Woven Dreams

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Woven Dreams Page 9

by N. J. Walters

  Garrik turned and placed his hand on her arm, even as he held a finger to his mouth to silence her. Fear spiked through her, making her tremble. Was there someone up ahead? Had her brothers found her?

  Her feet were frozen to the spot, but Garrik tugged her behind him. When he reached the edge of a large clearing, he stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her. She began to relax and breathe again when she realized that she wasn’t sensing any tension from him. He raised his hand and pointed to the far side of the meadow.

  A mother and baby deer were munching away, oblivious to the danger of the man approaching. Genny bit her lip in indecision. Surely Garrik wouldn’t kill one of the deer for them to eat. Not a mother and baby.

  She knew that if her brothers were here that both animals would already be dead and they’d be boasting about the easy kill. Instead, Garrik was holding her in his arms, sharing the magical moment with her. Everything inside her relaxed. He would not kill them. Garrik was nothing like her brothers. He respected nature and the order of things. These animals would live another day and the baby would one day grow into a fine animal. Perhaps someday they might end up as a meal on the table, but not today.

  His forearm brushed the undersides of her breasts and his warm breath tickled her neck as he leaned down. “Genny.” He didn’t say anything other than her name, but it set a whole group of butterflies to fluttering in her stomach.

  She could feel his mouth, open and warm, on her neck. His tongue snaked out to lick at the vein pulsing heavily beneath her skin. Her head fell back against his shoulder. Between the warmth of the afternoon and the heat of desire beginning to course through her veins, a sweet lassitude swept through her body.

  “Genny,” he whispered again just before he caught the lobe of her ear between his teeth and gently tugged. That seemingly innocent sensation made her moan with pleasure. “Why don’t you take off your dress? You’ll be much cooler without it.”

  His fingers were already at the laces in the front, loosening them. He eased her away from him long enough to sweep the dress over her head. Without the heavier garment, her body was immediately cooler. The slight breeze penetrated the light cotton chemise. With two narrow straps holding it up on her shoulders, the thin fabric flowed down to her knees. Her breasts pressed against the front and the outline of her dark nipples could easily be seen.

  While she’d been enjoying the slight reprieve from the heat, Garrik had slipped the pack off his shoulder and set it aside. Her dress had been folded and placed atop it. His gaze never leaving her, he unbuckled his sword and placed it on the ground next to the pack. She watched him out of the corner of her eye, not wanting to face him just yet. The mother and baby deer had disappeared, slipping into the forest when she and Garrik had moved.

  Suddenly restless, she meandered further out into the meadow. It truly was beautiful. Wildflowers in a variety of colors poked out from the thick bed of grass that grew. Spreading her arms wide, Genny twirled around in the center until she was giddy. She was free and alive. The sensation was intoxicating.

  When she finally came to a staggering halt, she glanced down at the ground, which seemed to still be shifting beneath her. A patch of lovely purple violets caught her eyes. “Oh, aren’t they beautiful!”

  “Beautiful.” Her head jerked up as he spoke. His pale blue eyes seemed to glow as he stared at her and not the flowers. There was a large bulge in the front of his pants and his broad shoulders gleamed with a fine sheen of sweat.

  As he slowly stalked toward her, she found herself unable to move. He circled her slowly, his body brushing hers. The air around them seemed to thicken and she was finding it harder to breathe. He stopped behind her and she flinched when his finger traced one of the scars near the top of her back.

  “Shh,” he crooned. “I would never hurt you.” Strong fingers slipped beneath the thin straps on her shoulders, slowly lowering them down her arms until they caught at her elbows. The fabric slipped down behind her, exposing her back to his view. “So much pain.” His lips started at her nape and descended toward the small of her back. Slowly, tenderly, he kissed every scar, every welt. “Who did this to you?”

  Genny bit her lip to keep from crying. Her eyes were filled with unshed tears and she blinked to hold them back. Crying never solved anything. She shook her head. She didn’t want to talk about that part of her life and she couldn’t even if she did. Garrik and Jarmon could never know about her brothers.

  “No matter. They will not hurt you again. You will stay with us. Won’t you, Genny?” His hands slipped around her waist as he spoke and, before she could muster a coherent reply, they slid upward and cupped her breasts. “Look at yourself, Genny. Watch me as I pleasure your breasts.”

  All thoughts of a reply of any kind disappeared in a haze of sensual delight. Looking down, she was enthralled with the sight of his large, dark hands wrapped around the much paler swells of her breasts. His fingers kneaded and caressed and his thumbs began to trace the outline of her nipples. They puckered tight, the nubs pressing into the pads of his thumbs.

  “Let me love you, Genny.” His low voice, filled with need, was as seductive as the slow movements of his hands.

  “Yes,” she all but moaned. Her knees buckled and he lowered her gently to the ground, kneeling behind her. There was no thought of denial. She wanted Garrik as much as she’d wanted Jarmon. Wanted to feel her body tighten around his swollen shaft as he thrust deep into her warmth.

  All her life, she’d hardly dared to dream about having a normal life, the kind of life most women of her world enjoyed. Only since she’d begun creating the tapestry, which had become her escape, her secret pleasure, had she even begun to entertain thoughts of having a husband of her own as well as a brother-in-law who would protect, care and pleasure her too. Mostly, it had been nothing but a fantasy, something that she’d never really believed would happen. Now, she had the opportunity to live her dreams, if only for a few days. She openly embraced each experience, knowing she might never have the chance again.

  Threats of her brothers and the Luther brothers loomed large. She didn’t think they’d just let her go. No, Leon would not want to lose the gold and the alliance her marriage would bring. They were probably searching for her even now. She shuddered and shoved the thought from her mind.

  “Genny?” Garrik’s hands stilled on her breasts. He’d sensed the change in her but had misinterpreted the cause. He removed his hands and began to slide the straps of her chemise back up her arms. “It’s all right if you’re not ready,” he soothed.

  “No!” she all but yelled. She would not let her brothers taint this experience. “No,” she said again, and this time the word was softer. “I want your hands on me.” She swallowed hard, her throat suddenly dry as she spoke the words she knew he needed to hear. “I want you, Garrik.”

  He shifted behind her, pressing closer. His knees surrounded hers and he embraced her in his strong arms. His chest covered her back and his erection pressed against her lower back. “You are sure?”

  Rather than reply, she pulled away from him and scooted around so she was facing him. He dropped his arms back to his sides and made no move to stop her. He watched her carefully, as if he was afraid to make any sudden move that might frighten her. But it was the expression on his face that gave her the courage to continue. His blue eyes were soft with an emotion she didn’t dare to put a name on, but she felt an answering yearning in her heart. How had he come to mean so much to her in such a short time?

  Gripping the hem of her chemise in her hands, she tugged the fabric over her head. She tossed the garment aside, rested her hands on her thighs and waited. Her sex was aching to be filled, in spite of the fact that she was still a bit sore from earlier. Cream seeped from her, softening her body, preparing for his possession. The heat carried the scent of her arousal to her nostrils as she sucked in a deep breath.

  Like some great statue carved from stone, Garrik watched her. His eyes skimmed slowly over he

r body, taking in every curve, every hollow. “Part your legs.” His voice was hoarse with need and she sensed that his control was precarious at best. Rather than frightening her, it pleased her that he wanted her as badly as she wanted him.

  She slid her legs apart. The ground was warm beneath her, the grass tickling her sensitive skin.

  “Put your hands between your thighs and spread the lips of your pussy wide.” Heat coursed through her at his graphic instructions. “Show yourself to me.”

  Slipping her hands between her legs, she did as he asked. It was surreal to be sitting on the edge of a beautiful meadow in the hot summer sun, totally naked with her legs spread wide, exposing herself to a man. She looked down at herself. Her skin was glowing from the combination of sun and perspiration. Her nipples were diamond tips, begging for his touch. Damp curls clung to her mound. Her fingers were slick as they spread the folds of her sex wide, the pink flesh glistening, slippery and wet.

  Garrik reached out and his large hand covered her mound before he slid a long, thick finger straight into her. She moaned and squirmed as her inner muscles wrapped lovingly around him.

  “You are so wet and hot.” She could hear the mixture of awe and pleasure in his voice. “And it’s all for me, isn’t it?”

  He pulled his finger almost out, circling it just inside her opening. “Yes,” she cried out as he inserted another finger and pushed the two of them deep. His thumb lazily began to caress her clitoris and she cried out again, unable to stop herself. Her skin prickled, her breathing became more and more shallow as she began to rock her hips, working in rhythm with his fingers, pushing them deeper with every inward thrust.

  “That’s it,” he crooned. “Come for me, Genny. Show me how much you want me to fuck your luscious body.”

  Cupping one of her breasts with his free hand, he captured her nipple and lightly pinched it. At the same time, he thrust his fingers deep and pressed his thumb over her clitoris. Hard contractions rocked her and her body jerked as she came. Liquid flowed from her core and onto his hand. He continued the rhythmic movements of both hands until she cried out, begging him to stop. It was too much.

  Gasping for breath, she caught herself before she slumped over. The ground was warm beneath her fingers and she curled them into the meadow floor for support.

  She jerked and groaned when Garrik removed his hands from her. He caught her chin with one hand and licked her lips until she parted them. He slid his tongue inside and leisurely and thoroughly kissed her. Her head spun. She could barely breathe. But he tasted oh so fine. Hot and male and almost spicy as his tongue stroked against hers. When he finally pulled away, she sucked air into her starving lungs.

  He brought his other hand to her mouth and skimmed his fingers over her lips. “Taste yourself.” Bringing his own mouth close, he flicked his tongue over his fingers, licking off some of the evidence of her orgasm. “Taste.”

  Unable to resist, she closed her mouth over the tip of one of his fingers. The taste was unusual but not unpleasant. Musky and warm, it mixed with the salt from his skin. She sucked his finger deeper. Garrik groaned and the grip on her chin tightened.

  “I can’t wait until that hot, lush mouth is wrapped around my cock, sucking it until I come.” His raw words shot through her like a lightning bolt.

  Where moments before she’d felt sated, now she felt an overwhelming need coursing through her body. She wanted his cock in her mouth. She wanted Jarmon’s too. Would they taste similar or different? Pulling away from him, she released his fingers and stared down at the bulge of his pants. She reached out and unlaced the ties, pushing the confining fabric aside. His cock sprang free. It was slightly shorter than Jarmon’s, but thicker as it rose from its nest of dark blond curls. The bulbous head was red and fluid seeped from the tip. Her body thrummed with desire as she wondered how it would feel as he thrust in and out of her core.

  Licking her lips, she began to lower her head. She barely touched the head with her tongue when he jerked her away. “Not this time, Genny,” he gasped, his breathing harsh and heavy. “I’m too close. This time I want to be inside you when we both come.”

  She scooted closer, trying to climb into his lap, but again he stopped her. “I want to take you from behind.” His chest was heaving with the effort it took to control himself. “I want you on your hands and knees as I cover you and fuck you from behind. I want to hear the wet smack of my stomach against your ass as I drive my cock deep. I want my balls to slap your pussy.”

  She’d stopped breathing totally as she pictured what he wanted. He came up on his knees and pushed his pants down around his thighs. His cock bobbed toward her and she felt an answering clench in her core. Turning, she went up on her hands and knees in front of him. She spread her thighs wide, knowing he could see her wet pink flesh.

  He grabbed her chemise and placed it on the ground in front of her. “Lower your head.” She did and the motion caused her behind to arch higher.

  His hands covered the mounds of her bottom, squeezing tight. “You have a gorgeous ass.” He dipped one hand between her legs, coating two fingers with her juices. Slowly, he dragged them up the dark cleft to her behind. She gasped when he massaged the puckered opening of her behind. “I want to fuck your bottom too.” She whimpered. “But that won’t happen today or tomorrow. This is all too new to you. If we were home there is a salve I could rub on my fingers and cock and inside your ass that would make penetration easy. Not only that, the herbs would heighten your pleasure until you were begging me to fuck you.”

  Genny quivered as he pushed the tip of one finger past the tight ring of muscles. Oh, gods, he had his finger in her ass. Rather than being appalled, she was aroused. Her mind was spinning with the possibilities. If she could indeed take him into her in that manner, then she could take both men at once. A deep yearning built in her chest, an ache so hard that she almost cried. It would never happen because she wouldn’t be going back with them. Tears pricked her eyes and she swallowed a sob.

  Garrik pushed his finger deep, stretching her. It was difficult but not painful. His other hand began to stroke the folds of her sex, lightly caressing her swollen clitoris. She found herself automatically pushing her hips back toward him, wanting more. The action drove his finger deeper into her.

  He eased his finger almost all the way out. She tensed when she sensed him pushing a second finger inside. “I can’t,” she panted, even as she pushed her bottom back against him.

  “You can.” He leaned down and nipped her bottom and then licked the sting away. “Just relax.”

  He had the tips of the two fingers just inside. It was uncomfortable, but she forced herself to try and relax. Garrik stroked a finger into her pussy and began to slowly drag it over the top wall of her vagina as he pulled it out. Her body clenched hard and then released. He shoved the two fingers in her ass deeper. Pleasure warred with pain as her body accepted this newest invasion.

  She was on the edge of coming again, the erotic tension gathering in her lower body. Her breath was coming in hard pants and she rested her forehead against her chemise, focusing on trying to breathe.

  Garrik slowly removed his fingers from her behind. Instead of relief, she cried out at the loss. “That’s enough for this time. But soon . . .”

  She wanted to argue the point, but he was already scooting between her thighs, his hips spreading them wider as he made a place for himself. The head of his cock slid inside her opening. “Garrik,” she moaned. She needed all of him. Now. She was wound tight, perched on the edge of orgasm.

  He leaned over her, covering her back with his chest. He cupped her breasts in his large hands and without warning shoved his cock deep. Her entire body clenched and she cried out. Yes! This was what she wanted. Needed.

  “More,” she urged. “Harder.”

  Garrik wasted no time in pulling back and thrusting again. His grip on her breasts kept her from sliding forward. True to his word, he fucked her hard, the smack of his stomach against
her ass loud and arousing. She felt his balls slap the sensitive folds of her pussy with every deep plunge.

  Digging her fingers deep into the dirt, she hung on as he drove harder and deeper. Her inner muscles clenched and relaxed at an increasing pace. She gulped in air as Garrik pounded into her from behind. He jerked upward, his cock buried to the hilt as he pulled her back hard against him. She felt his semen flood into her and it set off her own orgasm.

  Her vagina milked his cock as they both cried out. She would have been flat on the ground if it weren’t for Garrik’s hands holding her up. Her arms and legs trembled and her body spasmed with pleasure.

  He grunted, pulled out of her and collapsed on the ground beside her. As soon as his hands left her, she crumpled. She lay there, her face on her chemise, her body on the dirt and grass. When she finally caught her breath, she opened her eyes. Garrik was lying next to her, his eyes closed. He looked younger and more at peace than he had since she’d first met him. As if he sensed her watching him, he opened one eye. A slow smile spread on his face. “You look totally debauched.”

  She giggled. “You should see yourself.” His pants were down around his knees and he still had his boots on. She was still wearing her own boots, for that matter.

  The hot sun began to make her skin feel hot and prickly. Uncomfortable, she rolled over on her back and threw an arm over her eyes to protect them from the harsh rays. “I’m going to have a sunburn,” she grumbled.

  Garrik swore and surged to his feet instantly. She shifted her arm and squinted up at him in time to watch him yank his pants up and quickly lace them. Reaching down, he scooped her into his arms and moved her into the shade of a tree. When he was sure she was steady on her feet, he went back for her chemise. Shaking it out, he brought it back and slipped it back on her body before dropping a kiss on her shoulder. “I’m sorry. I should have thought that your skin hasn’t been exposed to the sun the way mine has.”

  “It’s okay.” Her back and shoulders were beginning to feel tight and prickly. Her face didn’t feel much better either.


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