Heart of a Rebel: Rebel Aces MC Part 1

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Heart of a Rebel: Rebel Aces MC Part 1 Page 11

by K. D. Latronico

  "Shit," Camilla muttered. "Do you think it's..." She knew about what had happened the night our parents were murdered because she had been around for it, and also knew that half of the men were about to get out. We knew what she was thinking, which was the first thought in my mind as well.

  Lana and I looked at each other. "Fucking fuck, I swear to God, if it is..." Lana started, her teeth grinding together. Suddenly she stood, slamming her laptop shut. "I’m going to talk to Crow. We need to know what's happening and see what we can do to take care of it."

  "Lan," I protested, "he's not gonna tell us anything."

  She was already heading up the stairs. "Don't give a shit. Get some clothes on, we're heading over there.



  THE LAST THING I wanted to be doing right now was heading into a meeting with the Reckless Hounds. Under normal circumstances, I would be avoiding this sort of thing, and if it were necessary, the meeting would be on our territory. Seeing that this was last minute and urgent, we had to take what we could get.

  Luckily there was a neutral spot just outside of Port Townsend that we used for situations like this, and by some miracle, Tank managed to get the President of the Hounds to meet with us. I wasn't anticipating a cake walk, but at the very least we should be one step closer to getting answers.

  Emergency church that morning had gone about as I predicted it would. My men were angry and had a lot of questions that none of us had answers to, but we were determined to get to the bottom of it as quickly as possible. I'd assigned a few of the lower members to establish a new, safer route and a place to store the new shipment that was coming in the following day, called for this meeting, and had Jekyll and Hyde working their asses off to see what we information we could scrounge up that may give us a lead.

  The cops may have been involved, but we weren't sitting on our asses and waiting for them to decide to do something. This was club business, to be handled by the club. Police involvement was just another hurdle we had to get over.

  I lead the formation towards the abandoned business park in the territory between our town and theirs. Tank was just behind me to my right, with Joker on the opposite side to my left; Bear and Hawkeye were just behind them, with Kang pulling up the back. Having a direct riding order was a tradition that most clubs abide by, and we weren't any different.

  Once we rounded the corner to the parking lot, I quickly realized that I may have made a bad judgment call. Seven members of the Hounds were standing there, off of their bikes, waiting for us. I couldn't exactly say that I wouldn't have done the same thing, but this put us at a disadvantage.

  Especially once all seven men draw their guns.

  All of us skidded to a halt, barely stopping our bikes before we've all got our own weapons out. Shouting rose up between both clubs, and Tank and Joker quickly step in front of me.

  "Tell your dogs to stand down, Cash!" I shout, my eyes trained completely on the president of our rivals. The idiot was wearing a smirk on his face that was just begging to be shot right off.

  "You've got some fucking nerve, Gibson, calling a meeting out here. Got balls your Daddy never had, that's for sure."

  I grit my teeth, holding down the urge to tell him to fuck off for mentioning my father. I wasn't an idiot. He was bating me. "If we wanted to attack we would have walked right up to your door and done it, asshole."

  "Who's to say? But we're just playing it safe, boy. Lower your weapons and we'll lower ours first."

  Joker laughed loudly. "Is this guy for fuckin' real?"

  Shooting a quick look at the back of Joker's head, I trained my gaze back on Cash. "Lower your weapons and we will, too. We've come to talk, ask a few questions, that's all."

  It was Cash's turn to bark out a laugh. "Do you think I'm gonna just buy that?"

  "If I'm gonna shoot you, I'm gonna do it myself and you'll know it's fucking coming. We just want to get a little info on the gift our warehouse received last night."

  A look of confusion crossed Cash's scarred face for a moment, though I couldn't see his eyes from behind his sunglasses. There was a moment of hesitation in his response, which seemed weird to me.

  After another moment, he spoke. "Stand down, Hounds."

  Well, this was a development.

  "Guys, weapons down," I followed, lowering my own and tucking it away. The other guys with me followed - though Joker hesitated, cautious as always.

  "Seems you got the wrong information, Ward," Cash began, stepping out slowly from behind his guys. I did the same, standing in the front, demonstrating that I was the clear leader. "We don't know anything about a gift."

  From behind my own sunglasses, I studied him, trying to figure out if he was bluffing or not. "Really? Because we have reason to believe that you or your guys decided to step up your game last night and take out our supply instead of just robbing us."

  Again, there was confusion. A few of the Hounds muttered to one another, looking around. It was the Vice President, Tug, that spoke up. "Are you accusing us of something, Gibson?"

  I shrugged, casually. "I don't know. Do you happen to know anything about the robberies we've been hit with?"

  Cash laughed, clearly sarcastically, shaking his head. "You've got some real balls here, boy."

  "Does he look like a boy to you?" Joker chimed in, cracking his knuckles.

  I turned my head to my SAA. "Easy..." This was going to turn ugly if I didn't head in the right direction with this conversation. "This is why I'm here asking questions, Cash. Our businesses have been hit and seeing as we don't have the best of relationships, I'm coming to you to find out if you know anything about it."

  Cash and Tug looked at one another, then back to me, both of their arms crossed against their chests. "See, it's pretty funny you say that, because we've been hit with a few robberies ourselves that we were thinking were courtesy of our pals on the coast. Know anything about that?"

  What the fuck? Confusion set in on me now, and I didn't bother hiding it. "We haven't been in your territory in over a year and you know it, Cash. When have we ever done something like that? That's not our M.O. If we needed to take care of you, again, we'd come at you, face to face."

  "You think I'm gonna take your word for it? I wasn't born yesterday."

  "And I'm supposed to buy that you and your guys didn't hit us, thinking it was retaliation?"

  "I could say the same."

  Cash and I glared at one another, now at an impasse. The tension was rising between the two clubs, and I could feel my guys behind me vibrating with anticipation of what could happen if one wrong move was made.

  Finally, my hands went up. "You're saying you didn't hit us, we're saying we didn't hit you. Doesn't seem like we're gonna get anywhere without evidence otherwise." I had just wanted a face to face, to see how they would react, try to get a read. So far, for some insane reason, I was actually believing the other MC President. I didn't want to, but my gut was telling me that the Hounds honestly had nothing to do with this.

  "So, we done here then?" Tug asked.

  I looked to my men, and then back across to the others. "We are. We'll be in touch if anything us comes up."

  Chuckling, Cash shook his head. "Yeah. Us too." With a final nod, he turned away, motioning for his men to follow suit. We waited for them to mount their bikes before we headed back to ours.

  "Think they're full of shit?" Hawkeye asked.

  "I don't think so." I glanced back at the group driving away. "I can normally tell if Cash is lying through his teeth, and my gut is telling me it's not them. Plus, it just doesn't add up. They've never bothered to hide their cuts when they're trying to send us a message or fuck with us."

  "Exactly," Bear added, "plus again, the bombing wouldn't add up with the robberies."

  Tank lifted a tattooed hand, adjusting the bandana on his head. "Honestly? This smells like shit. Someone's trying to fuck with us to make it look like we're doing it to each other."

y head snapped to Tank, my mind having just gone that direction. "Shit, I was just thinking that."

  Joker kicked a rock aggressively, cursing loudly. "Mother fuckers. It's Chingados. It's gotta be!"

  The others murmured in agreement as I closed my eyes, running my hand over my hair and pushing it back from my face. "Fuck. Let's get back, we got shit to figure out."



  "GIRLS, YOU KNOW I can't tell you anything even if I knew." Crow was seated in the armchair that he'd been occupying since we were introduced to the Gibson family. No matter how many times Mary tried to get him to throw it out so they could get new furniture, he refused. I don't want to have to break in another chair, Mare, he would say, then he'd sit down, pull the lever to extend the footrest, and drink his beer until she walked away, mumbling loudly about what a stubborn ass he was. But it always stayed there. The rest of the furniture changed, though Mary insisted on getting sets that matched the chair because she didn't want her living room to "look like crap'', in her words.

  And he was visibly older. I hadn't really noticed that he was getting old until recently, probably since he handed the gavel over to Ward. His normally dark ponytail was graying and thinning at the top, his beard had nearly gone all gray, and he seemed a little slower. It was a hit to the gut whenever I'd see it. I always saw him as this strong, bulletproof superhero that could do anything and everything. In almost every way, he was the father that we never had.

  Snapping out of my thoughts, I caught the end of Lana's ramble about how bullshit it was that he wouldn't tell us anything. I had told her this, of course, but I let her take the lead, choosing to sit back, cross-legged on the couch, watching it all unfold in front of me.

  "This involves us, Crow. You know that! It started because of our family, and if these motherfuckers are messing with the club, it's our fault."

  Crow grunted, waving his hand in her direction. "You know damn well it's not your fault, Lana. Not one of ya."

  "Oh, right, it was Manny's. But if it wasn't for us, you wouldn't have gotten involved and it wouldn't have blown back on--"

  "Lana!" Crow boomed, cutting my sister off, causing her to stop quickly, closing her mouth, her eyes widened at him. "We've talked about this before. Don't you dare act like it's your fault I got involved. I would have done it either way and if you don't realize that now, then you're not as smart as I thought you were."

  My eyes widened slightly, and Lana took a step back, her hand dramatically going to her chest as if she was horrified. "Well, that's just uncalled for, old man."

  Crow grunted, and I relaxed, shaking my head. Lana had this way of catching Crow off guard and making him laugh, even if he didn't show it. Clearly, he was pissed, and I didn’t expect her to go at him for implying she wasn't smart, but by now, Lana knew how to work the man.

  "I don't know what is happening, girls. They're just trying to get through all of this. We're keeping an ear to the floor on Los Chingados as they get released from prison, and if you need to worry? We'll let you know. The club will protect you both, and anyone involved. That's all I can tell you, okay? Now, zip it."

  Lana crossed her arms, grinning triumphantly. "That's all I wanted." Which was a lie. Lana had serious dick envy when it came to the members of the Aces. That was probably the only reason why she'd ever wish she was a guy, so she could have joined, but alas, she was very female.

  "Good." Crow nodded. "Now get me a beer for bugging the shit out of me."

  Sashaying her way towards the kitchen, Lana stopped to bend down and kiss the top of his head. "Yes, big daddy."

  I scowled. "Do you seriously have to call him that?"

  "Only because you hate it!" she called over her shoulder.

  When I looked over at Crow he was shaking his head, a faint smirk playing on his lips. I smiled. This man was really something special, and I knew he had a soft spot for us “kids”.

  Voices came from the kitchen as Lana and Mary started talking, which indicated that he wasn't getting his beer any time soon. Grumbling to himself, Crow sighed. "The girl never stops talking."

  Grinning, I looked over at him. "Imagine living with her."

  Nodding, he went quiet for a few moments. It was a comfortable silence. We never went to college, so this remained our home until Tank and Bear's company rebuilt the house next door into what it was now. Being around Crow had always been comfortable for me, even if he was more gruff and rough around the edges as most people's father figures were.

  Finally, he spoke, and it completely took me by surprise. "My son treating you good?"

  My head snapped in his direction. That definitely wasn't expected. He was looking at me, and my reaction made him grin slightly. "You think I still don't know what's going around my club?"

  I shrugged, leaning back against the couch cushions. "I guess I wasn't aware it had gotten around yet."

  That made him laugh. "They're like washwomen around there. Everything gets around."

  Of course it did. That really didn't surprise me, and honestly? I didn't mind. I wanted everyone to know about Ward and me, and it seemed like Ward did, too. "You know he does," I finally answered, smiling softly.

  Crow just nodded matter of factly. "Good. Otherwise, I'll kick his tatted-up ass." And with that, the discussion was done. "Lana! Where's my goddamn beer?"


  Back at the house, I took the time to pamper myself a little. I liked to do this on Thursdays, before I spent the weekend staying up late, putting tons of makeup on my face, doing damage to my hair, and generally just exhausting my body. After taking a long, hot shower, I tied my hair up in a towel and put a face mask on. Then, I lounged, drinking a smoothie and cuddling on my bed with Zee. Despite the fact that there was so much shit going on outside, I was determined to take that time to unwind, let myself escape a little before I went back to worrying about everything that seemed to keep piling up.

  I had my Kindle resting on the back of my cat as she snoozed on my lap and I was immersed in a book when my phone vibrated. Looking down, I saw Ward's name. Grinning, I swiped it open and read his text.

  Ward: Today's a damn mess.

  Leah: I'm sorry babe. Is everything going alright?

  Ward: It's going.

  Sighing, I frowned at the phone. I couldn't imagine what he was having to go through. This entire situation alone was a mess. I still didn't know if they had lost a lot what was inside, but at the very least they lost their warehouse. They had to worry about who had done it, and what they were going to do next, but it was a local news story and the police were involved. It was far too open-ended, and it stressed me out, but it just made me feel worse knowing that all of this was going to end up on his shoulders.

  I got a devious idea, and it had me tapping out a reply with a grin on my face.

  Leah: Whenever you get finished with things and can get back here, I'm going to give you the best blowjob in the world, you won't be able to remember your name.

  His reply comes in barely ten seconds later.

  Ward: Jesus Fuck, Leah. I'm rock hard around ten other men. You're gonna get it later.

  Leah: Don't threaten me with a good time.

  Ward: You're amazing. I'm coming by around seven. Be home.

  Ugh. So bossy, what did that turn me on so much?

  Setting down my phone, I realized I was grinning ear to ear. Things might be shitty, but there were some pretty amazing things happening for us in spite of that.

  I realized it then. As long as I had him, I could get through anything. And I was going to do my damndest to make sure he knew that I would be exactly that for him.



  IT HAD BEEN TWO weeks since the night of the bombing and we still had no answers.

  This was definitely getting to me, that I couldn't deny. Every time we managed to make even the slightest bit of headway it would halt to an abrupt stop and we'd be back where we started. No suspects. No evidence. No whereab
outs for any of the released Chingados.

  That was probably what was frustrating me the most. Five more guys had been released since the first few had gotten out and it was like they completely disappeared. If they had just gone back to civilian life like most released prisoners, I may have felt a little more at ease. Of course, that would have made keeping tabs on them easier. It was the fact that they were disappearing that confirmed the idea that they were reforming.

  When my father had reached out to our contact at the prison, there had been rumors that Los Chingados were looking to regroup, with Paco still calling the shots from behind bars. It didn't surprise us, but the fact that it was going around didn't bode well. They had warned us that they would be back, and apparently, those pieces of shit kept their word.

  But now there was radio silence, the worst thing in this case, and we still had the bombing looming over our heads.

  Unfortunately, there also wasn't much we could do with the cops snooping around, either. Chief Carrington was working his ass off to try and keep things at bay, to sweep certain things under the rug and get this whole investigation wrapped up, but there was only so much to do. There was still procedure, and him going to bat for us just meant we were racking up favors for him.

  And I hated owing the police too many open-ended favors.

  Despite all of it, though, things between Leah and I had only gotten better, but I still noticed that my focus wasn't quite where it should be all the time. With our relationship out in the open, I was still worried that she may have an extra target on her back.

  If this wasn't Paco and his men fucking with us and we had a new enemy coming at the club, that put her at more of a risk than I was willing to expose her to.


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