Kate and the Kraken: A SciFi Alien Romance (Alien Abduction Book 11)

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Kate and the Kraken: A SciFi Alien Romance (Alien Abduction Book 11) Page 6

by Honey Phillips

  Chapter Eight

  A’tai was almost sorry when Ataian came into view. He loved the island and had always felt at home here, but it also meant that he would no longer have Kate in his arms. He had never realized that carrying a female through the water could be such a pleasurable, sensual experience. By Mafanan tradition, the initial mating of a bonded couple occurred in the ocean, but, driven by their biology, the females always resisted. The mating position had developed as a way to hold them in place.

  But Kate did not resist him. Instead she clung to his body, her soft curves a constant temptation. She wouldn’t fight him—couldn’t fight him—if he spread her open and let his mating arm seek the slick warmth of her cunt. The thought sent another wave of arousal over his body and once again, his moa pressed against his sheath. Perhaps he should cover her mouth with his and seek the cooling waters below—but he somehow suspected that it would only add to his arousal. And he had promised her not to touch her against her will.

  He contented himself with slowing his pace and taking the longer way around the right side of the island. This also meant he could avoid traveling past the small palace that perched on the southernmost tip. He still found himself reluctant to divulge his identity. Although she had already agreed to belong to him, he knew from past experience that people changed once they found out about his heritage. And he did not want her to change. He enjoyed her lack of obeisance, her boundless curiosity, and her obvious intelligence…

  His strokes slowed even more as he remembered her questions in the cave. She seemed to possess a level of knowledge that was unusual in a slave. If she had been specially trained, then she would be even more valuable, and it was more likely that someone would come to claim her.

  No! She was his.

  No matter who had owned her before, they had not cared for her properly, and now she belonged to him. He didn’t realize that his arms had tightened around her until she uttered a muffled protest and wiggled in his arms. Her struggle triggered an instinctive response. One limb came up to wrap around her wrists while two others automatically clasped her legs and began to separate them.


  Her soft whisper penetrated his possessive haze, and he looked down to find her watching him, sea green eyes wide. He immediately relaxed his grip, and yet… her nipples were burning points against his chest, and he tasted an incredible sweetness in the water between them. Was she aroused by his actions?

  “Did you like that?”

  Under the clear light of the Sisters, there was no mistaking the tide of pink that washed across her face. Fascinating. It appeared that her species was not as different from his own as he had imagined.

  “N-No. I mean, I don’t know. I’ve never had anyone hold me down like that before.”

  Satisfaction roared through him. “Good.”

  Her chin lifted. “I suppose you do it all the time.”

  “I have never restrained a female in the mating position,” he growled. His few liaisons had occurred on land and had not involved his moa. They had been driven by curiosity as much as desire.

  “Mating position? But—”

  “Our destination is ahead,” he interrupted, swinging around so she could see the lush blues and greens of the island rising out of the waters. He wasn’t ready to have this conversation.

  “It’s beautiful. What is it called?”


  “That’s pretty.” Her little brows drew together. “It sounds like your name.”

  “That is because I was named after it.” As was every first son of the House of Maulimu. The island was their ancestral home.

  They were close enough now to see the small cluster of white buildings perched on the rocks next to the wide beach, and contentment filled him. He loved the whole island, but this simple farmhouse had always felt most like home to him.

  “This is where you live? Not in the capital?”

  It was not the first time she had mentioned Kapenta. He had thought her concern was avoiding it, but perhaps there was more to her questions. Did she fear city life or did she enjoy it? Had her former owner paraded her beauty around in front of others? He would never do such a thing.

  “Do you enjoy social activities?” he asked cautiously.

  “Me? God, no. I spend most of my time work—I mean, pleasing my master.”

  She gave him an innocent look, running her tongue across her lips, and although his moa jerked at her last words, he suspected her original statement had been more accurate.

  “I travel there occasionally,” he admitted. “Although, like you, I prefer working.”

  She looked adorably confused, and he relented. “Perhaps we can take a trip there. When the time is right.”

  Which would most certainly not be until he was sure she was entirely his.

  He could almost see the question of “when” rising to her lips, but he directed her attention back to the approaching land. An imposing figure had appeared on the beach, and he bit back a smile. Of course Simea knew he was coming.

  “It looks as though Simea is already waiting for us.”

  “Who is she?”

  “My old nurse,” he said automatically, then winced. Still, surely it wasn’t that uncommon for a family to hire someone to look after their child. “When she retired, she and her mate decided to stay on as caretakers.”

  “That’s nice. To still have that family connection.”

  “Most of the time.” He grinned. “I suspect I’m in for a scolding, but don’t worry. Her hiss is worse than her sting.”

  They had reached shallow water so he gathered his limbs beneath him and rose out of the sea, keeping Kate cradled in his arms.

  “I can walk.” She started to try and wiggle down, then stilled, probably remembering what had happened last time she tried to escape him.

  “Once we are on dry land. You may find that your legs are somewhat shaky after our swim.”

  She sighed, but made no further attempt to climb down.

  “Where have you been, Pr—” Simea began as soon as they came close.

  “My apologies, Simea.” From her glare, she didn’t appreciate the interruption, but she let him talk. “We were caught in the storm.”

  “Since when has a storm on the surface ever stopped you?”

  “My… slave is not used to those conditions.”

  “Slave? What in the Sisters is wrong with you?” Red was beginning to flare on Simea’s skin. “I’ve never heard such nonsense. And let the poor girl down right now.”

  He didn’t need to look to know that blue was creeping over his own skin. “I will explain everything later. Later,” he repeated firmly when she opened her mouth again. “In the meantime, we are both hungry. I will take Kate to my quarters so she can refresh herself, and then I’ll meet you in the kitchen.”

  Simea glared, then harrumphed and marched off. He was going to have to do some fast talking to calm her down.

  “Wow. She’s kind of scary,” Kate murmured.

  “Sometimes. She never let me get away with anything when I was a child.” Becoming an adult hadn’t made that much difference either. But she was part of his life and he adored her.

  “We’re on land now. You can let me down.” Kate poked his chest, and he had the oddest impulse to capture that errant digit and lift it to his mouth. Would her eyes flutter closed and that intriguing shade of pink color her skin when he tasted her flesh?

  He rather suspected they would, but he reluctantly put her down instead. At least this way he could admire the way the wet cloth plastered itself to the curve of her breasts and clung to the sweet indentation between her thighs. A tempting little dip that begged for his touch. She must have seen the gold flickering across his skin because she took a hasty step backwards, then swayed.

  “I warned you,” he said as he extended a limb to support her.

  “No one likes a know-it-all,” she muttered, but she leaned into his touch.

  “I cannot help it
if I am always right.”


  He shrugged a shoulder, then grinned at her. “Most of the time, anyway.”

  She rolled her eyes, then smiled back. “I’ll be sure and let you know when you’re wrong.”

  He should have been offended. Instead, he was delighted at the thought of her watching his every action. “I am sure you will. This way.”

  She didn’t object when he tightened his limb around her and drew her against his side as he led the way to his quarters, and that was enough. For now.

  Chapter Nine

  As she leaned against A’tai and let him guide her into the house, Kate decided that this seduction business was all rather confusing. She wasn’t entirely sure who was seducing whom. He certainly seemed to respond to her, but her own body responded just as quickly when he touched her. That moment in the sea when he had clasped her hands and legs, holding her helpless in his grasp, had been a revelation. She had never thought she would be the type of woman to enjoy any type of bondage, let alone from an alien octopus man. But there was no denying the rush of arousal that had swept through her in that moment. For once, her busy brain had slowed, floating in a contented haze.

  She shivered at the memory, her nipples painfully hard beneath the damp cloth, and he looked down at her immediately. “Are you cold?”

  Why did his obvious concern make her melt? He’s just protecting his property, she told herself, but she didn’t believe her own words.

  “I’m not cold,” she assured him. The warmth of the two suns ensured an almost tropical climate, very similar to where she lived. She suspected that under other circumstances she might have found it too hot, but the constant breeze from the water created a pleasant coolness on her damp skin.

  “These are our—my—quarters.”

  He threw open two wide glass doors to reveal a spacious room that could come from a luxury resort. The walls and floor were predominantly white, except for a tile mosaic in the center of the room, but it bore little resemblance to the sterile white of the slave ship. Colorful cushions relieved the white, and the room was filled with sunlight.

  On one side, an enormous bed covered in white linens was directly across from more tall glass doors. Those doors led out onto a sheltered lanai with the sea only a few steps beyond. A comfortable seating area and a table large enough to seat at least six people occupied the rest of the spacious room.

  She wandered over to the doors leading to the lanai and saw flowering vines had been trained around the posts, framing the view and filling the air with a sweet fragrance.

  “This is beautiful.”

  “Do you think so?” A’tai frowned as he looked around the room. “The furniture is quite old. Most of it is hand-me-downs from the pal—from other places. If you would prefer something more up to date, I would be happy to provide it for you.”

  He thought this beautiful, luxurious room was outdated? Once again, she suspected there were a number of things he wasn’t telling her, starting with his own background. Based on his attitude, she suspected he was not only wealthy, but powerful enough to expect people to obey him instantly. Given his flashes of arrogance, that didn’t entirely surprise her, but it didn’t explain why he was being so accommodating towards her.

  He’s just trying to get in your pants, a cynical voice insisted, but somehow she didn’t believe it.

  “The room is beautiful,” she repeated. “And the furniture looks very comfortable.”

  “You’re sure?” He still looked dissatisfied.

  “Absolutely. Is there a bathroom?” she added before he could suggest any other improvements.

  “Yes, of course. Although it too is not new.”

  She wasn’t surprised when he led her through an arched passage next to the bed and into a huge, beautiful bathroom. The room contained a big bathtub in front of another window open to the view of the sea, along with the other necessities. In addition, it opened into a small enclosed courtyard with a lounging pool in the center. The courtyard walls were covered with more flowering plants, and water trickled down the rocks and into the pool.

  “It is still in relatively good shape,” he decided. “But if there is anything you would wish to change—”

  “A’tai, stop. This is perfect. Why do you think I would want to change anything?”

  “My mother likes to change things. Frequently.”

  “But she doesn’t come here?”

  He shuddered. “No, thank the Sisters. I inherited this property directly from my father. She finds it much too primitive.”

  Well that explained a lot.

  “I’m not your mother, and I love it. Do I have time to take a bath?”

  He frowned and tilted his head. “Why do you ask?”

  “Because you asked Simea to make us a meal. I wouldn’t want to keep her waiting.”

  For a second she thought he was going to dismiss her concerns despite his obvious affection for the older female, but instead he smiled.

  “Trust me, she would have no hesitation in coming to get you if she was ready to serve.”

  She couldn’t help laughing. Her brief impression of his old nurse made his statement very believable. Tall and somewhat stocky, Simea’s skin was lighter than A’tai’s and more heavily patterned. She had been dressed in a practical-looking navy gown that fell smoothly from her shoulders to the top of her thighs. Although she was obviously female, her chest was almost flat and there was no obvious curve to her waist or her hips. No wonder A’tai seemed so fascinated with her own body. Did he find it as strange as she found his? And as attractive?

  Driven both by curiosity and her seduction plan, she ran a casual hand across her breast. His eyes immediately focused there, and she saw a quick shimmer of gold.

  “Do your females have breasts like mine?” she asked as casually as she could, hoping her cheeks weren’t burning.

  “Not like yours.” His voice sounded strained. “Although they do increase in size once they give birth and are suckling their young.”

  Her brain was immediately diverted. “Your females don’t lay eggs?”

  He finally dragged his eyes away from her breasts and looked at her, frowning. “Eggs? Why would they lay eggs?”

  “That is how most of the ocean creatures in my world give birth.”

  “Your world?” He took a step closer, and her heart sank as she realized he was about to question her.

  Before he could begin, there was the distant chime of a bell.

  “That is to alert us that the meal will be ready in half an hour. If you wish to bathe, then you should do so now.”

  Phew. Talk about being saved by the bell. She still wasn’t quite sure what she should tell him about her situation.

  “Yes, that would be lovely. Do you think my dress will be dry by then?”

  He looked horrified. “You cannot wear that to our meal.”

  “I don’t exactly have anything else.”

  “I will find something for you,” he promised. “Although it may not be completely satisfactory.”

  Given his notions of what was satisfactory, she wouldn’t be surprised if he returned with cloth spun from gold, but she only nodded.

  “I’m sure whatever you find will be just fine.”

  “I’ll do the best I can.”

  He showed her how to operate the taps, and the location of an amazing array of bath products, then turned to leave. She was already testing bath salts when he stopped and returned to her side.

  “Do your people have a leaving ritual?”

  “You mean like a goodbye kiss? Or waving goodbye?”

  “A kiss,” he said firmly, then seemed to swoop towards her, lifting her into his arms.

  His mouth pressed against hers, and she parted her lips. His tongue swept into her mouth, curling around hers and sucking on it with a gentle, persistent pressure that sent little streaks of excitement through her body. She no longer required his oxygen to breathe, but she clung to him as if she did. />
  Her arousal flared with astonishing speed. A sucking kiss to her nipple sent a spark of electricity straight to her swollen clit, and it took a moment for her to realize that one of his limbs must have curled around her breast. The reminder of their differences shocked her out of her sensual haze and she pushed back.

  He lifted his head immediately, although his skin shimmered gold.

  “Bath,” she reminded him.

  “Yes, bath.” He looked as dazed as she felt, and his sucker was still working on her nipple.

  “You have to let go of me,” she said, resisting the urge to rub herself against his muscled abdomen.

  “Yes.” But he held her for another moment before his tentacle finally detached and he placed her back on the ground. “Bath. Clothes. Meal.”


  A smile suddenly crossed his face. “I named you correctly, amali. You are very deadly.”

  Once again he turned to leave, and this time he didn’t come back.

  She climbed into the tub and settled back into the warm fragrant water with a sigh of pleasure. Her body still throbbed, and she still wasn’t sure who had the upper hand in the seduction game, but she felt surprisingly triumphant. Perhaps all she needed, all these years, was an octopus man.

  Chapter Ten

  A’tai strode towards the kitchen feeling remarkably triumphant, even though his moa throbbed incessantly. Kate wanted him; he was sure of it. He only needed patience, and time to explore that luscious body. To figure out the best ways to make her sigh with pleasure and cling to him.

  His triumph faded as he entered the kitchen. The wide doors of the comfortable room were open to the breeze. The carved coral table in the center had been there as long as he could remember, and the sight of Simea bending over the stove was equally familiar. Unfortunately, Simea was not giving him her usual beaming smile. Instead, she glared at him even more fiercely than she had on the beach.

  “What in the Sisters are you doing, boy?”

  He suddenly felt as if he were eight years old and she had just discovered him stealing a carna fruit from his mother’s private garden. I am an adult, he reminded himself and gave her his most regal stare.


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