him sprawling into the house straight on his face.

  He immediately shot to his feet, ready to pick a fight, but at the look that Tyler sent his way, he just glared at me and dusted off the front of his t-shirt.

  Rugrat emerged from the bright green kitchen of the homely house, bare chested, his gut so round and shiny he looked like a blossoming pig. His beard, his hands, and his lips were stained and glistening with whatever he had been eating. "What is this?" he roared. "Y'all said you'll be here at three-thirty."

  "So what? We’re thirty minutes early.” RJ tapped him on his man breasts. “We're forced to be spontaneous these days ... in case you haven't heard, there's a hit out on us."

  "What's that about?" he asked. “You all haven't even launched an attack and they came calling?"

  "That's not why we’re here," Tyler snapped impatiently. He never was one for gossip and chit chat. "Get to it."

  "Yes sir," Rugrat said, wiping his stained hands against his sagging mustard corduroy pants.

  We ushered ourselves through the small door as we'd done countless of times in the past. The narrow stairs led down the basement. The dimly lit space was thick with the stink of some sort of barbecued meat from a pile of half-eaten wings on the floor.

  “Where are they?" Tyler asked.

  Rugrat pulled out the string of keys he kept around his waist and walked to one of the freezers. After unlocking the massive padlock that secured it, he threw it open to reveal duffel bags of weapons.

  RJ and I unloaded the bags and put them on the ground to take stock of their contents.

  There were almost a hundred weapons in total. Ten machine guns, handguns, shotguns, and rifles. RJ counted them aloud excitedly, confirming the numbers for me and I took careful account of them.

  Once the payment was complete, we were on our way.

  "Hey, have some wings before ya’ll go,” he bellowed, as we walked away.

  Tank and Rooster only tapped his hanging breasts and stomach mockingly and we were on our way.

  Only RJ for some reason deemed it appropriate to overturn his plate of wings, cackling excitedly as it tumbled onto the floor in a spicy mess.

  "Fuck you, RJ!" Rugrat cursed.

  I shut my eyes briefly to dissipate the cloud of irritation I felt. The man was such a fucking liability. One of these days ...

  I took my place in the car and my head filled once again with Della.

  The way she'd screamed out my name, the recollection of the mischief glinting in her eyes as she blew my cock, the way she whimpered when she came, and the way she begged me not to …

  "Bone," I heard my name being called.

  I turned to see the others eyes on me.

  "Where's your mind man?” Tank asked, amused.

  Tyler watched me through the rearview mirror as he drove.

  But it was RJ who became more excited than anyone else. "It's the girl, isn't it?" RJ asked. "God damn, she sure was tasty. Did you guys see that ass on her, man? Heck with an ass like that she wouldn’t need toilet paper, I’d lick her hole clean for her. You must have had a feast.” He gave a crazy laugh.

  I knew he was trying to get to me.

  “Can I have her too ... after you're done with her, of course? C’mon man, sharing is caring."

  I held myself back from reacting so they wouldn't think I attributed any sort of importance to her whatsoever, but I could feel my fuse quickly burning up. I tightened my fist against the door’s handles and swore that one more word from him and he wouldn't be able to walk in the upcoming week

  "Shut the fuck up, you stupid piece of shit," Tyler snarled.

  RJ grunted, but he screwed his head back on and kept his loathsome, stinking trap shut for the rest of the trip.

  As we sped through the highway back to our storage base, I thought on how best I could keep Della as far away as possible from this whole fucking mess.

  Della Ray

  I was at work when Nichole called to tell me that Jess must have caught a cold in her daycare. If she had been a healthy child I wouldn’t have worried, but with her weak heart it made me fearful and anxious. So when I emerged back into the bar, I was in the lowest of moods.

  Lena came up to me then with a tray in her hand. "Someone is looking for you.”


  She quickly ran her gaze around the bar. "Her. The blondie over there.”

  At first, I couldn't place her, but when she turned towards us, I instantly remembered who she was. Halting my steps, I regarded her and wondered what this visit could possibly be about. But by the time I headed over and took my seat beside her, I was ready to handle whatever trouble she had brought along.

  She looked me over, from my cheap dark sneakers to the short black skirt and T-shirt I was wearing. There was very little trace of makeup left on my face, and my hair was pulled back into a ponytail high on my head.

  "You look different,” she scoffed, and drained her glass. It was hard liquor too. Hanging out with so many rugged men all the time must have toughened her up for it. "If I had known you were this plain perhaps I wouldn't have bothered making the effort to come here. Has Bone seen you this way?"

  I stared at her in surprise. "Did you come here just to insult me?"

  "No," she said with a mocking smile. "I just came to see what was so special about you. Apparently nothing. Bone must have truly meant it then."

  I knew I shouldn’t ask, but I couldn’t stop myself. "Meant what?”

  She turned her wide eyes to me. She was wearing purple lenses today. "He said you were just a fuck, but you couldn't get over it. You had started to stalk him." She placed her claws of blood-red finger nails on my shoulder as if in consolation. "It’s okay, I get it. When he fucked me I too, almost lost my mind, but I got real. After all, he's racked up quite the reputation around town. Take it from me. Your best bet is to just relish the memory and leave him the fuck alone."

  I don’t know how I knew, but I knew she was lying. Bone would never have told her something like that. I slapped her hand off my shoulder and lifted my chin proudly. "Is that why you came here? Are you that insecure?”

  “Nope,” she responded. "I was sent by the club to find out what was going on between you two. Let me tell you this. Keep away from the man. He is vicious and cruel. Not worthy of the trouble."

  Well, she had changed her tune, and in the bat of an eyelid too. I watched her smile grimly as she rose from the stool and walked out of the bar. My gaze blurred at the force of the hurt I felt. Not because of what she had said, but because I wanted Bone so much while it was becoming clearer and clearer that I would never be able to adapt to the life he lived and the people he ran with. I felt the tears trickle down my cheeks, but I brushed them roughly away and went back to work.

  I couldn�
��t have Bone and that was that.


  We pulled into the speedway south of Ashland. I had been cleared out for the race. Not all of the members were present yet, but the crowd had their eyes on all ninety of us as we rode on our bikes into the already buzzing commotion. I expected most civilians to avoid this race, but there seemed to be a great deal of ordinary folk watching attentively beyond the track’s barricade.

  That worried me.

  Most of us present were attired in bulletproof vests and a few of us who could find our way around the authorities were armed with the needed weapons, but these civilians were to all intents and purposes … naked. It was pure speculation on their part to think that nothing bad would go wrong since there were police everywhere and it never had in the past, but it took only a second for someone like RJ to lose his head.

  One dumbass could get two dozen killed in an instant.

  We were set up some distance away from the strip so we took our place and posted our eyes and ears on every movement around the event.

  On our way here, we had sighted police cars on high alert, and amongst the crowds were undercover cops with their eyes peeled for trouble. The press was present but a safe distance away. You couldn’t blame them, who wanted to be the recipient of a crazy outburst from a bunch of outlaws. I took a seat on one of the chairs underneath our canopy and watched the glistening machines ready themselves on the tracks.

  The race was set to begin anytime now.

  This event was hosted by the Hells Angels since theirs was the club with more than half a century of existence. Their various chapters in the state all deemed it important to show up at the event to establish their presence and strength in the area.

  Tyler hung out on his motorcycle with RJ in his line of vision, in case he lost it, misbehaved, or there was an attack on him. My eyes were on our rival club, Death’s Hand. They had been positioned strategically and quite a distance from us, but that wasn't enough to stop whatever trouble anyone wanted to cause in the arena.


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