Untameable: Haven Falls (Book 3)

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Untameable: Haven Falls (Book 3) Page 10

by Sheridan Anne

  He reads my body. He knows when I need him by my side and he knows when I need to stand on my own two feet. That couldn’t possibly be a trait that all men possess. If it were, I have a feeling the world would be a happier place.

  Jackson pulls up at Noah’s place and I realize that easy conversation we had fallen into was completely deserted by my girly daydreaming about Noah…again. How is that possible?

  I get myself out of his car and walk around to the back door to help get Tully out. God, this is going to be hard. I hope she’s not too hard to wake up. The last time this happened, we nearly crashed into the mailbox when she dropped all her weight on me. It wasn’t pretty.

  “No,” Jackson says, pushing out of the driver’s door and coming around the back. “Don’t wake her. I’ll take her in.”

  “Thanks,” I say, grateful. “Waking Tully isn’t exactly a pretty thing.”

  He looks down at her and takes in the drool on his jacket. “Yeah, I can imagine.”

  Jackson grabs her ankles and pulls her along until she’s at the edge of the seat, making her hair and arms splay out across the backseat. He ducks down and scoops her into his arms before pulling her out of the car.

  I duck in once they’re out of the way and feel around the floor of the car until I find her phone, shoes, and purse. Once I’m sure I have everything, I lead Jackson up the pathway towards the front door.

  It opens before I have a chance to do it myself and I look up at Rivers who watches Jackson and Tully with a deep scowl before he steps forward and holds out his arms, demanding, not asking, Jackson to hand over the precious goods.

  Not wanting to ruffle any feathers, Jackson happily hands her over and bows out. He says a quick goodnight and before I know it, I’m hurrying down the hallway, passing Rivers in order to open Tully’s bedroom door before he reaches it.

  I rush in, pull down her blankets, and toss her things on the floor beside her bed before leaving the rest up to Rivers. I’m sure come morning when Tully realizes Rivers was the one to put her to bed, she’ll probably have a few words to say about it, but I also have a feeling that Rivers would kick my ass if I suggested he leave right now.

  On my way to Noah’s room, I stop by the bathroom to pee and wash off my makeup before deciding to search the cupboard for a spare toothbrush. I probably smell like a bar after the night I’ve had and I doubt that’s really going to be the biggest turn on, though, I doubt Noah would ever say no. He never says no. No matter what.

  As I push my way into Noah’s room, I find him sitting up in bed, his arm behind his head and his phone in hand. The light is off but the lamp post out front of their home is enough for me to see the perfect ridges of his abs.

  His eyes turn on mine with a fondness that has me walking towards him. “I didn’t think you’d be coming here tonight.”

  I shrug my shoulders. “Dad’s home with Aria and Tully needed someone to stay with her, besides, why the hell wouldn’t I want to come here and spend the night in your bed?”

  A grin stretches across his lips as he pulls me down onto his bed. “And don’t you fucking forget it,” he tells me, dropping his lips to mine. “Where the hell were you guys?” he questions out of curiosity. “I haven’t heard from either of you since school.”

  “Sorry,” I murmur against his lips. “It took me forever to get Tully to finally quit complaining about Rivers and then Kaylah invited us to go to Jackson’s football game at BHU.”

  “Jackson, huh?” he says, pulling back with a strange darkness in his eyes. “Tell me, why does his name keep coming up?”

  I bring my hand up and trace my fingers over his perfect lips. “You’re not jealous, are you?” I tease. “Just wait until you find out that we went to a party with him, got a little too drunk, and then let him drive us home, but that was before we let him take advantage of us in the backseat.”

  Noah’s eyes narrow on me and he certainly doesn’t look impressed. It doesn’t take a genius to work out that he’s waiting for an explanation, but I make him sweat it. “How was your night?” I question, feigning innocence.

  “Henley,” he snaps, hating the thoughts that are undoubtedly clouding his mind.

  “Fine,” I laugh. “Trust me, it was all coincidental. I called Kaylah and told her about the scholarship and said we needed a girls’ night, but she was already going to the game and said that it would be fun if we go and that it would give me a chance to see the college, so, we went,” I explain. “Oh, and the game was awesome by the way. Jackson’s team killed it.”

  “Get to the getting drunk with your ex shit.”

  “He’s not my ex,” I clarify.

  “You know what I fucking mean.”

  “I like it when you get jealous,” I grin. “It’s kind of sexy.”

  “Nothing about me is just ‘kind of sexy’. It’s all or nothing,” he clarifies. “Now, get the fuck on with it.”

  I can’t help but raise my head to kiss him once again. “After the game, we stayed to say ‘hi’, you know, being polite and all that. I mentioned the scholarship and he thought that giving us a tour of the campus would help convince me to apply.”

  “Did it?” he questions.

  My cheeks puff up so damn much that my eyes end up squinting into tiny little slits. “Yeah,” I tell him. “That school is fucking awesome. It reeks of money, but I felt important being there like I was meant for more than just Haven Falls. I feel like I have a purpose now.”

  His eyes soften and it’s almost as though he forgets about Jackson for just a moment, the shortest, tiniest, little moment. “Do you have any idea how fucking happy that makes me?” he murmurs, grabbing my waist and rolling us until I hover above him.

  I smile down at him, loving the sound of those words on my ears. His happiness is like a drug to me and that’s another thing I’ve had to get used to. I always thought that only my happiness mattered. This world is about doing things for yourself, but I’m quickly realizing how wrong that is. “I thought it might,” I tell him.

  “The party, Spitfire,” he prompts.

  I push up on his chest and look down at his magnificent body, the dull light streaming through his bedroom window making it all that much better. “Who cares about the party?” I groan, reaching the hem of my shirt and pulling it over my head. “We’ve got much more important things to be doing right now.”

  Noah’s hands instantly take my waist as his eyes roam over my body. His hands begin to roam, and I suck in a breath when one travels down to my ass, getting a good feel and desperately making me wish I’d taken my jeans off already. His hand is there one second, and the next, it’s coming down hard on my ass, giving it a good spanking. “The party,” he prompts again.

  “Fine,” I grumble. “But promise you’ll let me make it up to you afterward?”

  “Babe, like I could fucking resist you right now,” he tells me, pressing his hips up into me and letting me know that whether or not I answer him right now, we’ll both be getting away with something tonight.

  Feeling his hardness beneath me has me grinding down into him and closing my eyes with pure satisfaction. “You know Tora?” I ask, sliding my hands up his strong chest.


  “We went to her place with all the Broken Hill guys,” I explain. “It was supposed to be just us, but you know how it is when Jesse and Nate go anywhere.”

  “It turns into a fucking party,” he chuckles, taking the very words right out of my mouth.

  “Uh huh,” I say, coming down to brush my lips across his, desperately needing that closeness and the feel of his warm breath against my skin. “But don’t worry. With the Ryders’, their friends, and Jackson there, Tully and I couldn’t even pee without one of them hovering over us.”

  “Good,” he grumbles, grinding himself up into me once again. “How is Tully? Has she calmed down yet?”

  I drop my face down to his neck and kiss his neck, tasting his sweet skin. “You really want to talk about your sister righ
t now?” I question.

  Noah’s hand slides down into the back of my jeans, grabbing a handful of ass and the other hand trails up my back and effortless unhooks my bra with one quick flick of his fingers. “You’re fucking right,” he murmurs, taking the lead.

  My bra comes off before he quickly rolls us until I’m flat on my back and he’s knelt between my legs, his hands working the button of my jeans. Noah rids them off my body and it’s like he can’t be with me fast enough.

  He falls back down to me, our bodies crashing together as his lips devour mine, his tongue slipping in and making my tummy swirl with anticipation, knowing that whatever he’s got in store for me is going to be good.

  His big hand slides up my body and cups my breast before giving it a squeeze that has my stomach clenching. I need more than that. So much more.

  Noah grins against my lips and a second later, he’s gone. I almost cry out for him when I feel his lips replacing his hand on my breast. His tongue runs over my pebbled nipple and has me arching up into him as my nails dig into his back.

  I swear, this man must have endless claw marks all over him. I feel kind of bad for him, but then, I kind of don’t.

  I’m so taken by what he’s doing with his tongue that I don’t notice his hand heading south until it’s already there. Touching. Kneading. Rubbing. Fucking everything I could possibly need and more.

  He works my body to the edge and as I reach for him, he pulls back with a shake of his head, showing off that body of his once again, but now I can hardly concentrate. All I can look at is the huge outline of his dick through his jeans and believe me when I say he is more than happy to see me.

  “Nuh uh, Spitfire,” he says with a ‘tsk’ as his hand goes to the top of his unbuttoned jeans, teasing me with what hides beneath. “You’re going to have to wait for this. You’ve been a very bad girl and I’m going to have to teach you a lesson to remind you to never do it again.”

  “But what if I like being a bad girl?”

  His eyes flame with desire. “Believe me, Spitfire. There’s more than one way to punish you.”

  Fuck me. I think my eyes roll to the back of my head. Maybe I pass out for a moment too.

  “You better get on with it, Noah,” I tell him. “You’ve got me all worked up and if you’re not careful, I’ll have to do it myself.”

  His eyes roam over my body with a shit eating grin. “By all means, baby. I’m down for a show.”

  Fuck. That backfired.

  As if sensing the desperation within me, he gives me mercy as his lips come back to mine. He doesn’t waste a second. He gets back to teasing my body with his practiced moves, not once giving me a second to cool down. The longer he goes, the hotter my body becomes but the more I crave the feel of his.

  I need his skin on mine. I need his touch. His lips. His everything.

  My hands trail down his strong back, feeling every tight muscle on the way down. They trace over the small dimples on his lower back until they’re slipping under the fabric of his jeans, feeling that perfect ass and pushing his jeans down.

  If he’s not going to give me what I need soon, then he better fucking believe that I’ll take it for myself.

  The fire burns just as strongly with him and I thank my lucky stars when he helps me push his jeans the rest of the way down his legs until they’re kicked off the end of his bed. He kisses me deeply as he grabs my legs, separating them until he’s comfortably between them.

  With a hand on my ass, the other wrapped around my ribs and his mouth devouring my nipple, he finally gives in, pushing up into me until I’m seeing stars and reminding me that I’m his fucking queen. Now and forever.

  Chapter 11

  Noah pulls up at school on Friday morning and with a few extra minutes before the bell, we find ourselves sitting in his car, me devouring a coffee as he scrolls through Facebook, though, from the disinterested look on his face, I’d dare say he’s not finding anything to hold his attention.

  I glance down and can’t help but smile as I take in Noah's hand in mine with his thumb unconsciously running back and forth over my knuckles. I love the way he loves me. He probably doesn’t even realize that he's doing it. It's just his body's natural reaction, its basic instinct when I'm around. Hell, I’m sure that I have little quirks like that which Noah has picked up on that I'm not aware of.

  I woke up in his arms this morning and the first thing I noticed was the feel of his body against mine. I was so freaking happy in that moment. It's not often that I get to wake up with his arms wrapped around me. The next thing I noticed was his morning wood. Even in his sleep, he's happy to see me.

  A yawn ripped through me which was when it truly hits me. Absolute horror. I'd spent the night at Noah's place, sleeping in his warm arms and completely forgetting to let my father know what was going on.

  Shit. That could only mean one thing.

  Fucking trouble.

  I scrambled over Noah and accidentally kneed him in the balls as I reached for my phone. The movement only managing to remind me that I’d had one too many cocktails at Tora’s party the night before.

  I got my phone and lit up the screen to find nothing. Nada. Zilch.

  My father is notorious for overreacting when I don't come home, so to see an empty screen wasn’t exactly settling. It could mean a few different things.

  One; he's still fast asleep and didn’t realize I’m still not home. Unlikely.

  Two; he’d been up panicking all night to the point I put him in a stress induced coma, leaving him physically unable to assault me through text messages. More likely than the sleeping shit.

  Three; he's finally realized the boys are never going to let me get hurt so he's finally chilled out. Again, unlikely.

  Four; he's completely given up on me, hoping it's not too late to mold Aria into the perfect daughter who wouldn’t dream of spending nights with boys. Yeah, that seems about right. Aria has turned him into a big old marshmallow which is really working for me right now.

  As Noah and I got out of bed and found our clothes, it didn’t take long to realize the house was too quiet. Rivers’ voice wasn’t sailing up the hallway, convincing Violet to make a massive breakfast and Tully's voice wasn’t cursing him out and screaming at him to stop being a lazy prick and to make his own damn breakfast.

  Coming out of Noah’s room, I see that Tully’s door is still closed and there’s not even a hint of movement within. Rivers either forgot to set the alarm on her phone or she let it go, opting to spend the day wasting away in bed.

  Walking out into the living room and coming through to the kitchen, it was made clear that Rivers wasn’t there. Though, my first thought was that he could be in Tully’s room with her, but it’s a move he wouldn’t risk with Noah there which was when I realized that his shoes weren’t by the front door and his phone, keys, and wallet which usually sit on the hallway table were gone.

  A horn blares in the student parking lot, snapping me back to reality as I finish off what’s left of my coffee. “Shit, that wasn’t enough,” I tell Noah as he glances around the lot, searching for the idiot who’s honking their horn. I continue rambling on. “What a strange fucking morning. Is everything going to be ass up today or is that it? I’d really like it if from now on, everything could be normal,” I add, shaking my head. “I’m definitely going to need another coffee if I plan on getting through today.”

  “That bad?” he grumbles as a cringe graces his face.

  “Uh huh,” I say, studying him closely as Tully’s Jeep pulling up beside Noah’s Camaro steals both of our attention.

  “Shit,” I say, looking her over as she climbs out of the Jeep with her massive dark glasses on, clearly trying to deal with a nasty hangover. “I didn’t think she’d come today.”

  “Yeah,” he grumbles to himself before an amused chuckle pulls from deep within him. “Neither did I.”

  I watch her a moment as she walks around her Jeep and collects her things from the passenger side
. Everything she does is just a bit slower and when she looks up and gives me a pathetic little smile, a painful twinge cuts through me.

  She was still in bed when we left and considering we’ve only been here for a few minutes, she must have rolled out of bed and gotten straight in the car right after we left. There wouldn’t have been time to stop for coffee or get herself breakfast, and considering she’s still in the same jeans from last night and her hair hasn’t been done, I’d say it’s going to be one hell of a bad day for her.

  She starts making her way up to the school and it’s almost as though she can sense him. Her head whips around and zones in on Rivers over on the other side of the lot. I hadn’t even seen him myself and I’m in a much better position to. I don’t even think Noah did.

  Rivers walks up to the school with his arm thrown over Alyssa's shoulder and I let out a sigh. At least that answers where he disappeared to this morning. I flick back to Tully just in time to see her whole world deflate. I can’t see her eyes, but something tells me that seeing them together right now is killing her.

  “Fuck,” Noah murmurs as his phone chimes in the center console. “She really likes him, doesn’t she?” he questions as he releases my hand to grab the phone.

  “You’ve got no idea,” I grumble, watching him as he scans over the text with a frown which quickly morphs into a cringe, sending suspicion sailing right through me. “What is it?” I question, quickly glancing up to check on Rivers as a bad feeling settles into my stomach, and sure enough, he’s standing still in the middle of the lot, checking his phone.

  Fuck. That could only mean one thing; Anton Fucking Mathers.

  My world crashes down around me. I hate it when he does this shit. “No,” I silently beg, looking up at him and still hoping for the best.

  Noah’s face crumbles and it absolutely kills me. “I’m sorry, babe. I have to go.”

  “Don’t,” I tell him as my heart breaks, hating the type of work he does for the guy. He’s so much better than this. “Tell Anton to get fucked. You don’t need to be doing this.”


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