Heart of a Rebel: Rebel Aces MC Part 1

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Heart of a Rebel: Rebel Aces MC Part 1 Page 30

by K. D. Latronico

Ward shakes his head. "Eddie and Joker are with her." I feel some relief, knowing that my sister isn't by herself in that strange room, in a strange bed, with no one to talk to her. "Apparently Joke put up a real fight with the nurse when she wouldn't let him in. She finally gave in when Eddie gave permission." Lifting a hand, he brushed my hair from my face. "I'll take you to go see her?"

  I nod, and he stands to his full height, stepping back behind my chair again. He exchanges a few more words with his parents before wheeling me out of the waiting room and back into the hallway.

  I wasn't prepared for what I saw once we arrived in her room. I knew that it would be bad, but when my eyes landed on my sister lying in that bed, it broke me. My normally loud, outspoken, lively twin looked so small and fragile, tubes down her throat, wires and IVs hooked up to her arms. She was pale, so pale, and looked so weak and out of place. Lana was so strong. She determined, always with a fight in her, over anything, but this time...there was nothing.

  She was breathing, her heart was beating, but this was just a shell of my sister. And it absolutely destroyed me.

  Both Joker and Eddie's heads snapped up when they heard my strangled sob from the door. If I could see anything through my tears, I would have noted just how bloodshot Joker's eyes were, or how exhausted Eddie looked. They had both been seated on either side of her bed, the former hunched over, holding her hand. When my brother saw me he stood up quickly to come to my side.

  Without the hesitation of everyone else, Eddie wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. He hadn't been good at showing emotion since our parents died, so this was out of the ordinary, but I didn't even question it. I just wrapped my arms around him and sobbed into his shoulder, my body shaking as he held me.

  The two of us stayed that way for a while, and when we finally pulled away, I saw Eddie had been crying as well. Wiping his eyes with the back of his hand, he stood up. He hadn't said anything and didn't need to. I could see it in his eyes. All of the unspoken words and emotions. He had been terrified that he was going to lose both of his sisters, and was still stricken with fear - and probably guilt, anger, and anguish - for our middle sister as she laid there, fighting for her life.

  "Here," came a voice from behind Eddie's large frame. Joker stood up from my sister's bedside. He moved out of the way, pulling his chair from the bed so that Ward could wheel me in his place. Before I had a chance to acknowledge Lana, Joker ran his hand over my hair. Looking up at him, I saw the storm behind his mask. I could see just how torn apart he was.

  Reaching up to take his hand, I squeezed it gently. "Thank you for staying with her," I whispered.

  Joker's expression faltered, but he nodded. "I'll always be by her side."

  No matter how much distress I felt over Lana right now, my heart still broke for Joker. He loved her, I knew that. Had for years, and I knew my sister felt the same way, but she was stubborn, hiding behind her own walls and fighting for no reason. And yet, he kept chasing. Kept coming back. It killed me to know how much he was hurting, how many regrets he must have. "I know you will."

  When I finally turned to my sister, the dam broke again. It was a wonder I still had tears left, but they fell down from my eyes, dripping onto the crisp white sheets beneath her as I bent over, clasping her hand in mine.

  "Lala," I whispered, barely, squeezing her hand. "It's LeeLou. I'm here." I used the childhood nicknames our mother had given us when we were born, wanting to trigger some kind of memory, some emotion that she can cling to. "I'm so, so sorry this happened. I'm so sorry."

  My tears fell harder. I rested my forehead against her shoulder. "You gotta fight, Lala. Kick this things ass. You're the biggest fighter I know. You gotta, okay? I can't lose you..." Swallowing hard, I notice my throat is raw still, but I ignore it. "So many people love you. They're all here waiting for you to wake up."

  Lifting my head, I look down at Lana's face, hoping to see her eyes open, that familiar grin on her face after she's played a trick on me. "Come on, Lan. I'm just waiting for a smart ass remark." My laugh is shallow, but it doesn't completely lack humor. "How about a 'surprise, bitch'? That'll be a good one." Or, 'hello, mothafucka', like that kid from the YouTube video." Laughter emerges again, and I shake my head. "You love that one."

  My free hand goes to brush her dark hair from her face. "Almost everyone is here for you. Joker hasn't left your side, but I'm sure you know that. Eddie hasn't either."

  Sighing heavily, I lay the side of my head on her arm, just resting there, being with her.

  "Love you, Lana Rae. Please don't make us wait too long."



  I’VE REFUSED TO MOVE more than ten feet from Lana's room.

  In order to give Leah and Eddie privacy with their sister, I stepped outside, making sure Joker came as well, but we didn't go far. Both of us would have to be dragged away, and it'd have to be unconscious because there was no way we wouldn't put up a fight.

  In the last six hours, neither of us left the hospital. The same went for those in the waiting room. Some slept, but I hadn't even closed my eyes. I spent the entire time at Leah's bedside, waiting for her to wake up, and Joker had done the same.

  Seated in a chair on one side of the doorway, I glance over at Joker. He is seated, hunched over, his elbows resting on the tops of his knees, with his head in his hands. My heart went out to the guy. I knew my woman was going to be okay. I was going to follow every single instruction given to me by the doctor in order to take proper care of her concussion because there was no way I was going to let anything else happen to her.

  But Lana...it was a mixed bag. My parents and Tank had been updating me every now and then on her condition when they came down to see Leah in the trauma center. There was a chance that she would be okay, but it wasn't one hundred percent. All we had to do was wait.

  And the waiting was killing Joker. I didn't know how he was going to be if this lasted days.

  The man had lost a lot in life and been dealt some really shitty cards, but I knew what was important to him. I knew how dedicated he was to the things, and people, he cared about, and how far he would go for them. Like myself, but he went to the extreme.

  And his love for that woman in the hospital bed...it knew no bounds.

  My attention was caught by the sound of boots echoing down the hallway. I looked up and saw Tank walking towards us.

  "Brother," he said in greeting, nodding his head towards me. "Officers are all here other than the twins. You want to have the meeting now?"

  Leaning back in my chair, I stretch my limbs. "Yeah. Get 'em out here." I glanced over at Joker. "We're not leaving."

  With a nod, Tank turns and heads back down the hall to the waiting room. In a matter of minutes, he returns, flanked by the others.

  "Excuse me! What do you all think you're doing?" A short redhead appears from out of the nurses' station, wearing blue scrubs, her glasses perched on her nose and hands on her hips. Despite the fact that she's a good foot shorter than the rest of us, and that we're a half dozen, mean looking bikers, she stands there with authority, glaring at the group of us. "What have I said? This is the ICU. You all don't belong here. It is for family only."

  I'm not in the mood to fight with this woman right now, and my guys know that. Luckily, Tank takes over, diplomatic as ever. "We're sorry, miss, but we just need to have a quick word with our brothers here. See, you're mistaken. We are family. We'll be out of your hair in a minute."

  Red continues to glare, her eyes narrowing as she looked up at Tank. "This is the intensive care unit. You must wait in the waiting room with everyone else--"

  "Miss, hi, miss?" Moose appears seemingly out of nowhere, swooping in from behind the group, his normal charming smile adorning his face. "I'm sorry, Nurse..." He makes a show of leaning down and taking a look at her nametag. "Danielle. Oh, I love that name." He grins, folding his giant arms across his chest. I can see the exact game he's playing, and I almost laugh. "Listen, darlin'
, I've got a friend back there that has a bit of a nasty rash he'd like to talk to someone about. He's shy about it, you get it. Do ya mind helping a man out? I mean, while we're here." With the grace of a much smaller man, Moose swings his arm as he spins around and places it on her back. "He's just right this way."

  Nurse Danielle still has a scowl on her face, but she looks Moose up and down and visibly relaxes. That doesn't stop her from casting a glare at us from over her shoulder. "I'll be back in ten minutes. Ten. Minutes."

  With time bought, the other officers stood around in a semi-circle, facing me, waiting to hear what I have to say.

  "I don't think I have to say this," I start, my voice low but harsh, not lacking the severity of the situation, "but I want them found. As soon as fucking possible. Alive, and both of them. Even the girl."

  My brothers nodded, their expressions serious. Tank spoke up then. "We've got word out there looking for 'em. Under the names they used, as well as Acevedo. Managed to get photos of them to put out there, too."

  I nod. "Good. Reach out to all of our other chapters. Specifically Vegas. We're likely gonna need help soon, and it'll be smart to get our numbers up." I fold my arms against my chest, looking each and every one of my brothers in the face. "There's a war coming. I hate to say it, but we need to put an end to this, fast. Before someone else we love gets hurt."

  "What do you want us to do with Hernandez?" Bear asks, and even at the mere mention of his name I feel the blood boil from deep inside of me and bile rise in my throat. My teeth grind due to the clenching of my jaw; it takes me a minute to answer, which gives Joker time to jump in.

  "I'll take care of him." His drastic tone cuts through the silence, causing all of us to look at him quickly. Still looking haggard, and appearing that he hadn't gotten any sleep, he dragged his hand through his wild hair. His bloodshot gaze lands on me. "Please."

  Every single one of my instincts is telling me not to agree, but I know I can't. Joker wants him dead as much as I do, and I know, in some sick way, this will make him feel better. It'll give the control over the situation that he's able. Hernandez is no use to us anymore. He is one of the reasons that both Leah and Lana almost died.

  I nod once. Joker returns it, looking around at the group, before walking away. His stride is quick, full of purpose.

  This would be the only reason he would walk away from Leah's bedside, so I don't stop him. I watch him disappear around a corner.

  "Alright," I say, tugging my hair tie loose and combing through my hair. We go over a few more things before we disperse. I'm confident my guys will be able to take care of everything while I'm here.

  I head into the room then, quietly, not wanting to disturb them. I find Leah curled up on the bed next to Lana, her hand in her sister's, her eyelids heavy as she quietly talks to her. When she sees me she stops. With a soft, forced smile I walk towards her, nodding to Eddie where he sits along the window.

  "Hey baby, you need anything?" I ask, leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead.

  She shakes her head slightly, then stifles a yawn.

  "You should rest, you've probably overexerted yourself."

  "I know, but I don't want to leave."

  Shaking my head, I turn to grab a chair, lifting it to carry to the bedside and placing it on the floor. "It's fine." Sitting down, I take her hand. "I'll stay right here with you. Just rest, okay?"

  Leah nods, then tugs my hand to her lips, pressing a soft kiss to the tattoos on my knuckles. "Thank you."

  I return to gesture, pulling her hand back to kiss her hand. "Anything for you. I love you." My gaze holds hers, hoping she can see just how genuinely sincere I am in my next statement.

  "You have my word, nothing will happen to you, and I will make sure every single one of them pay for what they did. I promise you, until my dying day."



  I SWEAR TO YOU, I'll make every single one of those pieces of shit suffer.

  Visions, almost like still photographs, flashed in my mind as I pounded the pavement. Boots thudding angrily as I rushed across the hospital parking lot to my bike mimicked the rapid beating of my heart.

  My little hellfire, void of all of her life, all her flame, lying in the hospital bed, wires and tubes sticking out of her beautiful body.

  That beautiful body, lifeless on the ground of the office.

  Don't you fucking die on me!

  We haven't had a chance.

  Haven't had time.

  I almost lost her. I could still lose her.

  Can't. Fucking. Lose. Her.

  I practically crashed onto the hunk of leather and metal once I threw my leg over the side. Wasting no time, I kick the stand back and start her up, the engine roaring in my ears.

  I took off.

  The wind cut around me as I stalked through the dawn. Haven't slept for at least thirty-six hours, but something keeps me hanging on.



  That motherfucker in The Pit right now is still alive, but not for long. Not if I have anything to say about it.

  Mere miles from the clubhouse I could feel my nerves losing control. White knuckling the handles, I pushed my bike harder and let out an anguished roar. I wanted to punch something. No, needed. But what I plan to do will take over that urge. At least, tide me over. Once it's done, I needed to get back to Lana.

  I can't leave her. I won't.

  The gate started to open before I was even on the street. Ward must have warned the brothers I was on my way.

  My bike was shut off and I was pounding my boots against the asphalt, shoving all of my weight into the massive wooden doors and storming inside.

  Rita and Quinn were in the kitchen, and when they heard the commotion their heads popped out from the doorway.

  "Joker! How is--" She stopped talking when I grunted. I know it's rude, and normally I'd beat myself up for doing that to Rita, but I can't right now. If I stopped, if I think, I'll break. And I can't fucking break now.

  They let me go. I walk with wild purpose, nearly ripping the hidden compartment off the bike statue before I pounded the keypad with the familiar password. I didn’t even wait until the faux-door is open before I slipped my narrow body in and headed down the stairs.

  Jekyll must have heard me coming because he stepped out of the control room. "Brother." His voice and expression were solemn. "How is she?"

  I didn’t answer. Can't. I stormed right past him to the door of The Pit, giving that keypad the same treatment as I had the other.

  "Joke, are you--"

  "Don't." The one word I uttered - no, shouted - at the enforcer shut him up, and finally I flung open the door, wasting no time in getting inside.

  Hernandez is there. Still hanging from his arms, looking barely alive. He better fucking be alive. They said he was, and there will be hell to pay if I'm not the one to snuff the light right out of his good for nothing body.

  I walked right up to him and kicked him in the stomach. He jolted, groaning, then coughing up blood. Red, puffy eyes open just slightly, but I saw the recognition on his face - even underneath all of the swelling, cuts, and bruises - when he saw it was me.

  The mother fucker laughed. It sounded more like a wheeze and groan, but I knew he was laughing. "Found...your bitch?" he spat out. My skin was on fire, possibly from the boiling of my blood. "Good." He croaked again. "This won't...be the end, you stupid...gring--"

  I already pulled my gun out as he was trying to talk. In quick, sudden movements the safety was off and I fired.

  Once, in the chest.

  Two, in the stomach.

  Third time, without any hesitation, right between the eyes.

  He fully fell forward, arms wrenched back, and I swore I hear cracking. It doesn't matter, though. Nothing matters.

  "Let them come, you fucking piece of shit."

  I turned around and left, unable to stay there for another second longer.

  Yeah, this was wa

  They wanted it, they're getting it.

  I won't stop until every last one of them dies.


  Soul of a Rebel - Rebel Aces MC Part Two

  Lana and Joker’s story


  First of all, I need to express how crazy and amazing and incredible this has been. From the moment I said that I would be writing a book, I have been shown the most love and support I think I've ever experienced - which is saying something. When I say I couldn't have done this without that, and without everyone, I'm not exaggerating. Seriously. You're all amazing.

  First and foremost, thank you to my parents, Mary and Mike Latronico, for every bit of love and support you've shown me from start to finish. Thank you for helping me, for believing me, and for encouraging me even on my rough days.

  To my siblings, Michael, Judy, and Melissa, for all of your support and occasionally kicking my ass into believing in myself.

  Jen, my bffalo, my other half, you've believed in me wholeheartedly the entire way, and it means the world to me. You're the best.

  And specifically, my Beta's, Mom, Judy, and Jen, thank you for loving my book as much as I did, reading it chapter by chapter and giving me ideas and inspiration along the way.

  To my boyfriend, Michael, for pushing me forward and putting up with me during the chaos. I love you!

  Thank you SO much to Melissa Rivera at Rogue Readers for being not only my editor, but my sanity and my guide through this entirely new world I was so unfamiliar with, and still am learning about.

  And to Sarah Paige at OPIUM HOUSE Creatives for the beautiful cover work, logo art, and formatting.

  HUGE shout out to Winter Travers and Nikki Horn for all of their help and support, and for talking me down from more than one crazy meltdown during the process of publishing. You guys have a new author a chance, and I am ultimately grateful for you!

  To Ariel, Erin, and Danielle for all of your help!


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