Best Served Cold

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Best Served Cold Page 8

by Sandy Lynn

  “Perhaps. But I still prefer your outfit last night to this.”

  “Which one,” she asked before logic could intervene. “The one I wore to the mediation, or—”

  “That was very nice, but I think I liked the one you wore later even better.”

  “That wasn’t an outfit. That was a pair of thigh high hose and boots.” She wanted to groan when she felt his tongue on her ear.

  “It was incredibly erotic.”

  Her breathing quickened. “It’s not fair that you know get to know what’s going on inside of me and I don’t get to know for you.”

  “Don’t you?” He rubbed his erection against her ass.


  “Fine. I’ll behave. But I just couldn’t let you leave without letting you know how incredibly edible you look.”

  “E-edible?” An image of his head disappearing behind her butt appeared and she’d almost swear she could feel his tongue on her nether lips again.

  “Mmm,” he moaned. “Tell Tina to take you to a bookstore. The fairy tales are right about one thing.”

  “Wh-what’s that?” It was hard to think with him nibbling on her neck.

  “Wolves love to devour their prey.”

  “Should I be worried? Am I prey?”

  “We both know you’re feeling something, Stacy. Just like we both know it isn’t worry or fear. And as for you being prey, perhaps. But remember, there’s prey, and then there’s prey.”

  “There’s a difference?” She had to get out of there or he was going to make her come just by talking to her. It took a moment for her to realize he hadn’t stopped rubbing himself against her ass. And that she’d opened her legs slightly and leaned into him, pressing her ass against him in invitation.

  “Oh, yes. Some prey you go after for fun, and some you chase because you’re hungry. Then there’s some—”

  “Go on.” When had she started moving her hips in time with him?

  “Maybe another time.” He bit down on her earlobe, causing a frisson of pleasure-pain to shoot through her body, coming to rest in her already dripping pussy. “If you don’t leave now, my next appointment is going to get one hell of a show.”

  It was a mistake to look over her shoulder at him. She knew it would be, but she did it anyway. His mouth swooped down on hers. There was no way to describe his kiss other than to say it felt as though he were indeed trying to devour her.

  When it ended, they were both breathless.

  “You have my number...”

  “When should I come back to discuss my divorce?” Her voice betrayed just how shaken up she felt.

  “I’ll be in touch.”

  He nipped her lower lip then released her. She hadn’t even realized he’d grabbed her hips until he let go of her. She felt the loss of his body heat, and wanted to call him back over to her.

  After taking a deep breath, she continued out of the office. Demetri was dangerous to her. But now she thought she understood the half smile on Ms. Pope’s face when her boss had said she couldn’t allow her to never see him again. At the time, she’d thought she’d at least be allowed to only see him at mediations. Stacy wondered if she should be mad at her boss for making her lover her new divorce attorney. Or if she should yell at her best friend for not telling her that she was about to walk straight into the lion’s—er, wolf’s den.

  Couldn’t someone have at least warned her before she saw him?

  She left as fast as she could, trying not to draw too much attention to herself. Outside in the fresh air, she took a couple of deep breaths before opening her phone. Going through it, she saw that she was due back at the office for the appointment with her guru, Savon.

  Thankfully the traffic was only slightly backed up, and it allowed her to think about the situation with a slightly clearer head as her lust cooled. If she had known Demetri was her lawyer, she’d have bolted like a rabbit. By the time she’d gotten to the office, she’d calmed down a lot, and—she hoped—gotten her hormones under control.

  She rang the bell and waited for someone to answer the door.

  “You can just walk in,” Tina teased as she opened the door. “How did your appointment go?”

  “You could have warned me, you wench,” Stacy fussed.

  “But then I wouldn’t get to see this beautiful blush still on your face. Seriously, he’s the best lawyer in town.”

  “And you couldn’t just try to explain that to me before I strolled into the wolf’s den?”

  “What would you have done differently? I mean, other than wearing different clothes?”

  “Wh—why that is ridiculous. What’s wrong with this outfit? I think I look very professional. Who am I kidding. I look horrible, don’t I? Like some old school marm or something.”

  “No, you don’t. Go see your guru.”

  “Where is he?”

  “Third door on the left, right next to Ms. Pope’s office.”

  Approaching the door, Stacy stopped. “Any more surprises I need to watch out for?”

  “Not that I’m aware of.”

  “Okay. Wish me luck.”

  * * * * * *

  “Can I have a vacation after all that relaxing?”

  “It went that well?” Tina looked up from the computer to stare at her.

  “Ugh.” Stacy fell onto the couch, which was thankfully just as comfortable as it looked.

  Climbing from behind the desk, Tina handed her a bottle of water, then sat down beside her. “What happened?”

  “First we practiced emptying our minds. Then he yelled at me.”


  “Well, every time I tried to empty my mind, I remembered something that I’d forgotten to do. The first time I remembered I hadn’t filled my prescription for birth control pills...”

  “The first time? How many times did you try to empty your mind?”

  “I stopped counting around the seventh time he looked like he was going to have an aneurism. Want to go grab a pizza?”

  “Yes, but we aren’t going anywhere until you tell me what you’re leaving out.”

  “Ms. Pope came in and asked how the progress was going. That’s when I snuck out. Uh-oh.” Stacy tried to sink down into the couch as Ms. Pope entered the main office.

  “Savon says that he’s never met anyone like you. That it will take multiple visits for him to help you clear your mind of stray thoughts. He says he’s never met someone who could not keep their minds perfectly blank for at least one full minute.”

  “I really tried.” I really should have gone for that earth swallowing bonus. She sighed. “When do I meet my new guru?”

  “Nonsense. Savon is tickled that you present such a challenge. He actually thanked me. He wants you to call him for your next session. But he did tell me to insist that it’s after you’ve run your errands.”

  Tina chuckled, and Stacy could only nod.

  “Now, I need one of you to please go tell Marix that Timothy is running slightly late and we need him to stay a little longer.”

  “I’ll do it.” Tina didn’t sound happy as she stood up from the couch.

  “No, I’ll do it. I think I can handle a simple message. Besides, I feel horrible. I’ve been doing things for myself all day, and you’ve had to work. How am I going to finish training if you’re doing everything for me?”

  “She has a point. And it’s time she learned a little bit more about BSC.”

  “I’ll be right here waiting for you,” Tina said after Ms. Pope had given Stacy directions to the room.

  “And I’ll be right back.”

  Striding through the hallway, Stacy let her thoughts surround her. She wasn’t sure what to think, but despite the creepy signing contracts in blood thing, her new bosses seemed really cool. They certainly had been taking good care of her. Would she have to go to a special pharmacy to get her birth control prescription filled? Would they call her to give her the results for the million tests they were running on her?

on the door, Stacy was careful to wait until she was given permission to enter the room before proceeding.

  “Marix?” She waited for the man to indicate that was his name before continuing. Like most of the people she’d met so far, he resembled a mortal. “Ms. Pope wanted me to tell you that Tim...othy is running...running late. You’ll have to—to stay late. What is happening to her?” Stacy’s eyes felt like they were going to bulge out of her head.

  There was a woman with dark blue hair strapped down to a table in the middle of the room. She was incoherent as she babbled something. She was positioned so that her arms were above her head and her legs forced to remain wide. Between them, making slurping noises, was a short man who looked unlike anything she’d ever seen. It was rather easy for her to guess what he was doing as the strange man’s face bobbed closer to the woman’s spread pussy.

  “You must be the new girl. This is one of our victims.”


  “Her husband has a contract with us. He’s pretty high in the Faery Court. Seems he caught her fooling around on him with younger faeries.”

  “So she’s...Her punishment...his revenge is...”

  “He wanted to make a point. He doesn’t want to lose his trophy wife. So, he contracted us to teach her a lesson she won’t soon forget. He wants her to go one full year of not being able to cum for every extra lover she’s had since they were married.”

  “A year? Isn’t that a bit harsh?”

  “Nah, their concept of time is different from ours. A year here is only about two months there, give or take. If he really wanted to be harsh, he’d have said a year of Fae time for every extra lover.”

  “How much longer does she have to be punished?”

  “Three mortal years.”

  “Three...three years?”

  “Well, she’s already worked off ten years.”

  Her eyes wide, Stacy watched as the faery strapped to the table began to buck her hips. Her arms struggled to get free, and the muscles in her thighs trembled as her babbling and groans turned into moans of delight. She begged the man to keep going. But just as she was nearing orgasm, the little man pulled away.

  The faery on the table bucked her hips, tried to move, anything to ease the pressure that had built inside of her.

  “Yup,” Marix nodded. “Hey, you want to join in for a little bit? There’s nothing in the rules that say she can’t make you cum, and she’s got one hell of a talented tongue.”

  “I—I don’t think so. I—Tina’s waiting...I should go.”

  Despite her protestations, she couldn’t seem to leave.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to stay and watch? She’s one of the most talented toys we’ve got here,” he tempted.


  “Her husband just wants to make sure he’s the only man that makes her cum. He said he doesn’t care what we do to her so long as she doesn’t orgasm from it. Are you sure you don’t want to help? Aren’t you even a bit curious?”

  Stacy was so wrapped up in watching the three men that were now approaching the bound faery that she had forgotten to pay attention to where her coworker was. An erect cock pressed against her hip as rather large hands roughly cupped her breasts. Marix’s fingers plucked mercilessly at her nipples as he moved against her.

  She was even more grateful for the trousers now than she had been when she saw Demetri. Something told her if she’d worn a skirt, this horny man would have had it pooled around her waist by now.

  Gripping his hands, she tried to push them away from her body—why did everyone in the building keep grabbing her breasts?—but she stopped when she saw the men repositioning the faery. Her struggles stopped when she saw the woman forced to a sitting position.

  Two of the men positioned themselves on either side of her. They each took a nipple into their mouth and began to suckle. The woman was moaning encouragement to them, especially when one of them stuck a finger into her dripping pussy. As she watched the man pumped furiously inside of her for a minute, then withdrew. The fae screamed in frustration, and Stacy couldn’t blame her.

  “Incubi are definitely an asset when it comes to her punishment,” Marix continued. “They can keep up foreplay for hours.”

  As she watched, one hand from the man on the punished faery’s other side disappeared. A single finger became visible as it delved into her pussy, then disappeared again only to return to the wet hole a second later.

  “He’s stretching her.” A palm pressed hard against Stacy’s sex. Thankfully, it was still on the outside of her trousers.

  “How—does her husband know what you are doing to her?”

  “Sure. Sometimes he even comes and watches. If he visits and decides to fuck her, that’s the only time she’s ever permitted to orgasm. And damn if that isn’t a flood.”

  “I—I thought you said she wasn’t—wasn’t allowed—” The movement of his hand was making it hard to concentrate as Marix seemed to move in time with the three incubi they were watching.

  “He’s the only exception. And trust me, by the time she leaves here, she won’t piss him off again.”

  The men had repositioned her once again. The woman was now on her side, her legs still spread wide as the man in front of her positioned a very hard cock at her pussy and the man now behind her did the same, but he was pressing against her ass.

  “They aren’t...they aren’t going to...”

  “Oh, yes, they are.” Marix’s hand left her sex to shift to her waist. When he tried to unbutton her pants, she slapped his hand and tried to step away. “Have it your way. But don’t say I didn’t try.” He returned to pressing his palm hard against her and making tiny circles.

  Still spellbound, Stacy watched as the men entered the woman on the table easily. The third was stroking his cock near her face. When she opened her mouth to moan, he slipped it between her lips. He twisted her blue hair in his fist and guided her up and down his inhumanly long dick. Instead of biting down or struggling in any way, the woman seemed to enjoy his actions, even when he appeared to tug her hair roughly for pausing.

  As before, when her moans would increase, the men would stop. They wouldn’t exit her body, only pause, remaining perfectly still for long minutes, then begin their leisurely pace once again.

  Stacy felt sorry for the woman. After just watching for—how long had she been back here?—she desperately wanted to cum. She didn’t know what she’d do after months, much less years of that kind of torture.

  “So, what do you say? I could have you naked and joining the party in no time. Trust me, they wouldn’t complain. And our little victim there loves to eat pussy almost as much as she loves sucking cock.”

  Despite her highly aroused state, Stacy shook her head no.

  “Another time, then.” The man’s hands left her body, and she wanted to complain that she hadn’t been satisfied yet. The only thing that stopped her was she was certain that had been his point. Marix wanted her that way to entice her to join in the ‘fun’ as he called it.

  “Perhaps,” she said noncommittally.

  “And, Stacy...” He waited until she looked at him, surprised he knew her name. “The next time you come back here, wear a skirt.”

  With one more glance over to the faery, Stacy left the room as fast as she could. She was so incredibly horny she considered returning to the room and taking the man up on his offer. The only thing that kept her from doing so was her guilt. It was one thing to let the heat of the moment—okay, three moments, four if she counted the foreplay in Demetri’s car—take control of her. It was quite another to go from having an affair with just the one man the one time—even if it was technically three times—to taking on three or four men and a woman. Okay, three incubi, one potential mortal—or who knew what—and a captive faery.

  Besides, she wasn’t sure she was ready for something like that.

  “I see Marix got his hands on you,” Tina stated matter-of-factly, forcing Stacy to look down and see how
disheveled she looked. “Did you give in?”

  “No. I’m just not ready for that. I mean, I wanted to,” she babbled. “I couldn’t look away. I’m so ashamed, but it was just so...and then Marix was rubbing, and he offered and—”

  “So what stopped you? Trust me, incubi are all about discreet. No one in the office—hell, with the company—would ever tell on you.”

  “There were three guys,” she told Tina shocked. “Four, if you count Marix. And he wanted that woman to—to—and I’ve never had anal sex and if I do I want it to be with someone that I trust not to hurt me. Someone that I believe will listen to me and stop if I ask him to. Someone—”

  “Like me?” Demetri’s warm breath tickled Stacy’s ear.

  “Yes, exactly. No,” she shouted when she realized what she’d just admitted. And worse, who she’d admitted it to.

  “Tina,” she said, panicking. “I think my guru just made my speed dial list.”

  Chapter Seven

  “What’s going on, Demetri? You’re back awfully soon. Are you here for business or pleasure?” Stacy couldn’t help noticing that Tina looked at her when she said the word pleasure.

  She stared at her friend and wished she could do something to the other woman using just her eyes. She’d officially been moved to the traitors list. How could she smile at Demetri and make small talk after Stacy had just humiliated herself?

  Around her, Demetri’s arms tightened. When had his arms circled her waist? When his nose nuzzled against the sweet spot just behind her ear, Stacy wondered if Tina would mind running an errand. Just for a little while, so she could push him to that soft brown couch—the one that almost matched his eyes perfectly—and have her way with him.

  “I was hoping to catch Stacy before she left. Our investigator, it seems, had no problems getting more than sufficient proof, and quick. Her ex doesn’t seem to be worried about being discreet.”

  Damn, talk about a mood killer. All the lust she’d been feeling evaporated when Demetri mentioned Thomas.


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