Lessons in Love

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Lessons in Love Page 31

by Kathryn R. Blake

  Shaking her head, Pam said, closing her eyes, "Not those. Go ahead and flip through the book if you want. I'm beyond caring at the moment."

  Krista carefully opened the binder while Pam hardened herself against the assault of painful memories while she stared down at a naked photo of herself looking emaciated with matted hair and her wrists and arms swathed in white gauze. "That charming portrait was taken on the day I was arrested for killing my stepfather. A fitting memorial to the occasion, wouldn't you say?"

  Rather than answer, Krista turned the page and gasped. In this photo, Pam faced away from the camera to capture how her entire back, bottom, and thighs were covered in bloody welts.

  "Oh my God, Pam. How often did your stepfather do this to you?"

  "At least once a week since I was twelve. I'm sixteen in that picture."

  "And they found you guilty of murder? Were these photos admitted as evidence into the trial?"

  "Oh, yes. They were blown up to life size so the jury could study every lurid detail in living color. I was placed on exhibit as if I wasn't considered human. Privacy was not a concept the government understood or permitted, but they were thorough—I'll give them that. I received a full gynecological exam on that day. They even scoped my anus and vagina as documented proof of any tearing or sexual abuse."

  "But they didn't find anything, did they?"

  "No, Krista. My loving stepfather didn't sexually molest me. I was still a virgin, which made the ordeal I went through in prison even worse somehow."

  Krista turned the page again and found Pam's arrest record. "How did Rob get this?"

  Pam shrugged. "I'm not positive, but I suspect it wasn't through legal channels, since my psych eval and physical exam results are in there, too. He told me he knew I'd spent time in the penitentiary, but when I asked if he also had my medical records, he said even admitting to possessing such documents, if he did, would be illegal. I guess I never truly considered what that meant—or how much information he collected on me. He never denied knowing these things, but I still feel betrayed and exposed, as if nothing we shared was real. The girl in those pictures was merely an experiment to him. A scrawny wounded bird he could patch up and set free again."

  "Seems he had a private eye put together a report on you, too."

  "Nothing he did can surprise me now. What does it say?"

  "Basically that, other than serving a prison sentence for murder, you've lived a remarkably quiet and modest life."

  Pam snorted. "Yeah, definitely executive admin material. Who wouldn't want to hire the skeletal girl in those photos?"

  "I know this looks bad, but maybe Rob was only trying to protect you." She flipped another page to discover a vinyl pocket. "There's a DVD in here, too." Krista turned it over. "But it's unmarked, so I can't tell what's on it."

  Meeting Krista's gaze, Pam said, "In for a penny, as they say."

  "Perhaps we shouldn't…."

  "Go on, Krista. Who knows? It might even be entertaining."


  "No. I want to see it. I want to appreciate just how much dirt my boss collected on me."

  Still worried, Krista glanced around the room. "I believe that's a player under the TV." She walked over, put the disc in the machine, but turned to Pam before she pushed the start button. "I realize all this is exceptionally personal, so if you decide this is something you do not want me to see, just say the word."

  Giving another shrug of her shoulders, Pam angled the chair to get a better view of the screen. "Go ahead and hit play, Krista. I'm curious what else the philanthropic Mr. Peterson found to compile about me."

  The display remained dark as a woman's voice announced, "Pamela Weston, interview one."

  "That's Mrs. Clemmons, the HR Director," Krista supplied in surprise.

  "She's the one who interviewed me when I applied at Peterson Enterprises. I don't think she cared for me much, so I was shocked when she called and said I was hired," Pam admitted as an image of her and Mrs. Clemmons appeared. They sat across from each other at a small conference table. Mrs. Clemmons was dressed in a sharp navy blue business suit. Pam wore a sweater, blouse and skirt. She'd scrunched her medium-length hair up into a ponytail and shifted nervously in her seat as the other woman scanned her resume.

  "I like your hair much better now," Krista admitted softly.

  "Yeah. So, do I. Mr. Peterson does good makeovers. I look like a frump there."

  "No. You were cute, then, but today you're stunning. The cut brings out your cheekbones and highlights your eyes. The bangs you had when you interviewed hide too much of your face."

  "So, Miss Weston, I gather from your resume that you do not have any previous office experience."

  "I've done some typing and filing. The prison psychologist had me help with his non-confidential office work."

  "Hm. Did you get any practice answering phones?"

  "No, ma'am. Other than personal calls."

  "It says here that you got your GED in the penitentiary. Is that correct?"

  "Yes, ma'am."

  "I suppose you never continued on to take college courses, did you?"

  "No, ma'am."

  "I will need you to take a typing and grammar test, of course. What experience, if any, do you have with computers?"

  "Limited, ma'am. We didn't own one, but I used the ones in the school library and prison when I was permitted."

  "What software did you use? Word? Excel?"

  "I've opened a couple of documents in Word, but only to read them." Pam leaned forward. "My resume may not seem like much, but I'm a fast learner, Mrs. Clemmons. If I don't know how to do something, I can figure it out quickly."

  Mrs. Clemmons made a note in Pam's file, then smiled at her. "I'm not sure we have anything you would qualify for, Miss Weston, but I'll give you a few tests, then let you know. You should hear from me within the week. All right?"

  Pam nodded and stood as the other woman rose to lead her out of the room. The screen went blank again for a second. When it came up again, Mrs. Clemmons was seated at her desk, reviewing Pam's results—alone. Then, curiously enough, she started talking to herself. "She managed to do fifty words a minute with three mistakes, which reduces her typing speed to forty-seven WPM. She got 100 percent on the spelling and grammar test, but failed the psych evaluation." Then she turned and stared directly into the camera. "In my opinion, Pamela Weston would not be suitable for any position at Peterson Enterprises, sir."

  "Hire her as a substitute admin. She can work a rotation," Pam gasped as Rob's voice came through loud and clear.

  "Oh my God. He was listening in the entire time. They recorded my interview and didn't tell me," she whispered, unable to grasp the truth of what she was seeing.

  "I agree she's a sweet girl, Mr. Peterson, but Pamela Weston isn't qualified to work as an administrative assistant. She will only disappoint your executives," Mrs. Clemmons protested.

  "Unless you're precognizant, you can't know that, Mrs. Clemmons. Furthermore, I instructed you to hire her, so, I expect you to make Miss Weston an offer. If she accepts, schedule her for a full medical exam, including checks for STDs and drugs, and ask the doctor to mention birth control. If she declines the position, let me know immediately."

  "Of course, I will do as you ask, Mr. Peterson, but—"

  "You have your orders, Mrs. Clemmons. I believe the discussion should end here with, 'Yes, sir.'"

  "Yes, sir," Mrs. Clemmons replied, and the screen went dark again.

  "Wow." Krista murmured, stunned. "He really did have you checked out before he hired you, didn't he?"

  "I assumed he had no idea who I was when I first reported to him. He was so cold to me."

  "It was all a test, Pam. The man is clever enough to have a purpose behind everything he does."

  "I can't stay with him any longer, Krista. I need to get out of here—today."

  "Okay, but you do understand the moment he's informed you're gone, he's going to drop everything and co
me after you. And, he won't be happy about it."

  "His happiness is not my concern."

  "I get that. I do. But Della will call him as soon as she realizes you're missing, so if you want to delay the inevitable as long as possible, we should wait to leave until after lunch. Perhaps I can tell her I want to take you shopping, so she won't worry until we're about an hour late for dinner."

  "I don't think I can sit across the dining table from Della without her realizing something is wrong. If she suspects something's amiss, she could prevent me from leaving."

  "She's not going to lock you in your room, Pam."

  "Della Andrews is totally loyal to her boss. If she's been ordered to keep me here, she will find a way to do it, and he still needs to get back from wherever he traveled to."

  "Washington, D.C." When Pam stared at her, Krista shrugged. "I booked his travel arrangements, which included a hotel stay for tonight with an option to cancel." Krista tilted her head. "You're awfully calm about this. I'd be screaming and throwing things right about now, if it were me."

  "Inside, a part of me is screaming, but the rest feels numb. I was only ever a project to him. Another wounded soul he collected for fixing, like he has so many others. He doesn't care for me, Krista. All he's after is another success story."

  "I don't think that's true. He might have started out that way, but I think he truly loves you."

  Scoffing, Pam pointed to the notebook and screen. "That isn't love—it's an executive plan. I wonder if he took time to plot out the next five years for me, too. All good executives put together a five-year plan, at least, don't they?"

  "You're angry, and you have every right to be, but whatever Rob decided when he hired you, at some point along the way, his feelings changed."

  Pam swiped at the tears she was determined not to spill. "Maybe. But I'll never be sure after this, will I? And I'm not willing to take the chance he won't hurt me more than he already has. Not after this." She stood. "I need to get away for a bit and think. Will you help me?"

  "Of course. You know I will."

  While Pam returned to her room to pack, Krista said she'd make sure everything was put back to the way they found it when they entered. She joined Pam less than five minutes later.

  "I can't risk packing a suitcase, so I'll stuff as much as I can in my purse. I hate to ask, but can I borrow some money? I'll need to pick up some things, but I don't have any cash, and with Rob currently listed as my legal guardian, I'm afraid he'll track me down if I try to withdraw anything from my account or use a credit card."

  "I'll give you whatever you need, but I sincerely doubt Rob would go to the extent of having your accounts monitored."

  "Maybe not, but I don't want to take the chance. Thanks for helping me, Krista," Pam replied with a half-hearted smile. She had a hollow ache near the region of her heart, she doubted would ever heal. Placing the straps of her bag over her shoulder, she stood up straight and attempted a happy grin. "How do I look?"

  "Honestly? You look miserable. Why don't we try washing your face and putting on a little makeup so you're not so deathly pale."

  Pam shrugged, but after they'd finished sprucing her up, she did feel a little better.

  "Well, I doubt you'd fool Rob, but you might be able to convince Della you're bound for a fun-filled afternoon of clothes shopping with your new bestie."

  Pam smiled and tilted her head. "Ready, bestie?"

  "Sure. But you'd best let me do all the talking. You just smile and pretend you're excited."

  * * *

  Krista bounced into the kitchen with her usual exuberance. "Guess what, Della? I convinced Pam to take a trip with me. There's a cute dress at Mitchell's that I'm dying to try on, and when I asked Pam if she'd like to go, she said ‘yes’."

  Turning to stare at the two of them, Della frowned. "I'm not sure that's a good idea, lass. There's enough here to keep you both occupied, I think."

  Her shoulders slumping slightly, Krista coaxed, "Del-la. It's just for the afternoon, so we'll be back before dinner. She hasn't had a girls' day out for ages, and she wants to go with me, don't you, Pam?"

  Pam nodded in a way she hoped seemed genuine, though Della didn't appear convinced.

  "The two of you promise to be back in time for dinner?"

  They nodded in unison.

  "Have you got your phone with you, Pam?"

  With a nod, Pam withdrew her cell from her purse as proof.

  "I'm still not certain I should allow this, but I do think Mr. Peterson is overly protective at times. You're both responsible young women who should be able to come and go as you please. Even so, I expect you to call me if you run into any issues, or if you're going to be home later than six o'clock."

  "We will," Krista promised as she grasped Pam's arm. "Come on, Pammie. It's shopping time."

  As they headed toward the door, Della called out, "Pam?"

  Stopping with a feeling of dread, Pam turned around.

  "You would tell me if something was amiss, wouldn't you?"

  The kindness in Della's voice caused Pam's eyes to burn. "Nothing's wrong," she answered quietly.

  Della placed her hands on her ample hips. "You're a good girl, Pamela Weston, but you're a lousy liar. I'm not sure what's goin' on, but if you and Krista want a day out, I'm not gonna stop you. However, I'm relying on you to keep your word and be back here when you say you will."

  Pam gave another nod then, in a moment of impulsiveness, she rushed over to give Della a hug.

  Della immediately enveloped Pam in an embrace. "Hey there, lassie. Nothing is so bad it can't be worked out. I promise." She placed a finger under Pam's chin and lifted it. "Look at me. I can tell something's not right, but if you don't want to confide in me, I won't pry. You sure this shopping spree is something you want to do?"

  Giving another nod, Pam answered, "I'm positive."

  "All right. Off with you, then, but home by six, mind?"

  Pam smiled through her brimming eyes. "Thanks, Della." Then, before she collapsed into tears against the woman who'd been as much a mother to her as she'd been a friend, Pam scurried off.

  "You think she'll call Rob?" Krista asked as she started the car.

  "I'm not sure. I think she wants me to be happy, but she's not convinced letting me go with you is the answer."

  "Well, that makes two of us," Krista replied as they drove off.


  They'd just stepped into a pharmacy, so Pam could purchase some essentials, when her phone started playing a light musical number.

  "Kill Bill?" Krista asked. "You assigned Rob the Kill Bill ringtone? Has he heard it yet?"

  Pam shook her head and stared at her phone's display but didn't answer.

  Krista checked her watch. "Wow. It took a whole half-hour before he tried contacting you. So much for trying to run away." She gazed at Pam. "If you're not going to answer, you might as well turn the device off, because he's not going to give up until you talk to him."

  "Perhaps he's merely calling to check in. I want to see if he left a message before I shut it off."

  Once her cell stopped ringing, Pam gave it a moment then listened to her voice mail. "You have one message placed today at 11:30 a.m. To listen to your message, push—" Pam pushed the required number.


  Even just hearing him say her name brought tears to her eyes. Why did she have to fall in love with a man who considered her a welfare project?"

  "I called the house and Della told me you'd gone shopping with Krista. She said you took your phone with you, so I assume you're someplace public where you're not comfortable talking, since you didn't answer. I'm in a meeting, so I'll try back in a half-hour. I'm turning my cell off, so don't try calling unless you want to leave a message. Contact Della if it's an emergency. When I call back, you'd better answer, kitten, or you and I will be going a round together when I get home. Stay safe."

  Pam stared at Krista, who shrugged in response. "Sounds like he doesn
't suspect anything. At least not, yet. You sure you want to hide out at your place? That's one of the first spots he'll check."

  "You're right. He'll track me down wherever I go, but I'm not going to charge a hotel room to your card, and I refuse to let him drive me out of my own apartment. Besides, I realize I'll need to speak with him eventually, so it might as well be on my home turf." She stashed the device back in her purse.

  They picked up the items Pam needed and were sitting down for lunch when the theme from Kill Bill sounded again. Pam turned off her phone. "I don't want to listen to any of his messages in here. I'll wait until we get back in your car."

  "Oh, goodie. I've a suspicion Kill Bill and I are going to become fast friends."

  Pam winced at Krista's teasing. "I know I'm going to need groceries, but I might need some other things as well, so let's go to the apartment first and check it out. Okay?"

  "Sure, whatever you want." As they got back into the car, Krista's cell made a delicate chiming sound and she sighed. "I was afraid he'd try me next." She pulled her small Honda over to the side of the road. "I understand you don't want to talk to him, Pam, but I'm going to be in enough trouble as it is, and I still need a job. I'll have to answer my phone when he calls again." Krista's phone ceased its chimes, and, since Pam had turned hers back on, Kill Bill started again. "And now we play musical mobiles."

  Pam stared at her display. "I can't speak with him, Krista. Not yet. I need to get my mind around what he did so I can articulate my feelings, but I'm too upset. I'll burst into tears, which will only make things worse."

  Kill Bill stopped and Krista's cell chimed again. Taking a deep breath, she answered, "Hi, boss." Wincing, she held the phone at a distance, as Rob shouted, "Krista, where are you two, and why isn't Pam answering her phone?" A pause. "Krista?"

  "I'm here, but I wish you wouldn't shout, sir. I can hear you just fine."

  "Sorry." His tone sounded more muted, so Krista placed the device to her ear again.

  "We're going shopping, that's all." Short pause. "Yes, she's sitting right next to me." She paused briefly. "We're in the car, but we're parked." Krista shrugged and bit her lip during the next pause. "I'm not sure. I'll ask her." She looked over at Pam with a what-do-I-do-now sort of expression then asked, "Pam, is your cell off by any chance? Rob's been trying to reach you."


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