Kate and the Kraken: A SciFi Alien Romance (Alien Abduction Book 11)

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Kate and the Kraken: A SciFi Alien Romance (Alien Abduction Book 11) Page 4

by Honey Phillips

  “And I really appreciate that, but is there a way—”

  She stopped abruptly. He had been very nice to her, but he was still a stranger. Did he realize that she was going to be sold as a slave? What if whoever he communicated with wasn’t as nice? She didn’t want to put Mary and Lily in danger.

  “A way to communicate with the surface?” He finished for her. “I do not have a communicator with me.”

  “What do you mean surface? And how do you know it’s still storming? How long have we been here?”

  “To answer your questions in order, first, we are in one of the underwater caves beneath the Tears of Latiti.” He held up a long finger and she saw in fascination the webbing between his digits. “Two, rainwater continues to trickle down from above so the heavens are still open. That is what you are drinking, by the way. And finally, we have been here for three days.”

  “I’ve been sick for three days?” Her shoulder sagged and she felt him pull her back against his chest. Even if her friends had landed nearby, the storm would have sent them a long distance away by now. She could only hope that their pods had been more watertight than hers.

  “You almost drowned.” His fingers fleetingly caressed her cheek. “And I suspect you were not well before then.”

  He was probably right. She had eaten little on the ship; none of them had. How was she going to find the others? “When will the storm end?”

  “At this time of year, I would not expect it to last for more than another day. Two at the most.” He frowned down at her. “But I will not be able to obtain any surface foods for you until it stops. You need to regain your strength, but you refused the mollusks I tried to give you. Is there anything from beneath the water that you can eat?”

  “I can eat fish,” she said unenthusiastically. It had never been one of her favorites, but she was sensible enough to know that he was right. A wave of exhaustion swept over her and right now, sleep seemed a lot more appealing than food. He gave her a little more water, but her eyes refused to stay open, and with a tired sigh, she turned her face to the firm muscles of his chest and went to sleep.

  A’tai stared down at the female sleeping so trustingly in his arms. Despite her disastrous landing and her obvious weakness, she had not complained. He could only imagine how his mother would have reacted in the same situation.

  The impulse to protect her still concerned him. His father had always been overly concerned with his mother’s welfare, and he was determined not to follow in his footsteps. I should put her down, he told himself, but he did not want to release her. His gaze drifted down over the white slave gown that barely concealed her curves. Perhaps there was another way.

  The subject of slaves had been under much discussion in the Empire recently, with rumors flying around that the new Emperor would outlaw the practice. However, it was such an intrinsic economic factor in many of the worlds that made up the Empire that such a ruling could create outright rebellion. To date, the new Emperor had only focused on making sure that the existing laws protecting slaves were fully enforced. Under those laws, abandoning a slave in a faulty escape pod would constitute negligence. He would be completely justified in removing her from her owner and assuming responsibility.

  Although slavery was not a common practice on Mafana, neither was it forbidden. If he took ownership, then he would be fully justified in his desire to protect her. But as his slave, she would not be able to manipulate him the way his mother had manipulated his father. The more he thought about the idea, the more it appealed to him. She would belong to him, and only to him. He would not have to take her to balls or any other tedious social events. He would never have to worry about her cheating on him.

  He would not demand a physical relationship, of course, but if he was a good master and treated her with great care, there was no reason why she would not come to welcome the idea.

  His eyes drifted back down over the white shift. It was designed to accentuate a slave’s assets and make it easy for their masters to access them. Even now, it had slipped apart to reveal the lush curve of her hip and a tantalizing glimpse of the small patch of fur between her legs. If someone had asked him three days ago, he would have found the idea distasteful, but now the dark silky curls that veiled her little pink cunt were as provocative as the white shift.

  His moa pressed against his sheath again and he swore. He had done his best to ignore her tantalizing body as he cared for her. He had been reasonably successful when her illness was at its height and his concern outweighed his unfortunate desire, but now that she was clearly on the road to recovery, his neglected moa was reasserting itself.

  He forced himself to settle her back in the bed of soft sea grasses, averting his eyes as a rosy little nipple peeked out from the edge of her gown. The most important thing right now was to restore her health. Since she had said she would eat fish, he would descend into the deep, cold waters beneath them to hunt for the delicacies that swam there. Hopefully the cold water would also relieve his rampant moa. But as he slipped into the water and unfurled his limbs, he suspected it was a useless hope.

  Chapter Five

  When Kate woke the second time, she no longer felt as dizzy and confused. Her body still ached and her strength hadn’t returned, but she knew who she was and where she was. She searched for A’tai and found him crouched against the wall again, collecting the water that trickled down the rocks into the shell cup.

  “Hello,” she said softly as she tried to sit up.

  He was at her side immediately, supporting her with a strong arm as he offered her another drink. This time he didn’t object when she sipped more, although she did her best to take it slowly.

  “Do you feel better?” His golden eyes scanned her face, obviously concerned, and she managed a smile.

  “I do. I just wish I wasn’t so weak.”

  “You must eat,” he said firmly. “I hunted a narifa for you. Its flesh is much prized. Can you sit without my support?”

  “Apparently not.” As soon as he started to pull away she swayed dizzily.

  He frowned thoughtfully, then lifted her as if she weighed no more than a ragdoll and carefully positioned her with her back against the cave wall. The strength in his arms, the ease with which he maneuvered her, and the tantalizing scent that rose from his skin caused an unexpected ache low in her stomach. She almost regretted it when he let her go.

  He hovered close to her for a moment, checking on her stability, and she found herself staring into his eyes. The mysterious pools of gold seemed to call to her, and her gaze dropped to his mouth, wide and full with surprisingly sensual lips. She was almost tempted to lean closer before she came to her senses and quickly looked away.

  “This is fine, thank you.”

  He lingered for another fraction of a second, then turned and glided back across the cave. Why did he walk so differently, she wondered, trying to distract herself. What were his feet like in those odd-looking boots?

  Before she could decide, he returned carrying a thin slab of rock, with strips of white fish artfully arranged on the surface. They looked surprisingly tempting. Perhaps this wouldn’t be so bad after all. She reached for one but as her fingers closed around it, she realized it was cool to the touch. Raw. Damn. She should have realized that there was nowhere to build a fire.

  “It’s quite fresh,” he assured her.

  “Umm, I’m sure it is. It’s just…”

  “You must eat in order to regain your strength. Do you want to try the mollusks again?”

  His words brought up the memory of something rubbery being pressed against her mouth, and she shuddered.

  He gave her a worried frown. “You said you would eat fish. Is there another kind that you prefer?”

  What she really wanted was a nice juicy hamburger, but that was obviously not an option. And he was right, she did need to eat. Just think of it as sushi, she told herself, even though she’d never really cared for sushi either.

  She reluctantly lift
ed the piece of fish to her mouth, then swallowed it as fast as she could before she could taste it. To her surprise, it didn’t even leave an unpleasant, fishy aftertaste.

  “Take another,” he urged.

  The second time was easier, and this time she cautiously bit down on the fish. It practically melted in her mouth, slightly salty but with a faint trace of sweetness.

  “This is very good,” she told him, and he nodded with satisfaction.

  “I told you it was a delicacy. The hunt is difficult, and not many choose to go after it.” A faint hint of blue washed over his features. “But we are fortunate in being close to its territory.”

  “Where did you say we were? Are we near your capital city?”

  “The Tears of Latiti. We are some distance from Kapenta.” He gave her an odd look, then asked slowly. “Are you familiar with Mafana?”

  “No, I—”

  “I suspected as much.” He rose and started pacing. “Your owner was most remiss in abandoning you here in a damaged pod.”

  “My owner?” Her heart sank. Despite his kindness, he obviously thought of her as nothing more than a slave. Did that mean he would return her to the Ithyians? The thought made her lose her appetite, and she pushed away the remaining fish.

  “I have a proposition,” he said, his voice stiff. “It is acceptable under Imperial law to remove a slave from an owner who mistreats her. If you agree, I will assume responsibility for you.”

  So much for his kindness. He’s just as bad as the aliens who abducted me, she thought bitterly. But then she forced herself to push aside her resentment and consider the situation. He had saved her life, cared for her while she was ill, and seemed concerned for her wellbeing. As far as she could tell, he had not molested her. That put him head and shoulders above the Ithyians.

  As much as she resented the idea, if she was now in a world where slavery was legal, a kind master was certainly better than the alternative. And he had mentioned laws covering his behavior…

  “What are the laws about slavery?”

  “You do not know?” His teeth flashed, but this time it was most definitely not a smile. “You should have been informed. There are some finer points, but essentially a slave must be provided with adequate food, adequate clothing, and adequate shelter. They are not allowed to be abused.”

  She suspected that adequate was open to interpretation, but she was more focused on the last statement.

  “What counts as abuse? Does that include sexual relationships?”

  A tide of pale blue washed over his face and down his chest.

  “A sexual relationship is permitted if it is consensual,” he said, even more stiffly.

  “So if I say no?”

  “I would never force you.”

  He looked appalled at the suggestion, but then again, he hadn’t denied his interest.

  “You give me your word?”

  The horror changed to indignation. “I am a Pr—member of the House of Maulimu. My word is sacred.”

  She considered him thoughtfully. The very fact that he had asked was a point in his favor. Given the ease with which he had lifted her earlier, he would have had no trouble forcing himself on her. He had mentioned the capital earlier. She suspected it would be the best place to try and seek news of her friends. If she agreed to this charade—temporarily—until they traveled there…

  “Do you require my consent to… belong to you?”

  He shrugged a shoulder. “Not technically. But I wish to be clear.”

  “Is there anything else you want to clarify?”

  “I will provide for you in all things and protect you against all others. I will treat you with the utmost respect. You will belong only to me.” He hesitated, then looked her directly in the eyes. “But since you asked for clarity, I find you very desirable. I intend to have you in my bed. When you are ready.”

  Her breath caught at the intensity on his face. No human man had ever looked at her with such desire, and part of her responded instinctively. She felt her nipples tighten against the silky fabric of her dress, and saw his eyes drop to them. Gold flickered across his skin. His hunger was almost palpable, but he didn’t move towards her, and more than anything, that decided it for her.

  “Very well.”

  He took one step in her direction, and her heart started to pound, not entirely from fear. Had she misjudged him?

  But instead of continuing across the cave, he whirled and dove into the open water, disappearing beneath the surface without a sound.

  “I didn’t expect that,” she said to the now silent cave.

  As she waited for him to return, she finished off the last of the fish and drank some more water. The combination left her feeling unexpectedly content, and she wiggled back down into her bed. She had every intention of watching out for his return, but her body betrayed her and she was asleep long before his head emerged from the water.

  A’tai swam deeper into the chilly depths, fighting the urge to return to Kate. But the triumph that had roared through him at her consent had also resulted in his moa threatening to emerge.

  He shook his head in disgust and went deeper. He had assured her that he would not take advantage of her submission, but as soon as she agreed to his ownership, he had wanted nothing more than to wrap her in his limbs and explore every inch of that strange, tempting body.

  Ownership. He tested the word on his tongue—it sounded both perfect and yet somehow wrong. He preferred to think that she belonged to him, that she had chosen to belong to him. And that she had made that decision without knowing that he was the Prince of House Maulimu. He wasn’t quite sure why it mattered so much to him, but he liked knowing she had made her decision without that knowledge.

  He remembered the way she had looked into his eyes as she agreed, the way her ridiculously large breasts had quivered beneath her gown, and suddenly realized that he was swimming back towards the cave. Fuck. He had given her his word. He had promised to provide for her and to protect her… He came to an abrupt halt, floating in the water as he remembered his exact words. They were the same words exchanged in a bonding ceremony.

  Don’t be foolish, he told himself as he resumed swimming. They didn’t—couldn’t—apply to a slave in the same way. They must have been in his mind because of his mother’s insistence on him taking a mate.

  And yet… they had seemed exactly right when he was saying them.

  As much as he hated to admit that his mother was right, perhaps he needed to find a mate after all. Not that he had any intention of giving up Kate. But he was getting ahead of himself. Right now, his only concern should be whether or not the storm continued to rage.

  He stroked up to the surface to check on its progress. The water still rose and fell in angry swells but the skies were beginning to clear. The Elder Sister was setting in a blaze of angry red, her smaller Sister following behind as always.

  No more than another day perhaps, and they would be able to move on. But where would they go?

  The thought of returning to the palace did not please him. While he might be prepared to acknowledge the possibility of a bonding ceremony, he was in no hurry to move forward with it. The palace on Ataian was equally unappealing. He would be forced to resume his official duties. Although, at least he would be able to make sure that Kate was fed and clothed as befitted his companion.


  He owned a small property on the unpopulated side of Ataian. His old nurse and her husband had retired there and kept an eye on the property while managing a small farm. The presence of another female would undoubtedly reassure Kate, and Simea had never treated him as royalty. It was the perfect solution.

  When he returned to the cave, he found Kate asleep, her pale skin flushed pink in the glow of the susulu. She looked so delicate, so ethereal, that he wanted to touch her to make sure that she wasn’t going to vanish.

  But no, he had promised. A wave of fatigue tugged at him. He had spent most of the past three days caring
for Kate and the lack of sleep was catching up with him. He eyed the bed he had created. Would he be breaking his vow to share it with her?

  No, he decided. He could even argue that it was his bed and he was allowing her to share it with him. He eased down next to her, careful to maintain some distance between their bodies to appease his insistent conscience.

  His good intentions were immediately thwarted when she rolled over and snuggled against his side. Her soft, warm curves pressed against him, and his limbs started to unfurl, to pull her more tightly into his embrace. He gritted his teeth and refused to let them. But neither did he move her away—she had turned to him and he was breaking no vow to allow it. He let the tantalizing warmth of her touch carry him into slumber.

  Chapter Six

  Kate was dreaming. She was in her lab, studying the latest sample from the coast, when a man came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Big, powerful arms, but she wasn’t afraid. Instead, she leaned against him, knowing he would support her. His scent surrounded her, reminding her of the sea water she was analyzing.

  He remained there as she added a drop of reagent to the latest sample, and she didn’t mind. That was another reason she knew it had to be a dream—she hated having anyone around when she was deep in an experiment. Even though her brain was focused on the changes in the sample, her body hummed pleasantly with the awareness of his presence.

  When her work was completed, he would be waiting for her. She put her hand on his arm, and even in her dream she realized something was different. His arm was long and firm and smooth, but it didn’t contain the musculature she expected. More curious than afraid, she ran her fingers along the edge and discovered small suckers that clung gently to her skin as if kissing her.

  As she explored, the not-arm came up to brush across her breast, pressing small, sucking kisses to the sensitive mound. Arousal washed over her so quickly that it shocked her awake.


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