by Tessa Duder
odd battles with truth MM, Surprising Moments.
I didn’t have friends Chamberlain, Jenny. ‘Margaret Mahy: Word Witchery’, North & South, November 1993.
become astonishing, not only MM, Notes of a Bag Lady.
rather more dangerous ibid.
instantly and profoundly envious ibid.
I began telling ibid.
with scrupulous care ibid.
obsessively — initially in ibid.
placed heavy emphasis MM, ‘Joining the Network’, Signal (UK) No. 54, The Thimble Press, 1987.
You’re dumb Stirling, Pamela. ‘Things that go bump on the page’, NZ Listener 118 (2489), 31 October 1987.
But really, the only thing unusual ibid.
when pencil was MM, unpublished speech, c. 2003.
My mother saved that first Barley, Janet Crane. Essay by Margaret Mahy in Winter in July: Visits with Children’s Authors Down Under, The Scarecrow Press, Metuchen, NJ & London, 1995.
on the whole, pleased with MM, ‘Beginnings’ Landfall 193.
writing was something that I ibid.
what interests me is that there is a curious MM, unpublished speech to teachers (incomplete), c. 2002. (MM Files)
I did have one friend called Margaret Stirling, Pamela, op. cit.
I published early MM, unpublished speech, ‘The Bubble’, c. 1987.
The Friday after I had MM, ‘Beginnings’, Landfall 193.
Anyone who had a poem MM, Barley, Janet Crane, op. cit.
I remember opening the issue ibid.
The sources of my inspirations MM, ‘Beginnings’, Landfall 193.
filled with agony ibid.
unite two systems ibid.
for what that means MM/TD
I can remember my father MM/TD
coming to it MM/TD
My exposure to these books MM, ‘A New Zealand Writer Speaks’.
in the drama of MM, ‘Joining the Network’, Signal 54.
reading them over and over ibid.
she recalls as nearly physical ibid.
that the stories I enjoyed ibid
fairly resilient about fear MM/TD
Some children like MM/TD
many of the stories Stirling, Pamela, op. cit.
There were only a few MM. ‘The School Journal’, Fact Magazine, March 1982.
they were very often modest, even clumsy MM, ‘The Bubble’.
to crush Maori folklore MM, ‘A New Zealand Writer Speaks’.
Since the Maoris had ibid.
Culturally as well as geographically MM in ‘A Place in the World’.
had once been a fiery ball MM, Surprising Moments.
When the original copy MM, Notes of a Bag Lady.
When I was about eight years old ‘Margaret Mahy on King Solomon’s Mines’, Early Reading (New Zealand writers describe books that impressed them in their childhood), Education, c. 1975. (NF)
for I could not bear to think its heady ibid.
Once, as I was running away with my two children MM, Notes of a Bag Lady.
though you understand I’m MM/TD
I come from a family Duckworth, Marilyn. Cherries on a Plate: New Zealand writers talk about their sisters, Auckland: Random House, 1996.
a very worrying thing MM/TD
So I got a hiding MM/TD
partly because being done by wives MM, Notes of a Bag Lady.
who just had no time MM, Else, Barbara, op. cit.
filled with astonishment MM in Sound Ideas, Vol. 6, No. 2, University of Canterbury School of Music, May 2003.
My connections with music ibid.
as the mother of five MM/TD
probably extremely irritating MM/TD
If at that time MM/TD
Once when I was ten or eleven MM in ‘A fantastic tale’, Opening the Book: new essays in New Zealand writing, edited by Mark Williams and Michele Leggott, Auckland: Auckland University Press, 1995.
In Standard Three I once MM, Notes of a Bag Lady.
probably being less sexist ibid.
Even as a child Kedgley, Sue, op. cit.
At some time during my standard MM, ‘Favourite Teachers’, NZ Education Review, July 15, 1998.
to people like T.S. Eliot Dunlop, Celia. ‘The stranger ghost’, NZ Listener 128 (2651), 14 January 1991.
treated their parents Gilderdale, Betty. A Sea Change, Auckland: Longman Paul, 1982.
For the first time, perhaps. MM, ‘A New Zealand Writer Speaks’.
I remember going down ibid.
verbal jazz MM in Sound Ideas.
because I don’t know The Grand Duke ibid.
A Bay of Plenty listener ibid.
Of course my more profoundly ibid.
only partly consciously ibid.
The Apolloni Quarto MM/TD
Yes, I was rather self-consciously MM/TD
what’s going to be MM/TD
an unusual girl with a zany Dunlop, Celia, op. cit.
I thought it was vastly ibid.
That she’d even heard ibid.
quieter and a little more ibid.
but of course in a lot of good fiction MM/TD
I think she would have done Dunlop, Celia, op. cit.
an extraordinary breadth ibid.
forced alarming truths MM, Notes of a Bag Lady.
I saw compassion MM/TD
Other nurses and nurse aids MM, Notes of a Bag Lady.
miles better at MM/TD
never before or since MM, Notes of a Bag Lady.
the whole question of academic MM/TD
a bit of a self-indulgence MM/TD
Auckland wasn’t then a great MM/TD
a general feeling that when poets MM, Notes of a Bag Lady.
When I went to university McCracken, Jill. ‘Margaret Mahy’s Magic’, NZ Listener, 3 May 1975.
even then had the whole story JL/TD, 2004.
who suffered terribly MM, unpublished speech, c. 1982.
I absolutely loved it MM/TD
it was always very primitive MM/TD
Classical philosophy MM/TD
longed for fantasy MM, ‘Joining the Network’, Signal 54.
searching, I suppose, for ibid.
When I look with apprehension ‘Emblems and Journeys: The Power of Story in the Imagination’, in Readings in Children’s Literature, ed. by Brian Murphy, Proceedings of the Second National Seminar on Children’s Literature, 1978, Frankston, Victoria: Frankston State College, 1980.
At the time I was growing up MM, Williams, Mark and Leggott, Michele, op. cit.
which generated a very different ibid.
I have previously speculated MM, ‘Fantasy: Flights of the Mind,’ The Inside Story.
I began to imitate this particular MM, ‘Joining the Network’, Signal 54.
I had always known I was MM, ‘Fantasy: Flights of the Mind,’ The Inside Story.
I was writing stories at this time MM, ‘Joining the Network’, Signal 54.
whereas reading it now MM, Williams, Mark and Leggott, Michele, op. cit.
a very ordinary degree MM/TD
The idea of the adventurous life MM, Notes of a Bag Lady.
Only a few days ago I saw ibid.
Part Two
sat down and wrote MM, Kedgley, Sue, op. cit.
intensely thrilled and vindicated ibid.
I remember that I had sent MM, ‘One Great Frolic with Words,’ question and answer interview, Education, Vol. 22, No. 6, 1973.
One I wrote for myself Schur, Maxine. ‘The Magic of Margaret Mahy’, NZ Bookworld, No. 31, December 1976.
It’s not the sort of thing McCracken, Jill. ‘Margaret Mahy’s Magic’, NZ Listener, 3 May 1975.
romantic and compelling love affair MM, Kedgley, Sue, op. cit.
my own particular ibid.
at the time I don’t think I contemplated Brett, Cate. ‘Horrakapotchkin!’, Family Ties (interviews with Margaret, Penny and Bridget Mahy), North & South 115, October, 1995.
a ra
ther falsely romantic view MM, Kedgley, Sue, op. cit.
It was the most carefree, lovely time van Dongen, Yvonne. ‘Wit and work in the fey world of Margaret Mahy’, Sunday profile, New Zealand Times, 18 November 1984. (NF)
writing like a MM, The Catalogue of the Universe, 1985.
above all other sums Gilderdale, Betty. A Sea Change: 145 years of New Zealand junior fiction, Auckland: Longman Paul, 1982.
very monogamous on Stirling, Pamela, op. cit.
As a child I assumed MM, Kedgely, Sue, op. cit.
were women who imitated men ibid.
as an adventure, and I still ibid.
that realisation enabled me ibid.
there were times when she Stirling, Pamela, op. cit.
One evening when my two MM, ‘A Place in the World’.
Things became more frantic Brett, Cate, op. cit.
a workaholic ibid.
is of course a wonderful ibid.
be damaged but is not easily Gibbons, Joan. ‘Family Relationships in the Stories of Margaret Mahy’, Papers — Explorations in Children’s Literature, Vol. 5: No. 1, April, 1994.
as being a leader amongst ibid.
were a bit like psychic Edmond, Murray. ‘Interview with Margaret Mahy’, Landfall 41(2), June 1987.
family life is ibid.
a leader amongst writers Gibbons, Joan, op. cit.
ambitious, courageous ibid.
focus for their activities ibid.
They wrote me notes MM, Kedgley, Sue, op. cit.
I was enthusiastic about ibid.
I’m still puzzled ibid.
I knew her stories pretty well (and following) JL/TD, 2004.
Part Three
Who wrote that? Gilderdale, Betty, Introducing Margaret Mahy.
Too much money ibid.
No one likes to think MM, ‘A New Zealand Writer Speaks’, in Brave New World: International Understanding through Books, ed. by Wendy and John Birman, Western Library Studies, 11, Proceedings of the Combined Conference on Youth Literature, Perth, 1985, Perth: Curtin University of Technology, 1988.
like Cinderella MM, ‘Authorzone’, c. 2002.
within seconds MM, ‘Seeing the Lion,’ speech given at Endings and Beginning: The Shape of Story, CLNE at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1996. (MM Files)
I opened it — read it MM, Barley, Janet Crane, op. cit.
servile in its enthusiasm MM speech in UK, c. 1996.
a transmutation that I had imagined MM, ‘Seeing the Lion’.
I always had that feeling MM, Kedgley, Sue, op. cit.
When she first got in touch MM/TD
less lost and anonymous ‘Cinderella Transformed: Multiple Voices and Diverse Dialogues in Children’s Literature, proceedings of the Conference on children’s literature, Centre for Children’s Literature (Christchurch College of Education) and Australian Children’s Literature Association for Research, 2003.
made it plain ibid.
it is hard for ibid.
notably well-dressed MM/TD
does not pass unnoticed Steincamp, Jacqueline. ‘A house with running water’, New Zealand Woman’s Weekly, 1969.
she was carrying quite a lot of MM/TD
On the one hand I found Chamberlain, Jenny, op. cit.
My God they don’t MM/TD
I was carrying MM, Barley, Janet Crane, op. cit.
this was never quite MM/TD
went over a lot of material The Press, ‘Chance Visit Lucky For Author’, c. June 1969.
She stayed at the local MM/TD
Helen was to launch MM, Barley, Janet Crane, op. cit.
The number of words on MM, ‘Cinderella Transformed’.
I would describe The Procession MM, ‘Tragedy’s Wild Twin: the mixed nature of humour, Sylvia Ashton-Warner Fellowship Lecture, Auckland: Auckland College of Education, 2003.
for the most part Gilderdale, Betty. A Sea Change: 145 years of New Zealand junior fiction, Auckland: Longman Paul, 1982.
A Lion in the Meadow is a very simple MM, Surprising Moments.
basically about the same thing Edmond, Murray, op. cit.
Sometime after I had become used MM, ‘Seeing the Lion’.
a bit of a stark ending Lafferty, Fiona. ‘Magic and Mystery: an interview with Margaret Mahy’, Children’s Books, June, 1986.
A story is seldom published MM, ‘Seeing the Lion’.
In moments of exhilaration ‘The Lion, the Magician, the Hero, the Witch: Thoughts about Magic and Reality’, Children’s Literature Association Yearbook, 1976.
I wrote a story, Pillycock’s Gunby, Penny. ‘The “total involvement” world of writer Margaret Mahy’, NZ Bookworld, c. 1975.
because they changed the quality ‘One Great Frolic with Words,’ Education, Vol. 22, No. 6, 1973.
tallish, strongly boned blonde Steincamp, Jacqueline, op. cit.
of great familiarity and affection MM/TD
No summary of Mrs Mahy’s talk Reed, Constance. ‘The magical world of Margaret Mahy’, Books for your Children, March 1974.
the very circumscribed nature ‘Report on overseas visit’, to School Library Service, Christchurch, 1973. (CCL/MMA)
an incredible experience ibid.
ritualised by repetitions ibid.
I’m sure that Brian Froud’s Scott, Bruce. ‘Searching for truth — and art of telling stories’, Bruce Scott’s People, Lifestyle, The Press or Christchurch Star, c. 1976. (NF)
Every working day I get up ‘Meet our Author Margaret Mahy,’ Cricket, Vol. 5, No. 3, 1976.
I used to think it didn’t matter McCracken, Jill. ‘Margaret Mahy’s Magic’, NZ Listener, 3 May 1975.
I suppose every writer ibid.
If there is any area in the literary ‘Educating the Imagination’, on women as writers, ‘Women in 1975’. (NF)
Her tousled, bright green wig Bell, Terry. ‘To Magic and Mystery in a Green Wig’, New Zealand Woman’s Weekly, 15 November 1976. (NF)
Dressing up for me Duggan, Sally. ‘Wizardry with words,’ Tuesday Morning, NZ Herald, September 8 1987.
A bit of an exhibitionist ‘Authorgraph No. 24,’ Books for Keeps, No. 24, January 1984.
Margaret Mahy minus Pickles, Veda. Children’s Literature Association Yearbook, 1981.
Kids were very entertained Chamberlain, Jenny, op. cit.
realised she’d got a bit ibid
it was hot inside this penguin Gilderdale, Betty. Introducing Margaret Mahy.
Mahy said the underwhelmed Waldren, Murray. ‘Margaret’s magical Mahyhem’, Features, Review, The Weekend Australian, 6–9 June 1991.
Working does cut time Gunby, Penny. ‘The “total involvement” world of writer Margaret Mahy’, NZ Bookworld, c. 1975. (NF)
She has often been criticised Scott, Bruce, op. cit.
Not a great deal because MM, ‘One Great Frolic with Words’.
was soon called on to make some statement MM, ‘The Lion, the Magician, the Hero, the Witch’.
Perhaps we are all born with witches ibid.
I am a New Zealander ‘Building bridges between our outer and inner landscapes’, in Reading is Everybody’s Business, ed. by W.B. Elley, Selected Proceedings of the Fourth New Zealand Conference, May 1973, Wellington: IRA, Wellington Council, 1973.
if only by showing how Williams, Mark in Under Review, a Selection from New Zealand Books, eds Lauris Edmond, Harry Ricketts, Bill Sewell, Christchurch: Lincoln University Press and Daphne Brassell Associates, 1997.
I increasingly became addicted Lafferty, Fiona, op. cit.
Language seems at times ‘Intuitive Aspects of Language’, in Children and Language, the 1974 Lectures, Wellington: Association for the Study of Childhood, 1975.
I once had an aunt ibid.
But the abiding memory everyone Chamberlain, Jenny, op. cit.
What has she got against the poor Lafferty, Fiona, op. cit.
They simultaneously have ibid.
Jorges Luis Borges was MM, unpublishe
d speech to FOL (incomplete), November 1988. (NF)
Human beings are driven MM, Notes of a Bag Lady.
Do you have anything on disasters ‘Children’s Libraries Are For Parents Too,’ Press or Star, c. 1979. (NF)
I am a solo mother aged ‘Emblems and Journeys: The Power of Story in the Imagination’, in Readings in Children’s Literature, ed. by Brian Murphy, Proceedings of the Second National Seminar on Children’s Literature, 1978, Frankston, Victoria: Frankston State College, 1980.
divided my interior landscape ‘On building houses that face the sun’, in A Track to Unknown Water, Proceedings of the second Pacific Rim Conference on children’s literature, edited by Stella Lees, Melbourne: Melbourne State College (Victoria), 1980. (NF)
in their building imagination ibid.
by New Zealanders ibid.
our local publishers ibid.
I find myself in an odd ibid.
Back then when I really was MM, Notes of a Bag Lady.
Part Four
gift of time MM/TD
Bridget agreed to spend Brett, Cate, op. cit.
a very scary thing ibid.
I was 44 when I finally MM, Kedgley, Sue, op. cit.
grown too long and somehow too MM/TD
rather different kettle of fish MM/TD
I didn’t then and in many ways still MM/TD
I’ve lived in a family where Lafferty, Fiona, op. cit.
Suddenly everything that Stirling, Pamela, op. cit.
not the sort of person ibid.
We know Miss Mahy best Junior Bookshelf, Vol. 47, No. 1, February 1983.
Here is an absolutely first-rate Cart, Michael, School Library Journal, August, 1982.
a plea for the liberating Fitzgibbon, Tom with Barbara Spiers. Beneath Southern Skies: New Zealand Children’s Book Authors and Illustrators, Auckland: Ashton Scholastic, 1993.
a dazzling piece of writing Nieuwenhuizen, Agnes. Good Books for Teenagers, Melbourne: Mandarin, 1992.
Many people comment on MM, ‘A Place in the World’.
straight ghost story was Nettell, Stephanie, ‘Afterword’, The Haunting Puffin Modern Classic edition, 1999.
diabolical Steven Brownlee, Catherine Towers (students, West Denton High). ‘Margaret Mahy Reads the World’, In brief, September 1992.
Bit prudish, unexpectedly moral ibid.
not quite as wishy-washy ibid.
Good editors can take the place Trouble in the Supermarket, nine stories with background and comment, Melbourne: Thomas Nelson Australia, 1989.
Aunty, I’ve won the Carnegie MM/TD
extreme delight and excitement Plumpton, Frances, ‘Bringing Margaret Mahy to Children’, report of her first visit to Auckland, Yearbook 1983, Auckland: Children’s Literature Association, 1983.