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The Queen of Carnage

Page 12

by Wright, Candice

  “If you keep looking at me like you want to eat me, I’m going to shoot my load before I even get inside you.”

  Eat, you say? I look at him with a coy smile before shimmying out of my jeans and underwear.

  “But, Halo, I do want to eat you.”

  “Later, sugar, right now I need to be inside you, filling you up.” He stalks toward me with his jeans open and his hand on his cock as he slips a condom from his pocket and slides it on. He hoists me up into his arms so I wrap my legs around his waist and wait for him to toss me on the bed, but Halo has other ideas. He spins us around and pushes me up against the door as he takes my mouth again in another blistering kiss before pulling away. He supports my weight with one arm before reaching down and tugging on my small patch of curls and rolling my clit between his thumb and his finger.

  “Be very sure, sugar, because once you take my cock inside you again, there’s no going back.” He dips his finger inside me, before swirling the wetness around my clit, making me pant with need.

  “I let you get away from us once before but mark my words, Luna, if you chose to come on my cock now, you’ll be choosing to come on it for an eternity because I will never let you disappear on us again.”

  He grabs his cock and runs it backward and forward through my slick folds, coating himself with my wetness and bumping deliberately against my clit as he waits for an answer. I forgot he doesn’t know I agreed to stay. I reach around and grab his hair, pulling his mouth to mine as I return the kiss he gave me with just as much vigor. I rip my lips away from his and tell him what he needs to hear.

  “Fuck me, Halo, make me yours.”

  He surges inside me at my words, not giving me a chance to change my mind and back out.

  “Thank fucking Christ. Hold on tight, sugar, this is going to be hard and fast.”

  He presses me against the door as he thrusts up into me hard, before retreating then slamming into me again and again. I lock my ankles behind his back as my head bangs the door but I can barely feel it. I slip my hand down between us and feel his cock sliding in and out of me, before strumming my clit harder and faster than Halo had previously. I don't know if it’s the angle or if it’s just Halo but I can feel my orgasm rapidly approaching and call out Halo’s name, warning him.

  “Come, sugar, come, now,” he roars as he pushes inside me one last time and buries his head in the crook of my shoulder. Watching him lose control like that shoves me over the edge. My whole body tenses up as I shudder and shake, gripping onto him for dear life.

  “You’re really staying?” his muffled voice asks as he places a soft kiss on my collarbone.

  “I’m really staying,” I confirm.

  “What changed?”

  “I did, I guess,” I tell him as he lowers me to my feet. I leave him to think on that while I freshen up and slip the rest of my clothes back on. When I come back out, he’s fully dressed and waiting for me. He looks subdued somehow, not really the look you want to see after fucking.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He waits until I’m close enough to wrap his arm around my shoulder and tugs me out of the room.

  “I don’t want you to hate me but I meant what I said before about not letting you go. You only know one side of me. When the coin flips and you decide I’m not the man you thought I was, it won’t matter one bit to me. I’ll cuff you to the bed if I have to, trust me, it won’t be a hardship.” I tug on his hand so he stops and faces me.

  “I’m stronger than I look, Halo. You guys have a habit of writing me off as weak but that just isn’t true. I have my lines I won’t cross but they’re less than you might think.” He looks at me, considering my words but I can tell he isn’t convinced.

  “And what are these lines, Luna? Being part of an MC means we don’t exactly frolic in the park.”

  I laugh at him. “I’m sorry, did you just say frolic? I didn’t know anyone under the age of eighty even used that expression anymore.”

  He slaps my ass, making me squeal. Fucker, that hurt.

  “To answer your question though, about my lines—no children get hurt, ever. They didn’t choose this life. I’m a firm believer that the sins of the father stop with him.” He nods at that in agreement.

  “That, I can agree to. We keep kids out of all MC business and we don’t drag other people’s children into it either. I can’t promise you other clubs follow those rules, Luna, but that’s not how Kings of Carnage work.” I get that. You can’t control other people, unfortunately.

  “What else?” he questions.

  “Don’t lie to me. If you can’t tell me something, then just say so. I might not like it but I’ll understand.” He looks at me but doesn’t answer, which doesn’t bode well for me.

  “That’s it?”

  “No, lastly, I have a major issue with how women are treated around here.” When he opens his mouth to answer, I silence him with my hand.

  “The MC is a man’s world. I get it but that doesn’t make me at best a second-class citizen and at worst just a pocket for you to slot your cock into.” He barks out a laugh at that but I’m deadly serious. “I’ll follow the rules, wear the vest, or whatever marks me as all of yours, but don’t ask me to stand around and watch someone get abused if they decide they want out.”

  “Rape is and always will be a hard no for me and, honestly, it should be for you too. If I one day end up carrying your daughter, I want her to be able to grow up knowing all her pseudo uncles will have her back, not that they will be waiting for her to turn eighteen so they can have her on her back.”

  “Club kids are protected, sugar, but I get what you’re saying. Things need a bit of a shakeup. Most of the guys are younger and will be fine with it. It’s the old-timers that have issues with women more than anything. It’s a generation thing.”

  “It’s a dickhead thing,” I counter.

  “I have friends and family I care about that I want to be able to invite over. I need to have their safety guaranteed. They won’t have a vest as a deterrent, so I need your word that when protection is offered, it will be adhered to. Standing up afterward and saying ‘I didn’t know’ won’t cut it.”

  I sigh but I don’t relent.

  “There are some good men here that could do with a good woman beside them but all they will ever be able to score with these outdated views is club pussy. No sane woman is going to put herself on the line for a club that treats her as an afterthought.” He studies me. I know he can tell I’m serious. The question is, what will happen now?

  “I’ll bring it all up to Orion and Gage. If they agree, we’ll take it to church for a vote. But, Luna, the vote is final. If it doesn’t go your way, you’ll have to deal with it.”

  “No, I won’t,” I tell him straight up.

  He growls like he’s expecting me to give him an ultimatum.

  “I won’t leave you guys, especially if you go to bat for me, but I won’t be a part of the club either. I’ll be your old lady, wear your patch, and come to the functions expected of me but that’s it.”

  “I won’t bring a single friend here. I will go elsewhere to meet them and I will never raise a kid here. You want to come share my house or something, the four of us together, I’m down with that but if nothing changes, this place will never be my home.” I walk back to the kitchen and leave him to think about it.

  “Hey, sweetheart, I heard you were back. Are you staying this time?” Gecko is standing at the counter eating a bowl of cereal when I walk in and I smile a genuine smile at the guy who has always been nothing but nice to me.

  “That’s the plan.”

  “Well, where are those men of yours? Tired them out already, huh?” I laugh at his easygoing nature.

  “What can I say? It’s a hard job, Gecko, but someone has to do it.”

  “What’s a hard job?” Halo steps up behind me and wraps an arm around my waist.

  “Keeping up with you three,” Gecko answers him. “Congrats, Halo, I always knew Luna her
e was a keeper.”

  I look up at Halo and smile. “I like him. He’s my favorite biker, well, out of the ones I’m not bumping uglies with, of course.”

  “Of course,” Halo replies wryly.

  “Hey, if you’re looking for a fourth…” Gecko trails off, taking a sip of his juice and smirking at the look Halo is throwing him.

  “Thanks for the offer, Gecko, but I only have three holes, you know?” Gecko chokes on his juice and a little dribbles down his chin.

  “You know, sweetheart, you’re my favorite non-biker, well, out of the ones I’m not bumping uglies with,” Gecko tells me with a cheeky smile.

  “Hey, what’s going on?” Orion walks up beside me, pulling me away from Halo and grabbing a fistful of my hair and a handful of my ass before planting a hot wet kiss on me. I sink into him until he pulls back.

  “I don’t know how you expect me to answer you with your lips all over me. Is that the biker version of a peck on the cheek?” He winks at me, walking around the counter to the coffee pot.

  Gage walks over to me, scanning me from head to toe before picking me up and sitting down with me in his lap in the seat I vacated before my quickie with Halo. I look at Gecko, who looks like he’s fighting back a laugh, and shrug. It’s easier to just go with it.

  Chapter Eleven

  After washing my hands, I wipe them on my dress and look in the mirror, taking in the sparkle in my eyes and the flush of my cheeks. I hadn’t realized I had been going through the motions until I came back here. The last two weeks, though, have been amazing. I turn my head a touch and see the little line of bite marks running from the swell of my breast up my neck to my ear. Gage had found a way to drive me crazy, him biting my neck led to me losing my mind. Plus, the smug bastard loved seeing his mark on my skin. Mind you, they were each as bad as the other. Orion had left a rash of red on my cheek and chin from his beard and I had a set of Halo-shaped fingerprints on my hips from the night he spent fucking me from behind.

  They played well together and they played me well together but when someone else’s eyes lingered on me just a little longer than any of them deemed necessary, they lost their shit quickly. The feminist in me wanted to slap them upside the head. I was more than capable of taking care of myself but the other part of me, otherwise known as my vagina, well, she loved being fucked into submission.

  I straighten my long red and white striped dress, one of the ones Orion bought for me during my first visit that he had kept for some reason. I pull my hair over my shoulder, covering the worst of the marks, before opening the door to Orion’s room. The three of us had been staying at the house I had run from, which I preferred. It meant I didn’t have to feel self-conscious about screaming and begging when the guys decided to work me over.

  Still, using Orion’s bathroom here at the clubhouse was a godsend. No woman would willingly want to use the communal toilets here. I swear you could catch an STD just walking past it.

  I close the door behind me and turn, colliding with whoever had been coming around the corner. I look up ready to apologize and find myself face-to-face with Kibble.

  I had seen him around over the last two weeks but never near enough for me to say or do anything. Kibble, I had come to realize, was a bit of a lurker. He tended not to stray too far from Joker and considering there was something about the president I didn’t like, I stayed clear. But here we were.

  “Look, before you start, remember where you are. I was just doing my job. It was nothing personal.” He shrugs unapologetically.

  “Tell me, Kibble, do you have a mother? A sister?” A dark look flashes in his eyes. It’s there for a second before it’s gone but the pain I saw was so stark for a second, I felt it too.

  “A sister, huh? How would you feel if someone hit your sister so hard she blacked out, only to wake up and find herself naked, vulnerable, and surrounded by bikers?” He doesn’t like that, I can tell. It’s easy to compartmentalize until you think about that shit happening to the people you care about.

  “Let me tell you something you should already know, Kibble. It’s always personal when a man puts his hands on a woman’s body.” I look him up and down, distaste coating my features, letting him see exactly what I think of him.

  I place one hand on his chest and beckon him to bend slightly so I can whisper in his ear. He hesitates for a second before bending down.

  As soon as he is slightly off-balance, I lift my knee and connect it with his balls as hard as I can. Lucky for him, the dress restricts my full movement. It’s enough, though. He drops to the floor and grabs himself while swearing enough to turn the air blue around us.

  “It’s nothing personal, Kibble. Just a taste of what I’ll do to you if you ever put your hands on me again.” I turn the corner and see Joker walking toward me. I ignore him. There’s something about him that just sets me on edge. Kibble groans behind me, making Joker’s head snap up. Joker grabs my arm hard before I can walk past just as a stumbling Kibble turns the corner and sees us.

  “What the fuck happened?” Joker barks.

  “He fell,” I tell him defiantly.

  “Do not try my patience, Luna,” he spits out, turning to Kibble.

  “What did she do?” Joker asks him.

  Kibble’s eyes flash to mine before flashing back to Joker’s.

  “Nothing. It’s like she said, I fell. I came to tell her Orion is waiting for her and tripped.” He looks at Joker’s hand on my arm before lifting his head to mine.

  “You’d better go. Orion was pissed about something.” It’s a lie. We both know it but I pull away from Joker and head back downstairs, wanting to be anywhere the douchebag isn't.

  The bar area is filling up and I notice a few more club girls here than usual so I figure it’s going to be one of those kinds of Friday nights. I’m not fazed by it. The few girls I’ve spoken to seem cool with the exception Stacey, who thinks her shit doesn’t smell. I look around for one of my guys and spot Gage sitting on one of the three faded leather sofas that line the back wall. He’s talking to Inigo and Half-pint but from his expression, it’s nothing too serious. I make my way over, smiling at Gecko when he winks at me from behind the bar, and ducking around hulking men who seem to forget that some of us are vertically challenged. Finally squeezing through the crowd, Gage spots me and smiles, making the two guys with him look around perplexed. People are still adjusting to seeing this side of him but I fucking love it.

  “Hey, sexy demon,” I call when I’m close enough. He reaches up and pulls me down onto his lap.

  “Cherub.” Everyone seems to be calling me that these days. He pulls my hair aside and admires his handiwork for a second before placing a soft kiss on my neck that has me shivering.

  “Hey guys,” I greet Inigo and Half-pint who watch us with smiles on their faces.

  “Hey, darlin’. How are you doing?” Inigo asks.

  “I’m good.” I smile. “Is this a regular Friday night fuckathon or is there a celebration going on?”

  Half-pint laughs at me, shaking his head. “Not all of us are interested in the free snatch.”

  “Yeah, that shit gets old when you get to my age,” Inigo answers.

  I spot Halo making his way over to us and smile before replying to Inigo.

  “Please, you are not old and you’re hot as fuck. You’re just at the age where you need exclusive pussy, not one that contains more sperm samples than a fertility clinic,” I mutter as Stacey steps up to Halo and runs a hand down his chest. He grabs her wrist and pushes her away, shaking his head. She pouts, actually fucking pouts like a child, before turning on her heel and stomping off.

  Gage bites my neck hard where he had previously been kissing.

  “Hey, fucker!” I yell, pinching his rock-hard thigh through his jeans.

  “Stop telling people they’re hot,” he rumbles. I roll my eyes at the jealous bastard but I don’t miss the smile Inigo tries to hide behind his beer bottle.

  “Thanks for that, Cherub, n
ice to know I’m still a hit with the ladies.” He winks at me as Halo sits down beside us.

  “Inigo, stop flirting with my woman,” Halo tells him before turning my head and devouring me with a blistering kiss that has me squirming against Gage.

  “Shit, I think I just came in pants,” Half-pint grumbles before standing up and heading over to Tasha, one of the club girls.

  Halo pulls away from me with a smile. “Want to get out of here for a bit?” he asks.

  I nod. “I’d go anywhere with you,” I tell him.

  The look on his face is one I’ll remember forever.

  “You got stuff you can get changed into here or do we need to make a detour?”

  “I’m good. I have a bunch of stuff up in Orion’s room still. Are we taking the bike?” I ask, excitement zapping through me.

  “Yep, so dress accordingly.” I don’t need any further encouragement. I hop off Gage’s leg. Twisting, I plant a quick kiss on his lips before heading back the way I came. I’ve enjoyed my time here. Most of the MC has been welcoming and I’ve gotten to see a softer side, the side that makes it easy to see they really are just one big family. Even so, getting away for a little while with Halo sounds perfect.

  I make my way up the stairs, passing Joker’s office, but slow my steps when I hear angry raised voices.

  “I don’t appreciate my orders being fucking questioned,” Joker spits out.

  “And I don’t appreciate you getting our men to pull stunts like that. We all have blood on our hands but we’ve never crossed that line before. I’m not okay with this, Joke, not one little fucking bit. We rough up douchebags who don’t pay up when they know the score before borrowing cash from us, I get it. But Fredricks is a single dad paying medical bills for his dying daughter. She slipped into a coma. I would say it’s understandable he forgot about us. He had the money when we asked for it and you knew it, so why the fuck did you double his interest? It was unnecessary unless you were setting him up to fall. Why would you do that Joke?”

  I hear Orion blasting Joker. What a fucking tool. Who does that? I hear shuffling and the sound of a fist hitting the desk.


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