Saving Della-Ray

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Saving Della-Ray Page 15

by Le Carre, Georgia

  The moment he placed his other hand on my stomach and began to slide it down to my tormented, throbbing pussy, my whole body tensed with anticipation.

  He palmed my dampened panties and then slid the sheer material aside to obtain full access to my wet silky folds. He slid his fingers into the delicate cleft. I drenched him. The sound of his finger squelching echoed loudly around us.

  He plunged another finger in, and I bit down on his shoulder at the delicious intrusion. My hand tore the tie on his hair away as I needed something to claw at to keep me sane.

  He slid his fingers expertly in and out of me, his thumb stroking my swollen nub.

  It felt so freaking good, my heels lifted off the floor. “Bone,” I breathed as I ground my hips into his big, callused hand. I was on fire. All I could feel and breathe in was him. My head fell back as I entered into an entrancing state of mindlessness.

  His mouth joined the attack as he sucked and pulled on my rock-hard nipples. I was overwhelmed, and as his tempo increased on both pleasure stations of my body, I flew closer and closer to the edge.

  When I climaxed, it was so hard for a few moments I forgot where I was. All I could feel was the rush and heat of my release as it spilled over his hand. My core was so taut it reverberated with the powerful orgasm. Even then he didn’t stop. He continued to work his thumb against my clit milking every ounce of pleasure he could.

  My hips thrashed wildly and he had to lay his palm on me to provide the hard relief that I needed. I sagged against him, spent and awed.

  Della Ray

  He lifted me, his hands gripping the underside of my thighs and pulled at them so my legs would go around his waist. I obeyed, my face buried in his neck as I tried to gather my wits. The next thing I felt was my ass on the cold counter.

  “Hold on to the edge of the counter,” he ordered as he jerked my hips forward. Without waiting for my response, he buried his face between my legs. Covering my entire pussy with his mouth, he began to suck ferociously.

  “Bone," I gasped, my hands scurrying for some support as my body threatened to slide off the counter.

  He never lifted his head until I found another climax on his tongue. I was panting heavily when I looked down to find him still meticulously licking my wet folds. His eyes were like blue fire when he stood and pulled a condom packet from his pocket. Then he began to unzip his jeans. His cock was swollen and throbbing.

  My breath was shaky as I brushed his beautiful tousled hair out of his face and covered my mouth with his. I tasted myself on him and the mingling with his delicious flavor, struck a chord of intimacy within me like nothing else I’d ever known. I moaned into his mouth when I felt the wide head of his cock slipping and sliding between my folds. He teased me with that rock-hard rod until I leaned forward and grabbed a hold of it myself. I fisted him eagerly, wishing I could also have a taste of him, but I’d have to wait for that. I knew he couldn’t wait anymore. All he wanted was to be inside me.

  He saw the blade of hunger in my eyes and with a nip at my chin, he took control and positioned himself at my entrance. With his strong grasp on the flesh of my hips, he lifted me slightly off the counter and slammed into me.

  I cried out breathlessly at the sudden penetration. Oh, God. As he filled me, my walls convulsed around him. It was the most satisfying thing to be so utterly filled, so utterly stretched. I reached down to grab his ass, my short fingernails digging into the tightly clenched flesh.

  He began his rhythm, his mouth on my neck. It muffled the animalistic groans that tore out of my throat as he began to thrust in and out of me. I gave as good as I got. I rocked my hips feverishly to meet his as he pounded himself into me.

  He worked hard to completely possess me and drive me out of my mind. And he succeeded. Sweat drizzled down my back and my words became mumbled and senseless as the rush of ecstasy rattling every inch of my body. I heard my cries as though from a distance.

  "Fuck me!” I cried. “Bo-ne. Oh, fuck … Yes. Just like that. Ohhhh, goddddd …” I screamed and felt the ache in my throat. Suddenly however, he halted but I tightened my hips around him, shaking my head in abject refusal. "No," I panted, “What the hell are you doing? You can't."

  With a devious chuckle, he carried me over to the wall. “Look at me," he ordered.

  As he brushed my hair out of my face, I caught the expression in his blue gaze, and knew he had just signed me up for a wilder ride.

  He slid his dick back into me and began to rattle me alive, my ass slamming viciously against the wall. The smacking sounds of our groins slamming into each other, raw and primal, and the force of his thrusts, reached into a part of me that I didn't even realize it was possible to get to. I was whipped almost unconscious by mind blowing pleasure.

  I thrust my tongue into his mouth and held tightly to his neck as I exploded in a daze of disbelief. Tearing my mouth from his, I sunk my teeth into his shoulder to keep myself from completely losing it. The pain I caused, I was certain, was what sent him over the edge right behind me.

  His roar reverberated through my soul as he released his thick bursts of seed deep inside me.

  He continued to pound his hips into me and I kept on climaxing until it felt like I would fall unconscious. By the time he drew in a sharp breath to signify his finale, I was long gone. All the strength in my body was lost. No strength was left in my limbs to even cling to him. I collapsed on him like a rag doll. I must have lost consciousness too, because I felt myself come awake to a lazy sweetness that buzzed through my entire body.

  A euphoric calm hung over me as my eyelids fluttered open to meet those of Bone. He was watching me with such possessiveness, I felt my heart skip a beat. My fingers brushed his hair aside in an attempt to tuck it behind his ears so I could see the rest of his face. But as soon as I moved my hand the silky strands came cascading back down.

  With a shaky laugh that tugged a smile out of him, he lifted me into his arms and carried me to his bed. He put me down on the bed and lay next to me.

  I got onto my elbow and softly brushed his eyebrows. I thought my heart would melt when his eyelids fluttered close tiredly.

  “I think I nearly I passed out,” I murmured.

  “I think you actually did.” He grinned.

  My heart did somersaults in my chest. “I must have been quite starved,” I explained.

  It was his turn to brush my hair out of my face. “It wasn’t because I almost fucked you to death?”

  “Cocky much?” I scoffed, but my cheeks were no doubt crimson red.

  “Apparently,” he said dryly.

  I couldn’t contain my laughter. After the bout of amusement had subsided, I returned to his face and began to trace my finger down the bridge of his regal nose, down to the gentle rise of his upper lip. I was committing every curve and arch to memory. “You’re fucking beautiful, you know,” I said.

  He rubbed the tip of his nose against mine. “Me? You’re the beautiful one. I almost keeled over when I saw you in that dress. But now you need to eat. What do you feel like?”

  “Something quick. I want more of you. I saw a can of tuna and a bottle of ranch. I could make us a sandwich.”

  “You don't want to eat that,” he said with a smile.

  “Why? It’s expired?”


  “Fuck food. I didn’t come here to eat. I want to be on top of you,” I said.

  With a chuckle, he obliged me and moved. Moments later and I was sprawled on top of him, our naked bodies glued seamlessly together. As I deliberately wriggled around, his enormous cock began to protrude between the folds of my sex. I grinned down at him. “Another round?”

  “Can’t have you fainting on me again. Food first.” At the expression on my face, he added. “I insist. How do you feel about a Chinese takeout?”

  “Sounds great,” I said and he stretched out his hand to retrieve his phone from the bedside table. It reminded me of the gun that I suspected was still under the pillow we were using.
It kinda cast a shadow that felt as if it would never go away over our euphoric sexual bliss.

  As I listened to the magic of his deep voice while he made a quick order, I traced circles around his pale pink nipples. I leaned forward to nip at it and it made him groan.

  After he ended the call, he caught my mouth in a deep bone melting kiss that left me completely limp and useless against him. He lifted me into his arms and took me to the shower, then turned the faucet on, tested the temperature of the water, and moved us under the shower.

  I clung to his neck as the water cascaded down on the both of us. I kissed him feverishly, my body quaking from the torrent of emotions that he’d stirred inside me. Being with him this way, just the two of us without the burdens and harshness of the real world beyond, was like a beautiful dream, but at the back of my mind, it seemed to be ticking into a nightmare. Still, I pushed the notion away and allowed his body to make mine sing.

  “You feel so fucking good, Della. I can’t even believe how fucking good,” he grunted as he rammed his hips repeatedly into mine.

  He was still deep inside of me when the doorbell rang with the delivery of our food. I didn’t even hear it as he pummeled me against the tiled wall, my hand splayed on the steam frosted glass. Surely, we hadn’t been fucking for forty minutes. He wanted to hold out till my energy was replenished but being naked with me in such a confined space had turned him wild.

  “Stay,” he said and left the shower stall.

  It seemed as if it was forever before he came back, but when he did, he found me rubbing my own pussy seductively. “Oh fuck,” he said, flinging away the towel around his hips.

  When I came, it was as if I flew away and left my body. Throughout it all, he held me solidly in place, his hands underneath my thighs to ensure that I had a solid lock around me. Without that, we both knew that I would have melted to the floor like wax. He rinsed us both off then and I was deposited once again on the bed.

  “I’ll be right back with the food,” he whispered into my ear.

  But I registered nothing. I curled up into a ball, and went straight into one of the deepest and most peaceful slumbers of my entire life.


  Like some kind of creepy deviant, I watched her sleep.

  At first, I had cradled her sleeping body in my arms, but after a while I had become so consumed with worries I had to get up and pace the floor restlessly.

  I thought about my pathetic attempt to become one of the normal folk. How I had switched out my black attire, so I would be as far as possible from the world that I had embroiled myself in. To be just another man taking his woman out for dinner.

  I’d been just about to step out of the house, when the reality of who I was hit me. Who was I kidding? I hadn’t come this far to let my dick do the thinking for me. The plan had been to ignore the chatter coming from my brain and completely cut her out of my life, but the moment her text came through, I became like a caged animal. I couldn’t sit still. I imagined the worst. It had become impossible for me to resist her. All I could do was run to her. There was no way around it. I was a sucker for her big beautiful caramel eyes. I just couldn’t push her away. Hell, I couldn’t even say no. Even when I know how damn dangerous she was to me, to what I needed to do.

  I walked back to the bed and lay down next to her. Her skin felt so soft and silky I wanted to weep at the sweet sensation.

  She shifted then, and her eyelids fluttered open.

  Our eyes met.

  “Bone,” she whispered sleepily. Then she blushed, a soft rosy glow spread all over her face as I continued to stare at her. Embarrassed, she hid her face in my chest.

  I felt my heart melt. It’d been a very long time since anyone had touched any depth inside me like this girl had and it scared the shit out of me. Every nerve in my body became taut with panic. “I’ll go warm up the food,” I said and jackknifed out of bed. Not till I exited the room, was I able to breathe.

  But I didn’t go on to the kitchen, I turned and watched her through the slit between the door and the wall. I saw her pull the covers up to her chest. She shuffled around a bit before settling into a comfortable enough position. I watched as she remained still in thought for a moment before softy brushing her fingers across the pillow that I had just gotten up from. Shutting her eyes, she buried her nose into it to relish my scent.

  I felt real fear then. The kind that could not even be compared to the most dangerous situations I had encountered in the club.

  It was the same ghost of a fear that had reared its sensible head earlier. Now, its whole body had appeared and it reminded me much more clearly of the risk I was taking and what I was once again, putting on the line. The hairs on the back of my neck were standing.

  What the fuck are you doing, Gage?

  I turned around and headed into the kitchen. While I put the food into the microwave, waited for the ping, then took them out, I practiced how I would behave with her. This time, I would not let my emotions get carried away. One day, one day when I was free, I would turn up on her doorstep. I would explain everything to her, hopefully she would understand, and we’d start again. Her, me and little Jess.

  I would have to fuck this up now, but I would make it right again when the time was right.

  A few minutes later we were in bed, a tray of shrimp chow mein, fried dumplings and spring rolls spread out before us as our chopsticks dug into the boxes.

  She ate in the most amusing way I’d ever encountered. It was no trouble for me to eat without spilling a single thing, but with each bite she put into her mouth, something simultaneously dropped off onto the bed. She kept on apologizing, continually promising me new sheets.

  I definitely didn’t want her to go and buy me new sheets, especially not with her desperate financial situation. I wanted to put her at ease, so I said without thinking, “It’s not a big deal. You can take them home to launder, and bring them back later.”

  She stopped then, her eyes softening, and I realized that I had just done one of the cruelest things to her ... painted her a picture of hope that there would be more after tonight. How could I, when I didn’t even know if I would still have my head on my shoulders in a few weeks from now? A chill struck through me in that moment. For the first time in a long, long time, I didn’t want to die. I wanted to live and take care of her and little Jess.

  “Why do they call you Bone?” she asked suddenly.

  I looked up from my meal and shrugged. “The club’s president gave me that nickname. It’s from the movie, A Space Odyssey 2001.”

  “I’ve seen that movie, but I don’t get the connection.”

  “Remember that scene after the ape-men had contacted the monolith.”

  “Kind of.”

  “Okay, remember the one that sits on top of a pile of tapir bones. He picks one up and toys around with it, hitting harder and harder until he uses it to wallop a skull hard enough to shatter it into pieces. That was supposed to be the moment the ape-men invented the club. Something that allows him to strike harder than he could with his own hand. It also extends his reach and prevents the risk of injury that attacking with only his body would expose him to.”

  She frowned. “You’re the bone in the President’s hand.”

  I nodded and she cocked her head and studied me. Over the years, I had stopped hating the name, but with her in my life over the last few weeks, I was beginning to doubt more things than I wanted to. I was even starting to question the man I had become.

  “And you’re okay with being the weapon in his hand?”

  “I told you I have a plan. It’s part of the plan.”

  “You know what I think. I don’t think of you as a weapon. I think of you as a great big heart hidden somewhere inside all that steel and bone.”

  I didn’t need to tell her that she was the only one I had let close enough to even dream of suspecting something like that. Anyway, what I had wasn’t a big, warm
heart. It was a dead one.

  When she saw that I didn’t comment much on the topic, she moved on. “And what of the others in your club?” she asked. “What are their Nicknames?”

  “Why do you want to know?” I asked quietly.

  A sliver of hurt flashed through her eyes.

  It made me want to hold her tight and rock her. Dammit, why was this so hard for me suddenly?

  “I’m genuinely curious,” she added. “I’ve always heard that bikers have very colorful nicknames. Some are rugged, others are actually cool.” Another noodle slipped through her chopsticks and fell to the sheets. She sucked in air through her teeth with irritation at herself. “I was just wondering what ones your club members have.”

  “I don’t know all of their names. There’s too many of them.” Once again I tried to evade her question.

  “Well the ones that you know then,” she insisted.

  I finally conceded. “Well, we have Rose,” I began.

  She blinked with surprise. “What?

  “He’s pretty,” I explained, and moved onto the next. “We have Tank because he’s shaped like a tank, and his cousin Shotgun, because he once accidentally shot himself with a shotgun. And Rooster—”

  She laughed. “Why because he crows?”

  I chuckled softly. “He has a horrible voice. Quite aggravating.”

  She giggled prettily again and it felt like some kind of sweet warmth along my nerve endings as I continued, “We have Tattoo Man. He’s covered in a ridiculous amount of ink. We have Tyler, he’s the Sergeant at arms—”

  “Isn’t that his real name? Tyler? Why doesn’t he have a nickname?”

  I shrugged. “I really don’t know. He was in the club way before me. I guess he didn’t care for one, and no one dared give him one either. He’s tough. We have Snake, he’s the president—”


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