Second Time's A Curse

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Second Time's A Curse Page 2

by Laura Greenwood

  "You know you don't have to decide if that's you now, right?" she prompts.

  "Sorry, it's just not been something I've thought about."

  "Maybe you should."

  "Are you so desperate to get me in a relationship with your brother that you're happy with him only being one of my lovers?" I can't stop the giggle that comes with saying that.

  "Ew, Mona!" A look of horror crosses her face. "Never use the words brother and lover in the same sentence ever again."

  "You started it," I tease. I'm having fun now. It's nice to see this side of Daphne, especially as she's been so down about her vampire ex-boyfriend being seen around with another girl.

  "And I'm ending it. If you ever do get together with Ryan, then I don't want to hear anything about it. Ever."

  "Alright, I promise. On the lives of my kittens, I'll never talk about my sex life with your brother ever again." Non-existent though it is.

  She cringes and sticks her tongue out at me. "That was just mean, and you know it."


  "Do your kittens even have lives? Or are they immortal?"

  I'm about to point out that's a ridiculous question, but stop myself. Is it?

  "I have no idea. Maybe they'll outlive us all and cats will finally take over the world."

  "Or maybe you'll end up being a crazy cat lady," she throws back.

  "Oi! For a start, they're kittens."

  "Yes, kittens. Keep telling yourself that," she returns.

  Laughter bubbles up between us. The dark cloud over us lifts and we enjoy each other's company. Just like it was before we both started dating.

  Right, that settles it. Dates and boys are bad. I should stick with friends and kittens and leave them all be.

  If only it could be that simple.

  Chapter Three

  Dread fills my stomach as I take my seat in Ancient Charms, and I'm not sure why. Up until now, it's all been theory. I have nothing to worry about in this class.

  "You okay?" Ryan asks.

  Ah. Right. That's what I need to worry about in this class.


  "I know you've been avoiding me."

  "I saw you yesterday," I point out. It's not like I can forget the incident in the library.

  "Am I such a bad student that you didn't want to come back?" He sets my potions book on the desk next to me. "I saved this for you."

  "Thank you." A blush races to my cheeks. Oops. In my confusion over Caspian, I'd forgotten about my stuff. At least I left it with a friend.

  "Is this seat taken?" he asks, gesturing towards the one next to me.

  Huh. For some reason, he's already claimed it in my head.

  "No." I shake my head. Needlessly. He can hear me perfectly fine.


  For the first time, I wish one of my other friends had this class with me.

  Wait, who am I kidding, I only really have him and Daphne. And Thomas, I suppose, but he's technically off-limits.

  "Alright, class. I have a very exciting announcement to make." The professor's voice booms through the class, and chatter dies off seconds later. "Today, we're not only going to be learning about Ancient Charms, but you'll also get to try doing one yourselves."

  "Oh no," I whisper. The blood drains from my face as I consider some of the consequences of that.

  Ryan reaches out and puts a hand over mine, giving it a quick squeeze. I'm grateful, it helps calm the panic rising inside me. But only because Caspian isn't here to see it. Daphne's suggestion about whether I'm open to polyamory is still ringing through my mind, but I don't have an answer yet. At least, not one that I think will satisfy either of the guys in my life. Or me.

  "It'll be alright," he whispers.

  "That's what you think. You didn't make a new kitten a couple of days ago," I hiss.

  "Another one?"

  "Yes." I purposefully focus my eyes back on the front of class, trying not to let the way Ryan's hand felt over mine distract me.

  "But first," the professor says. "Can anyone tell me the origin of the charm that allows the magic caster to turn sand into diamonds?"

  The whole class remains silent. I'm not surprised. I've never come across anything like that in my reading, and I consider myself to be decently well versed in this stuff. Mostly because of reading around to try and find some explanation for what's happened to me. And a way to fix it.

  "No one? Such a shame, it's a fascinating story. Back in the early fourth century, a warlock was in the Sahara desert looking for treasure. He'd taken out a commission from a human and was struggling to fulfil it. Luckily, his wife was a famous witch..."

  I half tune out of what he's saying. It's an interesting story, made a little dull by the way he's trying to teach it. I can already predict how the rest of it will go. The witch will create a spell, the warlock will use it, and he'll get paid. I've heard it time and time again.

  "And now you're all going to be trying it," he announces.

  My eyes widen. Sand into diamonds? That sounds like a hard one at the best of times, never mind with problems like mine.

  "I can pretend to do yours when no one is looking?" Ryan suggests.

  I shake my head. There’s no point in that, and we both know it.

  "Sir?" a girl from the back asks. I don't know her name, this is the only class we share and we've never actually spoken.

  "Yes, Miss Delvine?"

  Well, I guess that's her surname then. I'll probably forget it before we're here again.

  "Do we get to keep any diamonds we create?"

  Titters go through the class at that one. I suppose it makes sense. We're students, so we don't have a lot of cash. Our accommodation is paid for within the fees to attend Grimalkin anyway, and meals from the canteen. But if we want to buy our own stuff to cook, or other ways of entertaining ourselves, then we need our own money. I only do as well as I do because I had a part-time job in the years leading up to coming here and saved every penny. I knew I'd need it.

  "In the unlikely event that you successfully manage the test, then yes, you will be able to keep them," the professor replies.

  Excitement fills the room from everyone but me. And potentially Ryan, though I think his non-excitedness is to do with me too.

  "You don't expect us to be able to do it?" This time, the question comes from a guy whose name I do know. It's Jeff, I think.

  "I expect about three people in this room will be able to make the sand into diamonds. Only they will have the ability."

  "Would I get anything if I predict I'm one of the ones who won't be able to?" I mutter to Ryan.

  He chuckles. "You don't know until you try. I've seen you do magic."

  A scowl creeps onto my lips. I suppose in some ways, he's right. But when my magic comes with kittens attached, it's not ideal. Though the kittens are cute. One of the brightest parts of my day is going back to my room and seeing them again.

  "Take one and pass the box along," the professor says, dumping a box on the desk of the person at the front.

  It goes from student to student swiftly, each of them taking a little pouch of sand from it. When it gets to us, Ryan puts one down in front of me before I can get one myself.

  "Thanks." A part of me wants to have a go at him for doing that. I'm capable of doing things myself and don't need a man's help. But another part of me appreciates the gesture, especially because he seems to understand just how nervous I am.

  "The details of the spell are found on page three-hundred and ninety-four of your textbooks." He goes behind his desk and sits down, surveying the room and the chaos that was no doubt about to ensue.

  I grab my tablet from my bag, and pull up the Ancient Charms textbook. I know some people prefer physical books still, but for me, having all of them on one device is much easier. Especially because it means I don't have to carry around loads of big books just to get through my day.

  "Here we go." I set it between me and Ryan, and we both look at the page in questio

  "Just an intent one, then," Ryan muses.

  "Do you think that's a problem?" I look at the little bag of sand on my desk, and a feeling of dread runs over me. Somehow, I know this is going to end badly.

  "No. It's just a hard spell to expect first years to do." He shrugs and throws a glance at the professor.

  He doesn't need to worry about being overheard, though. There's chatter everywhere. Some of it is coming from people talking to their friends about getting diamonds, and a little bit is coming from people who think intent isn't enough and have made up their own words for the spell. It all depends on how powerful the witch or warlock is, but beyond that, I'm not sure exactly how it works.

  "Want to try first?" I ask him, mostly to cover up my own nerves about the spell. I'm not ready to produce another kitten. Though I'm not sure if the idea of doing that is worse than not being able to do the spell at all.

  "Reckon I need words?" he responds, frowning down at the bag of sand even as he pulls out his wand. I'm lucky Ryan isn't the egotistical type who needs to show off. At least he takes class seriously, even if he isn't any good at potions.

  "Depends how confident you're feeling." I shrug, unsure if I'm going to use them myself yet.

  He clears his throat and raises his wand. "Here goes nothing. Sandy bag all full of din, make me something to make Mona grin."

  A giggle escapes me, even though I don't want it to, and Ryan winks at me, then waves his wand over the sand to do the real spell.

  To my surprise, it moves, almost as if something is happening.

  "Oh well, better luck next time," he says, sounding much less bothered by the lack of success than he maybe should. "You ready to try?"

  I gulp down my nerves, all the laughter completely gone at the thought of having to do this. But I can't avoid trying.

  "I'll try." I take out my wand, the polished wood heavy in my hand, almost like it knows what's going to happen next. Or like it's full of a kitten about to escape. One or the other, and I wouldn't like to guess which.

  I wave it across the sand, thinking about the sand turning into diamonds, just the way the charm instructs me to. I try to think of some words, but none come to me, and I stick with the intent. At least with the complexity of the spell, it's more likely to fail this way and then I won't end up the laughing stock of the class.

  My arm begins to tingle and my eyes fly open in panic. Magic isn't what I want. Not this time. It seems silly to think that considering I'm a witch, but every spell I try to do is ending badly for me at the moment, I don't want to actually do more. Not if I can't help it.

  The power builds, stronger than I've experienced before, and I'm not sure what to do with it. Or, I do. I'm just nervous about it happening.

  "Mona, it's working." Excitement shines through Ryan's words as he points at the sand in front of me.

  Sure enough, it's starting to form clumps and begin to glisten in the dim light of the classroom.

  Oh wow.

  I don't even know how to deal with that.

  Magic surges stronger from within me, bursting out of my wand and engulfing the sand completely. But something else is coming, I can feel it, and a blur of white and orange fuzz spurts forth.

  "You still managed the spell?" Ryan tries.

  I blink away the frustrated tears that start to form. I can't believe this is happening again.

  A little meow sounds from the ball of fur, and I react instantly, scooping the kitten into my arms and hugging him close.

  "What are you going to call him?" Ryan asks, leaning in to scratch the kitten's head.

  "I've no idea. Why don't you?" I let Daphne name one, it's only fair that her twin gets to name one too.


  "After the Shakespeare character?"

  "Yes. He looks like a lover, don't you think?" Ryan's grin is full of mischief. "Plus you conjured him while trying to make diamonds. Kind of fitting for him to have a romantic name, don't you think?"

  I almost roll my eyes, but hold back. It's kind of cute logic. Instead, I look down at the purring creature nestling in my arms. He's just a ball of fluff, half white, and half browny-orange. It's hard to put a name on his colour. And Ryan's right, he definitely looks like a lover. I can tell already that he'll be one of my more affectionate kittens.

  "Has Mona got a kitten?" one of the idiots who circles Ivy a lot asks loudly.

  I shield Romeo from view, not wanting him to be confiscated, nor wanting to be the centre of attention. That's not my thing.

  Someone sniggers from beside him. "Again?" they ask.

  I narrow my eyes. "It's none of your business," I snap.

  That just makes them laugh more, but I turn away. We don't need to deal with their negativity.

  "Isn't making kittens the only way she can get friends?" the idiot asks so loudly that the rest of the class start paying attention.

  Great. Just what I need.

  "Alright, that's enough." Ryan's voice is lower than I've ever heard it before, with a slight threat in it that I wouldn't believe if I hadn't heard it myself. "Mona isn't doing anything to hurt you, so just back off."

  "Oh, look who has got herself a boyfriend." The idiot wolf whistles.

  "So what if I have? We're all adults, I can have a boyfriend if I want," I snap, regretting the words almost instantly. But not because of the shock on the idiot's face. More the look of hope on Ryan's.

  The idiot glares, but turns back to what he's supposed to be doing. Good riddance, we're better off without his attention.

  Ryan turns to me and opens his mouth, but he's cut off by the professor appearing in front of our desks.

  Relief and concern fill me at once, and I'm not sure which of the two I should act on.

  "A kitten?" The professor raises an eyebrow. "May I see?"

  I frown, but hand Romeo to him gently.

  "Interesting. Is this the first kitten you've conjured?" he asks.

  I shake my head. "He's the sixth," I admit sheepishly.

  To my surprise, he chuckles. "Then you're lucky the academy doesn't technically have a policy on pets."

  My eyes widen. I hadn't even thought about looking into that yet. I've just been hoping that no one would come inspect my room and discover the kittens going about their daily business. They aren't destroying anything or causing anyone any harm, though. Which is probably how I'm getting away with it.

  "And I see you managed to perform the spell as well as making a kitten."

  "Oh, right, yes."

  "Come see me after class, I may have something of use to you." He passes Romeo back to me, and I take him, completely confused by the direction events have taken. That isn't what I thought would happen when Romeo fell out of my wand.

  Chapter Four

  I approach the desk even as the other students file out of the room.

  "I'll see you outside," Ryan says, his hand hovering at my lower back, not quite touching, but definitely enough that I know he's there.

  I can't even work out if I want him to touch me or not. I suspect I do, but then what does that even mean?

  "Thanks," I respond. Romeo squirms in my arms, waving a paw in Ryan's direction. Apparently, this kitten has bonded with him in some strange way. I should keep that in mind and make sure they see each other enough. I'd give Romeo to Ryan now, but I don't know if I need him for whatever the professor wants to talk to me about.

  "Just one second, Miss Black," the man tells me, before disappearing off into a separate room that I presume is his office.

  He comes bustling back out seconds later with a thick book in his hands. It looks like a stereotypical spellbook, but that doesn't make any sense. No one uses anything like that any more. Everything has been scanned and written for the digital era.

  "You've remembered your diamonds, I hope?" he asks as he sets the book down.

  "Yes." It feels odd to have a pocketful of sand-turned-precious-gems, but I have six kittens to feed now, the extra money I can make by se
lling them will come in more useful than anyone else will be able to imagine.

  "Good. You're the only one in the class that managed. Did you know that?"

  I shake my head. "I was too busy making sure my kitten was okay." And isn't that the story of my life now?

  "Understandable. Very much so. Anyway, that wasn't what I wanted to talk about. I haven't seen a talent like yours in many years."

  "I don't have very strong magic," I counter. "My friend Daphne..."

  "Ah, yes. I know Miss Chambers. That's her twin brother waiting outside, if I'm not mistaken?"

  My mouth goes dry, but I nod anyway.

  "She's a very bright young woman, talented too, but not with the raw power I've seen from you today." He seems very pleased with his discovery of me, but I'm not sure why.

  "I think you've gotten the wrong impression, sir. My magic has been wonky since I arrived here. It's gotten worse in the past month or so with all the kittens..."

  "Ah, yes. The kittens. Do you know how hard it is to conjure living things?" He readjusts his glasses as he speaks, a gesture I've seen Daphne do hundreds of times.

  "No." Though I have to wonder how hard it really is when I've been creating kittens without intending to.

  "It's an incredibly rare talent. And not one that many people throughout history have had. You may not be able to control the kittens appearing, but the mere fact you can do it suggests that you have a lot of magical potential inside you." He nods as if that explains everything, when actually, it explains nothing at all. Especially not what he's doing with the book he felt the need to get.

  "I think there's been some sort of mistake." Though even as I'm saying it, I have to wonder if that's true. I can make kittens. And they're all alive and doing well. That does say something, though I'm not entirely sure what.

  "If there has been, then it isn't of my making." He pushes the book towards me. "I think the author of this book would want you to have it."

  I frown. "Why?"

  "You'll realise when you work it out."


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