The Queen of Carnage

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The Queen of Carnage Page 5

by Wright, Candice

  “Cut,” he replies, dipping his chin and touching his lips to mine.

  “Cut?” I ask in confusion.

  “My jacket. It’s called a cut. It's a symbol of the brotherhood. I’m lucky neither King or Joker was around to see I forgot it or they would have handed me my ass.”

  A loud banging at the door prevents me from saying anything else.

  “Orion!” I hear shout through the door. Orion pops his plate on the dresser and swings the door open.

  “Morning, sweets.” Gecko dips his head to me before turning to Orion. “King wants to see you downstairs.”

  “Tell him I’ll be down in five.”

  Gecko’s eyes linger over me for a beat before he turns and walks away. Orion heads to the bathroom and turns on the shower. Looks like I’m going to be stuck up here again for a while. Actually, no, fuck that. I throw my legs off the side of the bed and rummage through my bags for some clothes. I have a few orders that need filling and King said I was free to come and go as I please, so that’s what I’m going to do. I can’t spend my day cooped up in this room, so if that means spending it away from the compound, then so be it.

  Orion strolls out of the bathroom, hair dripping and completely naked. I freeze on the spot and take him in. Hard corded muscles, that sexy V line, that—holy mother of god, he has a third arm.

  “See something you like, Luna?” the sneaky bastard asks with a devastating smile.

  “It’s the first time I’ve been rendered speechless by a cock that I wasn’t choking on,” I sputter out.

  He pauses as he’s putting his boxers on and looks up at me with a glare. “We are just going to pretend, for argument’s sake, that you’re a virgin. I can’t think about anyone who came before me putting their hands on you without wanting to kill someone.”

  I’m sure if my eyes weren’t comically wide and staring at the one-eyed monster between his legs, I would have rolled them. “Orion, if I were a virgin, I’m pretty sure you would end up serving time for murder because there is no way that thing will fit inside me without killing me.”

  He groans as he pulls his boxers over his cock, gripping it to try and get it to lie flat. “Now she has me thinking about how tight she is,” he mutters, pulling on a pair of black jeans and finally breaking me out of my dick stupor.

  “I’m five foot nothing, Orion. Aside from the fact that it’s going to be like squeezing a salami inside a straw, it’s also entirely possible you’ll be able to fuck me and get a blow job at the same time, as I suspect that thing is going to end up coming out of my mouth,” I grumble, ignoring his stupid shaking shoulders as he laughs at me.

  “It’ll fit,” he tells me, pulling on a black T-shirt and shoving his wallet into his pocket and grabbing his gun.

  “That’s easy for you to say. It’s not your hoo-ha I can feel pulling down the shutters and popping up a sign saying ‘out of order’ on it.”

  His deep sexy laugh rings out as he bends down to put his boots on. He finishes tying his laces and stalks toward me. He grips my hips and pulls me against him so I can feel just how hard he is. “It’ll fit. Now I have to go and meet my dad with a raging hard-on, thanks to you.”

  “Oh, no. You don’t get to blame me. You were the one that came strolling out here waving it around—” He kisses me, cutting me off. Despite my reservations, I’m so fucking turned on right now that if he threw me down on the bed, I wouldn’t stop him. Unfortunately, he pulls away with a groan.

  “I’ve got to go. Stay out of trouble.” He turns and with one last glance back, he’s gone.

  My plan was to jump in the shower and get out of here but as soon as I step into the shower stall, I’m surrounded by Orion’s scent. Closing my eyes, I picture him watching me undress as he strokes his cock up and down. Fuck it. I slide my fingers down between my legs, not surprised in the slightest to find myself slick already. I dip a finger inside and slide it back out, swirling the moisture around my aching clit. I use my other hand to cup my breast and tweak my hardened nipple between my fingers. I speed up my movements, dipping inside again briefly, enjoying the slickness as I coat myself with it. I put a little more force into my movements as I feel myself getting closer to the edge. Finally, when I feel I’m about to peak, I pinch my nipple hard and explode all over my hand with a groan of satisfaction. I clean myself up and climb out, toweling off and running some product through my hair so when it dries the curls will be smooth and glossy. I slip on a baby-pink thong and a floor-length red and white striped maxi dress that ties around my neck, leaving my shoulders bare. I forego a bra, thankful that as a B-cup I can get away with it. I brush my teeth, apply a little lip gloss, and head for the door. I swing it open and find Orion leaning against the doorframe, breathing short shallow breaths that remind me of a bull getting ready to charge.

  “The next time you come, it will be around my cock, understood?” he barks at me.

  I nod as my cheeks flush with embarrassment at having been caught.

  “I have something to do but there is a prospect outside your door if you need anything.” He snatches his keys from the dresser and walks off, slamming the door behind him without saying goodbye. I’m not sure if I’m meant to be feeling aroused, pissed off, or a mixture of both.

  “Fuck you, biker boy,” I mutter to myself as I stomp like a petulant teen into the bedroom and snag some silver bangles from my bag. I slide a bunch of them up my arm and throw on a pair of red flip flops. I grab my laptop bag and shove everything in it I might need before grabbing my truck keys off the bedside table and heading for the door. I look to the left and find a man a few years younger than me that looks like he could be the star in a teen movie. Classic good looks with his floppy brown hair, dimpled smile, and straight white teeth, he reminds me of the actor who played the sparkly vampire but with just enough of a bad boy vibe going to make little girls cream their panties.

  “Hey, I need to get out of here for a bit. Are you the prospect Orion said was going to hang with me today?” He turns his head at my voice. His dark brown eyes take me in, trailing from my pink painted toenails all the way up to my crazy blonde ringlets.

  “Fucking Orion, always gets the best ones,” he mumbles. I think that’s meant to be a compliment. “Name’s Kibble and my job is to stick to you like glue today. So what do you need?”

  “I have some errands to run and some bits to pick up for work. Nothing exciting, I’m afraid.”

  “Well, lead the way, lady. I’m all yours to do with as you please.” His smile is deadly. Oh yes, I just bet he’s popular with the girls. Trouble is, all he does is remind me of my brothers. Oh, shit that reminds me. I press the key on my watch which is the code we use to let them know I’m safe. They know where I am thanks to me activating the GPS but they won’t send in the cavalry as long as I’m all right. They found out the hard way when they busted in on me with guns blazing while I was going down on my ex. They couldn’t look at me for a month after that. There are just some things that can’t be unseen.

  There are a few people milling about but most don’t pay us any attention until I walk into Rebel. He steadies me before I can fall flat on my ass and glares at the prospect behind me like it’s his fault I wasn’t paying attention.

  “Where you off to?” he asks me

  “I have shit to do today for work so I need to pick a few things up.”

  He looks at the prospect behind me again before turning back to me. “Want some company?” I’m a little taken aback by his offer but smile big in thanks.

  “I would love some company, thank you.” We walk out into the bright morning sunshine and head toward my truck.

  “Prospect, follow behind on your bike. I’ll ride with Luna in her truck.”

  “I thought we were going to just take the bikes. Luna, you’re more than welcome to ride with me,” Kibble says with a smirk. I might not be up on all things biker but I’m pretty sure riding on someone’s bike other than Orion’s or, given the situation, I guess Halo’s
, is a big no-no. He must know that, so I wonder if he’s trying to get me in trouble or if he likes getting into trouble himself.

  “I’m good, thanks, Kibble. I have supplies I need that won’t fit on the back of a bike. It’s why I have a truck in the first place.” He shrugs like it’s no big deal but I spot the tic in the side of his jaw as he walks away.

  I offer Rebel the keys but he waves me off, climbs into the passenger seat, and leans his head back against the headrest with his eyes closed.

  “What was that back there?” I ask him as I climb in and adjust the seat and mirrors after Orion drove it yesterday.

  “What was what?” he asks without opening his eyes.

  “You and Kibble.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Luna.”

  “Rebel… Is there something I should know about him?”

  He looks over at me and sighs. “Kibble and I were prospecting at the same time. I proved myself faster and got patched in a little over two months ago. He’s been a dick since.”

  “Ah, so it’s nothing to do with me? Just an old-fashioned case of the green-eyed monster?”

  “For the most part, yeah, but don’t underestimate him. He’s called Kibble for a reason,” he explains before looking in the side-view mirrors.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Damn it, I need a biker handbook or something.

  “It means he got his name because pussy flocks to him. They eat up all the shit that spews from his mouth regardless of the consequences.”

  “Rebel, I love that you’re looking out for me, but I’m twenty-eight years old. It’s been a long time since I let my vagina make my decisions.” I think back to earlier and Orion’s super dick. “Okay, I will amend that by saying I’m into Orion and possibly Halo but that’s it. I don’t care if Kibble’s dick is made of solid gold, I’m not interested.”

  He offers me a small smile but I can see he’s not convinced.

  “He’s really good at twisting the situation to fit his needs. Just don’t underestimate him, okay?”

  I look away from the road briefly so he can see my face. “I won’t, I promise.” He closes his eyes again and naps the rest of the way to Megan’s shop.

  I find a space and maneuver my truck in before nudging Rebel awake.

  “You didn’t have to come, sleepy.”

  “Nah, it’s fine. I needed to get out for a bit.” Kibble pulls up behind us, so Rebel barks at him to watch the truck as we head inside the shop I love so much.

  Megan’s boutique opened about four years ago, right at the edge of Nevesham town. Megan had bought a few of my gift baskets online before opening her store. When her doors opened for business, she contacted me and asked if I would be interested in selling a few items out of her store. I immediately agreed and the rest is history. The little bell above the door and a flash of light signal our arrival and straight away I’m hit with the soothing scent of jasmine and lavender. The shop is decorated in various shades of purple and the floor to ceiling chrome shelves are filled with an assortment of trinkets and knick-knacks.

  The woman I’m after is behind a high glass-topped black counter with her back to us, her sleek dark hair obscuring most of her face. I don’t bother shouting for her, knowing she won’t hear me. She obviously wasn’t facing the door to see the entrance light go off when we entered. I lift the partition on one side of the counter and walk through, gently placing my hand on her shoulder before stepping back. Megan has quite a startle response so I don’t want to be in hitting distance when she spins around. Sure enough, she whips around, swinging her arm out in a fist. Rebel takes a step forward but I hold up my hand for him to stay where he is. She flushes with embarrassment when she realizes it’s just me and signs that she’s sorry, blushing down to her roots when she sees Rebel glaring at her.

  “Chill, Rebel, it’s not Megan’s fault I snuck up on her.” I glare at him while I sign so that Megan can understand me too. She’s pretty fucking amazing at reading lips but obviously, that only works if she can see them fully and the person she’s reading doesn’t look away.

  “You need to face the front when you’re here on your own. I could have been anyone coming in,” I scold her, my fingers flying as I reprimand her but she knows I’m right.

  “I’m sorry,” I translate for Rebel as she signs back. “I’m having a shit morning and my brain isn’t firing on all cylinders. My coffee machine died, my car wouldn’t start, and then a shipment of goods got delayed.”

  “Damn, girl, you’re not kidding about having a shitty morning, are you?” I turn to Rebel. “Do you think we could get Kibble to make a coffee run for us? There’s a coffee shop just across the street.” He glances at me then back at Megan and nods, heading toward the front of the store. Megan takes in his cut with wide eyes.

  “A latte for me with three sugars and a black coffee without the added yumminess for Megan, please.” He lifts his hand to let me know he heard me before opening the door and yelling for Kibble.

  I turn back to Megan and see she’s as white as a sheet.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” I sign without speaking now that Rebel isn’t here.

  A motorcycle club, Luna? Are you nuts? She is signing so fast I can barely keep up.

  Relax, Megan, you make it sound like I’m joining the circus.

  Don’t be ridiculous. The circus has less freaks.

  And you would know this how, Megan? Been to many circuses? My sarcasm is lost on her. She doesn’t answer but looks down at her feet. I walk forward and lift her chin so I can see into her pretty blue eyes. I let go so I can sign.

  Or have you got experience with motorcycle clubs? She looks away again and I know I’ve hit the nail on its head. What the fuck? She’s saved from me asking more when Rebel reappears beside us.

  “Coffee will be here in a sec. Grab what you need, Luna, Orion is blowing up my phone.”

  “Why? I’ve been gone for thirty minutes, max.”

  “Because he didn’t know where you were.” Oh, give me a break.

  “So what? It took him all of two seconds to call Kibble who I’m guessing mentioned you and boom, what do you know, he found me. I have shit to do and it doesn’t involve sitting around in that fucking room all damn day while he’s off doing whatever he needs to.”

  Rebel raises his hands in surrender. “Not my fight, Luna. That’s between you and Orion.”

  I know he’s right so I stomp over to the shelves and pick up the items I want and pop them on the counter with more force than necessary. Megan rings the stuff up, looking at me with worry clear on her face. I need to get back here without the leather army and find out what that’s all about. Kibble strolls in with our coffees and places them on the counter before offering Megan a flirty smile. She just glares at him before picking up her coffee and taking a sip.

  “Bit off your game there, huh?” Rebel laughs, making Kibble flip him off before walking back outside. I give Megan a quick squeeze, noticing how she holds me a little tighter than usual. Something is definitely off with her. I sign that I’ll text her tomorrow and she nods as we turn and head back out to the truck. I throw the keys to Rebel so I can drink my coffee and try to get my anger in check at being summoned before getting back to the compound. Rebel wisely stays quiet as I sip my coffee and listen to the faint twang of some country song playing on the stereo. We pull up outside the gates. The same prospect that let us out, lets us back in again but this time Orion, with a face of thunder, is ripping my door open.

  “Hey, Adonis. What’s up?” I ask, casually placing my empty coffee cup back into the cupholder.

  “What’s up?” he asks me, his voice deceptively low.

  “Yes, Orion. What. Is. Up? Because I know there’s no way you would have ordered me back here like a fucking dog when I already had a prospect and a fully patched member with me. Especially after I was told I was free to come and go as I pleased.” My chest is heaving by the time I’ve finished spitting out my words. I can hear Re
bel choking on a laugh beside me but I don’t take my eyes off the asshole in front of me.

  Before I can blink, I find myself up and over his shoulder as he practically sprints toward his room.

  “Hey, you big bastard, put me down.” I slap his ass which makes him slap mine in response and his slap fucking hurts. He opens his door and tosses me down on the bed before he slams the door closed and pounces on me. Ignoring my sharp intake of breath, he kisses his way down my neck to my chest, licking the slope of my breast exposed by my dress. He scoops my breast out and sucks my nipple into his mouth, hard. When I buck underneath him, he bites down, making me scream.

  “You drive me fucking crazy. Now, stay still.” He uses his tongue to soothe the sting from his bite before he switches to my other breast. He’s reaching up to loosen the strap around my neck, when there’s a pounding at the door.

  “Fuck!” he shouts before jumping off the bed. I squeal and rush to cover myself as he swings the door open, ready to rip someone’s head off.

  “Joker’s looking for you,” a voice I’m not familiar with tells him and his shoulders slump.

  “I’ve got to go,” he tells me with regret clear in his voice. He doesn’t give me time to reply before he walks out, closing the door behind him. I roll over and scream into the pillow in frustration. How did my life become so fucking complicated in such a short length of time?

  A glance at my watch lets me know King’s party will be starting in a few hours. I could go downstairs and help out, ignore the questioning stares from the other MC members and the downright hostile ones from the women, or I could just stay here and psych myself up for later. I think about it for two seconds and decide an even better idea is to have a nap. I snuggle up to Orion’s pillow as my heartbeat slowly returns to normal and drift off wondering if blue ovaries syndrome is a real thing.

  Chapter Six

  Standing in front of the mirror, I put the finishing touches to my biker-chic outfit consisting of skin-tight black jeans that have rips across the legs from just below my crotch down to my calf, a white tank with a black rose printed on the front, and my trusted leather jacket always kept in my truck. Black rose earrings and matching choker finish the look. I leave my hair to dry naturally after my shower and run a little more product through it. I now have a mass of sexy waves falling down my back and over my shoulders. I went darker with my makeup—smoky eyes and dark red lips. I look a far cry from the wholesome girl who arrived a week ago. After this afternoon's impromptu make-out session with Orion, I’m hoping tonight’s look will entice him to take things a little further. And if someone interrupts us, I will kill them myself.


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