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Trap Page 11

by Scarlett Dawn

  I braced my arms against the headboard, holding myself steady when he pulled his hips back, driving forward faster, thrusting more relentlessly. His wolf growled again, deep inside his chest, his blunt teeth barely seen behind his parted lips. Wolfe groaned deeply, his gaze dipping to where he was entering me, stretching me. His stomach muscles clenching once more, he drove his hips flush with mine.

  With my teeth deeply bitten into my bottom lip, I gasped, “I need you, Wolfe.” He was a sensual fever I wanted to burn in.

  His gaze snapped to mine. “I need you, too.” His fingers dug into the flesh at my hips. “Ready to cry my name again?”

  I nodded quietly, my eyes set on his.

  He pulled his hips back, his cock sliding out of me.

  I gasped hard as he slammed his hips back forcefully, my hands almost slipping on the headboard. His hips pulled back, driving back against me, filling me hard. Tilting my hips a bit, my head arched back in pleasure as he started a brutal rhythm, sliding in and out of me, my channel holding him tight, my voice guttural, “Wolfe?”

  “Yes,” he asked breathlessly, the sound of our skin slapping heard.

  “I need you.”

  “I’m here.”

  “I need you, Wolfe.”

  “I’m here. I’m here. I’m right here, Noelle. I’m not going anywhere.”

  I pressed against the headboard harder as he pushed himself deep inside me, hitting the spot that made me tremble, the head of his cock rubbing back and forth against it.

  My gaze caught on his. “Kiss me.”

  Wolfe leaned over me on one arm, his gaze connected with mine as he kissed me with so much passion my arms wrapped around his neck, holding tight, not wanting to let go for fear he would walk away, my lips running over his just as intensely.

  I wrapped my legs around his waist, holding him close for each of his deep plunges inside me. My body quaked more fiercely under his, his thrusts driving me closer to the edge, his breathing accelerating against my mouth.

  He continued to hold my gaze as he thrust so far into me my breath caught, my lips quivering against his. His hips meeting mine, he did it again, thrusting so deeply I was being marked, his claim being placed on me before he plunged once more, sending me over the threshold into bliss.

  Warmth and pleasure rocked me from the inside out, my cry soft against his lips, his name a promise, “Wolfe…”

  His next drive was fierce, lodging himself ruthlessly inside me, his gaze still on mine even as his lids drooped. Wolfe shuddered in hard wracks against me, his cock pumping hard inside my channel as his cum filled me in brutal shots. My name was a groan of pleasure, an assurance against my lips, “Noelle…”

  * * *

  Washing the soap from my hair, I jerked in surprise when I felt familiar, warm hands brush over my cheeks softly, cupping them as he dipped silently, having snuck into the shower with me. His exotically exquisite lips landing on mine while he backed me against the wall, my lips curving as I ran my hands over his muscled, heated shoulders. Blinking through the spray of water, I whispered, “Aren’t you tired?” We hadn’t gotten a lot of sleep last night, the wolf-man knowing plenty of positions.

  Wolfe had a little cut on his hand now, too, that wasn’t healing courtesy of me. I was definitely his mate, the seer correct.

  Nibbling at my lips, he groaned in entreaty, “Are you?”


  He grinned adorably, my breath catching at his expression of happiness as he pressed his forehead against mine, kissing my lips gently. “Neither am I.” He teetered his head back and forth playfully, his forehead rubbing softly against mine as his hands roamed, running down my back. “We’ve probably got a few hours before I need to leave to see Cassander.”

  I chuckled softly, the grin I felt growing on my lips pure joy. “All right.”

  His own gaze stalled on my lips, staring quietly. “I’ve never seen that one before.”

  Scrunching my nose teasingly, I asked, “Seen what before?”

  Not answering, his wolf growled quietly right before his mouth was on mine again, stealing my breath, my thoughts taken to a sensual haze, more than happy to have it stolen and to be taken away.


  The hotel room door had hardly closed behind Wolfe when a pounding knock sounded. That definitely wasn’t the wolf-man, not in the fine mood he had left in. I shoved off the messy bed and found a shirt to throw over my nakedness, before lifting my gun out from under the pillow. I walked to the door, calling, “Who is it?”

  “It’s Poppy. Let me in. It’s important.”

  I got the door cracked open an inch.

  Poppy barged into the room in her full Corporate Army attire, her red ponytail whipping, and worry lining her features.

  “You’re welcome to come in,” I muttered under my breath. I shoved the door closed, and asked, “What’s so important?”

  Her nose wrinkled as she turned around to face me. “It smells like sex in here.”

  “I know.” I grinned like the sated woman I was. “Wolfe is amazing.”

  “Gross.” She shook her head, tossing away the thoughts. Her tiny form started pacing the small space, her attention fully on the floor she walked upon. “Something happened to me today.”

  I leaned back against the wall and crossed my arms, my gun resting against my small bicep. “What was it?”

  And why did she come here to me?

  “I was doing office work, menial bullshit that we have to do every morning, and a fellow soldier handed me a pile of forms for review—the kind that doesn’t go online if you know what I mean. And as I was flipping through the sheets, one of them cut me.”

  She didn’t go on. The small woman continued pacing.

  I tried to help her along. “So you got a paper cut, then what happened?”

  “The cut didn’t heal.” Poppy stopped directly in front of me. She shoved her middle finger right in front of my nose. “See it? It’s still open.”

  My eyes crossed to view what she indicated.

  I lowered my brows and uncrossed my arms. I used my free hand to grab her wrist and yank her hand back a little. My eyes widened as, sure enough, there was a long, thin cut on her finger, the edges of her skin not touching. It appeared red and irritated, too.

  “What the fuck?” I mumbled. I cocked my head, attempting to get a better view. “Does it hurt? It looks like it hurts.”

  “You know how paper cuts are. They may be little, but they be mighty. It stings like a sonofabitch.”

  I released her wrist and looked into her brown eyes. “You’re thinking that spell Joshua gave you did something. That’s why you’re here?” I shook my head in the negative. “I don’t have his contact information.”

  “He’s a seer. And he seems to be following you around lately. I thought if I stayed close to you, maybe he’d show up again—since I actually want to ask him a question in a civil manner. And that pesky fucker doesn’t go away until he wants to go away.”

  “That might work.” My mind was already running. “Poke my finger. I want to make sure I heal up.”

  “You’re for sure Wolfe’s mate?”

  “I am.”

  “All right then.” She lifted a tiny blade from one of the many knife sheaths she had on her, each one loaded with a different blade size. “Point a finger for me.”

  Our foreheads were smashed together as we both watched her slice my thumb cleanly on the pad. I didn’t even flinch, her skills damn impressive. A thin line of blood formed and dripped down my thumb. No more blood came out. I wiped over the cut with my free hand, and it had healed, no gash for blood to slip out.

  As one, we lifted our heads away from each other.

  Confused brown eyes met mine, and she murmured, “It was definitely the spell.”

  “Yeah.” I winced as I looked down at her paper cut. “How about we get a bandage for that while you wait to see if the devil shows up.”

  Poppy nodded her head absently,
her mind wandering off. “Theron was right. Cassander’s fine, but I’m not. Joshua only told us half the truth again.”

  “What do you think questioning him would give you then? More half-truths?” I grabbed a clean pair of underwear out of my luggage and shoved my legs into them, slipping the panties up under my shirt for privacy. A clean pair of jeans came next. “He isn’t going to say anything of importance. I’ve learned that. He only tells you what he wants to tell you, whatever will benefit his cracked mind.”

  “I have to try it.” Poppy’s shoulders shrugged in defeat. “I have no clue if I can be killed now or not. If limbs will grow back. If I’m a simple human again, I need to change the way I work. My job is dangerous enough without all of the crazy shit I do, knowing I can’t really die.”

  “Good point.” I grabbed a bra off the floor. It was cleanish. “I’ll be right back out, and then we’ll go get a bandage and grab some brunch. Joshua can find us anywhere we go.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” Poppy slumped back against the wall. “There was a time when I would have given anything to be a human again so I could die. And now I have no clue what I really want. I like my life as it is now.”

  “Whatever the answer is, you’ll figure it out, eventually. Some answers take time.” I smiled kindly at her, then slipped into the bathroom, removing my shirt to put on my bra. “You said Cassander is doing well?”

  “He is.” The smile she wore was evident in her voice. “He was very put out that Theron had stuffed him in a bag. He demanded Theron never do that again, no matter what happens. He’s woken up dead too many times in bags before.”

  I slipped my shirt back on over my head and headed for clean socks and boots. I sat down and began putting them on. “Does Cassander know about the choice you made?”

  “Yes.” The happiness left her tone. “I told Theron and Cassander everything that happened.”

  “How did they take it?”

  “About as well as can be expected.”

  That told me absolutely nothing.

  “Anyway…” Poppy changed the trajectory of our conversation. “How are you and Wolfe doing? Other than the amazing sex.”

  “We’re still getting to know each other.” I jumped up, no sore muscles for me today. I was immortal now. “I’ll tell you about it while we walk.”

  Poppy opened the door of my hotel room.

  We stopped in our tracks as soon as the door shut behind us.

  Joshua Striker stood across the hallway, frowning at the both of us. “Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for you two to walk out? You kept talking and talking and talking.”

  “Apologies?” I mumbled.

  He sighed in annoyance and turned away. The seer’s long legs ate up the hallway quickly. Joshua barked over his shoulder, “I’m busy today, ladies. You want to talk? We can talk, but you’re coming along on my errands.”

  Poppy only hesitated a second before hurrying to catch up.

  My shoulders sagged in defeat. “Fuck.”

  I raced after the two of them, sliding into the closing elevator, right before the doors shut us inside.


  New City Seasons Hotel disappeared from sight as the three of us walked the bustling city. We weaved in and out of pedestrians dressed in their fashionable attire and laughing with their friends, completely unaware that the devil walked right next to them, the handsome face so many glanced at with appreciation and interest.

  I wondered if one of them might die of fear if he happened to stop and whisper in their unsuspecting ear all the heinous deeds he had committed in his long, dark life. Would they stare into his eyes and see what true evil looked like, his eyes clawing into their soul so they would never be so innocent again, or would it reflect back at him if he found another black heart to commiserate with?

  I shuddered and stuck close to the redhead’s side. “Where is he taking us?”

  “Like I have any clue. Maybe to the edge of Hell.” Poppy’s laughter verged on hysterical. “Who am I kidding…he’s already done that to me. He wouldn’t repeat it. That would bore his fucked up mind.”

  I rubbed the back of my neck and sighed. I turned my regard on the shifter five steps ahead of us. “Joshua, Poppy has some questions for you—”

  “They can wait. I’m in a hurry,” he barked over his shoulder, and then he abruptly turned around and peered right at us, stopping our forward progress. “Actually, you two may be able to help me.”

  The fuck we would. I almost laughed right in his face.

  Neither of us responded, our mouths firmly closed.

  Joshua didn’t notice. He lifted his hand and held up five fingers. “What would be the worst way for five people to die together?”

  I really, really wished Poppy would take one of her knives and shove it right through his left eyeball. It wouldn’t permanently kill him, but it would make me feel pretty damn good inside to see him not breathing for a while.

  But she didn’t act. Not in public.

  Though her fingers did twitch on her right hand.

  She really, really wanted to kill him, too. Rightfully so.

  Poppy and I kept our mouths shut. Not answering him.

  Joshua waved his hands in the air with flamboyant flair. “I see you’re not going to be helpful. No bother. I’ll figure it out myself.”

  I ground my teeth together. Poppy barely blinked.

  He spun on his heel and began his swaggered walk once more, a woman passing by craning her neck to stare at his ass. “Keep up. Or go. I don’t care either way.”

  Poppy exhaled heavily, muttering, “I can do this.”

  “You sure? Because I’m barely hanging on.”

  “Yes, I’m sure.” She nodded her head decisively.

  “Then we better hurry up.” I grabbed her bicep and made her move. “I think he’s heading into that hardware place.”

  We jogged to catch up with him and slid inside the small store that the bastard, apparently, wanted to shop at. My eyes slowly adjusted to the inside dim lighting, the day outside full of sunshine and nary a cloud in the sky—even if the temperatures were dropping every day.

  I inhaled the scents of rubber and grease. My gaze alighted on the closest shelf. All sizes of nails were available for sale, with cheap to expensive hammers on display across from them. The devil had disappeared deep into the store, and I whispered quietly, “I wonder if he comes here often.”

  With a twisted mind like his, this would be like sweet temptation. A one-stop shop for all supplies to aid his corrupt activities. Hardware stores probably made a profit every time he walked inside their doors.

  Poppy grunted and crossed her arms. “You don’t think he slipped out the back, do you?”

  “Didn’t think of that. Maybe?” I speculated.

  She sighed. “We should go check.”

  We found him in the last aisle. Where the ropes were.

  Joshua jerked one rope with his strong hands, mumbling under his breath, “This one should work…” He proceeded to grab four more coils of rope, five in total. “Simple but effective.”

  I was losing the battle. “Joshua, it will only take a moment for you to answer Poppy’s questions—”

  “Did you not hear me the first time?” Hard brown eyes glared right into mine. “Or is it impossible for you to shut up today?”

  “I doubt you want to be around us any more than we want to be with you. I don’t—”

  “Shut up, Ms. Harvey,” he interrupted again.

  He walked straight out the back door of the store without paying, the five large ropes looped over both of his shoulders. I guessed the hardware stores actually took a loss every time he entered one of their establishments.

  Poppy grabbed my left bicep this time when I just stood frozen furiously in my spot and yanked me out the back door with her. We kept running until we walked in his shadow again. Our pace slowed the busier the streets became. It was almost noon now, local employees dashing to grab their
lunch or rushing to quick appointments.

  I sighed, and grumbled, “Where are we going now?”

  “My train,” he hissed. “As I said, I have a lot planned today.”

  “Awesome.” I snapped my eyes to my silent comrade. “We’re getting in a transport with a killer. Great fucking idea, Poppy.”

  She cast a quick glare in my direction. “You can leave.”

  “Yeah, let me leave you alone with him. Even better plan.”

  “I’m getting my answers.” She raised a delicate red brow. “Only he can provide them. Unless you have a better idea?”

  Joshua grunted in front of us, eavesdropping.

  Dumbfounded, I sputtered, “Ask the other seer? You know, the nice one? I’m sure he would know the answers.”

  Poppy nibbled on her bottom lip, and then quickly shook her head. Very quietly, she mumbled, “I don’t want him to know.”

  Dry, oh so, dry words. “Seriously?”

  “Shit, I don’t know! Not right now, for sure. I don’t want him to freak out when he just came back from the dead-dead. He’ll think it’s his fault and it’s not.” She pointed a finger at the back of Joshua’s head. “It’s his. And mine. So I’m figuring this problem out.”

  “We can wait until Cassander’s in a better state of mind…”

  She shook her head. “I can’t. Not with my job.”

  “This isn’t smart,” I argued again.

  “I know.”

  “I really don’t like it,” I muttered. But I kept moving.

  * * *

  “Where the hell are we going?” I asked harshly, not expecting a reply since I hadn’t received one since we’d gone airborne. The train we were flying on had no windows. None at all. And there were no lights inside the train. I held Poppy’s hand next to me, just to know she hadn’t disappeared in the void. “You have officially reached the next level of cracked. I don’t think there is a diagnosis for you. All of the boxes would be checked with Kill This Fucker Now handwritten at the top.”

  Poppy sighed. “You are not helping, Noelle.”


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