The Rise of the Dawnstar (The Avalonia Chronicles Book 2)

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The Rise of the Dawnstar (The Avalonia Chronicles Book 2) Page 27

by Farah Oomerbhoy

  “Why didn’t you tell me it was you?”

  “Because that is not how the magic that binds me works,” Abraxas replied. “It took every last bit of power I had left to speak to you when you called for help in the ruins with Morgana. At first I was surprised I heard your call, but when I did, I knew who you were. So I tried to help. I had to keep you alive long enough to free me. The closer you were to the ring, the easier it was for me to contact you. When you came to Elfi and to the castle, I felt your presence, but only for moments when I could speak through the curse. It also prevented me from telling you the truth about this chamber.” He paused for a moment. “Time is of the essence, Aurora. We must leave now.”

  I shook my head. “My fae magic is bound by these cuffs—there is no way out of here. And the Elders have warded the castle against portals.”

  “There are no cuffs or wards that can stop the Dawnstar,” said the great dragon. “Destroy the cuffs and let’s go—you must warn the Elite about the threat to their queen. Izadora must remain on the throne of Elfi—it is imperative if we are going to defeat Morgana.”

  I took the Amulet of Auraken from the door and put it in my pocket, its work complete. I didn’t need it. The amulet was created to hide the power of the Dawnstar in plain sight until I learned the true use of my magic. I was the last heir to the ancient house of Eos-Eirendil and I would not hide anymore.

  That thought gave me hope.

  I searched for fae magic and concentrated all my power on removing the cuffs of blackened iron from my wrists. The cuffs sizzled and sparked as my magic filled them with light, the darkness within clinging to my body like a leech. My hands began to glow as I pushed harder and the blackened iron cuffs fell off, dropping to the floor with a heavy thud.

  I healed myself as my fae magic arose. Aurora Shadowbreaker was back.

  I called forth my powers, unbridled and powerful, searched for Tristan, and created a portal leading straight into his room.

  Cade jumped when I stepped out of the portal but smiled when he saw me. Tristan was still lying on the bed, his eyes closed. I could see the black poison in his veins streaking across his neck. I ran over to the bed and kneeled beside him.

  “Why hasn’t he woken up yet?” I demanded, looking at Cade.

  The big red-haired warrior shook his head. “I don’t know. I think he was bitten twice; there is too much poison in his blood. He’s trying to fight it, but even with the antidote the poison is not leaving his body.”

  “Heal Prince Tristan, Aurora,” said Abraxas. “We need him, and time is running out.”

  “But Penelope said it may make it worse,” I asserted in my mind.

  “If you are going to argue with me every time I tell you to do something, it is going to get very tedious to teach you anything, Aurora,” said Abraxas. “The magic you possess is different from all others. Now do it.”

  I put one hand on Tristan’s forehead, the other over his heart.

  “What are you doing?” Cade whispered, but he didn’t stop me.

  I ignored him and plunged my magic into Tristan. Calmly, I searched for the poison. I could see it, tiny specks of darkness moving through his blood. I pulled more magic from the well inside me and pushed it into him. It roared through Tristan’s body in a wave of white light, swallowing up the darkness within. The werewraith poison shrieked in fury and fled in the radiance of the Dawnstar.

  Tristan opened his eyes and smiled when he saw me.

  I told him everything that had happened as quickly as I could. Cade listened with his mouth open, and Tristan pushed himself up as soon as he heard about the threat to Izadora and his grandmother.

  “You’re the Dawnstar?” Cade looked at me, wide-eyed.

  I nodded and then explained what we had to do.

  In a few minutes Tristan and Cade were ready. The door opened, and Aiden stood before us, blocking the way, his sword in hand.

  “What are you doing here?” the prince and heir of the Day Court growled, looking at me. “You are supposed to be confined to your room.”

  Tristan’s eyes narrowed, and he moved to stand beside me. “Hear her out, Aiden.”

  “I don’t want to hear the lies that come out of that half-breed’s mouth,” spat the blond warrior.

  Tristan put his hand on his sword. “Stand down, Aiden,” said the dark prince. “I don’t want to hurt you. Izadora and my grandmother are in trouble. We need to go, but we could use your help.”

  Aiden’s eyes shifted to me and back to Tristan. “Tell me.”

  Tristan gave Aiden a brief explanation of what Andromeda was planning. I had prepared myself to use my magic if needed to get Aiden out of the way, or anyone else for that matter.

  Aiden shook his head. “Why am I not surprised?” He lowered his sword. “I was afraid it might come to this. My mother is power hungry, and if she means to kill the queen, she’s probably already dead.”

  Aiden’s reaction was not what I expected at all. I think the news coming from Tristan made it easier to accept. I knew his relationship with his mother was strained, but I never realized just how much. If Aiden helped us, we would have a much better chance of getting my grandmother back.

  I stepped forward. “It’s not too late. You have to get there before the werewraiths do.”

  Aiden turned his gaze on me and pointed with his sword. “If you are lying about this, half-breed, I will have your head.”

  I didn’t have time to argue with Aiden. “Go, you will see for yourself,” I snapped.

  Tristan turned to me. “What about you?”

  “I can take care of myself.” I tried to smile. “Stick to the plan—you know what you have to do.”

  He gave me a quick hug, which was a surprise. “Be careful,” he whispered.

  “I will. Just be there on time.”

  “You can count on it,” Tristan growled, then turned to the other Elite warriors. “Let’s go!”

  Abraxas spoke. “Good. Now create a portal to Penelope. We will need her help if this plan is to succeed.”

  I created a portal straight into the dungeons. Now that I had discovered deeper parts of my magic, with the guidance of the great dragon, I could manipulate it as I pleased. The dowager had said I could not create a portal to a place I had never been before. But with ancient magic, which only I possessed, it was possible to create a portal to a person. And that’s exactly what I did.

  Penelope didn’t look surprised when she saw me. “I knew you would come.”

  I hugged her and told her everything that had happened as concisely as I could.

  “I will need you to remain here and stop Skye from bringing Andromeda’s army into the city through the portal in the catacombs,” I told her hurriedly, glancing toward the cell door. “Once the wards fall, you will be able to create a portal out of the dungeons at the same time Skye will be opening one in the tunnels.”

  She nodded and put her hand on my shoulder. “Go, stop Andromeda. I will do everything I can to protect the city.”

  I hugged her and created a portal to my room. I grabbed my weapons; if I was going into battle, I wanted my sword, Dawn, with me. I strapped my daggers into place and secured my sword at my waist. I didn’t portal straight to Andromeda and the Elders because I was not sure what would be waiting when I got there. They had left the city a while ago and may have already reached the meeting place. With Lucian and the Drakaar so close, I needed to scope out the area first. So I created another portal leading just outside the city gates.

  Within seconds of stepping out of the portal, centaur guards surrounded me, their spears ready and pointing at my face.

  “No one is allowed to leave the city,” stated one centaur.

  “Elders’ orders,” said another.

  I raised my hands to show them I was unarmed. I didn’t want to fight them, but I would if I had to.

  The rising sun glinted off my ring, and one old centaur gasped. “The ring of a Dragonlord,” he said reverently and bowed his head.<
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  To my surprise, the rest of the centaurs did the same and moved out of the way.

  I had to get to Andromeda before she met with Lucian at the Gandren Pass. I closed my eyes and called Snow. I hoped she had returned from the Old Forest.

  Within seconds a musical voice filled my ears. “I’m here, little one,” called the white pegasus, shooting out of the sky and landing beside me.

  “Let’s go.” I jumped onto Snow’s back. “I hope we are not too late.”

  The Heir of Illaria Lightbringer

  We flew to the Gandren Pass in the Wildflower Mountains. It was one of the only mountain passes through which an army could enter the kingdom of Elfi. Abraxas was our only hope to destroy the book. If the great dragon did not come and my grandmother died, Elfi would fall and Morgana would be one step closer to releasing Dragath and destroying the world forever.

  If I had to give myself up to Morgana to save Elfi, I would do it. I was prepared for the worst.

  I looked at the ring as I flew closer to my doom. “So how do I summon you?” I asked Abraxas, feeling silly as soon as the thought left my brain.

  “I can’t tell you that,” the dragon snapped. “Don’t you think I would have already if I could?”

  “But I don’t know how to use the power of the Dawnstar,” I argued. “If you can tell me what words I have to say, or if I can understand more about how the Dawnstar works, then I may have a chance.”

  “It’s not the words that are important, Aurora,” Abraxas offered. “It is the will behind them. The stronger the will, the stronger the call of a Dragonlord. You must have faith in yourself. You are the Dawnstar. You are Illaria’s weapon. Your magic is unlike anything this world has ever seen. Certain words do have more power than others, this is true, but the real magic is within you, in a place that has no beginning and no end; a place where no darkness can penetrate. That is where the Dawnstar resides.”

  I looked at the ring on my finger again as we flew on ahead, doubt creeping into every single thought. What if the summoning didn’t work, what if I couldn’t break the curse on his prison?

  Snow knew where to go. We descended into the valley near the Gandren Pass. I hid myself with glamour and took up a position on a cliff overlooking the meeting place.

  Andromeda, the Elders, and their army had arrived.

  Lucian and a legion of soldiers had already entered the pass and were waiting at the appointed place: a great open field in the shadow of the looming mountains that guarded Elfi from the outside world.

  There was no sign of Tristan or my grandmother. I had no way of knowing if the Elite had reached them in time. I closed my eyes and tried summoning the dragon, but Abraxas was silent. I tried everything I could to find the magic within me to break the curse and free him, but no answer came, and time was running out.

  As Lucian drew closer, I realized these weren’t ordinary soldiers he had brought with him. They were Drakaar!

  I looked around at how many Drakaar he had brought into Elfi and my blood ran cold. The Elders were mad to allow this. So many Drakaar in one place could easily summon an army of Shadow Demons within seconds. Without the fire-fae warriors, they would be helpless. And as much as I would like to think I could, I could not take on a whole army of Drakaar alone.

  I looked up. Although I couldn’t see them, I knew their gorgoths were probably positioned overhead in the mountains, waiting for their masters to call them down to wreak havoc on the fae.

  Lucian didn’t need more soldiers; his army was already here.

  The archmage sat astride a black stallion in the middle of the field, the Drakaar flanking him on all sides. I glanced around, taking in everyone’s positions. Andromeda and the Elders stood at the front of the fae army, their faces drawn and resigned to defeat.

  Lucian spoke first. “I’m glad you have finally come to your senses,” remarked the Archmage of Avalonia, his voice clear and loud. “The fae council is wise. You know you cannot win against my army.” He got off his horse and walked closer, his black mage robes billowing in the wind.

  “Queen Andromeda.” He stressed the word queen. “Have you brought the book?’

  The others were silent, but one of the Elders raised an eyebrow and glanced at Andromeda.

  “Queen?” asked Elder Dyanara. She looked back at Lucian. “You seem to be mistaken, Archmage. Andromeda is not our queen.”

  “Apologies,” he taunted, tilting his head and putting his finger mockingly to his lips. He was obviously not sorry at all. “Was I not supposed to reveal that yet? Well, I’ll let you all fight that out by yourselves. All I want is what I came for and I shall be on my way.”

  Andromeda stepped forward and addressed the council and the warriors that stood behind them. “Izadora is dead,” she said plainly.

  A gasp went up through the ranks. Was it true? Tristan hadn’t returned with my grandmother, and time was almost up.

  “I will be your queen,” Andromeda shouted to the warriors. But there were no cries of joy or supportive cheering. There was only the sound of the quickening beat of my heart.

  The Elders looked startled, but Dyanara narrowed her eyes. “You cannot be crowned queen without the Elder Council’s support.”

  “I don’t need your support,” snapped Andromeda. “Morgana has already accepted me as Queen of Elfi. If any of you don’t agree you can spend the rest of your days in the dungeons of the Crystal Castle. Once we are done with this I will be dissolving the council.”

  “You cannot dissolve the council,” countered Elder Silias. “We will not permit it.”

  “Fool,” replied Andromeda with a sneer. “I can and I have. You have no choice. As we speak my troops are taking over the capital. Anyone still loyal to Izadora will be killed.” Andromeda took out something from the saddlebag beside her and stepped forward. The Book of Abraxas rested in her hand.

  Lucian’s eyes lit up and he held out his hand. “Come,” he snapped, “bring it to me. And bring me the girl, too. Where is she?”

  “Locked in a dungeon, where she belongs,” replied Andromeda.

  “That was not the deal,” Lucian hissed, his eyes narrowing. “There is no dungeon that can hold Aurora Firedrake. I want the girl.”

  “Deal’s changed,” smirked Andromeda. “The cuffs Morgana sent me to subdue Aurora’s magic have worked very well. She is powerless.” She paused. “You can have the book. Once I know Morgana will keep her end of the bargain and I am crowned Queen of Elfi with her support, only then will I hand over the Firedrake princess. After you remove your troops from Elfi.”

  “You will regret this, Andromeda,” said the archmage. “Morgana does not deal lightly with those who try to cross her.”

  “Take the book,” said Andromeda, holding it up. “Remove your troops from my lands and I will hand the girl over to you.”

  The archmage smiled, white teeth flashing as his obsidian eyes grew darker. “I’m afraid I can’t do that,” said Lucian. “Without Izadora you are weak, and with the girl locked up, you have no one to defend your puny kingdom. You High Fae think you still rule the world. But I have news for you. You cannot stop me. Look around.”

  Shadow Demons appeared on both sides of the fae army as the Drakaar summoned their hideous henchmen. Gorgoths flew down from the mountains as I had predicted. Lucian never meant to leave Elfi in peace.

  “I will take the book and I will take the girl,” declared Lucian, “and when I am done, I will raze the Crystal Castle to the ground and destroy all the fae who oppose Morgana once and for all.”

  It was time.

  I flew Snow down to the battlefield and jumped off the pegasus between Lucian’s army and the fae; Lucian’s eyes widened in surprise when he saw me.

  “If you want the book, Lucian—” my hands started to glow, “—you will have to go through me.”

  “Ah! Our little Firedrake,” exclaimed the Archmage of Avalonia. “I’m so glad you decided to join us. You may be dressed like a warrior, but I know unde
r all that swagger is a scared little princess who wants to go home. I gave you a chance to do just that.” He paused, assessing me, and his dark eyes swirled with the confidence he had won.

  “Now, of course, that offer is off the table,” Lucian went on. “You have no friends here; the fae were quite relieved to hand you over to me. And I can understand why. I do know what a handful you can be. That was quite a feat you pulled off in Calos and with the Drakaar in Brandor.” He clucked his tongue in displeasure as if I were a child. “It wasn’t very nice of you, was it?”

  He folded his hands in front of him. “Your family is mostly dead. We know where the rebels are hiding, and the Blackwaters will flush them out soon enough. Silverthorne will give up his key eventually, especially when I torture you right in front of his eyes. I shall so enjoy hearing you scream.” He laughed. “Your precious Prince Rafael is going to marry another. He doesn’t care what happens to you anymore.”

  I kept quiet and let him talk as I gathered my magic and let it build within me. Lucian was so full of himself and was so sure he had won. But his arrogance made him underestimate me, and I vowed that this was the last time anyone would underestimate Aurora Firedrake.

  The immense power within me rose up. I flung it out in a wall of shimmering magic hundreds of feet high, creating a barrier between Lucian’s army and the fae, stopping Andromeda from going over to them with the book.

  “What are you doing, foolish girl?” Andromeda screamed, hitting the wall of magic that had risen in front of us.

  At the same time a portal opened beside me swirling with silver mist, and the queen of the fae stepped through, followed by Rhiannon, Tristan, Aiden, Erik, and the rest of the Elite.

  “She is doing what we should have done a long time ago,” replied Izadora, her immortal face calm, but I could see a strain on her power. She had not fully recovered.

  Andromeda stopped in her tracks. “Aiden, what is the meaning of this? Izadora is supposed to be dead.”

  Aiden ignored his mother.


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