Massimo: The Anastasi Family Syndicate Book One : Social Rejects Syndicate

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Massimo: The Anastasi Family Syndicate Book One : Social Rejects Syndicate Page 11

by LC Taylor

  Positioning myself on top of her, I held the rectangle seat and plowed back inside her tight channel. She held onto my neck as her legs wrapped around my back. I drove in and out of her warm center, frantic to fill her. Her womb squeezed my member like a glove, demanding release as I pounded into her. The bench moved beneath us, the wooden legs scraping across the floor as we fucked.

  Madison gripped my neck, her nails biting into my skin as she screamed out my name. Her orgasm burst from her, her juices coating my cock. It was the trigger to my own release, my dick swelling even more before erupting and coating her walls with my seed. My thrusts eased as her legs untangled from my back and planted on the floor.

  “Are you ok?” I pressed a kiss to her neck before standing. My cock slipped out of her pussy, dripping the evidence of our union on the bench.

  “Yes.” She sat up. “Shit.” She looked around at the mess we made.

  “Don’t worry about it; I’ll clean it up.” I held my hand out to help her up.

  “It’s not that...” She closed her eyes. “I’m not on birth control, Massimo.”

  “And?” I wrapped a towel around her body.

  “And? What if I get pregnant?” She bit her lip, her face filled with worry.

  Wrapping my arms around her, I pressed her against my body. “Don’t worry about it. We’ll cross that bridge if it happens.”

  “I can’t have a baby right now. I still need to finish college. Fuck... how stupid can I be?”

  “Stop that.” I leaned back, looking into her eyes. “If you’re pregnant, you aren’t alone. We’ll be more careful from now on, ok? Stop stressing about it.”

  I guided her toward the bed and eased her down on the mattress. As I pulled on some shorts, my phone rang.

  “This better be important.”

  I barked into the phone. No one was supposed to call me unless it was bad.

  “We’ve got a problem,” Donny said, sounding pissed.

  “What is it? Did you notify Krissy’s family?”

  I watched Madison’s expression fall at the mention of her name. Moving back to the bed, I sat down and wrapped my arm around her, burying her head against me.

  “Yeah. They’ve been told, but that’s not the issue. Boss,” Donny sighed into the phone. “It looks like this was an intentional hit by the Sureños.”

  “What the fuck do you mean hit?”

  “We located Ms. Stanley. She’s dead.”

  “Dead?” My hand traced small circles on Madison’s back. “Where?”

  “We found her in the alley down from the club. It’s definitely the work of Carlos, it has his signature mark.”

  That usually meant she’d been mutilated and branded with an S somewhere on her body. Juan Carlos was known for his depraved methods when dealing with women.

  “Any idea why he chose her?”

  “Yeah...” Donny paused, causing the hair to stand on my neck.

  “Spit it out, Donny.”

  “He left a photo with her body.”

  “A photo of who?”

  “Boss... this was personal. It was a photo of you and Madison leaving the club that first night. I think he’s responsible for the break in at her apartment and,” he sighed, “I’m pretty sure the hit was intended for Madison.”

  “How do you know?” My pulse was racing as my blood heated in fury.

  “Krissy and Madison look similar. Alec seems to think whoever did this, thought it was her. He’s pulled the tape; it shows Krissy going to the bar and talking to Darcie, I assume to order the bottle. A few minutes go by and a male with his face covered comes out and exits the club. He’s seen leaving the front entrance and then just disappears. I’m in agreement with Alec, I think they killed Krissy, thinking it was really Madison, as a message to you.”

  Chapter 29


  It was supposed to be me.

  I didn’t mean to eavesdrop on his call, but cradled in his arm, I couldn’t help but hear everything. Massimo’s body stiffened beneath me, rage seeping from his pores.

  “Ok... I agree. Yes. I’ll make the call and then we can handle Juan Carlos. I’ll be in touch.” He tossed the phone onto the nightstand and stood. “I know you heard part of the call.”

  “It was supposed to be me?” I whispered, tears welling in my eyes.

  “This isn’t about you, it’s about me. I’m so sorry I’ve put you in danger, my love.” Massimo lifted my chin. “I will do everything to keep you safe. Get up and dressed. You’ll need to pack a bag.”

  “A bag?” I stood up, clutching the towel around myself, “Why?”

  Massimo moved around the room in a fury, gathering a duffle bag and tossing my things inside it.

  “Massimo!” I screamed. “What’s happening? Are you sending me away?”

  “What?” he looked at me strangely, finally realizing what I thought. “No... Jesus, I’m not sending you away like that. I need you safe until I can take care of the problem. You’re going to disappear for a little while. Juan is an evil man, Madison. If he believes you’re dead, then that means I can keep you safe.”

  “Hide me? I don’t understand.” I grabbed my leggings and pulled them on. Tugging a bra on, I picked up one of his discarded shirts and slipped into it.

  Massimo stopped what he was doing and held my stare. “Do you trust me?”

  Tilting my head, I studied him. It was the first time I’d seen him looking afraid. “Yes, of course.”

  “Then I need you to do this for me, ok?”

  “Fine. But where are you going to hide me? Can’t I just stay here? I have my last class to finish.”

  “No. You can’t go to class. I’ll make some calls and let them know you’re ill. You can finish online.”

  “Online? What the fuck, Massimo? This is crazy. I can’t just go into hiding in some undisclosed location.”

  “It’s not undisclosed. You’ll be staying in Italy.”

  “Italy?” My heart began to race. “I don’t want to go without you. Please, I don’t even know the language.”

  “It’s alright. My parents speak English and you’ll be staying with them until this is handled.”

  “No. I don’t know your parents. This is crazy.”

  My brother Antonio is still there, and I can trust him to keep you safe. Plus, you’ll meet my sisters. I know you’ll like them.

  “Safe? Will I be in danger there as well?”

  “Being the girlfriend of someone in the Mafia, much less the head of the Mafia, means you’ll always be in danger to some extent.”

  His words hit me like a ton of bricks. He was right. His life was full of uncertainty and danger. I didn’t know if I could live like that forever.

  “This is a mistake. I can’t live like this.”

  Massimo stopped and looked at me, his eyes glazed over with regret. “A mistake? What you feel for me is a mistake?”

  “No, not that, but...” I swallowed. “I don’t want a life where I’m always afraid.”

  He walked across the room and stood in front of me, his hand cupping my chin. “It won’t always be this way, Bella.”

  “Can you promise me that? I’ve lived my whole life in fear—always looking over my shoulder. I don’t want that life, Massimo.”

  “Please let me get you to safety. When this is all over with, if you still want your freedom, I’ll let you go. But I can’t do that right now—not with knowing you’d be in danger.”

  I could tell even uttering the words gave him pain. Offering me my freedom to ensure my happiness meant he really did love me, and as much as I didn’t think I wanted this life, I wasn’t sure I could walk away from him.

  “Ok,” I whispered just before he pressed his lips to mine. His kiss was hungry and full of need. Breaking away, he rested his forehead against mine.

  “I love you, Madison. I’ll do anything to make you happy, even if that means walking away from you.” He turned and lifted my bag. “Let’s go.”

I need to grab my other things.”

  “No. There’s no time. You can get whatever you need when you arrive in Italy.”

  Massimo wrapped an arm around my waist and ushered me toward the elevator. Once we stepped inside, he dropped the bag and pressed me against the metal frame.

  “I will not let anything happen to you. I meant what I said earlier, Madison. You’re the air I breathe and the light in my soul. I’ve fallen in love with you and no one, not even Juan Carlos, will take you away from me.”

  Our lips met in a frenzy, seeking solstice in one another. The door dinged, signaling our arrival on the lower level.

  “I’m going to hold you against me as we go out the back door. Carlisle will be waiting for us on the other side of the bar, he’s going to help us get you in the car unseen.”

  “Ok.” I pressed against him, holding on out of shear fear. Carlisle greeted us, giving me a partial smile.

  “How are you, Madison?” He wrapped his arm around me, causing Massimo to growl.

  “I’m good. Thank you for earlier tonight.”

  “No thanks needed. I’m only glad that you’re ok.”

  “I’m sorry about Krissy.”

  Carlisle nodded, not saying anything about the murdered girl—a girl I assumed he’d been friends with.

  “Alright.” Massimo stopped at the door. “Carlisle will go out and ensure the alley is clear. Freddy is waiting on us, and as soon as we have the all-clear, we’re going to get you inside the SUV. Once you’re in, lay down so you can’t be seen. Carlisle will slip in beside you and me on the other.”

  “Ok,” I mumbled, my nerves twisting inside my gut.

  “Go.” Massimo called out to Carlisle, who immediately gave the all-clear once he was out the door.

  Massimo rushed me out, shoving me into the back seat and sliding in beside me. My head was pushed down against Carlisle’s leg as the car lurched forward. I kept my eyes squeezed shut, praying for this nightmare to end.

  Chapter 30


  Red hot rage blistered through me. They had already stolen from us, and now this. Taking our guns was a nuisance. Going after my girl—that was just fucking dumb. Looking over at Madison, my head pounded with anger. She was shaking as her head leaned against Carlisle’s leg. He was rubbing her head, trying to soothe her as we rushed toward my private airstrip.

  I would stop the world to protect what was mine—and Madison was mine now. Carlisle noticed me watching him and stilled his hand. Catching his eye, I nodded for him to continue. I knew he wasn’t being sexual with her; he was just trying to help calm her down. Her silent sobs ripped at my soul.

  Squeezing her hip, I said, “We’re here, Bella.”

  Carlisle eased out of the car and shut his door. Madison stayed prone on her side; her hands folded beneath her. I leaned down, gently rubbing my hand along her body, and slipped my arms beneath her. Scooping her into my lap as I sat up, I cradled her against me. Carlisle opened my door, ready to help me get her out.

  “I’ve got her.”

  Easing out of the car, we moved quickly up the steps of my jet. Getting her to safety was the most important thing. Doing it without Juan Carlos knowing she was alive, made it tricky. Once we were inside the plane, I sat her down in one of the seats and kneeled in front of her.

  “Bella.” I lifted her chin. “Carlisle is going to get you to my family. I need to be here to end this.”

  “What?” Her eyes tried to focus on me, “You’re leaving me?” her voice wavered.

  My heart twisted inside, seeing the desperation in her eyes. I knew she felt like everyone abandoned her in some form or fashion, but as much as I wanted to stay with her, I knew my place was here in Vegas.

  It was my job now as head of the family, to ensure the family operations continued. The Sureños were now a major problem, and I wasn’t going to sit back and let them destroy everything my father had built.

  “I’m sorry, Bella, but I can’t go with you just yet. Some bad men are trying to destroy everything my family has worked for. I can’t let that happen, and now you’re a target, too.”

  She shrunk back against the seat. “I don’t want to go.”

  “I need you to go. It’s the only way I’ll know you're safe.”

  “Massimo, please don’t make me. This is stupid.” She started to stand, but I pressed down on her legs.

  “No, Madison. If you stay here, it’ll be a distraction for me. I can’t keep you safe and do my job. Please. I need you somewhere he can’t find you.”

  Tears spilled down her face as she squeezed her eyes shut. “Why is this happening?”

  “The Sureños want our territory and guns. This has been going on for years, but recently, they hit one of our trucks, silently starting a war.”

  “What does that have to do with me?”

  “Their leader, Juan Carlos, wants to hit me where it hurts. My guess is he has figured out your importance to me. Taking you out would give him the chance he needs to take over Vegas.”

  “I don’t understand.” She shook her head, wiping at her cheeks.

  “Madison, he knows taking you from me would bring me to my knees.” I cupped her cheek. “You’re mine now. Nothing is more important to me than you. Please do this for me. I was serious earlier.” I stood up. “I love you enough to walk away from you when this is all over. If you can’t handle the life loving me would entail, I’ll set your heart free when I know you're safe.”

  She held her hand out, wrapping her fingers in mine, “I’ll go.” She gave me a half-hearted smile. “But what about you? Will you be safe?”

  Tugging her to her feet, I wrapped my arm around her waist. “Do not worry about me, Bella. I will burn this world down to get what I want.” I pressed my lips to hers. “I will come for you when it’s over. I must go.” Kissing her one last time, I eased her back down onto the seat. “Carlisle will be with you until Antonio has you. My family will care for you as one of their own.”

  Her eyes filled with tears as I walked out the open door. It cut my soul in two seeing her heartache, but this was the right thing to do. Having her here put her in danger and made me weak. The Sureños would use everything they could against me. Madison was the only thing that would bring me to my knees—and they nearly took her from me.

  Stepping onto the tarmac, I greeted Donny at the car. “I need to know everything about Juan Carlos. I’m done being on the offense. It’s time we hit him on his own turf.” Donny nodded and shut the door after I was seated inside. “Freddy, wait until the plane is gone.”

  I watched as my private jet taxied down the runway. We might have only known each other a short while, but Madison would be my undoing. She had my heart whether she really understood that or not.

  When this was over... I would make her mine permanently.

  Freddy eased the car off the tarmac. “Where to, Boss?”

  “Home. It’s time to go to war.”

  Chapter 31


  I never thought my life could get anymore fucked up than it already was. I was wrong. Staring out the tiny window of Massimo’s private jet, my mind drifted back over the last twenty-four hours.

  A woman was dead. It was a warning to Massimo that went wrong because instead of Krissy being the girl lying on floor with lifeless eyes, it should have been me.

  “Madison,” Carlisle’s deep voice snapped me from the nightmare playing over in my head. “We should be landing in Paris in about forty-five minutes.”

  “Paris?” I held Carlisle’s concerned eyes. “I thought we were going to Italy?”

  He chuckled. “We are, but we have to stop and refuel. We’ll only be on the ground long enough to do that.”

  “Oh.” I shrugged, turning to look back out the window. It was then I noticed the lights below us, indicating civilization.

  “You slept through the first refueling. Are you hungry?”

  “We landed before now?” I rubbed my head, shocked that I’d
slept through anything.

  “Yes.” Carlisle reached across the seat and pressed his hand to my leg. “You should really try to eat.”

  “I’m not hungry.”

  Carlisle made a face at me but nodded and stood up. “That’s fine for now. When we get to Sicily, I’ll expect you to try to eat then. I’ll be back. I need to speak with the pilot. The restroom is back there.” He pointed to the back of the plane. “Go freshen up. It’ll make you feel better.”

  I watched as he walked toward the cockpit and disappeared behind the door. Pushing myself up to stand, I gripped the back of the seat and steadied myself. I made my way to the rear of the plane before locking myself inside the lavatory. I expected it to be smaller, but knowing Massimo, it wasn’t a surprise to see he made sure it was comfortable.

  The room had a standup shower, toilet, and vanity. Pressing my hands against the edge of the porcelain counter, I cringed at my reflection. My hair looked as though it hadn’t been brushed in days and my face... well, it was swollen and red. Turning the water on cold, I dipped my hands beneath the stream, filling my palms, I pressed the cool liquid against my skin.

  I snagged a hand towel off the wall, wiping it across my wet skin until it was dry. My eyes looked tired and weary, making the reflection staring back at me in the mirror a stranger. I quickly used the bathroom, washed my hands one more time, and cut off the faucet.

  Making my way back to my seat, I took a deep breath, giving Carlisle a half-hearted smile. He was watching me as I slipped back into my seat.

  “Buckle up.” Carlisle reached across me and snapped my belt into place.

  “What will happen when we get to Italy?”

  “We are meeting Antonio. He’ll be there waiting when we land. Massimo has briefed him on the situation back in Vegas.”


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