Heart of a Rebel: Rebel Aces MC Part 1

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Heart of a Rebel: Rebel Aces MC Part 1 Page 19

by K. D. Latronico

  It was enough to drive a lesser man insane, but I was determined to keep my head and lead my club.

  I had a theory that was nagging at the back of my brain, but I didn't want to say it. That would make it real. There was a chance that I wasn't the only one that was thinking it, but an accusation this big could crumble the very foundation we stood on.

  If this had come from inside, there was a chance there was a rat in our club.

  As I looked around the table, though, I could feel that other part of me fighting back against the skepticism. I trusted every single one of these men. If I didn't, they wouldn't be sitting here right now.

  It didn't have to be just a club member, though. That was also a fact that was nagging at me.

  "I want a lockdown, preferably immediately," I spoke up, looking around at my men. A few of their eyes widened, but most of my executive board nodded in agreement. "Right now, we have three separate threats to our club, one of which seems to be a ghost, another that won't hesitate to use bombs, and the third that is completely in the wind. Until we can figure things out, it's the safest bet to keep all family and friends under our protection right here where we can keep them safe. Not out on the roads, scattered around the town like moving targets."

  "When do you think this should start?" Tank asked from next to me.

  "As soon as possible. Preferably immediately."

  Hawkeye let out a long breath. "The moms aren't gonna like that. School is just ending, it's gonna be hard to get a lot of them to agree."

  "Tell them they have no choice," I said, my tone demanding. "This is about their safety. I cannot take a risk and let this blow back onto our families. They are safest here." I paused. "Does anyone else have any objections?"

  The room was silent, and I nodded.

  "Voting for lockdown, effective in forty-eight hours, until further notice?"

  Hawkeye starts the vote with an aye, and it follows around the table, with no one objecting, until it ends on Tank, who also votes in favor.

  "Done." I bang the gavel. "All parents, wives, fiancées, significant others, children, and siblings will be welcome. Anyone that would be at risk if info on any of us is put into the wrong hands. Sweeties will also be included. Please come to me or Tank with anyone new that you may want under our protection, but they will have to get approved."

  I pause again, waiting for any questions, but my men nod at me. "Okay. I said forty-eight hours for you all to gather all of the info you can get on The Forgotten and it hasn't been more than a few hours, but does anyone have anything we can go on?"

  Most of the guys murmur their answers, which sounds like no one has gotten very far.

  "Our guy hasn't gotten back to us yet. We can't reach him directly, so we have to wait for him to see our contact." Jekyll messed around on the computer a bit before looking up. "But we had started looking into the guys employed with us through security."

  "Didn't get too far," Hyde chimed in, "but so far no red flags."

  I nodded. "Alright. Keep digging, and get back to me as soon as you hear something. Anything. Even if it seems insignificant. And we're not just looking into The Forgotten, but keep an ear out still for any word on the Chingados, and now, anyone that may have an issue with anyone in the Martinez family."

  My eyes land on Silver towards the end of the table, and I can tell immediately that he's uncomfortable. I know the kid hates the idea of his brothers having to protect him, but he hates his sisters being in danger more. I can almost read it on him that he wants to go rogue and go after whoever threatened his family, but he knows I can't allow that to happen.

  "Go on and tell your families to get their stuff together and head here as soon as possible. Everyone has until five p.m. tomorrow. Let’s get it done." I bang my gavel and the sounds of heavy wooden chairs scraping across the floor filled the room. I stand myself, calling out to my enforcers as they're packing up their things. "Jek, Hyde, hang back for a sec."

  Once everyone left the room and the door was shut, I was able to voice my concerns. I didn't like keeping this from all of my men, but whether my suspicions were legitimate or not, it was better to keep this contained for now. "We are keeping this between us, for now. But I'm concerned that this attack may have come from the inside."

  The two brothers in front of me looked to one another in surprise, identical looks of surprise on their faces. "One of the brothers?" they asked in unison.

  I shook my head, rubbing my beard as I struggled with my own internal debate. "I don't think so. It wouldn't make any sense, and I trust everyone. But the guys in security. They have access to the feeds, right?"

  They both nod slowly, their stances identical with their arms crossed, almost defensive. "But only to look and review," Jekyll spoke first before Hyde immediately followed with, "they wouldn't be able to manipulate the feed."

  I arched an eyebrow. "You sure? Or could they have hacked it?"

  It was obvious that they both wanted to object because they took pride in how good they were at what they did, but at the same time, it was always a possibility, and we all knew it. "It's always a possibility..."

  "Fuck." Shoving my hand in my hair, my mind was racing. "Keep double checking everyone. See if they have any connections to the Chingados, or The Forgotten. I'm starting to worry that there's a connection there."

  Their eyebrows both shoot up. "Why would a bunch of white supremacists work with Mexican gangbangers?"

  "That's what I don't get. But this all seems too fucked to not be somewhat connected. So look for links. Look at everything. We can't miss a thing."

  "Gotcha," they both said, and Jekyll saluted me. "Nothing will be missed."

  My mind is still racing by the time I walk out into the main room. Judging by the chatter filling the room, the prospects and girls outside had been informed about the lockdown, and some don't look happy. It takes me only a few seconds to spot Leah, who is already heading over to me. Glancing over her head for a moment, I see she left behind Lana and Joker, who appear to be arguing.

  "We're going into lockdown?" she asks once she reaches me, looking concerned.

  I nodded, "Yeah. It's the best way to keep everyone safe. We still don't know exactly what we're up against, and I can't risk everyone being out in the open, like sitting ducks."

  Leah frowns, her arms go to wrapped around my middle, but she nods. "That makes sense. It's gonna be chaos around here."

  "Yeah, I know." Something dawns on me then. "Shit. This is your first big situation as my old lady..." I trail off, my concern obvious.

  Leah's wide eyes meet mine, and for a second she doesn't say anything. But then I see something new cross her face - determination. "I can handle it. I've been helping out for years, and I saw how your mom handled it. Plus, she and Rita will be here. I've got this." She nods once to confirm.

  With a wide grin on my face, I shift her so she's completely facing me, my hands cradling her face. "Fucking hell, you're perfect. "

  Her face lights up from my confidence in her, and I vow from that moment to make sure I put that light on her face every single day. Running the pad of my thumb against her jawbone, I stare down into her eyes, hoping she can see the sincerity in them. She practically melts in my arms, and there is no mistaking the way she feels about me with the look on her face. It makes my heart pound in my chest. I still don't know what I did to deserve her, but every time I'm reminded of how she feels for me, I vow again to do right by her until she no longer wants me.

  Lifting her hands, she cups my face and lifts on her toes to press a kiss to my lips. "I love you, Ward."

  Looping my arm around her waist, I pull her flush against my chest and kiss her again, letting it linger for a few moments as I savor her taste. "I love you, too," I murmur against her lips.

  "You know, we're gonna have to bring Zee," she says once we pulled away from one another.

  "Zee is more than welcome, but it's probably a good idea if she stays in the room."

yeah, of course," Leah responds and then pauses. "Am I staying with you?"

  Is she staying with me? I raise my eyebrow. "Of course you're staying with me, babe. We'll be up in the President's apartment, so Zee will have plenty of room. And there's enough privacy," I add, smirking suggestively.

  "Oh, that’s right." She pulled on my cut, closing the gap between us again before she kisses me. "When is the lockdown starting?"

  "Tomorrow at five. We're giving people time to get things situated."

  "For how long?"

  "Not sure," I answer honestly. "Until we're sure everything is taken care of."

  Her smile had disappeared, and I can see the wheels turning in her head. "Okay. That gives me enough time." She steps back from me, though our hands remain connected. "I'll have to talk to Rita, see what we need to do, and go from there."

  That's my Old Lady. The one I always knew, deep down, no matter how hard I had denied it, would be the one for me. Leah is a strong, capable, and independent woman. She’s absolutely perfect, but even if she wasn't? I would still choose her every single day because she's everything I've ever wanted. She's the only one I've ever wanted, and that wasn't going to ever change.

  Kissing her goodbye, I let her go to find Rita to get ready for the lockdown. I still have a lot of work to do.

  Specifically, chasing a ghost.



  WHILE THE GUYS WERE in church, yet another emergency meeting for the day, Lana, Camilla, and I spent the time letting people know about the club being closed. Camilla was on all of our social media accounts putting the word out there while Lana and I called our employees. It didn't take that much time, but people had a lot of questions. It was important that we let everyone know that it was for personal and not business reasons. The last thing we need is to leave our employees thinking that the place was going to close.

  No. Darlings wasn't closing. We worked too damn hard to let anyone fuck this up for us

  Setting her phone down, Lana sighed heavily next to me, bringing her hands to rub her face in frustration. "This sucks balls." My sister, always the eloquent one. "What are we supposed to do while Darlings is closed? I'm gonna go out of my mind just sitting around with my thumb up my ass."

  I shrugged. "You don't necessarily have to sit around. Just because it's closed doesn't mean we can't still work. We can start working on new routines, find new songs we want Alani to work with. Hell, you can help me come up with new outfit designs," I added with a grin.

  "Yeah, but that's not the same."

  "Think of it this way," Camilla pipes up from across the table from us. "This time off just gives us the opportunity to come back with a big bang. We can promote our return as a sort of grand re-opening. Have a big party. Come up with killer promotions, charge big for VIP. Make it a can't miss event. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? Make them miss us, then remind them just who the hell we are."

  I can feel Lana relaxing next to me, and the energy at the table now is practically buzzing between us all. "You're a fucking genius."

  "Seriously, Cam," I say as I shake my head, "what would we do without you?"

  "Drown in misery? Die of boredom?" Her grin is wide as she flips her long black hair back and brushes her shoulder off.

  "But probably not get smothered by your ego," I add, and we all laughed.

  Our plan seems to have brought some kind of peace over us, and we start working immediately by tossing ideas back and forth. We have plans to have the dancers meet at our place to practice, which ends up coming as a blessing in disguise because that means we have more time to introduce Mercedes into the fold. Camilla is already sketching out ideas for graphics, and Lana is texting with Alani about music, while I'm left looking through my favorite website for materials to make more costumes.

  We're completely lost in our work when the doors to the church meeting room open and the guys come walking out. I look up quickly to see if Ward is coming out, but I don't see him as the group starts to thin out. Everyone is talking, and tension seems to be rolling off of them, so I'm figuring that whatever they talked about can't be very good.

  Joker comes walking up to us then, his jaw set, the expression on his face brimming with stress and concern. Stopping right in front of the table, he crosses his arms as he looks down at us. "We're going into lockdown starting tomorrow at five until further notice."

  My stomach sank. Lockdown? That wasn't good at all. I'd been through a lockdown before; the Aces only did it when it was absolutely necessary.

  "What?! No, we can't go into lockdown. It's bad enough we have to close the club, but we have things planned. We're not gonna be able to do that if we're stuck here!"

  Joker's dark gaze is fixated on my sister. I've seen that look before from him, and it never means anything good. Aside from myself, Camilla, and close family, no one really goes back at Lana and challenges her like Joker does. That's how they've always been. Oil and fire. They run hot, and when things get tense, their flame ignites. But no matter how many arguments they get into, and how often Lana tries to run away from what they have, there is this magnetic pull that forces them back together. Even stronger than mine and Ward's, but Lana is far more stubborn than either of us were before.

  "You are going into lockdown," Joker replies firmly, clearly giving off a don't-fuck-with-me vibe. "It's the only way we can make sure you're safe."

  "We are safe!" Lana blurted out, and that made even my eyebrows shoot up. Had she not just been in the club and saw the threat?

  Anger flashes across Joker’s face. "Are you kidding? That fucking threat in your locked office makes you safe? Cut the shit, Lana. You guys are staying here until we can figure out what is going on. Now let's go get your shit."

  My sister was fuming, but it's his last statement that makes her push back from the table and stand up quickly. "Excuse me? We are not going to get my shit. I can do it myself." She crosses her ink-covered arms against her chest like a petulant child.

  "Fuck. No. The threat is still out there. It doesn't start when our lockdown does. I'm taking you to your place, we're getting what you need, and then we're coming here."

  "I don't need you to do this!"

  "It's not about you needing it, it's about my need to make sure you're safe."

  The tension is thick between the two, even thicker than the table that separates them. I look from my sister to Joker. Their eyes are both flashing with hidden rage, but also heat. All I can think is oh Jesus, here we go.

  Lana's perfectly arched eyebrows raise as she straightens her back defiantly. "Yeah? How am I gonna take all my shit on your bike? I have to bring Tish, too."

  "I'm driving your car."

  Uh oh.

  "The fuck you are! What, so now I can't drive my own car? You have to escort me to my house and back. What, are you gonna pick out the clothes I'm bringing and pack them for me?"

  Joker casts a sexy smirk and says,"If I get to pick your panties out, sure."

  That sends my sister into a rage, and I know that this isn't going to end well. Luckily, my attention is pulled to the meeting room doors opening as Jekyll and Hyde leave, followed by Ward.

  I head for him, content with leaving my sister ranting and raving at Joker in favor for finding out from the source exactly what's going on. Especially since that source is hot as fuck and tempting me in so many delicious ways.


  Following my conversation with Ward, I have this new sense of power coursing through me. I never backed down from a challenge and I knew how important that was. I watched Mary handle it for years, and even though Rita was the Queen and took charge of most things, the role of the President’s Old Lady was extremely important, one that comes with a lot of responsibility and authority.

  Without hesitation I walked right into the kitchen, hoping that was where I would find Rita - and I was right. The buxom blonde was bustling around in the pantry, notepad in one hand and a pen in the other as she jotted thing
s down, all while talking to herself.

  "Alright, Mama, where do we start?"

  At the sound of my voice, I heard her stop and her head poked out of the doorway. "Precious! Just who I was gonna go and find once I was done here!" She hurries over to me, setting her things down. "The boys told me all about it. Old Lady!" Grabbing my face, she squishes my cheeks together. "And the Presidents at that! Well shit! You've got your work cut out for ya, don't ya?" She laughed, playfully smacking my cheeks lightly before she let me go. "One day in and we've got a lockdown. Poor thing."

  I laughed. "Ward said the same thing, but I've got this. Nothing like jumping into the deep end first, am I right?"

  Rita's grin spread wide. "I knew you were made for this, baby girl. Now, we've got a lot to do, so I'm gonna handle all of the food. I'm gonna wrangle some of the boys to come with me to the grocery store, and the Costco in Sequim. I'll be putting the Sweeties to work on laundry and getting things out of storage. Can you take the rooms and make sure we've got enough places to sleep for everyone coming? We're gonna need the extra cots, blankets, pillows, and towels. Grab whoever you need to make sure everything is all clean. Also, the Sweeties are gonna have to bunk up so we have more private rooms for families."

  I'm taking in everything she's saying as she rattles on, making mental notes of everything I have to do. "Sweeties are gonna be under lockdown?"

  Rita nods as she jots down things onto her grocery list. "The ones that live here and are associated with the club, yeah. Ward doesn't want anyone that could be used against us to be out in the open and at risk. But they're gonna be under very strict rules," she adds quickly, as to assure me that I have nothing to worry about. "None of their normal crap is gonna fly around the kids and families. If a single brother wants them in the privacy of his own room, so be it, but no games. They're here to help in exchange for protection."

  That seemed fair. As long as there were no issues, I wouldn't have a problem with them being around - but that didn't mean I wasn't going to keep a close eye on them while we were here.


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