Rogue Assassin

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Rogue Assassin Page 3

by Adam Johnson

  The look of anger that flashed in Chase’s eyes should have scared the magic out of me, but it didn’t. If anything, it only made the smirk on my lips wider. If the wolf had wanted to kill me, he would have done so by now. He would have done it while I had been lying comatose on the ground. I realised then that Chase was all bark and no bite. Which made me wonder if what had been said about him was really true.

  “You know I could have killed you? Instead I spent the night watching over you, making sure no-one tried to harm you,” he snarled.

  “I didn’t ask you to.” I retorted.

  Chase let out a frustrated growl.

  “Why didn’t you kill me?” I questioned.

  “Because, Maya, I think we can be of use to each other,” he replied.

  I let out a laugh as my eyes scanned the area again, hoping that something would look familiar enough to help me figure my way out. Nothing jumped out at me, and I realised that I was going to have to humour the wolf if I had any hope of getting home to my bed that day.

  “What use could I possibly have for a wolf? Apart from a nice fur coat.”

  “I can tell you the quickest way home. I can also bring useful information to the coven about what is going on in town, and out here. Whatever is killing my kind will eventually set itself onto other Supernaturals. None of us are safe,” he told me.

  This made me stop and really ponder his words. It seemed Chase knew more about this killer than most thought. Which, of course, if he was speaking the truth, would mean that he wasn’t the killer. I narrowed my eyes at him, not sure I was ready to trust a wolf, let alone one I knew was an exceptionally good liar. But if I was to get myself out of this current situation I would have to play along. For now.

  “What's in it for you, wolf?” I asked.

  “You put a permanent scent blocker on me.”

  “You never want someone to know your scent again?”

  “Is there a way you can do it so I can choose if I want the blocker on or not? Can you weave a magic within me to give me that power?” He asked.

  I didn’t answer for a moment as I studied Chase carefully. He was being serious about it all. I wanted to know why.


  “I don’t need to tell you that, not at the moment,” he replied.

  "Fine, you won’t tell me why you want to be able to hide so dramatically, then I won’t help you," I said, turning away from him and making my way towards another path into the forest.

  “That’s still not the right way,” he called.

  Clenching and unclenching my fists in frustration, I turned back to face him. This wolf was going to be the death of me, literally.

  “If I agree to think about it, will you help me get home?” I proposed.

  “Can you do it?” He asked

  I nodded slightly.

  “It can be done, but it’s dark magic.”

  Chase seemed to ponder my words, I didn’t think dark magic would have been a problem for him. It wasn’t like he was an innocent wolf that did no wrong. I was certain this would be right up his street. Finally, a dark smile spread across his handsome features, and he held out his hand. I reached forward, taking it in mine, and there was a rush of soul crushing electricity. My magic danced dangerously within me. Why did I have a feeling this wolf was going to make me do more than just a dark spell?

  Chase gripped my hand tightly, shaking it as he did, our eyes never leaving each other.

  “It seems, little witch, that we have a deal.”

  Chapter 4


  I watched the witch as she headed back to her coven, never once looking back over her shoulder. I, on the other hand, couldn’t help but watch her pretty arse disappear into the woods, the early morning light dancing playfully off it. She was a beautiful witch; one I would happily get to know better.

  I was no longer part of my pack, which meant I could have fun with whatever Supernatural I wanted. I would never touch a human, that was the only line I would draw. But witches; well witches were something I had every interest in exploring inside and out.

  Sliding down against the tree, I lazily watched the waterfall pool into the pond, pondering the last few hours and the deal I had just struck. Maya had said she would think about my proposal, but I knew that she would help me. There was a curiosity in her eyes when we had spoken. Not to mention the darkness that danced just below her surface, a darkness I myself was very familiar with.

  I dabbled with my own darkness often.

  I had my reasons for wanting a scent blocker I could control. I was already assumed a murderer amongst my kind, so why should I not protect myself? The forest had become my domain, no matter what Maya had said. I knew of everything that passed through here, except for whatever it was that was killing in Evervale. I hadn’t managed to figure that out yet, but I would and then I would take my findings to my father and he would let me back into the pack. Well, a wolf could dream, couldn’t he?

  “I’m not sure I would mess with that one.”

  I rolled my eyes as the mage that had spoken stepped out from behind a tree. I didn’t even bother glancing him as he took a seat next to me.

  “Hello, Macintosh,” I greeted him.

  “You know that she is the daughter of the head witch, don’t you?”

  “No, but I do now. What do you expect me to do, Mac? You won’t help me-“

  “That’s not true, Chase. I can’t help you. I don’t have the magic to do it,” he interrupted me.

  “But Maya does?” I asked, finally looking at the him.

  The elemental mage nodded in reply, making me smile slightly. I knew I had sensed a dark power within her; I knew she would be able to help me protect myself. But I wanted so much more from her. I had the moment I had seen her collapse in a drunken state at the waterfall. It was the only reason I had watched over her through the night. I was curious about her, and I couldn’t wait to get to know her better. And I would get to know her better. I always got what I wanted.

  “She isn’t like the rest of us, though. She infuriates Lola, her mother. Maya would be a brilliant witch if she would just embrace her powers,” Macintosh told me.

  “She doesn’t want to? Why?”

  “I have no idea. Seems she has a lot in common with your little brother, Chase. He doesn’t cope well with pressure.”

  I shot him a glare. Maya was nothing like my brother. Riley was pathetic, a weak wolf. Maya was strong, powerful and beautiful. It made me want her even more. We would make a powerful team. I had a feeling she would be my way back into the pack.

  “She said she would help me.”

  “Correction, she said she would think about it,” Macintosh pointed out.

  “I know what she meant, Mac. She will help me, she was curious about me.” I smirked.

  “I think you underestimate Maya, Chase. She is sassy and doesn’t take shit.”

  “I like a challenge, and Maya is certainly one I will gladly accept,” I told him.

  The mage just shook his head as he stood, I didn’t follow suit. Instead, I stayed sat in my spot, I had nowhere to be and no reason to leave my favourite place in Evervale.

  “You are an interesting wolf, Chase. I must admit that is what keeps me coming back to you for company. You are a refreshing release from the coven. Though I wouldn’t want to imagine what punishment I would get if Lola knew I was meeting with you.” Macintosh grinned.

  “Funnily enough, my little brother said that to me yesterday when he met me here. He was concerned about the punishment that he would get should our father catching him talking to me. Seems I’m a bad influence,” I smirked.

  “I know it won’t matter what I say about Maya. I can tell that once you have your sights set on something you won’t stop. Just be careful, Chase. You need to understand her powers before you encourage her to unleash them. And remember, any deal you make with a witch
comes at a price. We never do anything for free,” Macintosh said.

  “Thanks for the warning, Mac.”

  The mage simply inclined his head in response, before leaving me alone. I sighed deeply, allowing the silence to wash over me. I couldn’t help but smile at my friend’s remark about the dreaded punishment he would get should he get caught socialising with a wolf.

  Macintosh had been the one to find me a few weeks after I had been banished from the pack. I had been badly injured in a hunt gone wrong. I had tried to take on Stag and failed for the first and last time. Macintosh had cured me using the control he had over the elements and what little power he had in healing. He had been good to me and had become my only friend in this forest. After Luke, my father’s Beta, had been killed I had approached him. Seeking a way to protect myself. He hadn’t been able to help, but had assured me there was a witch that could. That was all, it was up to me to find that witch that could help me. I had, and now I had to make her mine. Convince her that we would make a great team. How difficult could that be?

  Chapter 5


  I had struck a deal with a wolf.

  I had damn well struck a deal with one of the fleabags I hated.

  I had struck a deal with the deadliest wolf in Evervale. I was a fucking idiot. If my mother found out... Well that was something not worth thinking about. How the hell was I going to back out of this one? I mean I had said I would think about helping him. But let’s be honest, my curiosity would get the better of me and I would do the goddamn spell.

  Chase was a creature full of so much intrigue that there was no way I could ignore the chance to get to know him. He had been made out to be the villain of Evervale. Somehow, I knew deep down that he wasn’t the myth that had been spoken about him.

  I jumped at the sudden knock on my bedroom door, body tensing, wondering who it was. If it was Kira it would be fine, she was my closest friend in the coven and the only one I could really trust. If it was my mother, well, that was another story.

  “Come in,” I called out.

  The door opened and to my relief Kira stepped into the room. Letting out the breath I had been holding, I flashed her a slight smile.

  “Wow, you look like shit. What happened to you last night?” She greeted me.

  You could always rely on the necromancer to speak honestly. It was one of the many things I loved about Kira. You always knew where you stood with her, and she always spoke the truth.

  “I had every intention to leave but Willow has her ways. She convinced me to stay and keep her company. So, I did, and I got very drunk. So drunk I managed to wake up in the middle of Evervale forest,” I explained to her, leaving out the part about Chase for now. Kira stared at me wide eyed for a moment, before bursting into laughter. I sat on my bed glaring at her, waiting for her to finish, regretting not grabbing a cup of coffee on my way to my room. I had opted instead to make quick work of the stairs, in hopes of avoiding my mother.

  It had worked, for now.

  “Why didn’t you call me, Maya? I would have picked you up from the Inn. Or at least rung me this morning to meet you in the forest,” Kira said, taking a seat on the bed next to me.

  “I didn’t take my phone with me last night, and I didn’t want to disturb the ritual.”

  “Yeah, about that. Your mother wasn’t very happy you weren’t there last night. It doesn’t look good on her if her only daughter boycotts an important tradition. You should be warned, she will be hunting you down today,” Kira told me.

  I sighed deeply, not surprised by this. I knew that I would have upset a few people by missing the Halloween ritual. If I was honest, I didn’t care. I had made my choice to not tap into my powers. Why would I want to celebrate them along with the others? I shuddered at the thought of my little deal with the wolf. If I did agree to help him I would be using my magic; using a part of me that I had been denying the whole twenty years I had been alive. I hadn’t lied when I had told Chase what he wanted me to do was dark magic. I would be drawing on his soul and binding it with something I wasn’t sure he would completely understand.

  “What are you thinking about, Maya? Because you didn’t hear a word I just said to you,” Kira interrupted my thoughts. I sent her an apologetic look, wondering if I should tell her about Chase. I trusted her, but I also knew how loyal she was to the coven and to my mother. Her own parents were high up amongst the witching council, and my mother’s closest friends. If they found out at all, by some unfortunate slip up, I was in big trouble.

  “So, I know by the silence you are weighing up the options of keeping something pretty important from me. How about you don’t, and you spill about what really happened last night?” Kira prompted me.

  “You have to promise me that this doesn’t get back to your parents, or worst of all my mother,” I told her firmly. Kira nodded, her eyes dancing with excitement at the knowledge I was about to share something pretty big, and pretty stupid, with her.

  “So, I met Chase Nakamura this morning. He was there when I woke, looking all smug, cocky and dangerous-“

  “How the spellhell did you survive that? He’s a fucking nutcase. One unhinged wolf.”

  “I’m fully aware of all that, but here I sit. Alive, unharmed. But we did talk, and I may have struck a deal with him. Although in my defence I did say I would think on it.” Kira sat in silence for a moment, staring at me like I had gone mad, which I was starting to think I had.

  “What did he want from you?” She finally asked.

  “To make a scent blocker he had control over. One he could use when needed, but drop it if he wanted to be found,” I replied. Kira let out a low whistle, keeping her violet eyes on me. I could tell she was mildly impressed, but I could also see fear in her gaze. She was worried for me; just as I was worried for myself.

  “You’re going to help him, aren’t you? I can see it in your eyes. Maya, if you do decide to, please be careful. What he wants you to do is very dark magic. It goes against everything you have been trying to protect yourself from all your life. Once you unleash this side of your magic, you have to ask yourself if you will be able to control it,” Kira told me gently.

  I let out a long breath, suddenly feeling exhausted. Kira was right. If I agreed to this, I would be tapping into magic I had sworn never to touch. My father had dabbled in the darker side of spells and it had eventually killed him. He had become so consumed by the power and the darkness that he had ended up killing not just himself but many of our coven.

  “Sleep on it, Maya. Don’t make any rash decisions while you are this exhausted and hungover. Get some rest. I will be back later with a coffee from your favourite shop in the village, and maybe a cake if you’re lucky.” Kira grinned. I returned her smile with my own tired one. She was right; I couldn’t do anything about it right now, and I needed sleep. A lot of sleep. The hangover was kicking in with a vengeance now. My bed was calling me. Crawling under the covers, not bothering to get undressed, I closed my eyes and let the morning slip away from me.

  Pushing Chase Nakamura from my mind.

  Chapter 6


  There was an eerie stillness surrounding the edge of Evervale forest as I eased myself into the cold water of the small lake. It was the only place I had to wash myself. The only time I could was in the thick of night when I was certain nothing and no-one would find me. Normally, I would be joined by the odd owl, or night animal that held no interest to me; but tonight, I was alone. Very alone, and it made me uneasy.

  Pushing any dark thoughts from my mind for a moment, I allowed myself to relax as the fresh water washed over me. Closing my eyes as I leant my head back against the bank, I took just a moment to enjoy the peace. It didn’t last long. A rustle in the bushes nearby caught my attention, putting my wolf on high alert. Pulling myself out of the water, getting ready to shift should I need to, I lifted my head to the air allowing my wolf to sniff. The scen
t that reached me was one I knew. One I had got to know that morning.

  My little witch had returned to me.

  “You can come out, Maya. There is no use lurking when you are near a wolf,” I called. I made my way to where I had left my clothing, pulling on the tattered jeans and shirt, smirking at the look on the witch’s face as she emerged into the clearing. I didn’t miss the way those ice coloured eyes trailed down my naked form, before she turned her gaze elsewhere.

  “I didn’t expect to see you again so soon. I thought you would have been catching up on your beauty sleep, recovering from your big night,” I smirked. Maya cleared her throat, taking a seat on the bank. Removing her shoes, she dangled her feet in the clear water.

  “I did contemplate that, but curiosity got the better of me and I decided to come and find you so we could talk more. You aren’t an easy wolf to track down, Chase,” she replied. I shrugged as I took a seat next to her.

  “What do you expect? I live in the forest, I have to be careful. We don’t know what is out here, especially with everything going on in Evervale at the moment,” I replied. Maya just nodded in silent agreement, keeping her gaze fixed ahead. I took a moment to study her, taking in every little detail of her quirky beauty. From the cropped blue hair, to the rebellious gothic fashion style Maya truly was something new and exciting to me.

  “I can feel your eyes on me, Chase,” she said, as she locked her gaze with my own. Smirking, I made a very obvious sweep of her body before resting my eyes on her lips, running my tongue over my own. She was so close, it would be so easy to devour her right here.

  “I won’t talk to you while your brain is in your pants, wolf,” she snapped. Holding my hands up in mock surrender, I gave her one last smirk, before leaning back lazily on the bank.

  “So, little witch, what is you want to talk to me about?” I asked.


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