For Her Benefit: Book 3 - See No Evil Trilogy

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For Her Benefit: Book 3 - See No Evil Trilogy Page 22

by Nana Malone

  “You know, I agree.” She winced as she shifted. “It’s not possible.”

  “Stop moving.” I was afraid she was going to hurt herself.

  “So really, why the water works?”

  “Well, the woman I love got herself stabbed while she was fighting off a stalker, and I almost wasn’t there to protect her. The men I paid to protect her got shot and almost died. One of her new friends almost died, and the other one was just… well, too drunk to do anything.”

  Livy choked out a laugh and then groaned. “How is everyone?”

  “Telly is hung over, so she’s a delight. She’s been demanding to see you. Insists she’s your sister.”

  “She is. Let her in.”

  “Now that you’re awake, I will. And Ariel’s fine. Still groggy. Whatever the hell was in that tranq gun was powerful.”

  She winced. “Fuck, I feel like this is all my fault.”

  “No. Let’s get in the habit of blaming the people who need to be blamed. This was all Fenton. And now he’s going into a deep dark hole for the rest of his life.”

  “How did everything end up this way?”

  “He was obsessed with you.”

  “I know, but I still don’t understand. He was Dex’s boss, for the love of God.”

  “Yeah, the police questioned Dexter. It seems that Fenton threatened Dexter’s job if he didn’t give him access to you. A situation he claimed to have fought, though if you ask me, not hard enough.”

  “Let me guess, now Dex is making himself extra helpful?”

  “Yeah, your ex is happy to make himself available.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, that’s Dex. When he knows he’s in the crosshairs, he’ll look to be your ally.”

  “I doubt that. It was Fenton who sent Dex to your birthday party. And I threatened to send him home in many boxes if he came near you again”


  “What else was I supposed to do? Fenton wanted Dex to map the layout, how to get on the property, all information that he managed to find out.”


  I kissed her knuckles. “But you don’t need to worry about that anymore.”

  “You know, at some point, are we ever going to have a nice, normal life?”

  “Yes. I promise I will make that happen.” Well I’d give it a go, but lately trouble seemed to find me.

  “I’ll believe that about the same moment I believe you and the boys never gossip.”

  I lifted my brow. “You know me too well.”

  She laughed, and it turned into a coughing fit.

  The sound was enough to rattle me. I jumped up and poured some water into a paper cup. “Stop laughing. You’ll pull a stitch or something.”

  “Stop making me laugh.” She glanced around. “Were you and the boys able to get what you needed?”

  “We were. We got everything taken care of and delivered to Downs. So this is almost over.”

  She nodded. “That’s good. Maybe you can finally get some peace, right?”

  There was a knock at the door, and she glanced up. I shook my head. I didn’t know who it was, but I called out. “Come in.”

  The woman that walked through the door, gave us both a wide grin. “Ah, so glad to see you’re not too much worse for wear, Miss Ashong.”

  Olivia sighed. “Agent Kincade. Wow, you really are extremely dedicated to your job.”

  “What can I say? I love to tie up loose ends. Why don’t you tell me, Mr. Covington, how it is that you and the beautiful Miss Ashong are always wrapped in so much mystery?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. We’re just trying to live a peaceful life. It’s not our fault all these things keep happening around us.”

  She laughed. “Oh, sure. Of course, it’s not your fault. So, which one of you wants to give me the excuses this time?”

  Livy laughed. “No excuses. We’re just very, very fortunate that I was able to survive what happened at the house.”

  “Right. And Mr. Covington, where were you when all of this happened at the house?”

  “I was at a poker game at Mr. Edgerton’s. It was only when I came home that I found Liv, and she was fighting for her life like a trooper.”

  Agent Kincade fixated her gaze on Liv. “I have to say, Miss Ashong, you put up one hell of a fight.”

  “Thanks. I’ve taken a couple of self-defense classes. Nothing crazy, of course, but it’s starting to come in handy.”

  “Of course, it is. Oh, Mr. Covington, did you hear there was a break-in at Grimwald Authenticators?”

  I frowned at that. “Um, no. Is that supposed to mean something to me?”

  Nyla lifted a delicately arched brow, her dark eyes saying she trusted me not at all.

  “Well, it’s just worth noting because, thanks to Miss Ashong, we discovered that the bracelet April Van Linsted wore at the Gem Gala turned out to be a fake, but the real one was stolen from Grimwald.”

  I forced my face into an appropriate frown. “Okay. Again, what does that mean to me?”

  “Oh, nothing, I suppose. But I figured you might be curious about that ring of jewel thieves I was after.”

  She was trying to sweat us out, but it wasn’t happening on my watch. “Oh sure. Although I don’t really concern myself with jewel thieves.”

  “Well, I think these might interest you. You’re familiar with Mr. Van Linsted, are you not?”

  “I have a hate-hate relationship with his son. We’re acquainted through business, but we’re not very close. That said, I did feel terrible about what happened to his wife.”

  “Oh right, you did say. Well anyway, I thought you’d find it of interest.”

  “Um, thanks for sharing, I guess.”

  “Oh, you know what else is fascinating?”

  I sighed. “Let me guess, you’re going to share that with us too?”

  She grinned at us. “That other situation Miss Ashong was caught up in, the woman who died in her house, there is evidence showing that the man we caught at Grimwald had been in her house. His fingerprints were all over her skin. He was the one who killed her.”

  I knew what the appropriate reaction should be, so I had to force my face to comply. “How?”

  Livy moaned next to me as she tried to sit up. “That makes no sense.”

  Agent Kincade laughed then. “Oh, you two are a pair. Well, since we’re doing it this way, some of the evidence that we were given anonymously points to the fact that the same gentleman was involved in sex trafficking along with none other than Marcus Van Linsted.”

  So it looked like Interpol had gotten the data East had sent over. “That’s horrible. Who would do such a thing?”

  Her grin was quick. “Well, it seems to be a bunch of rich arseholes.”

  I grinned at her. “Well, in that case, it’s a good thing I’m not a rich asshole.”

  Her gaze narrowed at me. “Yeah, good thing. Somehow the cases that the two of you are both involved in are all wrapped up now. Interesting, isn’t it?”

  Livy coughed. “Agent Kincade, while this is all fascinating, I’m sure that it can probably wait. I’m exhausted. Do you mind if I get some rest?”

  “No, of course not. I just thought that you’d be interested to know that we caught the man who kidnapped you, and he was the worst kind of evil. You are lucky to have escaped him, and we are lucky to have found the man that he associated with, whom your boyfriend seems to know.”

  Livy frowned then. “Are you trying to suggest, Agent Kincade, that Ben knows the trafficker who kidnapped me?”

  “No, actually. I’m not suggesting that at all. But do I think that Mr. Covington here is somehow involved? Yes, I do. But I have nothing tying him to the theft at Grimwald and nothing tying him to our friendly neighborhood Albanian. So my interest in you is done for now. I wish we could have met under different circumstances. You seem like a lovely person.”

  “Yeah, if you weren’t constantly harassing me and my family, I would probably think you
were lovely too.”

  Nyla Kincade laughed. It was a deep, rich, throaty laugh. Like it was something she should do more often but restrained herself.

  Livy smiled at her. “Now if you don’t mind, I’m really exhausted.”

  “Of course, you are. You’ve been through a lot. And I’m glad to hear you will be back on your feet in no time.”

  “Thank you for your concern and making sure that true evil got put away.”

  She nodded slowly. “Yes, well, that is my job. Have a good day you two. If ever you need me, contact me at Interpol, because somehow, I think I have been working for you and not the other way around.” And with that she left.

  Livy breathed a sigh of relief. “Jesus Christ, did we really pull that off?”

  “It’s almost over, kitten. Almost there, and then we’ll be free. And I think when we’re free, it probably calls for one hell of a vacation.”

  “Well, we’ll have to clear it with my boss first. He’s kind of a ball buster.”

  “Oh, I think I have a cure for your boss. I mean you have a direct line to him. Just flash him your tits and he’ll give you anything you want.”

  She patted her chest and pretended that she was trying to open her gown. “Oh sorry, the gown opens at the back. I guess he’s shit out of luck.”

  “The back view is excellent too. He’ll accept that one.”

  Olivia snorted. “I told you not to make me laugh.”

  I kissed her knuckles again. “I’m sorry. I love you, baby.”

  Her smile was soft. “I love you too. Thank you for saving me.”

  “No, thank you. You just get better and this will all be over soon.”


  “You know, you don’t have to help me.”

  Telly rolled her eyes as she kicked her feet up on my bedside table. “Hey, I have an eye for detail, so let’s get these chapters edited and then you can send them off to Forest.

  I rolled my eyes. “And you have nothing to feel guilty for.”

  “Except getting utterly trashed and not being able to help my best friend fight off a psycho. It’s just the kind of thing I’d been practicing for my whole life, kicking a psycho’s ass. But when the time came, I wasn’t able to help. I feel like a failure as a best friend.”

  “You are not a failure.”

  “So the information on the bank accounts that you found prove Marcus Van Linsted had another little special group within the Elite?”

  I nodded. “Yeah. His special group each paid upwards of a million each per year to be part of the sex group. He hired a fixer years ago who procured young women and made them disappear. Prior to Marcus Van Linsted becoming the Director Prime, the women who were invited to the initiation nights were a little bit older, more sophisticated. Escorts, nonetheless, but they definitely knew the score. They looked young, but none of them were minors. After he started his little trafficking ring with the Albanians, they got younger. And then that transitioned into these very special parties. And he used his apparent influence to get back at his detractors. Anyone who spoke up against him, anyone who went after him, their daughters became a target.”

  “Jesus Christ, how did these people even exist?”

  “I don’t know, but it’s real. The kind of stuff that you see in movies like Taken.”

  “I knew rich people got bored, but this is next level.” Telly chewed her pen. “How’s Ben taking it?”

  “He’s mostly just ready for it all to be over. I think in his mind, if he burns it all down, he gets his life back and can pretend none of it ever happened. He’s been done with them for so long because of Toby, but with all this added on top of it, I think he just wants to start life over again, before the Elite.”

  “Do you think he is going to get that chance?”

  “I don’t know. I hope so. It’ll be nice to have our lives not be taken over by what’s happening with the Elite or people trying to kill us. You know, basic shit.”

  “Is he okay though? Are you? You’ve been through a lot, Liv.”

  I thought about that. Yes, I still had stitches in my side, but physically I was mostly fine. But I knew that wasn’t really what she was asking. “You know, for the first time in a long time, I feel like I’m my own person. Grief isn’t taking over every decision. Even this book, at some point in the last month or so, it became less about Mom and more about me and wanting to do the right thing for this woman I didn’t even know. Is that weird?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t think so. You started to make an identity for yourself. And dare I say, I think a lot of that has been because of a certain Viking god?”

  I laughed. “Yeah, he helps, but I don’t know. For the first time in a long time, I’m not afraid of making myself or the things I want a priority, I guess.”

  “That makes sense. I watched you try to tell yourself to be smaller and want less for years. I’m glad to see that’s not the case anymore.”

  “Thanks, Tell.”

  “You deserve everything.”

  “So do you. So, what’s on the Carmen docket?”

  “Well, her last day in her Bristol flat is today. Her new job starts in two weeks, so we’re going to take a vacation before she starts work.”

  “That’s awesome.”

  “And when I say vacation, I mean full-on elope.”

  My mouth hung open. “Tell, you can’t elope. You swore you’d make me wear an ugly bridesmaid’s dress.”

  “I know. But I just think after everything we’ve been through, maybe us just being us is a good call. Just the two of us on a beach somewhere, sipping something tropical.”

  While I was disappointed, I knew Telly. She had been planning a wedding since she was a little girl. If she wanted to change that plan, it was coming from somewhere deep and pure. “Fine, I am very happy for you. But will you at least let me throw you a party when you get back?”

  She grinned. “Deal. Although, I’m not sure why you won’t celebrate when you’re sitting next to me on a beach.”

  My eyes went wide. “What?”

  “Do you really think I would get married without you there? Besides, technically, you’re not my witness. Ben will be. You’re the one who’s going to be marrying us.”

  I laughed. “I love how you don’t ask me if I’ll marry you. You just tell me to.”

  “I’ve learned that’s best. Ask for forgiveness and never permission.” Her voice went soft and her eyes misted when she asked, “Miss Ashong, bestie of all besties, forever raising that bestie game, would you marry Carmen and I at a private beach in the Winston Isles?”

  “The Winston Isles? Is that where you’re headed?”

  She nodded. “I figure you’ve given me extended family, and I get to tour a palace.” She shrugged. “Ariel invited me. She said she might have some work we can do together.”

  “I should have known.”

  “Well, tell me, are you going to do it or not?”

  “Of course, I’ll do it.”

  “Excellent. I will tell Carmen to knock that off her to-do list.”

  “Let me guess, you already talked to Ben?”

  She laughed. “Of course. He told us we’ll take his private jet. Honestly, it’s like you don’t know me at all.”

  I shook my head. “Oh my god, you’re lucky I love you to pieces.”

  “I really am, aren’t I?”


  “So you’re done with the book. What are you going to do with your time now?”

  “Well, as it turns out, Forest wants more than just a book from me. He wants many. So I think I’ll write more. Never mind that I have a fulltime job.”

  She snorted. “You mean, you still plan to work? Aren’t you about to be married to a billionaire?”

  I flushed. Ben certainly hadn’t asked me to marry him. “What?”

  “Oh my god, if that man is not planning to put a ring on it, I better let him know somebody else out there will.”

  “I am not going to put pressu
re on him to marry me. Besides, things are good.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Uh-huh, if you say so. He needs to put a ring on it. You are a hot commodity. I mean, honestly, a stalker and everything.”

  I groaned. “Do you realize a stalker does not make me a hot commodity?”

  “Well, you’re a hot commodity to someone.”

  I snorted. “You’re ridiculous.”

  “Yes, yes I am. But you love me, and I love you. I am so damn proud of you for seeing this whole thing through. Finishing this book, chasing away some of the demons.”

  “Thanks. You know, I’m pretty happy too. It’s like in some way, I can let my Mom go a little bit.”

  “Now remember, you’re not letting her go as much as you’re kissing her goodbye.”

  “I like that. It’s really beautiful, Tell.”

  “Never let it be said that I don’t say some poignant shit.”


  “But seriously, Liv, I’m proud of you. It took a long road to get here.”

  “Thanks. You too. If you had told me a year ago that you would beat me to the altar I would have laughed. But stranger things have happened.”

  “Hey, I’m here for you. Strange or not.”

  “So, when are we heading to the Winston Isles?”

  “A couple of weeks. I don’t want to give Carmen a chance to change her mind.”

  “Nah, she’s crazy about you. No way she’s changing her mind. And knowing you, no way you’re changing yours either.”

  She chewed her bottom lip then. “Thanks for talking some sense into me. You know, since I’d lost my mind.”

  “Nah, you wanted someone to talk sense into you. You knew you were being Telly. All I did was remind you that you didn’t really want to be Telly. You wanted to love. I’ll always be here to do that.”

  “So, are you ready to send this thing to the editor and become a famous author?”

  I laughed. “Hardly famous, but I am ready to, you know, jump into a whole new life. I’m excited to see what happens.”

  “Yeah, me too. And it’s going to be outstanding.”



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