Afraid to Hope (Secrets & Seduction)

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Afraid to Hope (Secrets & Seduction) Page 6

by MJ Nightingale

  “I-I . . . should have,” he nodded and reached for her hand which she pulled out of his reach. “I didn’t want it to make a difference. I’m sorry.”

  “Well, I’m not sure . . .” his eyes widened. She added, “I guess it doesn’t matter now.”

  “And, are you going to be okay with this?” he asked looking into her eyes. He appeared anxious.

  She was too. She didn’t have much time. A patient could come bounding into the room at any moment. “Can we talk about it later?” she asked.

  The anxiety turned to mischief in his eyes. He pounced seizing the opening she had created. “Over dinner? Tonight?”

  Any minute someone could walk in. “Sure! Yes.” The words came out in a rush. She thought she heard someone in the hall. When the door didn’t open, she assumed they must have passed to go further down along the hallway.

  “Give me your address,” he stated firmly pulling out his phone.

  She rattled off the address and he typed it into his phone with those incredible fingers. It brought back a flash of memory. What those fingers had done last night! She was no longer cold.

  “I’ll pick you up at eight. On my bike. Dinner, and then a club, a dive really, one that I like to hang out at on the weekends sometimes. That should give you time to take care of your dog, text your friend, and freshen up. Sound good?” he asked standing up, looking hopeful.

  She automatically stood up with him. How could she turn him down? The fright he had given her today notwithstanding, she really, really wanted to see him again. She wasn’t sure it was a good idea to get involved with the boss’s son, but she’d already gone and done that. The harm was already done. “Yes. Okay, that sounds fine.” She looked to the door nervously.

  Jay took that opportunity to grab her and pull her to him. Her breath left her body on a whoosh. His hard chest pressed her to him, and her breasts tingled with the contact. He pressed a kiss to her mouth, licking her lips, and involuntarily they opened more out of surprise than anything else.

  The kiss was fast, but good. He wanted to remind her of the passion, the attraction they held for each other.

  It soon had her warm all over. Perhaps it was the fear of being caught, or perhaps it was just the man, or what the man had done to her, or could to her. She just didn’t know. Her mind was a whirl of emotions and her body was on fire. When he parted from her suddenly it left her dazed and confused.

  “I better stop now, while I can,” he confessed. “Wear jeans, even though that skirt was convenient.” His eyes were filled with mischief, then he added in a lower octave, “But please, please wear something low-cut. I dreamt about your tits all night. I had to take care of business all by my lonesome a couple of times.” Lou peered down the hall towards his father’s office. The door remained closed.

  His comment, so dirty, made her nervous, she didn’t want his father privy to their private conversations. She was about to say something to that effect, and tell him, when the reception room door opened, and it was Collette, a patient who saw Dr. Carroll every other Friday for her manic depression. Both Jay and Lou took a step back, and apart. Collette passed by them, smiled, and took a seat.

  “I’ll see you later,” she murmured softly and began to turn.

  “Will you?” he asked as she made her way towards the security door with her pass key. She needed to get the patients file, and check her in.

  “Will I what?” she asked turning at the door and looking at him.

  He looked to Collette, and then to her tits. “You know.” He stared hard. Her nipples hardened under the glare.

  “Maybe,” she called back and let the door close behind her. That would teach him, she thought thinking she had gotten in the last word, the parting shot. She made her way down the short hallway into the office, and sat at the receptionist’s desk. Thinking Jay had gone, she slid the smoky glass partition open to ask Collette for her insurance card, but Jay stood before her filing the window frame. His eyebrow was quirked up, “Maybe?”

  The heat of desire swamped her. She felt naked in front of those grey glittering eyes. “Okay.” She swallowed past the lump in her throat, the walls of her pussy clenching spasmodically.

  His smile of victory was glorious to behold. “Good. I look forward to it. To seeing you and them . . . later.” He winked, spun around, called out a “Hey, beautiful,” to Collette, and was out the door.

  Lou looked to Collette Thompson. The fifty something lady, gave her a smile. “Jay is a hot one. Watch yourself, though, Louisa,” she cautioned as she picked up the romance novel she had brought to read while waiting for her appointment. Lou noticed the cover. It was Emma’s Home by MaryAnn Jordan. She had read and enjoyed it very much. A great book by a new Indie author. The book had given her hope that she too could find a place to call home, and her happily ever after.

  Lou blushed furiously even though the sweet lady was no longer paying attention, “I will . . . I will,” she murmured as she began to gather together the necessary papers that Collette needed to fill out. She just wished she knew what to watch out for. Despite all the rumors to the contrary in her small town, she was not very experienced at all. She hoped to remedy that and Jay was a definite possibility, despite this new turn of events.

  Lou was nearly ready for her evening out with Jay. She wore black jeans, tight. Not skinny jeans even though that was all the rage. At thirty-five she didn’t particular care for the style, although it would have suited her with her slender legs, slight hips, and flat rear. Because of that, she never even bought a pair, didn’t want to be yanking them up all night. Her Levi’s would do. It would keep off the worst of the heat of the bike, and was appropriate to wear for a casual dinner, and then a night out at a bar. Her top, she chose more carefully. She selected a pale blue shirt t-shirt with a scooped neckline that had scallops along the edge of it. It was simple, fitted, so it flattered her figure, clung to her, but wasn’t tight. It revealed an ample amount of her bosom. Jay had wanted that. And even though he had practically demanded it, she aimed to please.

  Despite the shock of the afternoon, and the fact that she wasn’t sure where this would or could go, she wanted to see him again. She had never desired a man like this before, and no man had ever pleased her the way he had yesterday. God, was it only yesterday, she thought.

  For undergarments her choices were limited. She chose her laciest white bra, and simple panties that matched. Nothing extraordinary. She did not have much negligee like Ana did.

  She had never had the occasion to wear such stuff. Her ex-husband had not needed it and they had been too young to worry about those things. Just the suggestion of sex had him clawing at her in the early part of their relationship. He hadn’t even satisfied her more than half of the time, but she was inexperienced and thought she was in love. After Veronica, and during her pregnancy they had not been nearly as active in the bedroom. Resenting fatherhood, Robert had become a drunk, abusive, and his eyes had wandered on to other pretty teens without swollen ankles and bulging bellies. What little time he spent at home with her and Veronica was full of insults, degradation, criticism, and then eventually the physical abuse.

  Her dreams of never-ending teenaged love, turned into the worst nightmare she could have imagined. The last year and half, Louisa had been to the emergency room four times. She had been too embarrassed and ashamed to tell her parents. They had not approved of the marriage, and even though they were doting grandparents, hadn’t spent much time with her in those early years wanting her to be responsible for her actions.

  To all told, she had a very clumsy year. That was how she explained it all away. One broken arm, two broken ribs, a concussion, and the last time, the very last time, she had her nose broken, two more ribs, and internal bleeding. It was because he had hurt Veronica that last time that she found the courage to leave him. That and her fiend Ana had walked in on the last incident. The cat was out of the bag then. She wasn’t clumsy, she was a battered wife. Encouraged by Ana, she got a
restraining order, a divorce, and even moved out of town for a few years to escape his harassment that continued despite the restraining order. That is when she had gone back to school, and learned her trade. Ana had just divorced by then, and the two of them shared expenses while Ana finished her degree and Louisa started hers.

  When her schooling was over, and Ana was in preparations for her move to Florida ten years ago, she had moved back home to have the support of her family. Her ex had remarried by that point and had moved out West. She had not heard from him since. Veronica had asked on occasion about her father and she was honest with her when she was old enough to understand. She kept it simple when explaining it to her daughter, never giving her the blow by blow though, and soon enough her daughter had stopped asking all together.

  Her one other long term relationship had been with a simple man, Carmine who was older and lived with his mom. They had met and been friends through her brother. In the beginning what attracted him to her was his simplicity, and his work ethic. Unfortunately, the sex was bland to say the least, but he was companionship. They had dated like that for four years.

  In her late twenties, the third year into their relationship, she began to grow bored and frustrated and had even suggested other things to do beside bland missionary sex. He had given her a quirky look and had not taken her seriously. When she suggested a change again, he had laughed at her, and said you don’t need to do that. I’m happy just the way it is. So they continued for a while longer.

  Soon, she found herself quite unhappy with the whole situation. Lonely even, with him sitting right next to her. They had never fully integrated their lives; they had only rarely gone out on an occasion to see a movie here and there, and some family functions. But most of the time, twice or three times a week he would just show up at her place after her daughter had gone to sleep, of course. They would then watch TV, talk a bit about their day, and have sex. He was always gone by morning. After a while, it grew to bore her so much, that even during sex she just lay there unresponsive. He didn’t even seem to sense her pulling back, she thought. The last few months, he didn’t even bother trying to make her come any longer and so she ended it. Being with him had been worse than being alone. There were no signs of affection, no hand holding. It had been talk, TV, sex, and gone by morning.

  And despite Carmine and Robert, there had been little excitement in her sexual life. An occasional out-of-towner, a night out with the girls, or her cousins and she would meet someone. But those flings never lasted because she didn’t want to parade men through her home. Not with her daughter. She knew it was partly because she had also lost hope in men in general. Her town and the men in it had not been kind to her, branding her a slut because of a teenaged pregnancy. Those that did peak her interest, didn’t want to pursue a relationship with her. They only seemed to want a one night stand thinking she was easy. That attitude on their parts soon had her no longer interested in them. So, she lived vicariously through the heroines in her books, like Emma’s Home. She focused on her daughter, raising her right, awaiting her chance to start over in a new place and finding happiness in a new home. This move, she hoped, would get rid of all taint of her past life, and hopefully, she could find happiness in some place new.

  Her nerves were at an all-time high, however, as she began to complete her ensemble and put on the finishing touches of her make-up. She left her hair down, necessary because of the helmet, but used a flat iron to straighten it. That would keep the curls she naturally sported from becoming a mass confusion of tangles. She applied a bit of eye liner to draw attention to her almond shaped brown eyes, and forewent the mascara as she had naturally long dark eyelashes. Her best features she thought, well, there was her breasts as well. Still firm and holding, thank the Lord. She applied just a touch of cream colored shadow to give her face some color, and some lip gloss to her pink plump lips. She added some small stud diamond earrings her father had given her for her last birthday, and she felt ready.

  There was still forty-five minutes before Jay was set to arrive, so she decided a brisk game of catch with Missy would tucker her out a bit, and make her not so ornery as she would be alone again tonight until Ana returned from work later in the evening. She expected she would be returning only much later, if at all tonight, and then, at that thought, the butterflies were back. The anticipation settled in her, and her nipples puckered of their own volition.

  God, just the thought of him left her wanting. Missy, she focused.

  “Come, Missy,” she commanded. The eight year old golden retriever was entering her twilight years, but was still spry and fit. The dog sat up from her place by the bedroom door, enjoying the last ray of sunlight streaming in from the glass door overlooking Ana’s patio and backyard that faced the Gulf of Mexico. Ana’s home was amazing, an old Florida stilt home recently remodeled. But the best part was the location and the privacy. It afforded Ana, and now Lou and Missy, who had been staying with her for the past few months since she moved from Maine, a glorious setting.

  The dog wagged her tail furiously when Lou bent to retrieve the monkey, a sock like toy that Missy loved to chase in the yard. The dog circled around the small space left in the room. The furniture in this room was overly large, and left her little floor space.

  Missy’s excitement was clearly evident when she began to softly bark and prance, lifting her front feet one at a time. Lou laughed. She loved her dog, the one that had been a gift to Veronica on her twelfth birthday, but was now hers. Missy had filled her loneliness in the years after Carmine when Veronica entered high school and her extra-curricular activities and friends kept her from home. She was more than happy to keep her when Veronica went off to college last year.

  Lou made her way towards the back of the house, and Missy pranced behind her, head butting her rear end a time or two in her excitement to make it out into the backyard. When the door was open, Missy flew across the deck and down the stairs, barking her joy. Lou pulled back her arm, and let the sock monkey fly. Missy gave chase, as Lou made her way down the stairs. By the time Lou reached the last step, Missy was already there, Monkey clenched tightly in her jaws until Lou held out her hand. Missy released the prize and Lou repeated the throw.

  The sun had completely set, and the moon and stars kept the yard bright. It got dark fast in Florida. A silver streak caressed the waves reaching out towards her. Louisa knew it was nearly time for Jay’s arrival not just because of the darkness, but because her nerves began to increase. The anticipation.

  Missy had fortunately relieved herself, and so would be comfortable until Ana arrived. Lou called Missy to heel, and brought her inside. She filled her water bowl with fresh water, and gave her dog dish a cup of dry food measured carefully. Lou was careful with Missy’s diet wanting to prolong her life as long as she could.

  Lou patted Missy, who took a break from lapping up the water to give her an appreciative gaze, and then Lou took her leather jacket off the kitchen chair and made her way outside to await Jay. She didn’t want Missy to jump all over him, and so stood under the house to await his arrival. She did not have to wait long. He was right on time. His motorcycle, the classic Harley, in midnight blue, roared into the driveway. Seeing her standing there, waiting, he made an arc for her, so she could climb right on, or so she thought.

  Before she could reach for the helmet that was fastened to the back of the bike, he was standing and swinging one long lean leg over the side and then he was facing her.

  “Your hair looks, different . . . nice,” he added as he grabbed the lapels of her leather jacket, tugging on them to pull her closer to him.

  Her heart beat a rapid tattoo in her chest as his grey eyes flashed and he examined her closely. She could smell his cologne, subtle, and his scent, all male.

  He watched her eyes widen as he pulled her in and she saw the flare of his nostrils. When he saw her standing there all in black, and hair like that, he had momentarily thought she was someone different. She looked sexy as hell
in leather, and black jeans, and mid-boots. He gazed down her body wondering if she had worn a shirt underneath that leather that revealed her cleavage. He hoped so, as the leather, which clung to her, fitting perfectly, denied him the pleasure of seeing what he so greatly desired to see.

  He stooped down to give her a gentle kiss of greeting, but when he saw the skin of her neck, and the vein that pulsed there he made a quick detour.

  His lips touched her neck, and her blood roared in her veins. She tilted her head to the side to give him better access reaching up her arms to hang on to his shoulders to keep from swooning. Jay, sensing her relaxing into it, slowly trailed more kisses along her collarbone and then neck until he reached those sweet lips. Her lips were already slightly opened to him and he delved into her mouth with his tongue. She moaned her pleasure and he pulled her close so she could feel that he too was just as affected by this, whatever it was between them. When her arms circled his neck, he lifted her at the waist and she instinctively wrapped her legs around him. She fit so easily in his arms and supporting her weight was effortless.

  The kiss endured, and it was only the sound of a car travelling past that broke the spell they were both under, and Lou buried her head into his neck to avoid his gaze. Why did this man have her reacting the way she did, so easily? Gently settling her down on her feet, he murmured to comfort her, “I was looking forward to that all day.” She met his grey eyes then with her own brown ones. To Jay, they appeared almost exotic, as she gave him a tentative smile. Although older than him, he sensed her vulnerability. There was an innocence about Lou that greatly appealed to him. “Hungry?” he asked breaking the quiet.

  Lou nodded and smiled. “Famished actually. I usually eat earlier.”

  “Me too,” he laughed, “but I wanted to give you some time to recover from work and get ready.”

  “I appreciate it. I have Missy as well. She would have been one cranky dog if I did not spend some time with her today.”


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