The Killing Ride

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The Killing Ride Page 26

by Christine Michelle

  “Can you now?” He asked as he chuckled. “Seeing is believing, babe. You ready to take these things out for a test ride?”

  “Just try to keep me off of mine!” I challenged. Jay smacked me on the ass and then deposited me feet-first on the ground again. “Okay, motorcycle mamma, let’s see what you’ve got.”

  We rode for over an hour. JoJo offered to take the Jeep back to the house for us since we both had bikes out that would also need to go back. The ride was smooth. I only stalled the damn thing once at a stoplight. After Jay laughed at me, I swore I’d never make that mistake again. When we finally got back to the house and off the bikes, Jay ran over to me and grabbed me up in his arms. “Thank you, baby!” He huffed into my ear as he moved us away from the bikes so we wouldn’t knock them over. “I didn’t know how badly I needed to ride again until that.”

  “I know,” I told him. I’d been sensing something wrong with him for a while. There was just something missing despite how happy we both seemed. Seeing the way his smile grew and held steady as we rode was satisfaction enough that I had gotten it right, but to hear him admit it was something else too.

  We rolled the bikes into the garage on the property and then made our way inside the house. As I took my shoes off near the door, I heard Jay chuckle. “What’s this?”

  When I glanced over to see what he was talking about I was surprised to see a small, black leather kutte in his hands. Sierra High Evermore RC was on the top rocker along with the two foxes flanking motorcycle handlebars and beneath that was another rocker with Georgia on it. He grinned widely as he flipped the kutte around so I could see the name stitched on the front. Painter. “Did you join an MC and not tell me, baby?” He teased.

  “Well, being in the riding club portion of S.H.E. is kind of like being a prospect for the MC,” I told him as I shrugged my shoulders. I noticed there was something else on the kutte, just below the road name and I went to take a look. There was a bottom rocker with a smaller font stitched on that read, Property of J-Bird – AHMC.

  “Notice that, did you?” He asked me.

  “We’ve been here a while and you haven’t officially tried to resign from the club. I figured you were going to try the local chapter on for size.”

  He smiled at me as he held the kutte out so I could slip my arms through and put it on. “Beautiful,” he whispered in my ear as I stepped back to take in the big picture. I spun for him and then fell into his arms. He held me there for a few minutes and then pushed me away gently only to trace over the property patch with his road name on it. “I need to get one of these too,” he told me. I reached into the pocket on the kutte and pulled out a rocker for him too. His was slightly larger to match the size of his own kutte and it read, Property of Painter – S.H.E. MC. He laughed as he took it in his hand. “Perfect,” he said, just before his lips came crashing down on my own. Then, he proceeded to strip me of everything from the waist down.

  “I can’t wait to get upstairs and go slow with you now,” Jay’s voice was gruff as he leaned in behind me, pushing the top half of my body over the back of the sofa. I heard the quick grind of metallic teeth on his zipper coming apart and then the snick of his jeans being dropped down his legs. Then, without hesitation he slid home into my pussy, releasing a growl of contentment as he bottomed out. “Do you know how sexy this is?” He asked as tugged on the bottom of my kutte while slowly pulling out and leaving just his tip inside me.

  I was speechless. He slammed back into me. “It’s so fucking sexy, sweetheart.” All I was capable of in the moment was a very un-lady-like grunt.

  “God, yes!” I finally managed as he hammered into me, picking up the pace. Then he grabbed hold of one of my thighs, pulling it up and spreading that leg out across the back of the sofa too.

  “Fuck, yes, baby!” He grunted as it changed the way things felt for him a little bit. It changed how I was feeling him too. Suddenly, he was able to get just a tiny bit deeper and it made all the difference. He repeatedly rubbed over a spot inside of me that felt like a magic button ready to detonate. “I can feel you about to fall apart,” he told me as he leaned over my back to nip at my neck. “Do it, baby! Come on my cock.” It was one order from my man that I was happy to follow. I fell apart in his arms as he stroked a couple more times before he joined me.

  “I guess seeing me in a kutte does something for you, huh?”

  He laughed at me as he pulled out and slapped my ass. “Get your ass upstairs,” he told me. “I’m not done with you just yet.”

  It took him a while to follow me up there. I wondered what he was doing until I saw him walk in with his kutte on, hard cock on display, and nothing else. One glance, and I saw the rocker beneath his name declaring him property of me, and suddenly I knew exactly how he felt downstairs. I didn’t wait for him to get to me. I pounced and wrapped my legs around his waist as I did. I immediately grabbed for his stiff cock and held it firm while I sheathed him with my body. “Go sit on the bed,” I ordered him.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he agreed, as he grinned into my neck. Jay walked us toward the bed while slowly lifting and releasing me on and off his cock, then he spun us around, and his ass hit the bed. That was when I went to town and started riding my man like I’d never get another chance. We spent time breaking in my kutte and the new addition to his.


  All Good Things


  All good things must come to an end, or so they say. It had been a year since I dragged Christina to Sierra High, Georgia with me. We both settled in and found our happy place. I was still learning a lot every day from the men and women of Redemption, Inc. The one worry I had going in was proven to be nothing to worry over after all. Redemption, Inc. had a 60-day rotation policy of its employees for long-term gigs, unless it was otherwise specified, or one of the employees volunteered for a lengthier stint. It was nice to know I’d never be gone too long. I still had the option to take Christina with me, but a good fifty percent of the time she stayed behind because of work. Her website took off after she made that companion piece for the man in New York. Apparently, he showed them off to friends regularly and Christina ended up with a ton of commissioned pieces coming in as a result. All from wealthy clients who didn’t mind paying a premium for her original work.

  Then there was the fact that she loved the women of S.H.E. and hung out there often when I was on the road. I watched via video chat the night before when she was officially made a member of their MC, and upgrade from the Riding Club she had been a part of. I wished I could have been there, but it would have ruined the surprise I had for her today.

  “Are you sure about this?” Deck asked me as he took the little box from me containing the necklace, I had purchased for Christina to wear. It had a charm on it with a paint palette. Her girls had convinced her that the “real” celebration for her becoming an MC member was being held tonight. And they were in charge of dressing her for it.

  “I’ve never been surer of anything in my life,” I answered back, thinking about how surprised my baby was going to be when she realized what was going on.

  “Okay then, I’ll be right back.”

  He was off to go deliver the necklace to Christina. We had concocted a story about how he saw me out on the road on his way down here for club business, and I asked him to deliver the necklace. It would ensure she wore it tonight. “You Donovan boys just don’t know how to let a girl plan her wedding, do you?”

  I grinned over at Ever and shook my head. “I guess not. Do you think she’ll hate it?”

  “Are you kidding? She’ll have both of your families there to support the two of you and see you into the next chapter of your lives. There’s no way she would hate it.”

  I couldn’t help the dopey-ass grin that stuck to my face. Speaking of my face, there was also the fact that I had trimmed the beard that I had been growing steadily from the time I left home to go on that first concert tour with Phoenix. Now, it was a close trim, only about a ha
lf inch thick. “This is a good look on you. I like the trimmed-up look,” Ever commented. “Makes you look more mature somehow.”

  “That’s the part I’m most nervous about. My girl loved to tug on my beard,” I told her.

  Ever laughed at me. “She was probably trying to tug the wild animal free from your face.”

  “Shut the fuck up!” I called back to her as I slipped my kutte over my shoulders. Beneath it, I was wearing a white dress shirt, some black slacks, and my Bates Ultra-Light Tactical Boots. Dress shoes and I didn’t fucking work. Not that I thought Christina would care.

  “Do you call her Painter?” Ever asked.

  I shook my head. “If we’re at an MC or RC thing, I do. When we’re at home she’s just Christina or Tina if I use her name.” Ever smiled sweetly at that.

  “It’s a good thing Deck’s name was just the shortened version of the real deal. I don’t think I could get used to calling him something else.”

  “You got used to calling me and Toby something else,” I reminded her, and was surprised when the usual pang of sadness didn’t hit at the mention of my long-gone best friend.

  “That’s because I saw you as different people,” she told me. I was about to ask what she meant by that, but then it dawned on me. I guess she would have seen us as different people than the boys she grew up with. We were patched into the club and earned our road names during a time when her life had fallen apart. We were the reason she had been having such a tough time, and that was a difficult pill to swallow considering previously we had been her fiercest protectors. “Don’t,” she told me, seeing the change in my mood as realization dawned. “That chapter closed long ago, let’s not reopen it. You have far better things to do, and a new chapter of your life to start tonight.”

  I didn’t say a word. Instead, I pulled her in for a hug and squeezed her tight, letting her know how much I appreciated the fact that she had given me a second chance and was in my life despite how things went down all those years ago.

  “I’m so happy for you, Jay. Seeing you smiling all the time again is priceless.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered in her ear. “Love you, sis!” I felt her choke up a bit when I said that. I was sure it had been a lot of years since she’d heard it. “I couldn’t have this day without you here representing what we all used to have.”

  “Jay,” she whimpered into my kutte.

  “Get your hands off my woman! You have your own to claim in just under an hour now,” I heard from the doorway. I glanced up to see Deck standing there. He tipped his chin at me, letting me know he appreciated the moment I’d just given his wife. He didn’t realize she’d given it right back. Now, neither of us had to worry about Toby not being here. He was here in spirit with us. We carried him in our hearts now. There were no more ghosts, just solid memories of times when we were all together as one.

  “I think they’re going to be ready sooner than later judging by what I saw when I was over there. Might want to go ahead and get in place before they bring her downstairs.”

  I had chosen to do this in her MC’s clubhouse because they were using an old, defunct ski lodge that had a massive fireplace downstairs. We were getting ready in one of the rooms off of the main level, but I knew the women of the MC had been using the loft area on the second floor to get Christina ready to come down. The second floor only extended down one side of the building and the loft area was opened to the downstairs. It was usually an space reserved for officers of S.H.E. We got into place just in front of the fire. I stood there with my brother at my side. Ghost, the National President of Aces high MC, was there to preside over the nuptials.

  The minute the girls left the bedroom where they’d been getting ready, I saw her. She was a vision in a white flowy dress with her kutte overtop and tactical boots that matched my own. I couldn’t help but smile at that. My girl had embraced the biker life and there was no taking it back now. A hush fell over the crowd on our level which inadvertently brought the women’s attention to us. I saw as Christina took in how everything was setup downstairs and watched in awe as understanding dawned on her face. Her hand shot up to the necklace I’d bought her, and she held on to it as she took a minute to process what was happening. Our eyes locked and I smiled at my soon-to-be bride. I asked the question silently, and she got it. Her head nodded almost imperceptibly and then she took off running to the stairs. I worried for a minute that she might hurt herself in her rush to get to me, but I shouldn’t have.

  The motorcycle princess damn near flew down the steps and ran across the room to launch herself at me. “You’re here,” she whispered in my ear as I held her there against me. I’d been gone on a security detail for the past 45 days and wasn’t expected back for another 15 days.

  “I’m here, baby.”

  “Is this what I think it is?” She asked quietly as I set her down beside me. I heard Ghost and Deck both chuckle as JoJo walked up and wiggled a bouquet of flowers at her friend.

  “You were supposed to walk down holding these, but now I’ll just hang on to them until y’all do your thing,” she teased as she took up the space to Christina’s side, mirroring Deck’s position beside me. Everyone else in the room laughed at JoJo’s statement until Ghost raised his hand to quiet everyone.

  In the blink of an eye we were at the “I do” part and I couldn’t tell you what had been said prior to that because I was lost in the beauty that was my woman. She seemed to be glowing as she stood there with her hands in mine, eyes shining with unshed tears.

  “Do you, Jason, J-Bird, Donavan take this woman Christina, Painter, Murphy to be your wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till you take your final ride?”

  “I do,” was my response as Christina grinned widely at me.

  “Do you, Christina, Painter, Murphy take this man, Jason, J-Bird, Donavan, to be your wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till you take your final ride?”

  “Hell yeah,” she damn near yelled into the room.

  “Um,” Ghost tripped over her response. “That’ll do,” he told her as everyone laughed. “By the power vested in me through the great state of Georgia and the divinity of the internet service I used to become ordained, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You make kiss your biker bitch!”

  Christina scoffed at that, but I didn’t give her a chance to voice her opinion. Instead, I locked my mouth to hers and kissed her like it was our first time all over again. Those same sparks flamed through my body and tingled every nerve ending as she gave it back just as good as she got it. Thank fuck this woman was mine. She told me once, when we went back to visit, that she thanked Toby for bringing us together. I didn’t quite follow until she pointed out the fact that if I hadn’t been there to try to say my goodbyes to him that day, we never would have met in a way that resonated with one another for so long. I supposed she had a point there. My brother’s spirit was with us today. I could feel it. As I looked out at our friends and family who were all happy for us, I couldn’t help but see Toby looking back at me from each of them as our kiss broke and we turned to face everyone as husband and wife.

  “I have something to tell you,” Christina whispered out of the side of her mouth in the hopes that only I would hear.

  “What is it?” I asked, trying to be just as quiet. “You can’t back out now,” I told her, and it was obvious our conversation hadn’t been as private as we thought if the laughter was anything to go by.

  “How do you feel about having a baby with me?”

  “Would love to,” I told her.

  “How about having a baby with me in about six months?” It was at that point that I turned to face her again.

  “Are you serious?” She patted her still barely-there tummy and smiled her ridiculously sweet smile at me. I didn’t waste
any words, instead I pulled her into me and kissed the shit out of her again. The minute our lips parted; I made the announcement. “Looks like we got a jump start on things. I’m gonna be a dad!”

  Hoots and hollers rang out all around us. I couldn’t tell you who all came over to offer their congratulations to us on our marriage and the baby that was on the way. There was no way to know because my eyes never wavered from hers. I knew long ago that she would become my everything, and now that feeling was expanding inside my chest and her stomach all at once. There was a moment when she simply hugged me and hung on to offer support as I glanced up into the night sky, through the skylight above us, and I thanked my brother for introducing me to my girl. I was pretty sure Christina had it right and he brought us together. So yeah, all good things come to an end, but sometimes they bring something or someone else along that starts a new chapter. I wasn’t wasting a minute of it.


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  Thank you to my daughter, and assistant, Bella Hickman, who has managed to keep my schedule mostly on track while filling in the gaps in places where I just didn’t have enough of me to go around. She has been my savior this year. Many of you have been able to get to know her over the past year as well! Thank you for everything you do, my fierce, amazingly talented, wonderfully organized daughter!


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