Massimo: The Anastasi Family Syndicate Book One : Social Rejects Syndicate

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Massimo: The Anastasi Family Syndicate Book One : Social Rejects Syndicate Page 4

by LC Taylor

  Sighing, I nodded at his words. “Yeah, it’s not like I’d choose to be there if I had other options.”

  I spat out the address, surprised to see his expression never changed. Either he really didn’t care, or he was an expert at schooling his features.

  As soon as the car came to a stop, I shoved open the door and hopped out. The driver met me at my side, steadying the door as I stepped onto the sidewalk.

  “Thank you. Wait...” I looked at his face. “I don’t even know your name.”

  “Freddy, Ma’am.”

  “Freddy, please call me Madison. Thank you so much for the ride.”

  “It was my pleasure, Miss Madison. It’s nice to drive around a beautiful woman instead of Mr. Anastasi.”

  “You mean you’ve never given any of the other employees a ride?”

  “No. You're the first. Have a good evening.”

  I watched as he got back in the car and pulled off. It was odd to me that no other employee had ever been taken home. I was sure Massimo said he always made sure his employees were safe.

  Climbing the steps up to my sad apartment, I felt good, until I got to the top of the steps and gasped. My door had been busted in, leaving it hanging on one hinge. Racing inside, my breath left my lungs when I saw the damage to what little belongings I had. My couch had been cut up, leaving foam and stuffing strewn all over the floor. The dresser was tipped on its side, the drawers and what little in clothing I had, was scattered across the apartment.

  I hurried to the kitchen where I’d stashed my laptop. Yanking open the cabinet; I released the air I’d been holding when I saw my bag still tucked safely inside. Tugging it out to me, I slid down onto my butt and held it against my chest. If they’d taken my computer, I would have been completely screwed. It was my only form of communication and held all my schoolwork.

  Pushing up off the floor, I threw the messenger bag over my shoulder and headed toward the front door. Whoever had broken in, fucked up the door something awful. I tried to wedge it back over the opening, realizing very quickly there was no way to fix it. Leaning it against the wall, I headed over to my neighbor’s apartment. I didn’t really talk to the other people in my building because they were usually drunk or high, but I needed to get a hold of the building super.

  Knocking on the door across the hall from me, I waited. I could hear someone walking toward the front of the apartment. The door opened in a whoosh. “What the fuck do you want?” The man was only wearing a pair of basketball shorts and reeked of weed.

  “Can I borrow your phone? My apartment was broken into.”

  “Use your own phone.”

  The wood hit me in the nose as he slammed it closed. I jumped back, wrapping my arms around my middle. If I had my own phone, I’d have already called the police myself. Swallowing my tears, I adjusted my bag on my shoulder. I hurried down the stairs and stepped out onto the sidewalk. I needed to call someone, but I didn’t know anyone’s number. Realizing my only option was to walk back to the club, I held the bag against my chest and hurried back into town. The last thing I wanted to do on a Friday night was walk the streets of Vegas alone. Keeping a quick pace, I kept my bag tucked against me tight and started toward the club.

  I really didn’t want Massimo to see me so vulnerable, but I was out of options. There was no way I was going to knock on another door in this damn complex.

  Chapter 8


  My mood hadn’t improved since my encounter with the woman. Hell, I didn’t even get her name before tossing her out like trash. I was sitting in my apartment frustrated when the vibration of my phone startled me. Snatching it off the table, I barked, “Yeah?”

  “Boss?” Carlisle’s voice sounded off.

  “Carlisle?” I sat up from my relaxed position on the couch. “What’s the matter?”

  “It’s Miss Hart.”


  “Yeah. Look, she asked me not to tell you she was here, but something happened, and you need to know about it.”

  “I’ll be down in a minute.”

  I stood and walked to the elevator. I pressed the button over and over, as if it would make it open faster. My heart was thrumming against my ribs, I hadn’t even asked Carlisle what happened. The moment I heard her name and the concern in his voice, all common sense went out the window.

  As soon as the metal barrier opened, I hurried out. Madison was sitting at the bar, her computer bag slung over her shoulder. Even from my distance I could see she had been crying as her eyes appeared red and swollen. Pushing past a few people, my body saddled up behind her.

  “Madison.” Leaning into her side, I whispered her name into her ear. Her body tensed, her head swinging to look at me.

  “Massimo?” She glanced back to Carlisle. “I asked you not to call him.”

  “Sorry, Sweetheart. He needed to know.”

  “Fuck!” She dropped her head into her hands.

  “What didn’t you want me to know, Madison?”

  “I’m sorry.” Her head lifted. “You don’t need to deal with my bullshit.”

  “I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t want to know. So, I’ll ask again. What didn’t you want me to know?”

  “When I got home, my door was smashed in. Someone had broken in.” Tears streamed down her face. “Luckily they didn’t get this.” She tapped the bag she cradled against her side.

  Grabbing her arms, I spun her to me. “What the fuck do you mean someone broke into your apartment?”

  “They busted through the door and destroyed my stuff.”

  My reaction had only fueled her fear. She hiccupped, trying to hold her sobs at bay as I crushed her upper body against me and wound my fingers into her hair. “Don’t cry. We’ll take care of this. Did you call the police?”

  Shaking her head against my chest. “I don’t have a phone and my neighbor slammed his door in my face when I asked to borrow his. I came here and Carlisle said he’d take care of it when I told him.”

  “Come on.” I eased her off the stool. “We’re going to take care of this. Carlisle.” I placed my hand on the small of her back. “Get Donny on the phone and tell him I need him in my office.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Guiding her around the bar, we stepped into the back office. I helped her sit in a chair and slipped the bag from her shoulder and set it on my desk. Kneeling in front of her, I tilted her chin up with my hand. “Are you hurt at all?”

  “No. Massimo,” she sucked in a deep breath, “you don’t have to do this. I just need a phone.”

  “Nonsense. I’m going to take care of you. Do you need anything? A drink?”

  “Some water would be nice.”

  Grabbing some tissues off my desk, I handed her a wad and lifted my desk phone.

  “Bring me a water and a whiskey.” I leaned against my desk; my legs stretched out toward her. “Madison, do you know anyone that would want to do this to you?”

  “No. Look,” she sighed, “I don’t exactly live in a nice part of town. It was probably some crack head looking for money. I’m only glad I wasn’t there. They could have...” her voice trailed as she realized it could’ve been worse. Her entire body froze, her already fair skin becoming paler.

  “Don’t think about it. You weren’t there, and that’s all that matters. Your things can be replaced.”

  Donny walked into the room, shocked to see Madison sitting in the chair. He looked from her to me, raising an eyebrow. “You needed me, Boss?”

  “Yeah. This is Miss Hart. She’s a new employee here, and her place was broken into tonight. I want to know who is responsible, take some guys over to her apartment and see what you can find.”

  “Aren’t you calling the cops?” She perked up in her seat, staring at me with wide eyes.

  “No. They will probably make the same assumption you have and won’t investigate it further. I need to be sure you’re safe.”

  “I want to go with him. I need to get some clothes and figure ou
t where I’m going to stay.”

  “No.” I stood and walked around my desk and sat down.

  “No? Who the fuck do you think you are? I appreciate your kindness, but you can’t tell me what to do.”

  “It may not be safe.”

  “From the looks of him.” She pointed at Donny. “I’m pretty sure I’ll be fine.”

  She was going to make my head explode, but I knew if I didn’t take her over there, she’d walk the first chance she got.

  “Fine... we’ll all go. Donny, pull the car around.” Shoving my chair back, I walked over to her. “Let’s go.” I held my hand out, motioning her towards the door.

  “Um?” Amy, one of the waitresses said, stepping into my office. “Carlisle said to bring you this.” She held up her tray, which was holding the water and the whiskey.

  I watched in complete shock as Madison picked up my drink and downed the amber liquid in one swallow. My cock strained against my pants, watching her throat tense. This woman was going to be the death of me.

  “Let’s go.” Madison stormed past Amy, leaving me and Donny staring after her.

  “I like this broad,” Donny laughed and headed out after her.

  “Thank you, Amy. Let Carlisle know I’m going to be tied up for a while.”

  She smiled and headed back to the bar. I caught up with Donny and Madison as he escorted her out the back entrance. He always parked the Escalade out back, not wanting to deal with people in the club.

  Opening the door, I helped Madison slide into the backseat. Climbing in beside her, I pulled the door shut and fastened my seatbelt. “Buckle up, Madison.” I leaned over her body and whispered, “he needs your address, Bella.”

  “Oh... sorry.”

  She gave him the address, and it took everything in me to not explode. How in the hell was this angel living in such a shitty part of town? It was overrun with gangs and hookers. She deserved so much more. Knowing what she was dealing with in life made me want to pull her close and never let go, but I refrained.

  Instead, I let my leg rest against hers. I needed the physical contact, or I’d lose my shit, and I didn’t want to scare her.

  No... I needed to make her mine.

  Chapter 9


  Humiliated was an understatement of how I was feeling. Not only did I have to run to my new boss for help, now he was taking me to my shitty apartment.

  This man oozed money, and I had nothing—literally. I didn’t want him to see how I’d been living the last three years. I worried he would regret hiring me. Someone like me didn’t belong in his world, and seeing my crack-hole apartment would prove that to him. A job that would change my life was about to be yanked out of my grasp.

  Donny, who I guess was his security, pulled up to the curb in front of my building. “We’re here, Boss.”

  “Wait here, please.” Massimo smiled and got out of the car. He exchanged brief words with Donny, before opening my door and helping me out. “Donny is just going to go check it out before we go upstairs.”

  “I was just here,” I grunted. “I’m sure it’s fine.”

  “That may be true, but amuse me.” He smiled, making me forget why I was standing on the sidewalk.

  Everything about him drew me in. He’d lost his jacket since the last time I saw him, leaving him in his white button-up shirt. I didn’t notice before, but the sleeves were rolled up, exposing his muscular forearms.

  “All clear, Boss.” Donny stepped out onto the sidewalk, waiting for us to join him.

  I walked past him, taking the stairs ahead of them. Pausing at the threshold of my place, I took a deep breath and stepped inside. I headed into the bathroom and grabbed my makeup bag and filled it with the few belongings I had. Walking out into the living room, I found my duffle bag hanging on one of the opened drawers. Shoving everything I could fit into it, I zipped it up and turned to the two men who’d been watching my every move.

  “Where’s your bed?” Massimo scanned the room.

  “I sleep on the couch.” I slung the bag over my shoulder. “Can you take me to a hotel? I can’t stay here until my super fixes the door.”

  “Donny, call Antonio. Have him send someone here in the morning to fix the mess.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Donny walked out, leaving me alone with Massimo.

  “You’ll stay with me.”

  “What?” I jerked my eyes to his. “No... that’s not necessary. I can afford a cheap hotel for the night.”

  “No.” He turned and walked out the door.

  “What the fuck?” I ran out after him.

  “Is that the neighbor that slammed the door in your face?” He pointed to the door across from mine.

  “Yes, but Massimo,” I grabbed his arm, “you can’t just say no to someone like that and walk away.”

  I watched as he stepped up to the door and rapped his knuckles across the wood. He braced his hand on the frame, waiting for the occupant to open it.

  “What are you doing? Come on, this is stupid. Why do you need to talk to him?” I yanked at his sleeve, trying to move him away.

  The guy opened the door. “What they fuck do you want?”

  Massimo drew his arm back and let his fist fly. The sound of crunching bone echoed in the small hallway.

  “WHAT THE FUCK DUDE? You broke my nose!”

  “The next time a lady asks for help... do it.”

  Massimo grabbed my hand and whirled me away from the door. We walked down the steps, him practically pulling me behind him.

  “What the hell was that? You just broke his nose!”

  “Donny.” Massimo flicked his chin toward the stairs.

  I watched as Donny disappeared up the steps again. Massimo opened the door, yanking my bag off my shoulder, and waited for me to climb inside the car. He slammed the door, tossed my bag into the trunk, and climbed into the car on the opposite side. I could feel the anger radiating off him.

  “Why are you so mad? I don’t understand what’s happening right now.” I rubbed my face. “Can you please take me to a hotel?”

  “Don’t ask me to do that, Madison. You’ll stay with me until we figure out who did this. That’s not negotiable right now.”

  I started to speak, but seeing the fury in his body and how tense his jaw was, I only sighed. Leaning back against the seat, I rested my head against the window and closed my eyes. The car’s motion alerted me, causing me to sit up. I glanced at Massimo, who was clenching his hands against his thighs.

  “Thank you for helping.”

  I turned back to the road and watched as the buildings flew by. Donny pulled the Escalade around the back of the club again and parked. He got out and opened Massimo’s door. I sat, unsure of what to do. There was no way I was staying with him, but I was too afraid to say anything. Donny grabbed my bag out of the trunk as they talked in hushed voices. I watched as Donny headed off, carrying my bag inside.

  “Where’s he taking my stuff?” I slid out of the seat, stepping out into the alleyway.

  “To my apartment.” Massimo held the door open, waiting for me to walk inside.

  “I told you to take me to a hotel.”

  “Madison, please don’t make me carry you inside. You’re not staying at a hotel. I know you don’t have the money for that, and I can’t let you out of my sight right now.”

  I stared at him, wanting to scream, but something held me back. He was right. I didn’t have the money for a hotel, even a cheap one.


  Pushing past him, I stepped into the dim hallway. The whole situation was fucked up. My boss, who I’d only know for a few hours, had come to my rescue. I was confused. I didn’t deserve his help or hospitality.

  “Come on. My elevator is on the other side of the bar.” He led me into the crowded bar, holding my hand firmly in his. Several of the patrons glanced at us, watching as we cut through the crowd and into another hallway. Massimo pressed his thumb on a panel beside one of two elevators in the hall. “This on
e takes you to my apartment upstairs. Only I have access. You’ll be safe here.” He guided me into the metal cage and pressed another button. The elevator rose quickly, stopping abruptly.

  The doors opened to a stylish apartment. “This is us.” He placed his hand at the small of my back and led me out.

  His apartment was five times the size of mine. It was an open floor plan with a stylish chrome kitchen. The living space was furnished with sleek black furniture and a large bed against one of the walls. A door led off to what I assume held his shower.

  “This is nice.” I scanned the room again. “But there’s only one bed.”

  “I know.” Massimo walked into the kitchen and grabbed some whiskey from a cabinet. “You want one?”

  “Massimo, where am I going to sleep?” I asked, confused.

  “The bed.” He smiled, pouring the smooth liquid into two glasses.

  “And you?” I swallowed, my nerves flickering with worry.

  “The bed.”

  “What? No...”

  “I’m kidding. I’ll take the couch.”

  “That’s your bed. I can sleep on the couch. It’s nicer than mine, anyway. It’ll be fine.”

  Massimo set the tumblers down and stepped into my space. He placed a hand on my hip and the other under my chin. “You’re sleeping in my bed. That’s not up for debate. My mother raised me to be a gentleman. Now,” he dropped his hand from my face, “have you eaten?”

  Chapter 10


  This girl was crazy if she thought I was going to let her take the couch. I wasn’t kidding about sharing a bed with her, but the look of horror on her face when I said it made me feel bad. I slept on the couch many times by accident, but still, she wasn’t going to be the one on it tonight.

  “I could eat,” she smiled, “but you’ve already done enough for me.”

  “Well, I’m hungry, too. I’ll order us something. Would you like to take a shower while we wait?”

  Madison shuffled on her feet, “Um, would you mind?”

  “Nope. Let me show you how to work everything.”


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