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Rory: Hope City, Book 7

Page 14

by Maryann Jordan

  His arm was bent, and he propped his head on his hand. His other hand reached across to cup her cheek, bringing her lips closer, kissing her once again. She lost herself in the feel of his lips, barely aware when his hand moved down her neck, over her breasts, his thumb circling her nipples. She pressed her legs together again as the tingles moved throughout her core and the need for friction zipped through her.

  His hand continued on its downward path over her belly and mound, his fingers now circling her clit and moving through her slick folds. Soon, he inserted a finger into her channel, and she gasped, her sound swallowed by the kiss. As his tongue moved over hers, he mimicked the action with his finger plunging in and out. The tight coils twisted, and her hands clenched around his back, pulling him closer.

  Suddenly, as though the coils sprung loose, her orgasm rushed over her, and her chest heaved as she panted her way through the release. He released the kiss, and her eyes stayed pinned on him as he slowly pulled his finger from her channel and lifted it to his mouth, sucking her juices.

  Eyes wide, she was sure it was the sexiest thing she had ever seen. A smile curved his lips and spread across his face, and she knew she was wrong. Rory McBride, naked in her bed, holding her tight and smiling at her was the sexiest thing she had ever seen.

  He shifted over her, resting his weight on his forearms pressed onto the mattress at either side of her head. He sprinkled kisses over her forehead and cheeks and nose before settling on her lips once again. Her legs fell open, cradling his hips. He drew his knees up and pushed himself to the side, snagging a condom and rolling it onto his erection. Shifting back into position, the tip of his cock now pressed against her entrance. With her knees wide, her arms holding onto his shoulders, and a smile on her face, she welcomed him into her body.

  She closed her eyes for only a second but found she missed seeing his eyes. As he continued to rock, thrusting slow and easy, she held his gaze and met his smile with one of her own. Soon, her nails dug into his muscles, and her heels locked around his hips. The coil inside tightened again, and she watched as the corded muscles in his neck stood out, his movements now faster and deeper.

  Unable to keep her eyes open any longer, she squeezed them shut as lights exploded behind the lids and another orgasm caused her inner muscles to clench around his cock. She worked to pull air into her lungs. She finally looked at him just as his teeth clenched and he groaned, pushing his hips as far as they would go, and she watched in fascination as his own release swept over him, pulsating into her.

  His eyes opened, landing on her, and just as his face began to relax, he rolled to the side, his arms banding tightly around her until she was on top. Her hair created a curtain that fell around them. She wanted to kiss him but was afraid of stealing his breath. Giving him a chance to recover, she smiled. “Wow.”

  He chuckled from deep inside his chest, and where she lay plastered on top of him, her whole body moved with his mirth, and she smiled even wider.

  Having her lie on his chest with her silky, blonde hair falling all around made him want to stay. Hold her. Keep her in his arms. Make love again.

  It did not escape his notice that the thoughts racing through his mind were foreign. He’d never experienced emotion with a woman other than giving and taking pleasure. But with Sandy, he didn’t want to leave her bed. As his cock slid from her body, he grimaced. Except for taking care of business. Rolling to the side, he settled her gently on the bed and mumbled, “Be right back.”

  After a quick trip to the bathroom to get rid of the condom, he walked back into the bedroom to find that she’d slid underneath the covers. The multi-colored quilt barely covered her breasts and she looked tantalizing with her head resting on the pillows. She jerked the sheet down and patted the space next to her and he joined her willingly.

  Cuddling was not part of his sexual repertoire. Nor was staying. Nor was sleeping with a woman. But wild horses couldn’t have dragged him from her bed. He deftly slid next to her, curling her into his arms again. They lay facing each other, and he pressed his lips against her forehead. Placing soft kisses over her eyelids and down her nose, he found her lips and it only took a few seconds for his cock to leap again. The fact that she was pressing her breasts against his chest and her hot core against his hips made all thoughts of rest fly out of his mind.

  She lifted her leg and he just managed to remember to grab another condom and roll it on. Still side-by-side, facing each other, his cock thrust deeply into her sex. He meant for this coupling to move slower, but just like before, with her body pressed against his, his movements increased. His hand drifted over her breasts again, and with only a little difficult maneuvering, he managed to slide down enough to pull a nipple into his mouth. As she moaned and squirmed, he suckled, nipped, and licked. Her fingers dug into his back again as her core squeezed his cock tighter and her moans rang out in the room.

  He quickly followed, planting himself deep within her body, his orgasm rushing from him. Once more, they clung to each other until his cock slid from her and he knew he had to leave the warm cocoon of her bed to deal with the condom.

  Grumbling, he repeated his trip to the bathroom, joining her under the covers as soon as he could.

  They lay in the darkness, arms around each other, her head on his chest, silent and comfortable. Just when he thought she might drift off to sleep, she spoke, her words so soft, but they cut through the hazy after-sex euphoria.

  “I was once roofied.”


  “I was once roofied.”

  Sandy hadn’t planned on revealing her secret. Certainly not right after the most wonderful sex of her life. But somehow, Rory made her feel special… cherished… and safe. Particularly safe. But now that the words were out, she felt his body tighten and wished she could haul them back in.

  He was silent for a moment, and she had no idea what to do. “A lady never blurts out her thoughts. She carefully plans what to say.” Swallowing deeply, she wished her grandmother’s words had come to her a few minutes earlier.

  Before she had a chance to retreat, his arms banded tighter around her. “Roofied?”

  Sucking in a deep breath, she decided to plunge ahead. “Yes. That’s why I reacted so strongly to the woman in the bar. It was a shock to come face to face with the aftereffects again.”

  “When did… it happen?”

  She heard the hesitation in his voice and could only imagine he had no idea how to react to her bizarre post-first-time-coital bliss. “I shouldn’t have said anything—”

  He shifted her slightly so that her head was no longer on his chest but now on the pillow next to him so they were staring into each other’s eyes. “Sandy, I want to know everything about you. Please. Tell me what you feel like you can.”

  His gaze penetrated the cold that had begun to creep in, sending slivers of warmth deep into the memories she held close. She remembered his words: When you trust me again, you’ll be able to tell me anything.

  She swallowed, plunging ahead. “It was right after college graduation. The family had left, and Harper and I were out partying. It was weird to think that all the times we went out as stupid freshmen to frat parties and nothing like that ever happened. But on this night, we went to a nice bar. Looking back, we felt grown up but were still so young and stupid. A few men bought us drinks and we felt so adult… newly graduated, soon to join the business world.” Her mind cast back to that night, the soft lights of the bar, the music in the background, the low murmur of voices. Uncertainty filled her, but the desire to unburden herself was overwhelming.

  “Harper had met someone and was dancing near the back. There were two men still at our table, and I never noticed when it happened. But I felt weird. Woozy. A lot like I feel when I’m about to faint. So, after the first stupid move of sitting by myself with men I didn’t know, I did another stupid thing. I was embarrassed that I felt ill, so I excused myself to go to the ladies’ room by myself. One of them followed me.”

p; “Fucking hell, Sandy.”

  His hand was smoothing over her back, but with the light coming from the streetlamp shining through the blinds, she could see the spark of anger in his eyes.

  “He tried to get me to go out the back door to the alley, and I was almost there. If it wasn’t for Harper, I would have gone. I must not have drunk enough because I still remember the wooziness, the feeling that my arms and legs didn’t belong to me. I found out later that Harper had returned to the table, finding one man alone. He told her that I’d left with his friend. He must have been covering for him, figuring he’d get a piece of me as well.”

  “Goddamn it!” Rory barked out his curse, and she jumped, her heart pounding.

  Her hand moved to his face, and she smoothed it over his stubbled jaw as she rushed to continue. “Harper knew I wouldn’t leave without telling her, and she immediately turned around to find me. The man tried to stop her, but she threatened him. He got scared and ran out of the bar. His actions definitely let her know something was up. By the time Harper made it to the ladies’ room, the man had me halfway out the back door. Harper rushed toward us, grabbed me, and threatened him as well.” Sandy’s breath felt strangled in her throat, but she pushed out more words. “She saved me. Harper saved me.”

  “Please tell me he was caught.”

  She held his gaze, unsure of what to do with the anger that poured from him. Her head jerked back and forth. “Um… no. He ran out the back door, and Harper got me home. I was so sick, both physically and emotionally. To realize how close I came to multiple rapes…” She sucked in a ragged breath, finding it hard to take in air while talking about her nightmare.

  His arms squeezed her tighter. “Babe, I’m so sorry. I hate like hell that happened to you.”

  “So stupid. I was so stupid.” Her voice was tiny, regret still coursing through her mind.

  “It’s not stupid to trust others, Sandy. And you had no idea that just sitting in a bar with others around was dangerous.” They remained quiet, then he asked, “Did you go to the police?”

  She knew he wouldn’t like her answer, but she shook her head slowly. Before he had a chance to berate her, she rushed, “If something like that happened now, then yes, I’d go to the police. Harper wanted to take me to the hospital, but I was young, embarrassed, afraid to talk to the police—”

  “But the police could have looked at the security cameras or talked to the other patrons or found out who his accomplices were—”

  “I know that now,” she said, cutting into his tirade. “But then I was drugged and not thinking straight. Or maybe I was. My family would have been upset with me. After all, a lady doesn’t allow herself to be taken advantage of. I just begged Harper to take me home. As soon as I saw myself in the mirror with my torn shirt and skirt twisted, I threw up. I was horrified at what happened and what could have happened. I begged her to not tell anyone, and she’s kept my secret ever since.”

  He remained quiet, giving her no indication of what his thoughts were. She hated the silence, so she continued to blurt out her thoughts, knowing her grandmother would be disappointed as well as scandalized.

  “I’ve barely dated in the past eight years. I find it hard to trust. I love going to the Celtic Cock since Harper and I discovered how many police officers are there. I can have fun, talk, laugh, even flirt or dance, but I feel safe there. It’s just that I keep people at arm’s length. That’s why I know some guys talk about me. I’ve heard what some of them say. I’m a cocktease. I’m a cold fish. If they find out my father has money, they assume that I won’t go out with them because of my expectations. It’s just that as long as I was in control, I felt safe. But when I thought about being with someone, I backed away… until you.”

  “Shit, babe. I was no better than they were.”

  She held his gaze, seeing guilt and regret mixed in his beautiful eyes. “It’s okay, Rory.”

  “That’s not an excuse, babe. It’s true that I had to focus on my paramedic training, but I listened to shit, and I shouldn’t have. I was raised better than that.”

  “God, don’t talk about how we were raised. That’s a whole other conversation, but it can wait for another time.”

  He held her close and kissed her lightly. “So there’ll be another time, babe?”

  “If you want it,” she whispered, afraid of his response.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” he vowed, tucking her cheek back to his chest.

  She snuggled deeper into his embrace, her breath leaving her lungs in a rush, feeling lighter than she had in years. A yawn escaped, and she blinked her eyes several times before closing them. Exhausted, she fell asleep, tucked into the arms of the man she trusted.

  Rory was grateful that after a traumatic revelation, Sandy was able to fall asleep. With her head on his chest and her body partially over his, he could feel the rise and fall of her deep breathing. But sleep did not come so easily for him.

  Her words darted through his mind, racing past as though each phrase wanted to claim dominance. I was roofied. I shouldn’t have said anything. So young and stupid. He tried to get me out the back door. He’d get a piece of me as well. Harper saved me. My family would have been upset with me. My shirt was torn. I find it hard to trust. I know what the guys say about me.

  He lifted one hand and scrubbed it over his face, quickly wrapping it around her back when she moved slightly. He could only imagine her dreams had been affected over the years and wanted nothing to interrupt her sleep tonight.

  While glad that she had escaped the worst of what could have happened, he was struck with how she’d had to live with the aftereffects for so many years. She appeared so strong and confident and yet admitted to the vein of unease and distrust that moved through her. She hadn’t let the trauma keep her from living life. She had her business. She had her friends. And she enjoyed being around others. But intimacy with a man had been a struggle. Until him.

  He thought back to the times he’d seen her at the Celtic Cock, sitting at the bar with her fingers wrapped around her glass, never realizing that it was her way of keeping tabs on her drink. She was so beautiful, with bright eyes and a friendly smile, naturally drawing men’s attention. Now that he thought back on it, she was never the pursuer. She was generally sitting at the bar, and men would flock to her.

  Shame snuck through him as he thought about his sisters or the King girls. There’s nothing wrong with a woman having a drink in a bar, laughing and talking with people, enjoying herself. And there’s nothing wrong with a woman turning down a man for any reason. But oh, how the rumors can fly when a man feels like he was owed something just for having enjoyed being in her presence for a little while.

  The shame that coursed through him grew, but as much as he wanted to be angry at some of the other men who talked about her being a tease, he had to face being angry at himself for having listened.

  She shifted again as her body twitched slightly, and he hoped their conversation had not opened up nightmares to invade her dreams. With their naked bodies pressed together, he tucked the covers around her tightly to ensure she was warm and snug.

  He knew he could not change the past, but as sleep began to claim him, he vowed to change her future.

  Sleep had only claimed him for a few hours before he found it hard to breathe. Opening his eyes, he stared into the scraggly face of Ocee standing on his stomach. As Sandy turned over and snuggled her back into his front, the sight of a disapproving orange cat kept him from taking her from behind. Instead, he wanted her to keep sleeping, and after dislodging Ocee, he slipped from the bed, tucking the covers carefully around Sandy’s still-sleeping form.

  Once downstairs, he poured food into the cat dish. “Here you go, buddy. If I keep feeding you, then you’ll approve of me, right?”

  He scrounged around her kitchen to see what he could fix for breakfast. It didn’t take long for enough eggs, bacon, and jelly toast for both of them to be placed on the same platter she’d used the other nig
ht. She was just stirring as he walked into the bedroom. She blinked open her eyes, then widened them in surprise.

  “Breakfast? In bed?”

  He set the platter on the nightstand and bent to scoop his t-shirt from the previous night off the floor. Handing it to her, she pulled it on. He hated losing the sight of her topless but loved seeing her in his shirt. It might be a claiming statement, but he didn’t care. As far as he was concerned, she could wear his t-shirt anytime. He settled next to her on the bed as she pushed up and leaned against the pillows. “I thought you deserved some pampering.”

  Her face softened as her warm gaze landed on him. “Oh, Rory, you didn’t have to do this.” She took a bite of a piece of bacon and grinned. “Although, this is good.”

  He kissed her lightly, loving the smokey, salty taste of her lips. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Honey, you can ask anything you want.”

  He sucked in a deep breath, hesitated, then blurted, “Did you get counseling after what happened?”

  Her gaze dropped to the plate of food resting on the bed between them. Her voice was small as she replied. “No.” She looked up at him and said, “Honey, really, I’m fine. I work. I enjoy my friends. I’m not some hermit afraid to go out into public. I’m good.”

  “Babe, you almost shut down over what you witnessed at the Cock. I think that you’re a survivor and doing great, but I think that you could benefit from talking to a professional about the experience.”

  She didn’t deny his suggestion but held his gaze for a long moment. “Harper used to beg me to see someone. I just didn’t want anyone else to know.”

  “And now?”

  Sighing heavily, she nodded slowly. “Seeing the other woman… it did bring back memories.” She squeezed her eyes tightly shut and shuddered. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe I should.”

  He leaned forward and kissed her again. “I think that’s a great idea. And if you want support, I’ll be right there with you.”


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