Kalista: The Undead Dating Agency Book 2

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Kalista: The Undead Dating Agency Book 2 Page 1

by Janet Lee Smith


  The Undead

  Dating Agency

  Book 2


  This book is dedicated to my little family. My wife Shanna and our furry babies. Daime the Demon dog, and the bratty Princess Star, the cutest kitty ever. No matter what’s going on in my life, they all keep me grounded and happy as hell! I love all three of you!!

  Table Of Contents













  About the Authors


  Hey there! My name’s Kalista. You may know my sister, Janis. Well, she’s not my real sister, she’s my vampire sister. You see, her sire made me a little over a year ago, so that makes us sisters of sorts. I’m staying with her while she mentors me. I was staying with another vampire for my first year as a vampire, but no matter what she did I couldn’t get over my bloodlust.

  After my first year was over, my sire brought me to stay with Janis. I’ve only been here a couple of days, but my bloodlust is already getting better. Boy is this unreal! I can’t believe I’m sitting here talking about being a vampire! Of course, vampires came out of the coffin years ago, so I knew they existed, but I never thought I would be one!

  One thing we knew about vampires was only the Ancients can turn people, and they rarely did that anymore. They felt there were too many vampires already. But apparently my sire hated to see a young person die. Who knew vamps had a heart?

  Anyway, it was my 22nd birthday, and I felt invincible. After all, I was only 22, nothing could happen to me, right? Wrong! I had been out celebrating with my friends and decided I was sober enough to drive home. My friends tried to tell me otherwise, but I had always been stubborn. We went to an after-hours party when the bar closed, because hey, it was my birthday! It was about five am when we left. Like I said, even though my friends knew I was too drunk to drive, I wouldn’t listen. On retrospect, maybe I should have.

  But I’m a vampire now, so it all worked out. I think. Back to my death story. I was less than a mile from my home when I came to a red light. I ignored the light and kept on driving. I was halfway across the street when a semi rammed into me. It was game over. Or it should have been. My sire saw the whole thing and came over to my car. When he saw how young I was, he decided to turn me. That’s how I ended up becoming a vamp. I guess it’s true what they say, most accidents do happen within a mile of home.

  When our sire brought me to Janis’ apartment, she had another young vampire living with her. Even younger than I was. Madison was 16 and had been turned by our sire less than a month ago. She was adjusting well to being a vampire. Madison wasn’t just a vampire though, she was some kind of super being. Janis didn’t know exactly what was going on, other than Madison has a witch, a very powerful witch, in her family history.

  At the time Madison was brought to Janis, there was a rogue witch causing problems, and Janis and her friends had to get involved. Now that that problem is over, Janis plans on talking to Angela, Madison’s mom, and find out who the witch in question is. Janis told me she has some idea who the witch might be, but she wants to talk to Angela before she tells anyone else. She hasn’t even told Madison her suspicions. I’m not sure why she told me, but it showed that she trusted me.

  Madison was a good kid, well, not kid, she’s only a few years younger than me. We got along great from the minute we met. Which is a good thing because Janis only has one extra bedroom which means Madison and I have to share a room. Our room is like 3 times the size of my old bedroom, so we both have plenty of room. We have a similar style too, so I liked the way she had the room decorated.

  You see, when Madison went to live with Janis, Janis let her redecorate the room however she wanted it. Even gave her permission to buy whatever she wanted from Amazon. That’s how Janis was though, very generous. She doesn’t think about money much, that might be because she was obviously very rich. Not William Sarducci rich, but not many are that rich.

  Janis has talked to me about Madison last night. I’m still not sure why she brought it up. Although I think it was because she was nervous because she was meeting with Angela, Madison’s mom, tonight. Janis was pretty badass, so I know it took a lot to make her nervous. But she had already had to tell Angela that her 16-year-old daughter was now a vampire. Now she has to tell her she’s also some kind of vampire/witch hybrid with like superpowers.

  Janis told me she noticed almost right away that there was something different about Madison, then when she had no problem with bloodlust, Janis knew what it was. Normally all vamps had a problem with bloodlust when they’re turned. Except vampire/witch hybrids. They were very rare. In fact, there were only five others like her in existence. This made Madison a very special creature. She was truly immortal. Nothing could kill her.

  Don’t get me wrong, killing a witch or a vampire is very difficult, but can be done. Killing a hybrid was impossible. Madison would never die. I gotta admit, I’m a little jealous of my new little sister.

  Janis had been turned into a vampire over 400 years ago and had never found her one true mate. In fact, she was sure that the Ancients were insane and that there was no such thing as one true mate for all vampires. She never really cared. It’s not like she ever lacked for male companionship, and occasionally female companionship. Heck, she had even had sex with Tempest, AKA Satan. Yup! Satan is a female. You looked shocked, didn’t you read Janis’ story?

  Tempest is one piece of work! I’ve met her a couple of times. Seriously, I didn’t find her that scary. She’s more of a spoiled brat. She pretty much thinks she rules the world. Which is funny because she barely controls Hell. Anyway, enough about that bitch. Back to Janis. She had called Mandy before the whole witch issue started and as soon as she saw him, she knew he was the one for her. They were sickeningly sweet. Yeah, I’m a little jealous of my new older sister too.

  Janis finding her true mate is why I’m here telling this story. I know I’m young, especially for a vampire, but I’ve decided to call Mandy to see if she can find my one true mate for me. Hey, if it could work for Janis, who swore that she had didn’t have a true mate, it could work for me, right? Hopefully, this goes smoother than Janis’ search though. She and our friends had to fight a witch gone bad before she met Constantine. I don’t want all the drama, I just want love. I hope that’s not too much to ask for!

  Janis had warned me about all the questions that Mandy asked on that website of hers, but I could not have been prepared for that mess. She wanted to know everything except how old I was when I got my period. I’ll never understand why she needed to know all of that, but hey, if it got me my true mate, I would have even answered when I got my first period. I was nine by the way. Why the hell would the Goddess give a nine-year-old girl their period?

  Okay, I’m babbling now. Back to my search for my true mate. Mandy called me a few minutes after I clicked send on the website. Janis was right. She works fast! The first words out of her mouth were “would you mind a vampire who’s older than you?”. Which to me was a stupid question. Obviously if I was looking for a vampire, I was fine with one older than me. I mean how many 22-year-old vamps were there? But I didn’t say all that.

  “I take it this is Mandy?” This woman may actually drive me crazy. Before I had a chance to think she was talking a mile a minute again. “Who else would be asking you if an older vampire would work for you? Of course, I
’m Mandy. Now answer my question, would you be okay with an older vampire?” She didn’t take a breath, this woman got all of that out without taking a breath. How does one talk like that? I mean slow down. It isn’t that serious.

  Okay, maybe it was that serious. I really do want to find my true mate. “Mandy, I was turned a year ago when I was 22 years old, as a vamp I’m only one year old. If I want to find my true mate, I kind of have to be okay with an older vamp, correct?”

  Mandy was actually quiet for a minute. “Well, I guess you’re right. How old would you go? Because I’m pretty sure I know who your true mate is, but he’s kind of old. Like really, really, old.” This woman really was going to drive me crazy. I had to take a deep breath before I responded. “Mandy, vampires don’t age physically, and are gorgeous. So, does age really matter to vamps? If he’s that old, I think you should be asking him if a much younger vampire would work for him.”

  I heard her laugh and couldn’t figure out what I said that was funny. But I didn’t have to wait long to find out. “I know you haven’t been a vamp long, so you may not realize that vampires love younger women as much as human men do. However, this particular vampire usually only likes age appropriate women. The funny thing is when he filled out the application, he said his top priority was finding his true mate, he didn’t care about her age. I never thought I would hear him say those words, but I think it’s a good thing he did.”

  “Well what are you waiting for? Tell me about this vamp who may be my true mate.” I have to admit, I’m a little nervous waiting to hear her reply. What if he’s someone I would never be interested in? “Like I said, he’s much older than you. He’s 635 years old. His name is William and he was turned when he was 21 years old. He’s had a lot of careers over the years, of course, but currently he is a tech giant. He is the creator of the SnapFace app…”

  “The creator of SnapFace? Are you kidding me? In addition to being filthy rich, he is drop dead gorgeous. What would he want me for?” I’ve never been insecure before. Getting men has never been a problem for me. But William Sarducci? “Kalista, don’t sell yourself short. Have you looked at yourself since you were turned? I’m sure you were a beautiful human, but you are absolutely stunning as a vamp. You should be asking yourself why wouldn’t he want you? I truly think you’re his true mate. Would you like me to set up a date?”

  What do I say to her? What could I have to offer William Sarducci? Wait, why not? Mandy is right. Why wouldn’t he want me? “Sure, set up a date for me with William Sarducci! You’re right, why wouldn’t he want me? I heard Mandy laugh once again. This bitch evidently thought I was funny. “I like you, Kalista, and I have no doubt that Wills will love you. I’ll talk to him, send him you’re picture and information, and set up a date. Keep you’re schedule open!”

  This time it was my turn to laugh. If I was being honest with myself, I like Mandy too. Janis told me she was great, but she’s also related to Janis somehow, so she’s biased. “I’ll do that! Thank you, Mandy. I look forward to your phone call and my date!”

  William freaking Sarducci! I was going on a date with William Sarducci! I’m liking this whole vampire thing more and more ever day. I dated some great men when I was a human, but they were all more on the scale of Leonard from Big Bang Theory. In other words, they were great, but nothing like William Sarducci. My friends would be so jealous! I’m so glad I’m over that whole blood lust stage so I can brag to my human friends. They would be so much more impressed than my vamp friends.

  You see, it took a lot more than a date with a billionaire to impress us vamps. Although I did see Janis ogling him in a magazine the other day. She may love Constantine, but she still loves looking at hot men.

  Yes, I’m dancing around the room right now, why do you even ask something you know the answer to? Just make sure that stays between us, mmmkkkk.


  When I realized that Madison was a witch/vampire hybrid, I had no idea where the search for the witch in her family would take me. The first step in the search was talking to Angela, Madison’s mom. Angela and I get along great, and part of the reason for that is she is very open minded. That didn’t change the fact that I was nervous going to talk to her, and let me tell you, not much makes a vampire as old as I am nervous.

  Telling a woman that there was a very powerful witch somewhere in her family was bound to make anyone nervous. I had called Angela last night before to ask her if I could come by right after dinner tonight. And that was now. What was I getting myself into?

  Why am I so damn nervous? Angela’s a human and I’m a powerful vamp. I know what the problem is. Angela is quickly becoming one of my best friends. First my sire turns her 16-year-old daughter into a vampire, and now I have to tell her this? When did my life become so complicated? Can’t I just spend time getting to know Constantine, my true mate, better? And why do I find myself caring so much about this human and her daughter?

  It’s not the first time my sire asked me to mentor a new vamp. It’s not a big deal, I help them get through their bloodlust, and then we both move on. But there’s something about Madison and her mom. Is it possible I’m getting soft in my old age? Nah, that can’t be it. After all, I’m a heartless, centuries old, vampire. Right?

  Oh well, I guess its time I get out of this car! I’ve seen the curtains move in the living room a couple of times already. Angela must be wondering what my problem is. Can’t say that I blame her. I’m wondering what my problem is.

  “Hey Angela!” Damn she answered that door fast. I didn’t even have time to breathe and there she was. “Hi Janis! Come on in!” Okay, Janis, you can do this. After all, what’s so bad about having a very powerful witch someplace in your family tree? A witch that was probably related to me. Angela had taken to this whole vampire situation really well.

  She even kept blood in the house. My fave too, O neg. “You want some blood, Janis?” I don’t think I could have ate anything if I was starving, but I’m not going to tell Angela that. I don’t want to make her nervous. “Nah, I’m good. I ate right before I came here. How about we just have a talk?” I’m impressed with how calm I sound right now. My stomach was full of butterflies. What the hell’s going on here? How am I having such human feelings? I don’t like this at all.

  “Janis, I know your trying to hide it, but you’re nervous as hell. What’s going on here? You’re starting to make me nervous. Is Mia alright?” Well, that’s not what I wanted to do. I don’t want Angela to worry about Madison. “Madison’s fine. She’s adjusting really well. Better than I’ve ever seen in all of my years as a vamp. That’s why I’m here, actually.”

  You can do this Janis. Her daughter’s a newly turned vampire, I’m sure she’ll be able to handle having a powerful witch someplace in her family. “I’m not sure how to tell you this, Angela. You’ve taken Madison being turned so great, but I’m not sure how you’re going to take what I’m about to tell you. It’s really not a bad thing, I promise. Anyway…” And Angela stops me. Why couldn’t she just let me get it out? “Janis, I know you don’t have to breathe, but why don’t you take a deep breath and relax. Then you can tell me whatever it is you want to tell me.”

  For like the millionth time I realized why I liked Angela so much. She rolled with the punches. She didn’t let a lot get to her. We’ve spent some time getting to know each other in the past few days and we had gotten to know each other pretty well. That’s probably how she could tell I was stressed.

  Angela had been in a wheelchair for years, but she never let it stop her from doing what she wanted to do. It was obvious why Madison was such a good kid. Her mom was incredible and had more strength in her pinky than most people had in their whole body. She had told me when we first met that she hated people to feel sorry for her, because she loved her life, no matter what. I didn’t see how anyone could feel bad for her once they got to know her. I wanted to be just like her when I grew up. Okay, I guess I need to tell her what’s going on.

don’t think you’re going to think this is a big deal, at least I hope you don’t. Just save any questions until I’m done so I can get this all out.” I looked at her and saw her shake her head yes. But she didn’t say a word. “I know I’ve mentioned to you more than once that Madison is taking to this whole vampire thing really well. I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. But I think there’s more to it than just her amazing adjustment skills. I’m pretty sure Madison is a vampire/witch hybrid.”

  I looked at her and saw her eyes widen, but she still didn’t say anything. She was doing what I asked, and I’m grateful for that. “If I’m right, Madison is one of only 6 vampire/witch hybrids, and she’s more powerful than anyone I know. That’s including the Ancients.

  The thing is, there’s only one way that is possible. In order to be a vamp/witch hybrid, she has to be a witch. So, someone in either you or her dad’s family is a witch. I think it’s something neither of you would have ever realized if she hadn’t been turned. Becoming a vampire brought out her witch genes.”

  “Okay, you can talk now. As long as you don’t tell me that I need to stop ruining your life”. She laughed at that. She actually laughed. I’ve been nervous as hell about telling her all of this, and she just laughed at me. I swear, if I didn’t like her so much, I may have decided she was lunch. “I’m not going to tell you to stop ruining my life. I don’t feel that way at all. Now take another deep breath and we’ll figure out who the witch in question is.”

  How does she do this? I’ve never met anyone who took news like this so well. And did I mention I’m centuries old? I really hope the witch is in her family, because she would make a kick ass witch. Even though I don’t have to breathe, I took her advice and took a deep breath before responding.

  “I continue to underestimate you, Angela. I’ve lived a very long time and I’ve never met anyone like you. I really hope the witch in question is part of your family. I would love to see you develop your powers and become a powerful witch.” Now she looked surprised. Everything has happened so fast that she didn’t have a minute to think what this could mean for her.


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