Not a Dragon: Soulmarked: Kiara Ravenlocke Files 1

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Not a Dragon: Soulmarked: Kiara Ravenlocke Files 1 Page 3

by Alexia Black

  “You keep forgetting Sam isn’t like you. She is not some crazy battle warrior. She called and cried for four months, asking you to get her out of there. You are talking as if she is at math camp or something. She is at a bloody mercenary camp! She had begged you for years. If you had done something then, I wouldn’t have had to hear her cry in pain every time I called.”

  “But she stopped after that. She is obviously adjusting there.” If the way his voice went toneless was any indication. He also didn’t believe that.

  “You and I both know there are higher chances of her throwing her phone at the wall and breaking it than her actually adjusting there.”

  “You are overthinking, pumpkin. She is a Blazewood, she can handle it.”

  “Dad, they keep her in a dungeon. She is forced to mutilate and kill people. Sam can’t even stand blood. You don’t have the spine to stand up to grandma, that’s why you can’t protect your own daughter. You and your stupid Blazewood legacy! Does Sam not matter to you at all?”

  Dad slammed his fist on the table. Cracks appeared around the wood from the impact.

  “This is for her own good. When are you going to understand that?”

  I loved my parents, I truly did but they were also the people I hated most in this world.

  “Pumpkin,” he called in his I-am trying-to be-patient tone. I despised it. “Our Sammie is the Blazewood heir. She is the strongest fire dragon in generations. She knew she would have to go there for training. All Blazewoods have to. Besides it’s only a matter of five years.”

  Yeah, my twin was the strongest fire dragon in generations but she was also one of the kindest, most softhearted people in the world. Her trainers were breaking her, piece by piece.

  “I don’t think there will be anything left of her after five years.”

  Dad shook his head, “Stop worrying. She will be fine. I went through it too. It wasn’t that bad.”

  I scoffed. Dad had fought in the last great war, that had determined the power balance between Fae, dragons, and vamps. He thrived in violence. He was his mother’s son after all; at home in time of war than in time of peace.

  “Fine, you don’t have to do anything. I will get her out on my own.”

  “No you won’t,” dad’s voice was edged in steel. “I am taking you off active duty. You can continue your internship at the reception. I don’t want you dying trying to save some celebrity kid.”

  “What does it matter?” I got up and opened the door, “I am going to die in a few years anyway.”

  “Pumpkin,” dad’s voice wavered.

  I turned away from him and walked out. Fuck this.

  Chapter 4

  “Did you get fired?” Bart, my ever so subtle handler asked.

  “Even worse,” I melted into my chair. “Reception duty.”

  He winced.

  I knew he would understand. We both were great people persons. While the idea of talking to new people didn’t terrify me as it had a few months back, it was still awkward as hell striking up a conversation; which was why I mostly stuck with Bart at the office.

  “I will bring you donuts tomorrow,” he said. I didn’t have a big sweet tooth, but the offering of his favorite food was as good as a hug from him.

  “Thank you,” I said, genuinely touched.

  Having nothing else to say, he went back to work. The silence that descended wasn’t uncomfortable but it wasn’t comforting either. As much as Bart liked having me around, he had no power to change what his boss had decided. Maybe dad would see how bad I was at it and get me back up here. There wasn’t much chance of that happening but a girl could hope.

  I changed into casuals and spent the rest of the day finishing up my reports. I filed the last case past midnight, about some Incubus to whom Bart had been a special consultant. I switched off my computer and shrugged on a jacket.

  “Leaving already?” To say Bart was surprised would be an understatement. We both were notorious for our overworking tendencies. Truth was, neither of us wanted to return to our empty houses. It was as simple as that.

  “It was amazing working with you.” I wrapped him in a hug he awkwardly returned. “You were the best handler I could’ve asked for. I will miss kicking ass with you, grandpa.”

  “You were not completely useless,” he replied like the grump he was but his eyes gave away his sadness.

  “Make sure you don’t scare away your next mentee like you tried with me or you’ll be stuck writing reports on your own again,” I teased him, hoping to stave off my own sadness that was threatening to spill down my eyes. Bart wasn’t fooled though. In the past few months, he had become good at reading me than my own family.

  “I’ll drop you home,” he offered.

  “Nah, I’ll walk,” I declined as usual and pulled on a cheerful mask. “See you at the reception tomorrow!” I gave him a mock salute and left without a backward glance. I don’t know what I would do any more. The only reason I came to work here was for Sam but now that the option was taken away from me. There was nothing left.

  * * *

  Cold wind hit my face the moment I stepped out of the building, a welcome respite from the summer heat. I pulled my beanie low, to prevent my hair from slapping against my face. Usually, I enjoyed walking the two mile distance to my apartment, absorbing in the sound and life of the city, letting the stress of my day melt away. Today, I couldn’t. Not when my freedom meant hers would never be returned.

  I reached my apartment in a quarter of the time it usually took me. The building was almost empty despite the time. Initially, dad had wanted to give me one of his spare mansions when I had gotten myself disowned, but this place was more inconspicuous. It was mostly occupied by human executives and they tended to come late and leave early, working themselves to the bone in the hopes of a better future in a world that treated them like second class citizens.

  I toed off my shoes and kicked them to the side. Wiping off the sweat from my brows, I walked straight to the bathroom. I let the shower wash away the grime, and then I rubbed my skin raw till the dust that had seeped under my skin was completely gone. It wasn’t fair, I thought as I violently rubbed the shampoo into my hair, why couldn’t it have been me instead of her? But, like my mom always loved to remind me, life wasn’t fair, was it?

  I finished showering and wrapped myself in a fluffy robe. My phone pinged with a text from Max. Listen, I love Max but if he was going to send me another poem about Sam’s enchanting smile, I’d drive a fork into my eyes. I have never seen someone more besotted with their betrothed.

  Heard you were someone’s white knight today.

  I didn’t know you were back

  Landed only a few hours back.

  Had to negotiate a deal with our Australian partners.

  I got us a sweet deal.

  As expected.


  overconfident much?

  I chuckled. James, our king, was getting older and Max as the heir had started taking over more and more responsibilities over the years, one of which included presiding over Starfire, the company that owned more than half the entertainment industry in the country. I wished he was powerful enough that his word was equal to the king but he was still just a prince. He had requested his dad to overrule what happened in Sam’s case, but had failed; the only failure in his life.

  It’s not overconfidence if you know you are going to win

  I sent him a couple of eye-rolling emojis, then added in a few barfing emojis for good measure.

  I have a favor to ask.


  Can you get me into Aiden’s Riversend’s security detail???

  Uncle won’t allow that

  Yeah he knew how much dad worried about me

  I know dad won’t. Sooooo, can you get your dad to ask him. He can’t say no to your dad.

  True. What do I get in return?

  My eternal love and gratitude

  Yeah, not worth risking my betrothal

  Drama queen<
br />
  The heavens would fall before Grandma would let dad break Sam’s engagement to a prince.

  I am still not doing it for free


  A photo of Sam when she was 6. Holding a balloon and grinning.

  Just 1 pic? Make it 2 and you have a deal.

  She has her front tooth missing.


  Pleasure doing business with you.

  He went offline after that. I had my fingers crossed he would be able to convince his father.

  I cooked some ramen for dinner and switched on the TV. The attack on Aiden had made the front news. Bored, I switched the channel, letting some random movie play in the background as I ate dinner. I tried to concentrate on the movie but my gaze kept shifting to my phone. I desperately hoped Max would succeed. I knew he wasn’t going to ask today, but I couldn’t sit still at all. I switched off the TV and rinsed my plate. Without turning the lights off, I got into bed. Sleep didn’t come easily, the silence suffocating me in its cocoon.

  No matter how much I hugged Mr. Teddy, the giant pink stuffed bear that Sam had gifted me on our birthday, I couldn’t sleep. Ten minutes later I gave up and played another movie. The chatter from the characters filled the apartment. The lights and sound helped me calm down enough to slip into a half sleepy state. I woke up a few hours later when my phone pinged, just a single message right to the point.

  You are in.

  I whooped. Something was finally going right. Max had come through! I read the message again and again till I fell asleep, relief and hope warming my heart.

  Tomorrow onwards, I was going to be Aiden’s bodyguard. And I was going to protect him, whether he liked it or not.

  Chapter 5

  “Are you kidding me?”

  Bart ignored me.

  “Oh c’mon, give me the details. You can’t just leave me hanging,” I offered him the pastry box I was carrying. “I even got you donuts. Aaaaand they’re from your favorite bakery.”

  That caught his attention. I had picked up two dozen donuts when I had gone to restock my charm supply. The owner was a witch who was great at making both magical charms and mouth-watering donuts. Some people just have all the talent, what can I say?

  “Aren’t you supposed to be in the reception?” He popped a donut in his mouth and swallowed not bothering to even chew once. You know, just normal serpent shifter things.

  “Starfire wanted me on the team. Arthur couldn’t say no,” I plopped on my chair and scooted it towards him. “Are we really on Selene Chang’s team? The Selene Chang?”

  “Yes,” he answered as if I had asked the same question fifty times already.

  “Wow!” I sagged back into my chair. “I can’t believe I’m going to be breathing the same air as her.” She was an absolute legend in our field, intelligent and fearless to the core.

  Our phones beeped simultaneously.

  “We have a briefing with her,” I squealed.

  Bart looked heavenward and sighed.

  “Let’s go,” I dragged him by his arm to our meeting room.

  We were the first ones to arrive. Selene and her team arrived right as we were taking our seats.

  Selene’s hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail, not a strand out of place. She was half a foot shorter than me but dressed in our standard black uniform and her signature black lipstick, she looked like she could kick ass every day of the week and not break a single sweat.

  They took their seats and she immediately got down to business, “Let’s all introduce ourselves since we will be working together for a while. I will start. Selene Chang, water dragon.”

  I knew as part of the team, it was important that we each knew what the other was in order to work well together. But in my excitement, I had completely forgotten that. Our first meeting and I was already preparing to lie to her. But she was a dragon. I couldn’t take the risk of her finding out.

  “Emilia Hawthorne, were-eagle.” Easily over six foot, with blond locks twisted in a bun, she sat utterly bored. Probably not used to protecting anyone less than royalty.

  “Dave Clark, were-wolf.” The one that had caught me checking them out said, a devilish grin on his face. I counted at least seven piercings on his ears and a few more on his lips. Rings and pendants in strange shapes adorned him. I was willing to bet anything that he grew up around shamans.

  “Trevor Minvel, vampire.” Dark skinned and brown eyed. He looked irritated at being forced to speak. Trevor with his single ear piercing, next to Dave, looked bare in contrast.

  Bart and I introduced ourselves.

  “A human?” Well, Emilia no longer looked bored, just disgusted.

  “I have never worked with a human before. This will be interesting,” Dave winked at me.

  Yeah it sure will be.

  Trevor kept silent as if he had already written me off as dead.

  “How long have you been working here?” Selene asked.

  “Um… 8 months.”

  Their faces said exactly what they thought of that.

  “I hope you know that if you get hurt on the job no one will come save you,” she wasn’t being unkind. It was just the truth. Without any powers, I was after all a liability.

  “I know.”

  Selene nodded and started the presentation. Aiden’s photo popped up on the widescreen dad used for his boring monthly presentations. “This is our client. Aiden Riversend, a waterdragon.”

  A waterdragon? So he couldn’t sense my soul. What in the fates was up with him then?

  “He is a singer and is part of the band, Inferno along with two others. He was attacked…”

  She continued on with the briefing. I checked out her team along my peripheral view. She had three of her core team members with her, their reputation as fearsome as hers. Aiden, you have no idea how lucky you are.

  Dave suddenly turned towards me with a smirk on his face. Embarrassed at being caught I gave my full attention to the briefing as she read out Bart’s report.

  “You two were at the scene when the attack happened. What more can you tell us about the attackers and their motivations? It will help us fine tune our security measures,” Selene turned to us.

  “The vampires were highly skilled and skill like that does not come cheap,” Bart said.

  I nodded, “I doubt it was for ransom. Two vampires of that level to kidnap a celebrity? It’s overkill. Maybe, his company has something of value that they are trying to barter him in exchange for. You probably already know but their CEO is the dragon king, so they might be trying to get to him by kidnapping the money maker of his company.”

  “Very likely. I checked into his financials and all of his income gets diverted to different charities and shelters so he isn’t worth much. But, he brings in the majority of the company’s revenue so they could be expecting the company to pay the ransom.” Emilia said.

  Oh that was true too.

  The discussion continued with all of us throwing in our theories. Selene listened to all of them, gave Dave orders to rearrange the security according to her new plan and decided to bring in more guards. I watched mesmerized as she made tactic after tactic on the spot. I hadn’t even noticed how fast time had passed but one accidental glance told me we were past lunch hours.

  Once we were done, Selene got up, “Let’s go then.” She looked at me, “You can babysit the rockstar.”

  * * *

  Nice to know some things didn’t change. My presence, like earlier, seemed to throw Aiden off-kilter. The wariness was back in his eyes.

  “Kiara will be your shadow from today onwards,” Selene said.

  Aiden’s eyebrows furrowed. Yep, not happy at all. What could I do? I had no powers, so they kept me where I would be safest, right next to the client, surrounded by the other guards.

  “I see,” Aiden didn’t look happy.

  I followed him into the music room and locked the door behind me. Dave and Trevor stood guard outside the room while Selena, Emilia and Bart took of
f to secure the town house’s perimeter.

  The room looked like everything one would imagine a music room to be. Machines with lots of knobs, walls covered by guitars, and a shelf full of used notebooks. All uniform in size, and neatly arranged.

  Aiden proceeded to work on his music for the next two hours and the coffee I had got him remained forgotten.

  The first ten minutes were fascinating. He kept scribbling and then crossing out words in his notebooks, hummed something under breath and tucking back in the silver strands that escaped his bun. He was a study in concentration. It was pretty impressive to watch.

  Three hours later, I had counted and recounted all my charms, my legs were sore from standing for so long. Even though there was a couch, I continued standing, it made for better response time if something happened.

  This was the part I hated most about my job; the sitting, or rather standing, and doing nothing part. It’s not like you could zone out and watch a movie in your head. You still had to be alert. Be ready to spring into action at any moment. It was a skill I hadn’t mastered yet. Something Bart scolded me for on a regular basis.

  My phone vibrated. It was a message from Travis, the manager. As I was now the official babysitter of the rockstar, he had taken to reminding me of Aiden’s meal times and coffee times. It was unbelievable. Aiden had a military-like timetable for even drinking coffee. Coffee was supposed to be an anytime thing.

  Lunch in half an hour. Start mentioning it to him now. It will take time to get him out of work mode. Tell him the others are already here.

  I sent back a thumbs up emoji.

  So, Aiden’s bandmates had also arrived. Selene had called them out for their stupidity when they said they were going to come. She had made it clear that if they chose to stay at the same house as him, their safety couldn’t be guaranteed. Our team was hired to protect only Aiden.

  All three of them, including the manager had said it was fine, they seemed completely unbothered about any harm to them. Either they were unbelievably stupid or incredibly powerful.


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