Massimo: The Anastasi Family Syndicate Book One : Social Rejects Syndicate

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Massimo: The Anastasi Family Syndicate Book One : Social Rejects Syndicate Page 9

by LC Taylor

  I waggled my eyebrows at her, causing her to laugh. She reached down, wrapping her tiny fingers around my girth, and pumped me. “FUCK!” I hissed, closing my eyes to the sensation of her touch.

  “I think I want an appetizer first.”

  I opened my eyes to see her drop to her knees. I was just about to tell her to wait, but she swallowed my cock into her throat. The warmth of her lips wrapped around my shaft, causing all the reasons to eat dinner to flee.

  She pumped her hand as her head bobbed along my erection. Her fingers dug into my ass cheek, pushing me further down her throat. I looked down and watched as she worked her mouth over me. Seeing my cock move in and out from between her lips was a sight I’d remember forever. It wasn’t going to take long at the rate she was going. Madison sucked cock like it was an Olympic sport—a sport she was going to medal in gold for.

  “I’m going to cum,” I grunted as my balls began to tingle. I moved to step back, but she held me in place, moving her hand and mouth faster. The force of her suction sent me into overdrive. My dick swelled between her lips as my balls tightened.

  “FUCK!” I grunted. My semen spurted against the back of her throat as she swallowed, taking every drop I had to give. When my cock finally stilled, she licked me, releasing the head with an audible pop.

  “Now I’m ready to eat.”

  “God damn, woman. I don’t want to know where you learned to do that, but I’m definitely going to want it again.”

  “Well, I just learned how much I love your cock, and I wanted to show it my appreciation by giving it some one-on-one time. Anytime you want to bury yourself inside my throat, just ask.”

  She stood and walked slowly toward the counter. I could tell she was sore by her movements, but her newly found need for sex was going to override any soreness she felt.

  My eyes trailed behind her, her ass was perfectly round, topping off the most luscious legs I’d ever seen. Seeing her stand there as naked as the day she was born; my cock began to stir again. I had a feeling I was going to have a permanent erection anytime she was around. It was a good thing she liked my cock... I had a feeling she’d be seeing it often from me.

  Chapter 23


  Two days later...

  Being alone in the apartment was weird. I’d grown accustom to Massimo and I sharing a living space. More than once I mentioned getting a place of my own, but he’d just grunt something unintelligible and change the subject. Sunday morning, I woke with a delicious soreness in my body. I smiled, remembering how it felt to wake with his body wrapped around mine.

  I was living on true bliss until I remembered he told me that he was leaving that morning. While I understood his family needed him, I couldn’t help but feel a pang of sadness. I knew it was silly, seeing as we only knew each other for four days. After sharing my body with him, I couldn’t help but feel like I knew him longer.

  The vibration in my pocket reminded me of how serious he was about this relationship or whatever it was happening between us. Before he was whisked away on his flight to Sicily, he surprised me with a phone. He claimed it was for his sanity, not mine. Being away from me this early on was not something he wanted, but it was too early to introduce me to his parents—especially while the health of his grandfather was in question. I didn’t know what it was like to have a family. Losing mine at an early age and being thrust into the system, jaded me in a way I hadn’t realized. At least until now.

  Massimo hasn’t tried to pry into my history. He knew something was keeping me at arms-length. I promised to share that part of myself when he returned. Maybe then, he’d understand why I was so hesitant to fit in his world.

  He was a powerful, rich man, who could have any woman he wanted. I was just me—an orphan who, until four days ago, barely had two pennies to rub together. Not to mention there was an almost a decade between us in age. He was twenty-eight, turning twenty-nine this year. I was turning twenty-one in three weeks, making us eight years apart. I worried that he would tire of me, leaving me broken-hearted and jobless again.

  Tugging the phone from my pocket, I grinned. He’d been sending me text messages often. We’d spoken on the phone Sunday right after he arrived in Sicily, but since then, we’d only been texting.

  I grabbed my backpack and headed to the elevator. I had class in thirty minutes and didn’t want to be late. Reading his message, I replied, telling him I was on my way to class and would text him after. My finger paused over the heart emoji.

  Should I send it, or would it send the wrong message?

  I was falling for him, but love?

  No. I wasn’t there quite yet.

  Even though my heart whispered I was, my head insisted it was still too soon to confess such things.

  I locked the screen and tucked it away. As I rounded the corner, heading towards the front entrance, Freddy, Massimo’s driver, called out to me.

  “Miss Hart!” he waved, speed walking toward me. “I have the car around back.”

  “Car?” I rubbed my head, confused.

  “Yes.” He took my backpack from me. “Mr. Anastasi has assigned me as your personal driver.”

  “Personal driver?” I repeated like a robot.

  Chuckling, he said, “You seem surprised.”

  “You could say that. He didn’t mention this to me.”

  “Well, it looks like I’m yours. Let’s get you to class, shall we?” He held out his arm, smiling.

  “Sure.” I walked in front of him, wondering how this looked to the other employees. I didn’t want them to think I was some gold digger after Massimo’s attention. Staying in his apartment, the cell phone, and now a personal driver, made me look like I was sleeping with him for his money.

  “Miss Hart?” Freddy stared at the open door to the SUV. I zoned out and was just standing there staring.

  “Oh, sorry.”

  Freddy set the bag inside and helped me in. Once I was seated, I pulled my phone out. Massimo had to stop with the lavish gifts. I worked hard to get where I was in my life, I didn’t need him tarnishing that by making everyone label me as the girl who sleeps with people to get what she wants.

  Me: Massimo, a personal driver, really? We need to talk about this. I don’t want people thinking we’re together because I want your money.

  Massimo: I don’t care what they think.

  Me: I do!

  Massimo: No one will treat you differently or they will deal with me.

  Me: Don’t go getting all murderous on me.

  Massimo: For your safety and my sanity, use Freddy. We will discuss it more when I return this week.

  Me: Fine...

  “Miss Hart, we’re here.” Looking up, I realized Freddy had pulled to the curb in front of the business building.

  “Please call me Maddie. If you're going to be carting me around, I’d like to consider us friends. Don’t you dare get out and open my door. I’m capable enough to do that on my own.”

  Freddy beamed with pride, “Thank you, Miss... I mean, Maddie. What time should I return?”

  “I only have two classes today, so I’ll be done by two.”

  “Pick you up here?” He turned in the seat to look at me.

  “Yep. Here is perfect. See you later, Freddy.”

  I pushed open the door and grabbed my bag. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I had to adjust the straps of my bag on my shoulders to read the text.

  Massimo: I miss you

  Those three little words washed away my anger. Smiling like an idiot, I typed out my response.

  Me: Really?

  Massimo: Yes. I should have brought you with me.

  Me: Next time. Got to go to class. Be safe. Miss you, too.

  Massimo: ...

  The three dots appeared, causing me to pause at the entrance of my class. They seemed frozen on the screen, making my anxiety spike.

  “Miss Hart, are you planning on joining the class or continue standing there staring at your phone?”

p; My head jerked up. My professor’s eyes were drilling through me. “Sorry, I’m coming.” I shoved my cellphone into my pocket and rushed into class. The three dots forgotten for now.

  Chapter 24


  My feet were propped up on a chair as I sat beside my grandfather’s hospital bed. He was still unconscious, making his prognosis grim. The doctors told us that the longer he stays in this state, the less likely he will regain consciousness. He stopped breathing before my grandmother found him. One of the servants began CPR when she screamed for help, but they had no idea how long he’d been down.

  My father was back at the family estate dealing with the organization. I knew at some point he’d take over here in Italy for my grandfather, but not like this.

  Slipping my phone out, I texted Madison. Being away from her made me realize I needed her. She’d seeped into my soul the moment I made love to her. Now that I’ve had her, I wasn’t about to let her go. She felt it too, but something was holding her back. I told her all about my family and childhood, but I knew nothing about hers. Something told me it was the reason she fought what was happening between us so hard.

  Madison: Massimo, a personal driver, really? We need to talk about this. I don’t want people thinking we’re together because I want your money.

  Me: I don’t care what they think.

  Madison: I do!

  Me: No one will treat you differently or they will deal with me.

  Madison: Don’t go getting all murderous on me.

  Me: For your safety and my sanity, use Freddy. We will discuss it more when I return this week.

  Madison: Fine...

  I smirked, holding the phone in my hand. She wasn’t a pushover and verbally sparred with me when she didn’t like something. It was refreshing to have a woman that didn’t just cower down to me. Eventually I’d take her upstairs to Fantasia and show her how being submissive sometimes can benefit her. I missed her. Glancing around at the empty hospital room, I wished I’d brought her with me. My family would love her, even if she wasn’t Italian. Hell, she had the personality of an Italian woman regardless of her blood. I fired off another text.

  Me: I miss you

  Madison: Really?

  Me: Yes. I should have brought you with me.

  Madison: Next time. Got to go to class. Be safe. Miss you, too.

  I started to type and erased the words. I wanted to tell her exactly how I felt, but would it freak her out? Typing my response again, I stared at it. How would she react to this? I deleted it again. No... those were words I should say in person. Instead, I set my phone down and stood. The city outside my grandfather’s window was slowing down for the night. It was a bit after seven here on the boot shaped island. The city was old and catered to the art and music crowd. It was known for the food and architecture, making it a hot destination spot for the wealthy. The weather was nice pretty much year-round, unlike the climate in Vegas.

  The raspy voice of my grandmother startled me. “Massimo?”

  “Nonna,” I said, before forcing a smile and striding over to her. “What are you doing here?” I spoke in Italian out of respect. My grandmother could speak English, but her native tongue was her preference.

  “I wanted to see him again. I’ve accepted he will not be here much longer.”

  My gut rolled with sadness to hear her say she’d already accepted he was dying. Hell, I hadn’t even accepted it yet. I took her hand and led her to the chair beside her husband.

  “I love Giuseppe. He is,” she said, patting his hand, “and will always be my true love.” Her Italian sounded laden with remorse. She looked at my face, seeing the sadness she grabbed my chin. In her thick Italian accent, she spoke English, “True love does not die. I will be with him again.”

  “You believe in true love, Nonna?”

  “Yes.” She nodded. “You will too, when you have found it.”

  “I think I already have. I wish Nonno could meet her.” I rubbed my grandfather’s arm.

  “Enough, sadness.” She leaned over and kissed him on the forehead. “Come, let us go.”

  I followed her out of his room and down to the main floor. A driver was waiting for us when we stepped outside the hospital doors. Helping her into the car, she patted my leg.

  “Tell me about this woman.” She cut her eyes toward me, waiting for me to speak.

  “We only just met, but I think I am in love with her already. Is that possible?”

  “I met your grandfather at a coffee shop when I was just a girl.” She smiled as the memory rushed out. “Three days later we were married.”

  “Three days? Nonna, why am I just hearing about this?”

  “I don’t know. His family was not proud that we ran off and wed.” A tear spilled down her cheek. “But we didn’t want to wait. True love happens that way, Massimo. I’ve told you before, when you find the person meant for you,” she paused, her eyes closing shut, “it’s like a lightning bolt strikes your soul.”

  I thought back to meeting Madison. When she walked into my office, I was struck with an intense desire to make her mine. I’d never felt that with other women.

  “I see you thinking... this woman,” she nudged me, “she does this to you, yes?”

  “Yes, Nonna, she does.”

  “Good. Bring her here to Italy so I can meet her.”

  “Of course.” I kissed her knuckles. “I think you’ll love her, too. She doesn’t take my crap and keeps me on my toes.”

  “She love you?”

  “I think so, but she’s afraid. We’ve only known each other a few days. Something is holding her back, but I will get her to open up to me. She’s mine.”

  “That’s my good boy.” She patted my cheek. “Now, let’s go see Antonio. I worry about him.”

  “Me too, Nonna. Me too.”

  Chapter 25


  I tugged at the hem of my dress, worried I was showing too much skin. Now that Massimo and I were... well, I didn’t know what we were, but I worried my dress was going to be an issue tonight. Thursday was usually a busy night here at Discoteca. I guess people needed to blow off midweek steam, and this was the spot to do that. Tonight, however, was weirdly slow.

  “Madison,” Carlisle called out to me. “Can you do me a favor?”

  “Sure.” I set my tray down on the bar.

  “Can you take this bottle of champagne up to the second floor? A customer up there has asked for it, but it seems they're out.”

  Smiling, I reached out and grabbed the bottle. “Sure, I don’t mind.”

  I’d already signed the non-disclosure but hadn’t been inside, other than being walked through blindfolded.

  “Just drop it off in the main room where the bar is.”

  “Alright, give it to me.”

  Carlisle handed over the four-thousand-dollar bottle of champagne and waved me off. I walked to the elevators and keyed in the code to take me to the top. Stepping inside the metal box, I took a deep breath. I didn’t know why I was so nervous; it wasn’t like I was going to be partaking in the activities up there.

  The doors opened, revealing the sleek interior. There were rows of leather couches with a long bar situated off to the side. A hallway off the opposite end led to the various kink rooms. I spotted Darcie at the bar. She was not the typical girl you’d see in Discoteca. She had the most colorful hair and piercings in her ears and nose. Branson, one of the club’s security guys, stood behind her leaning against the wall.

  “Darcie.” I smiled. “Carlisle asked me to bring this to you.”

  I thrust the bottle toward her, trying not to stare at the half-naked man sitting on a stool. He was shirtless and although he had on pants, they were currently unzipped with a woman’s face buried in his crotch. I wasn’t naïve. I knew she was sucking him off. That was the benefit of this place. People could fuck wherever they please in Fantasia—they took advantage of that privilege.

  “Actually,” she handed a patron a drink, �
��can you give it to Krissy? She knows who it’s for.”

  “Ah...” I glanced around. “Where is she?”

  Darcie tilted her head at me. “She probably went back toward the first room on the left, since that’s who asked for the bottle.”

  “Oh... ok.”

  I turned and headed toward the hallway. It was hard not to blush with all the moans and sounds of sex filling the room.

  Stopping just outside the door of room four, I leaned in and listened. I couldn’t hear anything from inside, so I knocked, pausing to listen for a reply. When I didn’t get one, I wrapped my hand on the doorknob, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

  No one was inside, so I stepped into the empty room. As I approached the couch, I spotted Krissy’s legs poking out from the backside.

  “Krissy?” I called out to her, my feet moving forward on their own. I knew instantly something was wrong. Krissy was lying on her back on the floor, blood seeping from beneath her. Her head was turned at an odd angle and her expressionless eyes stared back at me. Blood coated the floor beneath her broken body, her dress torn open, exposing her chest. Someone had carved an S into her skin just beneath her breasts.

  In that moment, I was a nine-year-old girl staring at her dead mother—except this time it was me looking back. Krissy and I favored each other in looks. She was a bit shorter and thinner than me, but we had the same color of hair.

  I covered my mouth, letting go of the glass I was clutching. The four-thousand-dollar bottle of champagne hit the floor with a loud crash, shattering into a thousand tiny pieces. I didn’t realize I was moving backward until my body connected with the wall.

  Finally, I found my voice, letting out a shrill scream, unable to move. People appeared from rooms, curious about what had caused my reaction. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. The only other dead body I’d seen had been my mother’s.

  Hands guided me to the main area, urging me to sit down. I could hear voices but couldn’t make them out. Bruno was kneeling before me, asking me something. My brain couldn’t comprehend what he was saying. The image of Krissy’s disfigured body was burned into my retinas, and all I could think about was the blood.


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