The Loner

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The Loner Page 13

by Alex Villavasso

  “That he did. Lucky for you, we’ve got a talented staff. Super strength, was it?”

  “Yeah... Super strength.”

  “Okay. Everything seems good here. I just wanted to make sure your arm was doing okay. Everything else should be fine. If not, come see us again and we’ll see what we can do. You can remove the brace after tonight.”

  “So, I can go?”

  “Yes, but depending on how you feel, I’d wait.”

  “Sorry, I haven’t exactly been in a situation like this before.”

  “No worries, that’s why we’re here. Essentially, even though you’ve been resting for the past few days, your body has been recovering at an accelerated rate due to our healing staff. You may not feel it, but your body has been under a lot of stress lately. I’d personally recommend getting a meal at the very least before going about your day. We’ve been giving you the nutrients your body needs, but there’s nothing like a good meal to get you back on your feet.” He laughs while rubbing the back of his head. “Not the most scientific analysis, I know.”

  “Got it. You’re the doctor, so I’ll take it slow.”

  I left the infirmary later that evening. It was a little past noon when I first woke up. I ate lunch and took a nap after Dr. Kresnik and I talked a little bit more. When I woke up again, I had dinner before leaving for my dorm.

  “Well, look who’s back from their first trip to the infirmary,” Tyler says when I walk in. Of course, he’s on his computer still. It’s like I never left.

  “What are you so excited about? Is it like a rite of passage around here?” I ask.

  “Why else do you think everyone’s so nonchalant about it?”

  “Thought so...” I lean against the countertop of the common area near the sink and fold my arms.

  “What were you in for?” Tyler’s clicks begin to pick up from his keyboard, but he’s still trying to stay focused on the conversation. He alternates between looking at me and his game of choice.

  “Got beat up by a guy with super strength... Few bruised ribs...nerve damage...a concussion...uh...broken wrist. It sounds horrible, but I feel fine.”

  “Welcome to the academy, buddy.”

  “Ha. Yeah. I do have a question though.”

  “Go for it.”

  “...Ever heard of Dox?”

  “Hey man, stay away from that shit. It’s no good.”

  “I know. I never heard of it until today,” I say while staring at the wrist that Von broke. “Summer told me that the guy that gave me my injuries was using it. I had no idea that he was on it...I’m not even sure if I believe her. She told me that when school first started there was a bust. Some upperclassmen got caught with it—did you hear anything about it?”

  “Yeah.” So, she wasn’t just saying that.

  “’s just so crazy how all of these things keep coming up and I have no idea about them. It’s like I’m living under a rock.”

  “If anyone asks you if you want to do Dox, just do yourself a favor and get out of there, okay? Report it to a teacher if you see it. It’s a danger to everyone, but don’t go around throwing accusations unless you have solid proof. It’s serious. You don’t cry woof about things like that.”

  “Don’t worry, I get it.” But I do want to learn more about it. “I’ve got a lot of work to get done, so I’ll catch up with you later. I’ll be in my room if you need me.”

  “Have at it, bro. Glad to have you back.”

  “Waking up in the infirmary is no joke. It’s something I don’t ever want to get used to.”

  “Only way for that to happen is to get better.”

  I go to my room, shut my door, and throw my book bag on my bed before taking a seat at my desk. I pull out my phone out of reflex and I’m reminded that the battery’s dead. I’d meant to call Uncle Erwin last week to let him know how things were going, but that never happened. Me ending up in the infirmary didn’t do me any favors either. Crap. I quickly plug in my phone and turn it on. After it boots up, I hurry to select his number from my contacts.


  “Hey, Unc! I’m soooo sorry I haven’t gotten back to you, I meant to call you last week, but there wa—”

  “I already know. One of your teachers contacted me and let me know. I’m just happy you’re okay. They told me you’d make a full recovery, and I didn’t doubt that, but it is nice to hear your voice. What has you distracted so much that you can’t give your uncle a call? You met a girl up there didn’t you?” He chuckles.

  “Uncle...” I groan and roll my eyes.

  “I know how you are. I’m just messing. I know it couldn’t be the books that were slowing you down.”

  “No, classes are fine. There’s a lot to learn, but I got it. And while I’m at it, I have met some girls, too.”

  “Really, now?”

  “Yeah, and they can all kick my butt. They’re savage out here, Uncle. One of them is the reason I ended up in the hospital.”

  “I bet. It was the same when I was back there. I guess some things never change... How are your powers coming along?”

  “I’ve made some progress with them, not as much as I’d like, but there’s been some.”

  “That’s great! I told you—nothing to worry about. The staff over there are good people. I’m glad you’re starting to get the hang of things.”

  “Yeah. You were right. Now I’m just trying to get better at using them.”

  “That’ll come in time, just keep doing what you’re doing.”

  “Yup. Everything okay on your end?”

  “Yup, everything’s fine.” He pauses and I notice the hesitation in his voice. “Just taking things one day at a time.”

  “Good...glad to hear it. If you’re ever feeling lonely or need to talk, give me a call, okay?”

  “Right back atcha’... Well, thanks for givin’ your uncle a call. Glad to hear that you’re okay. Be careful out there. The academy can be rough. I’m going to let you go now so you can rest.”

  “Appreciate it, Uncle. I will. Catch you later. Bye.”

  The first thing I do after I hang up is sigh. Uncle Erwin has seen better days. I was so focused on myself that I didn’t think to see how he was doing. One of his close friends passed not too long before I enrolled in the academy. He lost his life overseas and they’d been through a lot together... He took it hard, but he was starting to do better. Maybe I was too direct with him? Maybe he needed more time.

  I set my phone down and shake my head. It’s getting to the point where I have to check up on him rather than him check up on me. He always told me that he wasn’t getting any younger, that it was my responsibility to reach out to those I care for, and he’s right. I should. I will.

  I lean back in my chair and reach for my bag on my bed. I’ve slept enough these past few days, and I need to catch up on my work. I unzip my bag and pull out the folder that Summer left with all of my assignments. I flick through each one and then, behind the last one, I see something that I would have never expected to find—Summer’s number written on a sticky note.

  And it was just after I made that stupid promise to myself... I guess I’ll have to make an exception this one time. Summer’s been there for me more than anyone else since I’ve been here. I consider her my friend, but she’d never admit it. I know if I call her, she’d just yell at me for bothering her, just like always. I’ll have to settle for a text instead. “Thanks.” I write to her. I make sure to type out my name below the message so she knows it’s me. A few moments later, I get a new message from her.

  “No worries... You would have done the same for me.”

  Chapter 11

  I exhale before placing my hand on the doorknob in front of me. His emails were always cryptic whenever he sent one, and it’d be better if he’d just say what he had to say since he took the time to type up a message in the first place. Waiting until his office hours was miserable. I didn’t do anything wrong—at least I don’t think I did. Maybe I should hav
e resigned instead of taking that hit... Was I being too reckless? Did I underperform? Ever since I left the infirmary, I’ve been thinking about that fight. I made the decision to go after Summer, but looking back, I realize that it was a mistake. If I would have regrouped with Erik, we could have teamed up against Roy. That would have drawn the attention of the others, giving Summer more time to recover. Roy and Clarissa aren’t nearly as durable as Von, either. We could have forced a scenario where Roy was vulnerable. His ability forces him to make contact with us. I could have got him if I was thinking clearly. Summer didn’t say anything, but I’m sure she knows. I was the objective for the enemy team, I should have kept that in mind and made her injury worth it. It’s a valid stance to have, but at the same time, it didn’t feel right to leave her behind. If Von was Doxing, then he wasn’t thinking straight. Another hit from him would have been bad.

  I twist the handle of the door and walk in. Mr. Hoover’s on his laptop typing, but he stops once his eyes look up to meet mine. “Aiden.”

  “Hey...I got your email. You wanted to see me?”

  “Do you have a moment?” he asks.

  “Yeah, I’m between classes right now, so I should be good.”

  “Good. Take a seat.” He gestures with an open palm to the chair directly in front of his desk. “I wanted to discuss the events that happened on your last ABT.”

  “Like, my performance? Did I fail?”

  “I want to discuss your performance, but there are others things that I’d like to talk to you about as well. For starters, no, you didn’t fail. I updated everyone’s grades about a half hour ago, actually. Overall, your team passed, but naturally there were some things that were taken into account when factoring your score. You’ve made tremendous progress since your last ABT exercise, you should be proud of that. You’ve gained a lot more control over your abilities and have begun to make your own unique style when using them. Keep innovating and pushing the boundaries—that’s how you progress—continuous improvement. However...”

  “However...” A damp spot begins to form on my back. I straighten my posture and bite the side of my cheek, anxious about what’s to come.

  “While you’ve grown stronger and will continue to do so, it’s important to be aware of your limits on the battlefield. You can put yourself and your team at risk from being overzealous. This was most evident during the opening moments of your last bout. Summer, while highly skilled, doesn’t always think things through. What she lacks in tactile prowess she makes up for in raw talent. In addition to this, she’s a quick thinker. Summer thought that she could out maneuver the opposing team, but she was mistaken. Clarissa’s ability to think ahead is what ultimately led to your team’s defeat. Foresight beats quick thinking. She knew what moves you all were going to make and planned accordingly. Quick thinking allows for you to react, but foresight paves way to preparation. Before your initial encounter, Clarissa prepped the battlefield and used her teammates to steer you into a situation where the odds were in their favor. Is what I’m saying making sense, Aiden?”

  “Yeah.” I nod. “It is. While I was fighting, I remember thinking that she was always one step ahead of me. She had multiple traps setup for me, and I think I hit every one.”

  “That’s nothing to be upset about. It was a learning experience, but it was rather relation to the bigger picture, because you all were reacting, you never really had a chance to turn the tides. You found yourself exhausted because you were fighting at the pace that Clarissa set for you.”

  “I see.”

  “There was one moment when you broke the momentum of the fight—the instance when you bought yourself some time by obscuring Clarissa’s vision with your energy. At that moment you and Erik should have regrouped, but you chose to go for Summer. It was noble for you to go back to a wounded comrade, but as the leader and the objective, your actions came with a great risk. Prior to your decision, I asked you if you were willing to fight—your vitals weren’t looking good. You’d sustained injuries, but you were confident. I’m sure that your sights were set on fighting Von and winning; the bigger picture being that Clarissa’s team would have suffered a major loss to their offensive capabilities. I’m happy to see that you’ve grown into your powers, but it seems that you and Summer share the same trait. Although you channeled more energy into your body, your fatigue and injuries prevented you from releasing it at its full potential. Think about it as if you were exercising in the gym. If you use all of your strength, you may be able to lift your body weight, but with every rep, it becomes harder to achieve the same result. You use more energy as your muscles tire to do what took less effort only a few reps prior. Of course, lower reps can be done more frequently, but in your case, you were releasing a considerable amount of energy with every attack you launched. Your injuries also played a role in working against you. If you would have regrouped with Erik, the two of you would have fared better than during your solo efforts. While Von was able to withstand your attack, it did hurt him. Trying to turn the tides by yourself can be done, but you have teammates for a reason.”

  “I understand.” I nod.

  “If that attack hit anyone but Von, you would have succeeded. Given the circumstances, it was impressive.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “More importantly, I wanted to make sure that you were feeling okay.”

  “I feel fine, sir. The nurses did a good job.”

  “Excellent, but I was referring to your mental state.”

  “Oh...I feel okay, I guess. I’ve thought about what I did wrong and how I can improve, but I’m not discouraged or anything. If anything, it only makes me want to try harder.”

  “It’s good that your spirit hasn’t been broken. In this academy you’ll face many challenges. The courses are tough and you will be tested on all aspects of your character. You’ve made great progress so far during your stay, and I didn’t want you to lose motivation in pursuit of your studies. You will encounter a variety of students, all with abilities that will challenge your own. Just as I’m sure there will be more victories, I can assure you that you’ll face upsets as well. Such is life. There’s always a new height to reach...a new mountain to climb. Don’t lose heart from this experience, use it as a stepping stone... You seem to have already come to this conclusion on your own, but as your teacher I feel it is my duty to remind you. I remember when you first enrolled. You were so barely spoke and you kept to yourself. You were powerless, but not without power. Through sheer determination and grit you managed to keep up with the other students, refusing to let your handicap define you. Since your powers have surfaced, you’ve become even more of an exemplary student amongst your peers. The pull to veer towards less acceptable paths is strong within the academy, but continue to set a great example.”

  “I will. Thank you, sir.”

  “One final thing, Aiden.”


  “In your absence there have been rumors that have been circling around your class and across campus... Are you familiar with Dox?”

  “I am,” I answer with an air of cautiousness. “I’ve heard about it, but I’ve never seen any or anything like that. There was a bust earlier this year, right?”

  “That is correct. There was a bust, but it apparently wasn’t the end of Dox use on our campus. The student you competed against in your last ABT, Von, has been suspected of being a user of the drug. He’s currently being investigated.”

  “...What did he do?” I ask, remembering what Summer told me yesterday. “He was using Dox during our match?”

  “More information has to be gathered, but there have been other incidents prior to your duel that makes it in our best interest to conduct a thorough investigation. There have been reports of Von exhibiting violent outbursts, delusions, and periods of mania—a side effect of relatively new users. As far as we know, he has no records citing anything of importance regarding mental health, so we are positive that this is a
more recent development. These reports started roughly two weeks after the confiscation of Dox from a group of upperclassmen.”

  “So, what is Dox actually?”

  “A street drug used to increase the performance of an individual’s powers, however it’s more than a simple steroid. The compound affects your brain chemistry and even your DNA to an extent. In essence, Dox can potentially rewire a person through highjacking their higher cognitive functions. Doxers experience similar symptoms to those who struggle with addiction to hardcore drugs.”

  “But it’s...different?”

  “Yes, and far less regulated than them too. This can lead to even more unpredictable behavior depending on the properties of the Dox that has been injected. Depressive or manic episodes, convulsions, psychosis...there are a number of things that can sprout during or from prolonged use of the drug. For some, the risk is worth the reward, unfortunately. Short term gains pale in comparison to hard work and sustained efforts... Until the investigation is complete, Von is suspended from participating in any classes held at the academy. His failure to cooperate was ultimately the cause of his suspension. Dox is metabolized fairly quickly, so it’s hard to identify users based off of drug use alone, and he’s being difficult when questioned. However, the side effects from prolonged use are cumulative and can be permanent, and there are other sources of information available to us as well. We’re doing everything in our power to prevent this poison from spreading on campus.”

  “...If it’s true, I just want him to get the help he needs.”

  “And he will, I assure you. On a lighter note, since you’ve been cleared from the infirmary, you can return to classes tomorrow. Use the rest of the day to get your schoolwork and recover.” He smirks. “Seeing as I can see your battle suit poking out from under your collar, I suppose you’ve had enough rest.”

  “Yeah, I guess so.” I laugh nervously.

  “I figured you were up to something.” Mr. Hoover chuckled. “Well, have at it, but be careful. Don’t push yourself too hard.”


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