Heart of a Rebel: Rebel Aces MC Part 1

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Heart of a Rebel: Rebel Aces MC Part 1 Page 16

by K. D. Latronico

  My hands were already working on his belt and the button and zipper of his jeans. "I need you inside me." The tone of my voice was husky and low. His belt and pants followed the path to the pile with the rest of the clothing. Our underwear wasn't far behind, and once we were naked, there wasn't a single barrier between us. "Ward," I begged, my hand wrapping around his cock, "I need you, please."

  He didn't make me wait, and I knew it was because he couldn't wait any longer, either. In one swift movement I was lifted completely off of the floor, back pressed against the door, my legs wrapping around his waist. One arm looped around his neck and I looked down between us, briefly, in time to watch as he gripped the base of his cock and lined himself up against me. Once his hands were free, he gripped my hips and with a single thrust, he became completely sheathed inside me.

  "Ward!" His name was ripped from me in a shout as he filled me completely, stretching me in the most delicious way, as only he could. It didn't matter how many times he was inside me, it constantly amazed me how perfect he fit. Like he was made for me.

  We moved in perfect rhythm together, though Ward was the one in control. Strong arms held me up, keeping a tight grip on me as he began to move. The muscles and his thighs flexed underneath my calves where they rested as he used all of his power to fuck me in a way only he was capable. Mind-blowing pleasure started to rise within me, carrying over from my previous climax, the sensitivity of my center causing my entire body to tingle. At this angle, not only did his cock hit that perfect spot within me, but my very responsive clit rubbed against his pelvis, only adding to the incredible sensations.

  As we fucked, he kissed me until our lungs couldn't take anymore, but we remained close still, my forehead resting against his. My moans turned into cries, and his labored breathing and grunts turned into his own moans of pleasure. Hearing how affected he was by being inside of me only spurred my second orgasm on, and soon I was shaking, begging, shouting before that familiar coil deep inside my core burst, and a blinding white heat took over as he pushed me further through the climax.

  My whimpers and moans were wild, but Ward wasn't finished. Adjusting his hold on me, he pulled us away from the door, walking quickly through the kitchen to the island. "Set your legs down," he growled, and I complied, though barely. He pulled out, only to set me fully on the ground and turn me around. "Bend over for me, beautiful." Not like I had a choice but I did, happily, gripping the edge of the countertop.

  I feel him bury his cock inside me again and I screamed. Ward was relentless, pounding against me, his fingers gripping my hips so hard I know there will be marks there later - and I really hope there was. I loved seeing the reminders of our time together, it turned me on in ways that I couldn't even describe if I tried. And I loved how rough he got with me. It's exactly what I need.

  His hand eventually made their way into my hair, and gripping the red curls in a makeshift ponytail, tugging me back, urging me to arch my back into him. "Oh God!" This is what I love. No matter if we're on the bed, in the shower, or bent over something, there is just something about the position and the angle that truly does something to me. His thrusts are hard, short, and quick, and with the sounds that are coming out of his mouth, I know he's close.

  "Need you to come for me again." His voice is low, rumbling with strength in my ear. "Come for me and I'm gonna fill you up." He doesn't need to tell me twice, though, because as my eyes roll in the back of my head my body detonates again for the third time in less than half an hour. Strangled cries and jumbled words fill the air around us as I scream his name, reaching back to claw at him. One inked arm of his reaches around my front to wrap his hand around my neck, lightly, with just enough pressure, and the other snakes down to finger at my clit.

  I shake and scream like I'm possessed.

  With a thunderous shout of my name, Ward's cock twitches as it seats deep within me and he fills me up, his body shaking against my back as he releases everything he has in me. His grip loosens around my neck but he still holds me tight. With a few more thrusts he finishes, his movements ceasing, and we're left panting, sweating, and trembling, our bodies resting against the edge of the countertop.

  Minutes go by, or maybe they're only moments, but eventually, he pulls out, sweeping me off my feet and cradling me in his arms. I'm carried down the hall to his bedroom, into his attached bathroom and set down carefully, steadying me on wobbly legs. When he's sure I have my balance back, we make quick work of cleaning ourselves up.

  A few of my things are in the bathroom so I take that time to wash my makeup off, removing everything so I'm fresh-faced and ready for bed. Knowing full well that we're not going to go to sleep any time soon, I want to at least be prepared.

  When I walk back into the bedroom, Ward is in bed, watching me with a smile on his face. I grin back, climbing onto the massive king size mattress and immediately curl up into his body. "You're amazing," I murmur softly as his arms wrap around my body, my lips finding his chest to press a few soft kisses on his tattoos there.

  "That's all you." His voice is soft, soothing. After a few silent moments, he speaks up again. "So we're telling other women you're my old lady now?" There's a hint of humor in his voice I can't miss, and when I tilt my head up to look at him, my sheepish smile meets his knowing grin.

  "When they've got their hands on you, yeah."

  Ward chuckles, his chest moving slightly underneath my head where it rests. "You've made the decision for me then, huh?"

  I make a slightly awkward face. "Uhhhh...maybe?" Ward laughs, and I wince. "Should I not have?"

  "No, no, not at all..." Pressing a kiss to my hair, he pulls me closer to him. "There was never any question. But we'll make it official." His hand moved under my chin so he could lift it and look me in the eye. "Baby, this is not a question, but an order. You're my old lady, and everyone is gonna know it from here on out."

  Any other woman may have gotten completely turned off by the term, or how demanding he was in his wording, but not me. It was nearly a step below asking me to marry him, and that was how it felt. My heart swelled, and I turned so I could look at him better.

  "I'm honored to be yours." I closed the gap to kiss him, softly at first but soon deepening it. Pulling away, I rested my forehead against his once again, closing my eyes as I let the sensations flow through me. "I love you, Ward Gibson." I let it out, not wanting to hold back another second. I needed him to know, desperately, and after that declaration, it felt like the perfect time to let my confession free.

  His breath hitches underneath me, and for a moment I wonder if he's going to answer. But he doesn't disappoint - he never does.

  "I love you too, Leah Martinez."



  AFTER WAKING UP WITH Leah by my side, her wild red hair all over the place and messed up in ways that only she could pull off as sexy, it really sank into me what was said between us the night before. This wasn't the first time we had woken up together, and my feelings hadn't changed for her, but now I knew where this was going. With such a simple change to our relationship, I showed her exactly how serious I was about her, and by accepting, Leah proved to me the same.

  The thought alone was enough to get me rock hard again, and despite the fact that we had gone at it many, many times last night, I had to have her once more in our bed...and then again in the shower. And in the kitchen once more after breakfast. I couldn't help it. My woman made me insatiable. I couldn’t get enough of her, and deep down in my bones, I was sure it would never change.

  We both had things to take care of, though, which required us to go our separate ways. After dropping Leah off at her house, instructing her to bring more things over to my place tonight, and then kissing her goodbye, I was about to head to the clubhouse when I got a text.

  E. Carrington: Gotta talk to you about the case. Meet at the site. Twenty minutes.

  Fuck me. With the last twenty-four hours being consumed with this new development in our Los
Chingados problem, I hadn't had time to focus on the investigation into the warehouse bombing. I knew my guys are still working on figuring out who could have planted the explosives, but I also had the PTPD to worry about. There was only so much Chief Carrington could do before someone else in the department found a reason to issue a warrant for any of our other properties.

  Forget if it was the clubhouse. That would be the worst-case scenario, for this particular situation.

  Sitting on my bike outside Leah's house, I got Tank on the phone to let him know what was going on. He offered to meet me there, but I've decided to take this on my own. I know Carrington won't have back up, so it's only right that I meet him alone. We ended the phone call and I took my bike towards the docks where our warehouse once stood.

  The familiar patrol car was waiting just outside the rubble-filled lot. I pulled my bike in alongside him, shutting it and climbing off. Adjusting my cut, the very one that boasts the president's patch I've worked so hard to earn. The leather vest is something we, as members of an MC, wore with absolute pride. I didn't bother taking it off to meet with the police chief because, for all anyone around would know, it was just a man meeting the officer in charge of my case at the scene of a crime.

  "Gibson," Eli Carrington said as he climbed out of his car. At least an inch or two taller than me and as broad as Tank and Bear are, the man is an intimidating figure. With a square jaw, normally shaven face, and closely cropped dirty blonde hair, he looks like any former jock turned local cop. A stereotype, but I knew for a fact it was his brother that fit the bill over him. Eli, I could actually work with. Carter Carrington made me want to punch him in the throat after spending two minutes with the guy.

  "Chief," I offered with a nod. "What've you got?"

  He stopped a few feet from me, crossing his arms. His stance would be intimidating to a lesser man. "I've got some good news, but I'm not sure if it's exactly what you want to hear."

  My eyebrow arched. What the hell was that supposed to mean? "Okay? What is it?"

  "Got an insider that said he heard a few guys in a bar a few towns over bragging about the bombing. Says they were pretty drunk, but they had details that no one else could know."

  That had my blood pumping. Fucking finally. "Who was it? Did they get any details, names?"

  Carrington shook his head. "No names, but that doesn't matter. They had clear markings, specific tattoos belonging to The Forgotten. It wasn't who you were thinking, or so it seems right now. Unfortunately, the conversation wasn't recorded, but my source is reliable."

  My heart stopped momentarily - whether it's from shock or absolute rage I'm not sure. Temporarily, I see red. I'm seething. If this had been Los Chingados, at least there was a motive. We were on their tail, getting closer to figuring out where they were, or at least where we could find them, but this? This threw a new, fucked up wrench into the situation.

  What in the hell was The Forgotten doing fucking with us that badly? They had barely been an issue in the area so much as six months ago, and since then they'd been nothing more than loud mouth idiots moving around Washington. But this? This was them declaring war.

  "Get me all of the info you have on these motherfuckers," I growled through gritted teeth, trying my best to not lose it right there. Carrington may be in our pocket, but he was still a cop.

  In fact, I could see that he was ready to fight me on my demand. "You know I can't just do that, Ward. And I'm not about to set you on some warpath that's only going to spill innocent blood. My priority is still to keep the people of this town safe. The reason we work well together is because you vow to do the same. That'll change if you bring a war to our streets."

  Cursing loudly, I took a step away, pushing my hair back from my face, needing to move while I processed everything. "I'm not trying to do any of this shit, Carrington. But they came to us. They came into my town and bombed one of our buildings. I've got enough shit to worry about right now, I've managed to calm things down with the Hounds, and now this? I need the information to put a stop to it before it starts. I'm not gonna let my club be sitting ducks for another fucking organization that has it out for us." I set a glare on him. "Get me what you can, and I promise you, none of this will be dragged back here."

  I can see him contemplating, his mind racing as he weighed the pros and cons of giving me what I wanted. Finally, the chief sighed heavily, letting his arms fall as he began to walk back to his car. "I'll get you what I can."

  "Before five."

  He pauses. "Today? I'm not making any promises. I'll try to get it as quick as possible, but you've gotta give me time."

  That just pissed me off more, but I have to be realistic. "Fine. Let me know when and where."

  With a final nod, Carrington climbed back into his car, and I'm stalking back to my bike. I need to get to the clubhouse. This information can't wait. We need a plan, for both of our issues, and we needed it fucking yesterday.


  By the time I walk in through the clubhouse doors, my anger has completely filled my body, so much so that everyone in the front room can tell right away. The two prospects by the door nearly jump out of their skin, which irritated me, but I bit back an insult and instead barked out orders. "Both of you, get every patched member that's here downstairs. Now."

  Wide-eyed, both of them mutter yes sir's and scrambled away. "Split up!" I shouted after them as they both headed in the same direction. That was rectified quickly as one ran towards the stairs, and the other in the direction of the garage and gym.

  Finding Quinn standing behind the bar, my anger lessened slightly, enough for me to control it. I'm not about to take out my bad mood on a woman, especially not a pregnant one.

  "Everything alright, Ward?" she asked me, her green eyes showing the worry she was holding. "Need anything?" She motioned to the bar she was currently behind.

  I shook my head, walking towards the opening to the kitchen. "No thanks. Don't worry too much." I paused, looking at her. I haven't kept up with her pregnancy, and didn’t know much about it in general, but she was showing. It worried me that we may be pushing her too much. "Are you sure you want to keep working? You probably shouldn't be on your feet too much."

  A kind smile appeared on her face. "I still have four months, and my last checkup came back fine. I have a stool back here that I sit on when I can."

  At the mention of the stool, I glance behind the bar and see that she's telling the truth. "Okay. Promise if you need to stop working, you'll let us know? We'll still take care of you, you don't have to worry about not getting paid."

  Something crossed her features, almost resembling guilt, or maybe embarrassment. Her smile came back, though it seemed forced. "I know, but there's no need. I can work until a few weeks before I'm due." Seeing the look on my face, she added, "but I promise, if I get too tired or struggle to stay on my feet, I'll let you know. Okay?"

  That satisfied me for the moment, so I agree. "Okay. Go take a break, the guys are gonna be in church for a while." With that conversation finished, I walk into the kitchen to see if any of the other guys were around.

  "Girl, if you can't figure out how to clean a stove properly, I'm afraid there's no hope for ya." Mama Rita's voice carried through the massive industrial sized kitchen, a broom in hand, directing her words towards Lulu, one of the Sweeties that lived in the clubhouse. The brunette seemed flustered as she scrubbed at one of the large commercial stovetops. The scene halted my anger for a moment: Rita, laying down the law as always, and being completely unapologetic about it.

  The boisterous blonde noticed me then and her made-up face lit up. "Little Ward! To what do I owe the pleasure, Mr. President?" As she talked she dropped the broom and hurried over to me, grabbing my face to give me a kiss on both cheeks. At this point in my life, I know not to fight it. Or her calling me Little Ward. The woman did what she wanted, when she wanted it, and everyone around her just knew to go with the flow.

  "Hey, Mama. Just looking to round the bo
ys up. Got an emergency church we need to get to."

  Her expression morphed into one of concern, and she tilted her head at me. "Anything I need to know?" After being part of the club since its inception, for over forty years now, Rita knew the protocol when it comes to club business. Being in the position she was, she knew a hell of a lot more than any other woman associated with the club, but she still knew when to step back, and when to step up. She was an asset to The Aces that couldn't ever be replaced.

  In response, I shook my head, but not to tell her no. "I'll let you know once we're done."

  Rita gave me a knowing nod and reached out to grip my shoulder. "I know you'll figure it out, sweetheart. You come to me with whatever you need, okay?"

  With a quick smile, I leaned down to kiss her on the cheek. "Got it. Thanks, Mama." As I turned to walk out of the kitchen, I call over my shoulder. "Try to go easy on the girls, alright?"

  A loud, sharp laugh followed me. "I make no promises!"

  Back in the main room, I find most of the guys have gathered. Spotting Tank, I pushed through the group, ignoring questions as I motioned for him to follow me through the massive wooden doors at the back of the building. Once we were inside, Tank shut the door.

  "What's going on?"

  Behind the barrier where only my VP can see, I allow the calm I'd adopted fade away, my hands clenching and unclenching at my sides. "Spoke to Carrington this morning at the site. The bombing wasn't Paco, it was The Forgotten."


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